Spy's the Limit

By live_love_laughx

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Meet Sophia, Alexandria, Aurora, and Alicia. They are the 4 best spies at Knight Academy and are on one missi... More

Spy Like You Mean It
Spy's The Limit Chapter 1 - Dangerous Plays
Chapter 3- Shopping

Spy's The Limit Chapter 2- Fun and Games with a Hint of Vanilla

614 16 18
By live_love_laughx


Many questions ran through my mind, but only one was important. What was so important to make the director call me personally and ask us to meet him in his office? No one went in office. EVER.

"We are so dead," Rori and I said at the same time.


Spy's The Limit

Chapter 2

Fun and Games with a hint of Vanilla

Sophie's POV

"What does he have to tell us that is so important that we need to go to his office?" I ask worriedly.

"I know, no one actually ever talks to him in his office. I wonder if it is a new mission or something..." Rori replied.

As we turn into the driveway we see Lexi and Ali pull in behind us, the anxiety was flowing through me to tell them the unexpected news.

"You guys, you won't believe who called!!" I yell as we get out of the car.

"Who, your mom??" Lexi asks with a huge smirk on her face. Rori and Ali crack up.

"Not funny! THE DIRECTOR!!" I yell.

"No way!!" Ali says with wide eyes.

"Yep!" Rori replies.

"Well what did he want?" Lexi asks us.

"He told us all to meet him in his office at 9 o' clock sharp tomorrow evening!" I say.

"HIS OFFICE?!?!" They both yell at the same time.

"Yep." Rori repeats again.

"Well we better get to bed, we have a long day ahead of us." Rori says.

Normally, after late night missions we don't get up until 12 o' clock or so. We just have a brunch and hang around the house all day.

I walked up the stairs to my room and quickly change into my pj's and crash face flat onto my bed. "Ahhh soo soft! So comfy, so warm, so -"

I was interrupted by my bedroom door opening. I look over to see Lexi standing in the doorway.

"Sophie, are you talking to yourself about your bed again?" Lexi asks while giggling.

"Shut up!" I yell at her while throwing a spare pillow at her.

"Ok,ok! Goodnight, evil demon." Lexi says while walking out.

"ALEXANDRIA, SHUT THE FREAK UP!!!!" I yell while throwing another pillow at the door.

Next Morning

Lexi's POV

I felt something trickling down my face and then


I let out a blood curling scream and said, "HOLY FLIPPING DANG FRUITCAKING FLAPJACKS with a hint of vanilla!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE IN THIS DANG HOUSE??!?!?!?!" Yeah, I say a lot of random stuff like that. I would normally swear but when I am around Sophie I usually refrain from it because she hates it when people swear. Like if some random person swore, she would walk up to them and be like 'Don't swear!' Ya, she's an odd one. I move towards my bathroom while muttering angrily to myself.

"SOPHIA AVA CLARKE, YOU ARE SOOOOOOO FLIPPING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell knowing who did it. Sophie and I are known to play little pranks on each other. I groan while looking in the mirror. I was completely soaked with orange juice! I ran after her which wasn't that hard to do since I can run the fastest out of all of us and the fact that she was laughing so hard that it was majorly slowing her down.

Tip for future spies- DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT EVER become a spy if you have the laughing disorder. If you have the laughing disorder, you CANNOT stop laughing! We all have it, but not as serious as Rori's. I mean if that girl starts laughing, she won't stop until he** freezes over. I mean seriously, there was this one time, she was laughing so hard for such a long time that she started crying and was hallucinating, HALLUCINATING! I mean, come one. I know I have problems and I'm not in denial because I'm admitting it, but that girl just has serious problems.

Now coming back to reality, see this is one of the problems I have - talking to myself way too much and I give Sophie a hard time about it when I clearly- YA SEE, YA SEE, there I am doing it again.

All right now, come on Lexi, it's time to take the evil demon down!

"OH YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT, YOU BETTER RUN GIRL!" I yelled while running down the hall easily able to catch up with her.

If I thought she was laughing hard then, it was nothing compared to what she was doing now.

She turned back around to stick her tongue out at me, but that was the wrong because at that moment, Rori opened her door so Sophie ran into the door and stumbled back.

Now it was my turn to crack up. I was laughing so hard that I was having trouble breathing. I quickly composed myself and got down to business. I started to tickle the crap out of her. Oh yeah, time for revenge.

"OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. STOP, STOP STOP! HOLY MOTHER FREAKING LORD. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, HAVE MERCY ON ME," she screams like a madwoman while laughing hysterically.

"Then what do you say," I cooed.


"And..." I give her the signal to continue.








"All right, all right I'll stop now. I just wanted to see how far we could go with that," I said while smiling evilly and set her free.

"I can't believe you and you call me the demon child," she said while trying to catch her breath with a scowl on her face.

"You started it honey," I smirked.

I heard muffled laughter coming from behind me. I looked back and saw Rori suffocating herself because she was laughing so hard. I should've known it was her. I pulled Sophie up and we left Rori there knowing that she wasn't going to get up any time soon.

We walked into the kitchen and saw Ali there with a box of cereal in one hand and a bowl in the other.

"Hey what do you think you are doing?" Sophie demands while walking over to her, grabbing the box and putting it back into the pantry.

"Oh yeah today is your 'special cooking' day! Oooo what are you and Rori going to make today??" Ali asks eagerly.

"Pancakes or should I say flapjacks with a hint of vanilla." Sophie replies while trying to hold in her laughter. Rori and Sophie have this thing that the morning after a tiring mission, they cook up something extra delicious for all of us because they love to cook.

"Haha very funny, Sophs." I say sarcastically.

"Ok you guys, let's get down to it!" Rori says when she finally walks into the kitchen.

She and Sophia grab a bowl and start making pancake batter, however Sophie ends up 'accidentally' flicking some flour onto Rori.

"Sophie!! I just took a shower!" Rori yells.

"Haha suck it up, come on chill and have some fun Aurora!" Sophie teases. Everyone knows not to call Rori Aurora because it makes her VERY mad.

"Oh, you asked for it now!" Rori replies while picking up a handful of flour and throwing it at Sophie. However, Sophie dodges and the flour lands on Ali who was getting a glass of water.

"RORI!!!" Ali screams.

She then picks up a handful of flour and chucks it as hard as she can onto Rori. Rori ducks and all of the flour lands on me since Rori had moved in front of me.

"ALICIA RENEE WELLINGTON!! HOW COULD YOU! Now all the flour is going to stick onto me because of the orange juice!!!" I yell.

I end up grabbing the whole bag of flour and dumping it on everyone and all over the kitchen. We all look at each other for a few seconds and then we all start cracking up. Oh wow we just covered our whole kitchen in pancake flour and didn't even make the pancakes!

"Ok guys, let's all take a shower and then we will just have cereal for today." Sophie says.

We all agree and go into our rooms to take a shower. We each have our own bathroom which is connected to our bedroom along with a walk in closet. I quickly grab a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a white v-neck shirt and walk into the bathroom. Ahh the hot water feels sooo good!

I finish up and put on some mascara and eyeshadow and walk into the kitchen. Sophie is already there and is in a denim miniskirt with black leggings and a tight-fitting turquoise shirt. She hand me one of the mops and says, "Start cleaning up, we have a LONG way to go."

Ugh, oh great. This will take a while. Just then Rori and Ali walked in. Rori was wearing some denim shorts and an aqua tanktop. Ali was in a white sundress with black belt.

"Ok everyone grab a mop and start cleaning." Sophie yells.

"Sophie, we are all standing right next to you!!" I say getting annoyed.


I grab the mop and walk over to the area by the fridge.

~~ 30 minutes later ~~

The kitchen was sparkling clean and we were all tired. By this time it was already noon so we decided to just go to the mall and have lunch and maybe catch a movie. This time Sophia rode on my motorcycle with me while Ali rode in Rori's convertible with her. We arrive at the mall and as soon as we enter Sophie yells, "I want Chinese!!!!"

"No, let's get Italian!!!" I yell.

"Ok you guys, this is a food court, you can get whatever you want!!!" Rori says sounding like she is explaining this to a 2 year old.

"Now let's be quiet and try not to draw attention to ourselves!" Ali adds on.

"Fine." Sophie and I groan.

I walk over to Sbarro's and get a whole cheese pizza and a large Mountain Dew. The cashier hands me the pizza and says," Am I dead, Angel? Cause this must be heaven!"

I say,"Oh really? Wouldn't you be in hell?"

He looks shocked but recovers and says, " Well I will meet you there sweetheart!" with a huge smirk.

I give him a Lexi look that says 'Back off or something will be chopped off here and it cannot be replaced and you will never have kids."

A flash of fear went through his eyes, but he again quickly recomposed himself his smirk was back on.

Haha MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, he looked scared even if it was just for a second.

But I gotta say, that boy is persistent! He grabbed my arm for a quick second and wrote his number on there.

"EWW, What in the f*** is wrong with you?!?!" I yell, "Manager, manager, Your employee is harassing me."

The guys slaps his hand over my mouth while I keep ranting.

"Shhhh, sorry about that but please don't get me fired!!!!!!" He pleads.

I put on a huge smirk and say," Dude, chill it's ok I wasn't going to actually do anything, I am not that mean!"

"That was not nice!"He said.

"Never said I was!" I replied.

"Well I gotta go, so see ya!" I replied with a little wave.

"Give me a call!" He says while giving me a wink.

I find the table where the girls were sitting and sit down next to Rori.

"What took you so long?" Sophie asks.

"Well some nutcase started flirting with me!" I said while explaining the whole story.

By the time I was done, everyone was cracking up at the pick up line and just overall how funny the whole thing was.

"Oh my gosh, you should totally call him!" Sophie says.

I give her a death glare and say, "Ya, right! Sooo not going to happen!"

"Oh come on! Once we get home, call him from the phone that we have that is not trackable." Rori says while Ali nods her head agreeing.


"Are you sure about that or do you want everyone at the academy to know about Mr.Snuggles?" Sophie asked with a smirk. Ugh stupid karma!

"Ok, fiiiiine!" I say while groaning. Why in the world would he track me anyway? Whoa, that just screams stalker! And why would they want me to call him...

"Yes!" All the girls said at once.I gave them the death glare! I mean if looks could kill they would be 150 feet below sea level.

We finished our food- and yes, I ate the WHOLE pizza, told ya I was the pig of the group!- and we then decided to go window shopping. We first went to Forever 21. There were some cute stuff there but we decided not to get them. The same thing happened at Vanity. By then it was 5:30 p.m. We decided to go home and just hang out for a while.We paired up and started driving home.

Once we got home, the girls grabbed the phone and handed it to me. Ugh time to call the dude. I dialed the number. A lady's voice started speaking, "The number you have dialled is unavailable, please try a different number." YES!!! Now i won't have to speak to that cashier dude!

"Haha yes! Saved by the lady!" I say. The girls all have disappointed looks.

"Ok, I am gonna go watch t.v., you guys do whatever you want!" I say and skip out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Sophie went to her room to read a book. I think it was called The Truth About Forever. She said that so far the book was AMAZING! I am going to borrow it as soon as she is finished. Ali went to go practice her drum set. She is a pretty good drummer. Rori went upstairs to the office to check her email and stuff. I walked over to the living room and turned on the t.v. I scrolled through the guide and found the movie She's A Man coming on. Ooooo That is a really good movie!!! By the time the movie ended, it was 7:30.

"SOPHIE, ALI, RORI!!! DINNER TIME!!! I am making some spaghetti!" I yell.

I quickly start boiling the spaghetti and walk over to the pantry to get some sauce. I make the spaghetti and quickly put it into 4 plates. They all walk downstairs and we eat quickly because it is about a half hour drive to the director's office.

By the time we finish and clean up, it was 8:15.

"Let's go everyone!" Sophie says nervously. She always like to be on time and to her that means being early. We split up except this time Sophie and Ali ride in Xavier and Rori and I ride in Rori's blue Chrysler Sebring. Rori wasn't into car brands such as me and Sophie so she didn't care about having a brand name car. We all don't like the brand name at all! I mean it is like a Chrysler! (A/N: No offense to people with Chryslers!) We arrive at the office and I can see that Sophie is almost shaking.

I walk over to her and say, "Sophie, CHILL OUT! It is an honor to be called to meet him at his office. You will do perfectly fine!"

"Ok, Thanks Lex." She replies calming down a bit.

We all look at each other for a moment and walk towards the office door. Sophie walked up first and opened the door.

"Hello, the director told us to meet him in his office" she said speaking to the lady at the front desk.

"Oh yes, please call me Asha, I am the assistant director." The lady replied. (A/N: Asha is pronounced ah-sha)

"Hello Asha, pleased to meet you. I am Sophia, and this is Alexandria, Aurora, and Alicia." Sophie says while pointing at each one of us.I give a small wave and smile when Sophie points at me.

"Nice to meet you girls, it is an honor. Please follow me and you can meet the director." Asha says and starts walking. We follow quietly. She leads us to a door and knocks quietly on it.

"Come in." A voice booms from the inside. Asha opens the door and ushers us all in.

The director's office was huge!! The office had marble floor,a gigantic glass chandelier and fresh flowers in a colorful flowerpot. It was so clean and beautiful.The director was sitting behind an antique desk when the door opened. There were lots of books and decanters, tall windows and lovely paintings all over the place.

"Hello girls, how are you doing today?" the director said.

"Very well sir, and how about you?" I asked politely.

"Very well, thank you Alexandria." he replied.

" I have some very important news for you girls. The president has been threatened a few times now. However, the most recent message threatened his daughter. President Callahan has asked for the finest agents from our agency to protect and guard the daughter. He requested for them to be around his daughter's age so as not to scare her. You girls are chosen to be those guards. You will go to the same high school as her but you must not let her know who you are. She will believe that you are just some new girls at school. You must get as close to her as possible and make her trust you. You will get fake names and be sure to not blow your cover. This will probably be one of your hardest missions. Good Luck girls ", he said. So many things were rushing through my head at this point so all I could do was stand there a bit dazed.

"Follow me girls and I will give each of your folders with your aliase, school information and information on the president's daughter." Asha says.

We silently follow her each of us lost in our own thoughts.

"Ok first we will start with Sophia. Your alias name is Eliana Aurelia Winters. You can be yourself but you have all the AP classes that Nicole takes with her, so you can get to know her there" Asha says.

"Umm sorry, but I am taking that Nicole is the president's daughter? How old is she?" Sophie asks shyly.

"Oh yes sorry. She is the president's daughter and her full name is Nicole Anna Callahan. She is 17 years old and a junior at Lakeview High School. All of you girls are supposed to be juniors and 17 years old. That shouldn't be too hard considering you all are 17! " Asha replies while smiling.

Sophie grins ad I can tell that she really likes her alias name.

"Ok next is Alexandria. Your alias name is Katrina Ivy Peterson. Once again, you can be yourself but you have gym and some of Nicole's electives with her." I grin, gym was always my best subject.

"Now for Aurora. Your alias name is Chloe Rose Colton. You will be in the art classes with Nicole. Nicole is also part of the cheerleading squad so I hope you will try out." Rori nods and I can see the gears turning in her head.

"Last but not least, Alicia. Your alias name is Kiara Cheyenne Hartley. You will have music with Nicole and some other classes. I also highly recommend that you try out for cheerleading. So that is all. If you don't like your alias names let me know."

"We all like our names, Asha." I say for everybody knowing that they agree with me.

"Now moving onto the school information. The school name is Lakeview High School. It is a public school in California. It is a typical high school environment but it has the best academical and physical program in the country.You girls can go home now but remember that you will be leaving day after tomorrow, Friday. You will then start school on Monday. We arranged your classes to go along with Nicole's but we had you have a few electives that you would enjoy. Now sleep well and get packing!" Asha finished.

"Ok great, thank you so much Asha." Sophie replied while giving Asha a hug. We all nodded and also gave her a hug.

We walked back out the hallway and out the front door.

I turned around and said to the girls, "Well looks like it's time for a shopping spree tomorrow!"

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