Dark Side~Setolox

By xKorinx

24.6K 710 292


Chap 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
BLOOPERS(April fools day special)
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 13
Im done
Chapter 15

Chap. 12

775 30 16
By xKorinx

Ty's POV


I slowly walked up to the library then sighed. I then opened the doors, I have to do dis, for Seto's sake.

"Ok time to find some books". I mumbled to myself never thought that I would say that in my whole life. I walked around the library trying to find anything related to demons and such. After a good 5 minutes I found nothing on the first floor and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

"Ha" I said to myself as I picked a book. I flipped the book over to the cover.

"Demons and Spirits Vol. I" I read I looked back up to the shelf I tookee the book from and was two more volumes of the book.

"Great" I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the books, I then walked to the closest table and sat down.

"Ok time for volume I" I mumbled to myself as I cracked open the book.

Some Time later


Holy shit this book is looong. Every time I try to read I always get distracted and start scanning it. How does Jason do dis?!((just like me when I study))

"TY WHERE ARE YOU!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Shit, Adam" I mumbled as I grabbed the books.

"Ugh" I groaned as I picked up the books off the table. I then looked around to find an exit. "Ha" I said as I walked over to the balcony.

"Alright Operation get home with books is a go" I said as I opened the doors .

Shit dis is goin to be tough. I then stepped onto the handle and quickly jumped to a rooftop((Assassin Mode Activated)). I jumped around holding the books until I finally reached TC's roof. I then flipped open a trapdoor the was secretly connected to my room and jumped in.

"AHHH WTF" I heard someone scream, I quickly dropped to the books on the floor and ran downstairs to see Jerome running around the living room fanning his mouth while a Bulgarian laugh was filling the room.

"What's happening?" I asked walking towards Quention which was laughing a little bit.

"Oh Ty your here, Bodil put a lot of Blaze hot sauce in Jerome's steak and now he is running like a bacca who has his tail lit on fire and is being chase by a really mad Sky if someone took his budder". Husky said.

"JEROME HERE"Mitch said running out of the kitchen and throwing a water bottle towards Jerome. Jerome caught it and started chugging it down.

"GAH MY MOUTH IS STILL ON FIRE!!" Jerome said. Jerome looked really sweaty and red which was bad since his fur would cover up anything.

"I-I didn't think I put that much HAHAHA" Bodil said laughing his ass. Ian then sighed and walked into the kitchen the soon came back with a bottle I then looked back to see Jerome running in circles as if he was chasing his tail or something.

"Jerome" Ian yelled making Jerome turn his head. "Catch" Ian then threw the bottle which had milk on it. Jerome then starting chugging it down. Jerome then dropped dead on to the floor face first.

"Murferdermurfur" Jerome said muffled by the carpet.

"Um what?" I said clearly not understanding what he was saying I mean who could.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU MARTIN" Jerome yelled getting up and charging towards Bodil.

"Oh shoot hehehe" Bodil said running away from the angry bacca. We all then started laughing.

"Hey guys we're back" I turned my head towards the door to see Seto and Adam.

"Hey" I said

"Ty, where were you?" Adam said "Out for a walk" I said smirking a little.

"Suuure" Adam said

"So when are the guys coming?" Jason asked. "Uh about 20minutes" Mitch replied.

"AHHHH HaAha" Bodil laughed running around with a tired bacca following.

"I give up" Jerome said sitting back on the floor."Man Bodil you have a lot of energy"

"Uhh" Adam said staring at Jerome. Soon the doorbell rang.

"Huh I thought you said that they are coming in 20 minutes?" Jason said Mitch shrugged. "Maybe they are early like Bodil?" Ian said walking to open the door but found a box.

"It's a box" Ian said picking it up and bringing it to the living room.

"So what's in the box"Seto said kneeing down to the box.

"Let's see" Ian said as he opened it.

"A black dog?" Ian said picking up the dog.

"Hey there is a crystal on the dog's collar"Jason pointed out.I walked outside to see if I could see the person who dropped the dog off not saw nothing in the darkness.

"Heh I always wanted a dog" Seto said smiling petting the dog. The dog then jumped out of Ian's arms into Seto's then curled up.

"What?" Seto said looking at the dog.

"Heh it seems he likes you"I said laughing a bit.

"Is it a he?"

"Wait there's a tag"Seto said taking out the tag so he could see. "Riku" ((I REALLY like that name))



Ryan:huh why are you looking at me for all I wanted was cookies


Ryan:Well your computer said cookies and I was hungry

Me:and then you smashed my computer

Ryan:Well I did find some chips but no cookies

Me:*facepalm* you....i dont know any more*walks out the room*

Yaaaa my computer was actually was smashed by my friend and had to get a new one so yaaaaaaa KORIN OUT PEACE!!!

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