The Werewolf Prince

By JuliusLukeV

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This was a story I wrote off a personal experience, but then it began to develop into a fantasy I've never li... More

Chapter 1: The Wolf at School
Chapter 3: Interrogation then a Call
Chapter 4: A Lovely Intrusion
Chapter 5: Battle into History
Chapter 6 - "Farewell... brother..."
Chapter 7 - Reinforcements
Chapter 8 - Chasing Shadows
Chapter 9 - In the Eyes of the Moon

Chapter 2: Success with a Tint

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By JuliusLukeV

Lukas sends Natasha to Matt's room. Natasha knocks on Matt's door. Matt opens,

"ah, hi Nat... what're you doing up so late in the boys dorm?"

"I'm here to see you".

Matt puzzled,

"... me?"

"Yes Matt - you".

Natasha pushes Matt in and closes the door behind her. Natasha grabs Matt by his collar, brings him close. Matt had never been approached like this by any girl and to him, this was more of a shock than an arousal.

"Look at me Matt".

She begins to undo her top.

"Look at me real hard".

Matt is speechless.

"Now close your eyes"

Matt, being threatened by this madwoman obeys her every word. She then removes a tazer from between her breasts and zaps Matt uncounscious. She then stripped and threw him onto the bed. She then goes to plant the "evidence". Natasha puts a pair of panties in Matt's drawers and then a "used" condom in his litter bin. She covers it with paper rubbish, then attaches a string to the drawer and bin. She then leaves the room and calls her friend Krystal.

"Hi Krys?"

"Hey Tash, what's up?"

"Krys, I think your boyfriend's cheating on you"

"what? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I just saw a girl walk out of his room"

"why was you in the boys dorm?"

"visiting Lukas of course - better run quick before he disposes of the evidence".

Krystal tries to call Matt. Paralyzed by the tazer shock, he is unable to answer the call. She begins to rush to Matt's room. By the time Krystal gets there, Matt is only able to stutter. Krystal is suspicious to find Matt naked in bed. Matt barely able to see or speak, only half-conscious due to the tazer shock looks on as Krystal goes to his desk, pulls his drawer and tips the litter bin. Everything falls out... Krystal is now building to tears. When Krystal had found the evidence, Matt was now fully conscious and about to explain, but before he could say a word, he saw an ominous dark figure outside his window. A wolf like figure gleaming in the moon lit night. Frightened from the red glowing eyes, his finger shaking and slowly pointing to the window,

"W... Wo... Wol.. Wah...".

Krystal looks and listens to her estranged boyfriend.


Krystal turns to the window - only to see nothing.

"but... I swear...".

Krystal throws the panties at Matt and runs out of the room, shielding her eyes with her forearm to cover her weeping face.

Krystal ran out the boys dorm and through the corridoors to the girls dorm. She bumped past Natasha along the way.

"Krystal? Krystal are you ok?".

Krystal kept running and when she got to her room, she slammed the door behind her and slowly slid down the door crying. Eventually, she cried herself to sleep.

The next day, some time during lunch, Lukas observed Krystal from a distance. He sat by a tree, onlooking as she became more clumsier than usual and had a tired and stressed expression on her face. Then Matt passed by,

"hey Lukas, mind if I join you?"

"not at all".

Lukas closes his eyes and puts his hands behind his head so that Matt doesn't notice where he's looking.

"Lukas... have you ever had someone take something from you before? Have you ever lost something important"

"is something wrong?"


"do you wanna talk about it?"

"Lukas... something... bad happened last night... between me and Krystal...".

Lukas made a smile hard to notice, then quickly back to a straight concerned face, "go on".

"Ya know Natasha? The girl from the art club? She got into my room late last night..."

Lukas raising his eyebrows as if to act surprised, only said,

"uh huh?"

"and she had a bit of... force to her like... really pushy"

"she pushed you?"

"into my room and onto my bed"

"you had sex?"

"no!... I mean yes... argh I don't know... I can't remember too clearly... I just remember blanking out then waking up naked, Krystal bursting in the room finding Tasha's panties and a used condom so... I'm assuming it was sex against my will but... I tried to explain to Krys but...".

Lukas felt like a chuckle was coming on, but he had to keep it down and carry on the conversation,

"that's... pretty messed up"

"I know! And here's the thing! Don't think I'm crazy, but last night when I woke up and Krys was there - I saw this large wolf like figure out the window glaring at me with wide eyes and a scarlet glow to it... it was soo strange... I tried to tell Krys, but..."

"you saw a what?".

Lukas became tense and weary - because the werewolf that was at the window last night wasn't him... there was someone else... there was another werewolf on the premises...

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