Destiny's Default - Lord Of T...

By The3meraldQueen

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' the head of destiny's dread...' Sixty years have passed since the Lonely Mountain, the memories of the... More

Chapter 1 : Mirkwood Ivy
Chapter 2 : So Many Questions
Chapter 3 : The One Ring
Chapter 4 : The Quest Begins
Chapter 5 : To Moria
Chapter 6 : Journey In The Dark
Chapter 7 : Lost Friend
Chapter 8 : Lothlorien
Chapter 9 : Broken Fellowship
Chapter 10 : Orc Prisoner
Chapter 11 : Fangorn Forest
Chapter 12 : Reunited
Chapter 13 : King Theoden
Chapter 14 : Much Lies Ahead
Chapter 15 : So It Begins
Chapter 16 : Till The End
Chapter 17 : Celebration
Chapter 18 : Ghosts of the Past
Chapter 19 : To Minas Tirith
Chapter 20 : Osgiliath
Chapter 21 : The Choices We Make
Chapter 22 : The Army Approaches
Chapter 24 : Tomorrow We Fight
Chapter 25 : This Is The End
Chapter 26 : Survivor
Chapter 27: The Future
Thank You

Chapter 23 : Meet Me On The Battlefield

1.4K 76 37
By The3meraldQueen

"Can't anything just be simple for once!" I shout to no one as I quickly run across the plains towards Minas Tirith. I can see the men of Rohan riding through the orcs in the distance. I don't have a horse obviously, so I'm going to have to just use my good old legs, which are very tired may I add. Hell, I'm tired in general. I better have a good holiday after this! Well, if there is an after this...

I try my hardest to dodge rocks as I run at my fastest pace across the flat plains. I can feel my lungs burn but I continue, I can't sit back and watch as everyone rides into war. I can't sit back and wait to see the outcome especially when Gandalf and Pippin are inside Minas Tirith.

I imagine Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli would be riding into the battle too. I can't let my friends do this alone. I slow down to a fast walk as I approach the nearing battle field, deciding to conceal as much energy as I can. I catch the attention of a few orcs who come charging my way even though I still have some ground to cover. I pull out my bow, shooting down the fast approaching orcs. Pulling out my sword I feel the pounding of my heart in my chest, the earth almost coming to a slow as I emerge myself into the mass group of orcs, many lay dead already from the men of Rohan.

I take in a deep breath before my sword contacts the first blade and time resumes to normal. As though a drive kicks in, I begin to fight the multiple orcs. Fighting between each blade that comes tearing down at me. Using my good footwork, I manage to sweep between two orcs, cutting each down before swiftly taking out another two.

A mass ball of fire falling from the highest peak of Minas Tirith catches my attention for a moment as it plunges to the ground. I frown slightly. How odd? What an odd phenomenon!

I quickly barrel roll across the ground as four orcs quickly come at me. As I jump to my feet, somehow, I manage to get my hands on another sword, which helps me fight against the four fast orcs. As I cut down the orcs and watch as the men of Rohan easily defeat the masses of the Orc army I begin to wonder...what's next? This can't be it. There must be something else there is no way that it can be this easy. If Sauron wants to take over Middle Earth, he's going to unleash everything he must make sure the world of men falls.

I cut down the last orc, feeling black thick blood from multiple orcs begin to dry on my face. I watch as the men of Rohan ride after the orcs who retreat to the river of Osgiliath. I turn to see that the gates of Minas Tirith has been breached and I imagine overrun with orcs. Gandalf should be handling it well, but they can't stay cooped up in the higher levels of the city forever. If the main defence has been taken down it will be only a matter of time before the rest of Minas Tirith is overrun.

I begin to make for the gates to aid the men of Gondor when the sound of an unfamiliar horn is heard in the distance. I stop dead in my tracks and turn quickly on my heel. I can't keep my mouth closed at it nearly opens to the ground. A long line of Mûmakil fast approach with men riding on them. We're seriously at a disadvantage here, how the hell do you take down one of those?

My thoughts come to a halt. As though a sudden wave of wave washes over me, I begin to feel like things are clearer. The essence of the vision begins to fill my mind pushing aside anything of importance. The Mûmakil falling, the horrible stench of death and... that orc with its sword...this must be it. When do Mûmakil come out often? The vision must be coming to motion...just like Gandalf's...

I feel my body tense up, I freeze, unable to move. I was coming into this with my head held high, but now that I stand here, the unavoidable sands of destiny laid before the head of destiny's dread...I feel as though I can't do it. There's too much I haven't done yet, which says a lot considering I've been alive for a long time, so really this should be easy, but lately I've found reasons to live. I've never feared death before, but I guess I've never known when the end is near, now that I know, really know. It's hard to walk into this without freaking.

The men of Rohan begin to form a line, quickly charging on the Mûmakil. And what am I doing? Having a fight with my inner demons.

I can't do this, I can't. I'm not ready...oh pull yourself together Ivy! Who the hell do you think you are? I'm not some wimp who backs out of a fight. I've never backed out of anything. Why should this be any different? Do you want to go down easy? Or fighting? I bloody well can say fighting! Now pick yourself up and do this!

I finally pull myself together, letting out a small battle cry as I begin to march towards the Mûmakil. Orcs charge on the men also now feeling safer with the Mûmakil around. I pull my sword up taking in a deep breath as I march towards the fast approaching orcs. I can feel my heart rate begin to increase at the feeling of freedom, considering I'm running into a fight this is weird, but it makes sense. At this moment I feel most alive, isn't that what they say? In death is when you feel most alive. I understand what that means now, everything seems to line perfectly, the world, my own strength running into this battle. It's almost like a dream. The heavens overhead seem like a strange presence I can simply reach out to.

I'm pulled from my fantasy land, as the first orc brings it sword down on mine. Which one is it that will take my life? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm going to go down fighting. This strength of willpower only encourages me more. I begin to hit the orcs with everything I've got. The orcs and men of Rohan surround me, but I don't stop to rest. I attack with no mercy, I fight for my friends. For Middle Earth. I still wearily look around as I attack, unsure of when this vision could take motion.

The fighting seems to go on forever, the presence of the vision seems to be less strong as the battle commences on. Many Mûmakil have been brought down by the men of Rohan, which I say in impressive. I suddenly begin to doubt the vision, but it's still in mind. Nothing seems to slightly resemble the vision, I would know. I cut down another orc, allowing myself to have a small breather as most of the orcs are dead, only the Mûmakil and a few orcs remain. I had seen the Nazgul overhead at one stage, but I had lost it in the fighting. My mind is suddenly brought to mud as the smell of death invades my nose. I turn around to see a mass army of...ghosts? They come tearing through the field, attacking one of the Mûmakil. That in itself strange and confusing! Mûmakil, the stench of death...where's the orc?

The sudden thought crosses my mind to turn around like a force is pulling me to do so. A compelling urge. I slowly turn on my heel, feeling whatever bigger power is overtaking my mind and body. That's when I see him.

He stands on top of a Mûmakil, shooting off all the men riding it. Legolas. He kills the Mûmakil with ease, sliding down its trunk as it lands with a thud. Orc quickly flood towards him. I feel a smile spread across my face at his agility. But my smile soon fades as the orc throws a rock, which plunges into Legolas' head, causing him to tumble to the ground. As though painted in front of me, it begins to unveil.

Legolas crawls away from the orc that towers over him, trying to reach for the sword in front of him. I can't move, I'm stuck, in shock more so than anything. The orc marches after Legolas, plunging its foot on his arm as Legolas grabs for his sword, even though in pain he continues to reach for it. I know this. I've seen it before. I can see the smile plastered across the orcs face, it's obviously chuckling.

It wasn't my was Legolas'.

At that thought, the sword goes plunging into Legolas. I hear his cry of pain, which forces me out of my daze. As though something in my mind snaps, in panic I pull out my bow, swiftly loading it and shooting the orc that stands over Legolas without hesitation. I let out a gasp as I see the pain-stricken emotion across Legolas' face. I run with all my remaining strength. Jumping over dead orcs and men, nearly tripping over a shield on the ground as I quickly run.

All this time I thought I was going to die. I thought it was my vision, but it was Legolas'. I had only had seen it through his eyes. So long ago I had seen that vision, only a stupid joke to me until I realised it was real. I had taken it so seriously, but I never even thought that this could be possible! I was prepared to die! I was expecting, why did the universe have to do this to me? To Legolas.

I crumble to my knees, pain shooting through them, but I don't care. I quickly roll Legolas over, grabbing onto his now pale face "Legolas! Legolas wake up!" I yell, feeling the tears come raising to my eyes. His eyes don't open and blood gushes out of his chest "No. No!" I yell, shaking Legolas as the tears begin to stream down my face "Please don't leave me" I croak in a sob "I-I... I haven't got to t-tell I feel" I whisper, my tears staining his face as he grows ever paler. I can't think straight as my emotions have been thrown too much in a stretch.

"Legolas!" I hear Gimli cry, my shouts gaining his attention "No! No!" he shrieks, also falling to his knees.

This causes a high sob to escape my lips and this sparks a flood down my face and unhealthy sounds to escape me. I run my thumb over his cheek, trying to waste away the dirt off his face. Tears stain Gimli's eyes but they don't fall. I look up to see Aragorn in the distance, staring emotionless as he falls to his knees. I look back at Legolas quickly wiping my nose "He's fine. He fine" I continue to repeat over and over in denial. My brain turns to mush, not able to think about anything. I can't except this, I won't. I put my hands on his wound, putting pressure down "we can heal him. He'll be fine!"

"Ivy-" Gimli starts in a low whisper.

I cut him off "No!" I shriek, tears unable to be held in. I look at Legolas, his face dull and emotionless. I feel a sob escape my lips as I place my forehead on his shoulder crying so hard I feel like I can't breathe.

A sudden bright green light attracts my attention. It sparkles into my eyes, seemingly out of place on the dark death stained battlefield. I look down at my hand. The ring that Galadriel had given me shines brightly on my finger, the stone giving off green light, almost blinding light. Its only shined once, never again. What does it mean?

'It means you can save him' a soft voice speaks to me. I look up looking around confused as to where the voice came from 'not all is how it appears...' the women's voice continues. I feel my tears dry as I realise Galadriel is the voice 'the ring protects against evil. It can be used for many come from the line of Beren and Luthien. You know what to do...'

I sniffle back the tears, wiping my face as I look down at the ring. My mind begins to clear as I set my mind to the task at hand. Quickly I take the ring from my finger and grab Legolas' hand, I place the ring on his palm before holding his hand in mine.

I've never connected with my true self before, I resented it, my elf gene. I never learnt how to use it, nor did I want to. I hated the elves so much for casting me out. Like many things, this is something I've denied, something I've locked away from myself. I've watched elves heal before, but never have I done it myself...I can do it, I know I can...I know there's seeing and then there's doing but I have faith. Isn't that all I need?

"What are you doing?" Gimli asks, his voice croaked. I look at Gimli, determination taking over. I look back down at Legolas.

"Guardians a heavenlui spirits, im nall- upon cín golodh plural gelydh a rod plural rodyn, polod a compassion, cín golodh -o a meneg elena" I speak softly.

Guardians and heavenly spirits,

I call upon your wisdom and power,

Strength and compassion,

Your knowledge of a thousand stars.

"Ant -o an bronadui cuil cin gar- given nin, o hi aen's sarn plural serni, let ha n- gifted o nin na hon. Guide hon uin passings -o gurth, tegi- hon trí i evening elena a back na i calling forests -o iar" I can feel the ring begin to radiate almost through Legolas' hand. The warmth of the sun begins to shine down on us.

Gift of long-lasting life you have given me,

From this god's stone,

Let it be gifted from me to him.

Guide him from the passings of death,

Lead him through the evening stars

And back to the calling forests of old.

Aragorn now stands over us, watching in astonishment, Gimli also "Beriadhwen, Share cín endowments, tul- forth cín golodh plural gelydh a anrand, Forfill cin reason, dolth- what belongs na hon."


Share your endowments,

Bring forth your wisdom and age,

Fulfil your reason,

Conceal what belongs to him.

The colour begins to flood back into Legolas' face like a pool of water "Lothron nin cries n- heard, lothron nin blessing gar- hon. Let polod -o ithil a aiwenor beri- hon. Ben so help nin, trí lumb -o bleak, soundless dú..."

May my cries be heard,

May my blessing hold him.

Let strength of moon and sky protect him.

Or so help me,

Through shade of bleak, soundless night...

We all fall silent, looking down at Legolas in hope. I don't take a moment to catch my breath as I longingly stare at him, hoping my will and pleas can bring him back. The ring burns now but in a good way. I feel as though the magic within it could light up the whole earth, filling everything little vessel with life. Legolas doesn't move, he stays limp and lifeless. Aragorn places his hand on my shoulder. I feel pain in my chest as the tears begin to creep back into my eyes.

"What are you all looking at?" a weak voice whispers. I sniffle, a smile spreading across my face as I see his eyes crack open slightly. I can't contain myself, I pull him into my arms, the tears still falling but now they are of happiness. Legolas hesitates for a moment but soon returns the hug "Good to see you too, Ivy" he adds.

I laugh, but I still cling onto him for dear life, like if I let him go this won't be reality. Gimli cheers "You did it, Ivy! I don't know what...but it worked!" he cries in happiness.

"Did what?" Legolas asks in confusion.

"You were dying, Legolas," Aragorn says, he himself still shocked and relieved "she saved you."

Legolas manages to pry me off him, his hand rests on my cheek as he stares into my eyes "H-How?" he asks also shocked.

"With this" I sniffle, holding up the ring "Lady Galadriel gave it to me...I didn't know what it was for, but I was...helped out in that. I was also reminded of a part of me I haven't seen in a long time" I explain as Legolas takes the ring, looking at it curiously.

"It was quite a gift" Aragorn adds.

"You never cease to amaze me, Ivy" Legolas says, a smile plastered across his face.

I giggle "My answers yes by the way."

"Yes? For what?" he asks confused.

"Really? Really Legolas Greenleaf?" I say with a laugh, feeling new-found confidence in myself "you were pondering and questioning to know my answer, and now you don't know!"

Legolas tilts his head to think for a moment. I know my statement sinks in a when a smug grin covers his face "Oh" he says simply.

"OH!" I exclaim "after all that and all you can say is 'oh'" I giggle "you're funny."

"Not as funny as you" Legolas states.

"Well now that it's all out in the open" Gimli starts "can you just save us the irony and kiss already!" Aragorn looks at Gimli in disapproval.

I laugh like it's a joke, but as I stare back at Legolas I begin to realise how much I really have fallen for this elf. Damn, really Ivy? It took Aragorn, Gandalf and Faramir and Legolas nearly dying to realise there was something there! You idiot! I shake my head at my own stupidity. I look deep into those blue piercing eyes, hopelessly realising, what true happiness feels like. At that, I place my hand on his cheek, pulling him into me.

I haven't kissed someone for a long time, but this doesn't feel as strange as I thought it would. We kiss in both longing and passion. The world doesn't seem to matter, only Legolas and me. I finally realise why I couldn't allow myself, in the beginning, to see it, as what I felt for Kieran was so strong. It makes me realise that perhaps I've felt something for Legolas all along, but at least I've finally let myself go, let myself be happy. We finally pull from the kiss, our foreheads resting against each other's as we both grin like idiots at each other.

"You know...I just wish I hadn't said anything" Gimli says, his nose now scrunched up in disgust "'s about time it happened!" Aragorn shakes his head, chuckling at Gimli.


A/N: Sorry if this was really bad ~Hayley

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