She's My Constant

By SkyWrites102

28.9K 916 161

Cast Of Characters: Glaiza De Castro as Destiny S. Valerio Rhian Ramos as Kate Denise R. Howell Solenn Heuss... More

College Friends and Feelings
Killer on the loose
Remembering Destiny
Force of Habit
Habits Stay
Monday Blues
Bloody Grey
Kate vs. Eve
Sleep Tight
Over the moon
Eve, The Apple of their Eyes
Meet the parents
In her loving Memory
Mr. Montenegro will see you now
Letting you go
Solenn's Blessing
Valentine's Day Plans
I Choose You
Truth about us
Eve's Temptation
1 Month in
Of Cafes and Men
Seventh Month
She will be loved
All of Me
Author's Note
Author's Note on the Commentaries


834 29 2
By SkyWrites102

Kate's POV:

I woke up early today, despite last night's five in a row orgasm and late night talk with the love of my life, I felt the warmth of her naked body against mine, my eyes fluttered open. I watched Destiny, as her exposed chest rise up and fall from her breathing.

I couldn't believe that she's finally come around. I wanted to cry because of happiness. I looked at her face, her lips that I love to kiss. She is just so adorable and irresistible. She is like a ray of sunshine, she brings me warmth and joy.

I look at her for a few more moments, before I touch her face, I traced lazy circles in her cheeks with my thumb, last night she had sung me to sleep, I love it when she sings to me. It makes me feel so relieved of any stress. I marvel at her, still speechless about us.

A few more minutes, she held my hand and kissed it. Her beautiful black eyes starts to flutter open.

"Good morning, Babe." she greets me

"Good morning, Babe." I smiled

"You're up early? Is there something wrong?" she furrowed her brows at me, she knows I usually sleep longer than she does.

"No, nothing's wrong, I just wanted to see you more." I smiled at my own confession.

She pulls my chin up for a kiss on my lips.

"I love waking up to you." she said as her hands wrapped around my waist.

"I love waking up with you beside me. I feel secured." I said honestly

"I feel the same Mrs. Valerio." She laughed. She sat up and continued to speak

"Now, let's get you breakfast."

She reached for my hand and walked to the closet to pull two oversized shirts, she put on mine and then proceedes to put on hers.

We walked into the kitchen, we were feeling too lazy to whip up something, so we ended up having toasts, eggs and bacon.

"Babe, have you thought about working for HGC?"

I asked her as she feeds me with toast, eggs and bacon.

"I already said yes last night." she said

"I was just checking if I would still get the same answer." I chuckled at her

She laughed so hard

"Kate Howell - Valerio, you're such a clingy wife aren't you?"

"Hmmmpphh." I pouted my lips at her

"Mhhhmmm, my baby is annoyed." She says as she put her arms around my waist and pulled me closer against her body.

"I need to turn in my resignation, I'll tell them that my wife don't want me to work."

She giggled at me

"Brat." she whispers to me softly

I gave her dagger eyes

"But, I love that Brat."

She kisses me in the neck, trailing down my shoulder. It made me smile instantly

"Babe, I'm still sore from yesterday."

I pout at her

"What did I do?"

She feigns innocence as she smiles evily at me

"You gave me 8 total orgasms yesterday. My pussy is so sore from all of those 8 orgasms."

I chuckled at her

"But, you like having a sore pussy."

"Babe, we'll be late for work."

I admonished her one more time

Then my phone rings, I get it from the bag, sitting in the couch.

Destiny's POV:

"Hi Dad, Good morning!" I heard Kate say as I take a bite from the bacon.

"Yeah, Destiny and I are currently eating breakfast." she looks at me with full of love.

"Wait, what? Oh my God. No." there was silence, temporarily.

Then my phone rang too

"Hello Brian, Good morning. What's up man?"

"Another murder victim bro." Brian answered

"Who is it?" I asked him

"Kate's high school classmate, Robert Talavera."

"What? What happened to him?"

"Another victim of the cheating heart killer."

"Alright Bro, send me his files."

"Will do."

Brian and I ended the call.

I looked at Kate who is now seated in the couch, crying uncontrollably. I approached her.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I asked her, I didn't know how to break the news to her, I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Robert..." she said

"What happened."

"He-He.. W-as... M-murdered." she stammered as she tries to control her breathing.

I rub her back, half relieved that I didn't have to break it to her, half worried now because, I know she is affected, before Robert was ever a suitor, he was her childhood friend, so I get why she is crying.

"I know."

"How did you know?"

"Brian, works for NBI, he is the lead investigator in this case."

"Do you guys have any idea who did it?"

"We don't have any leads yet."

I carried her from the couch to the bathroom, as she kept on crying, I sat her in the tub, I filled the tub with warm water, before I stripped her off from the shirt, after, I proceeded to strip my shirt off and got in the tub with her. I pulled her closer to my body.

"Hush now, Brian will solve the case and we will find Robert's killer."

I said as I washed her body with soap, gently scrubbing her whole body, I shampooed her hair. Massaging her hair and scalp, to help her calm down. After washing her hair, I kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you, Babe." she smiled at me, as she faces me, to scrub my body. She did the same gentle scrubbing that I did. She also shampooed my hair. After we washed, I got up from the tub, I put on her robe, drying her body and I also did mine. I carried her to our bed. I sat her down. She looked at me with her grateful teary eyes.

I was about to go to our closet when she stopped me. "I'm sorry I'm an emotional mess, I would like to thank you for understanding me and not making a big fuss out of it."

She smiled at me, she was waiting for me to answer her.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Kate Howell - Valerio, remember the promise I made last night? That I will make it up to you for the rest of my life?"

"Yes." she answered

"So, stop saying thank you."

I chuckled at her

"What do you want to wear?" I asked her

"Pants please." she answered me, while I was walking to her side of the closet

I brought out her black pantsuit, I gathered her undies and went back to her. I placed her clothes beside her.

"Get ready, My car is coding today." I said to her

"That's okay, You can use mine." she giggled lightly.

I kissed the top of her head before getting my clothes.

I put on my black skinny jeans, black dress shirt and a black jacket.

I fixed my hair and put on my black shoes.

Kate was looking at me intensely

"Why are you staring?" I asked her

"You look handsome babe." she kissed my lips

"You look like a goddess." I said while I kiss the top of her forehead.

I carried her bag and mine on our way out. We walked to the elevator hand in hand.


"Hmmm?" she hummed at me

"How would you like to come home with me in Antipolo? To visit Mom and Dad."

"We can do that, after this weekend, Dad had something planned."

"Great, next weekend it is."

"Why did you all of a sudden think of visiting them?"

"Well, I want to personally let them know that their daughter is in love with an amazing woman."

I kissed her hand where her ring is, she blushed at me

"I haven't met them yet, so is this like meet the parents?"

"Yeah, you can say that. Ooohh.. I know, we can ask Daddy Gareth to come with us. It will be fun."

"Oh my God, Babe, that's brilliant!" I saw her eyes had lit up again

"Babe, I love seeing your eyes light up. You turn me on." I said to her as the elevator door opens and we alight the elevator.

"Babe, you are such a naughty girl." she laughed at me

"You're wearing pants that hugs your butt, your blouse is strapless and you have a coat on, you look like candy to me." I lopsidedly smiled at her

I slapped her butt as the elevator door opened. I walked out as if nothing happened, I looked back at her to see her raging mad at me

"Don't ever do that to me again, Mr. Valerio."

I chuckled at her as she walks past me

I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me.

"Hey, I was just being silly. I'm sorry."

"That hurts babe." she pouted

I kissed her on the lips as we walked to her car.

"Plus this matchy outfits we are wearing, is making me want to get back to bed and make love to you all day."

I smiled sheepishly

"I would love to do that too, babe. But we both got work."

"Hmmm so am I driving or you are?"

"You are." she answered me by giving me her keys

I unlocked her door and buckled her in, I paused for a while to kiss her at the top of her head, before I go to the driver side.

As we were driving, Kate spoke again.

"Babe, can you stay in the office with me?"

"Babe, I need to go to work, to let them know I'm resigning immediately."

She pouts like a little brat

"I'll be quick though." I smiled at her

She continued to pout

"Aya! Babe, stop it. You're distracting me."


"Alright Babe, I'll stay."

"You really mean it Babe?"

"I do."

I smiled at her change of mood, I know the asylum can wait, my girlfriend needs me.

We continued to drive and after 45 minutes, we reached her office building, I parked her car and alighted to open her door for her.

While I brought our computer bags, we walked hand in hand to the elevator. She pressed the up button. Once we reached her office, I put her computer bag at her desk, while I put mine in the couch.

I sat at the couch and let Kate, work on the papers she was reviewing yesterday. I got my computer out and silently worked on my emails. I wrote an email to my boss, I informed him that I won't be coming in for work and that I'm resigning from my post, I told him how I feel unsafe in the asylum, because of a patient who managed to harass me.

I opened an email from Brian, I studied Robert's file and noted the following details:

-Rape case filed but was withdrawn after having reached a settlement
-History of violence and sexual misconducts, every one of them withdrawn

I sent my feedback to Brian. I downloaded the autopsy report I asked from Brian for victim #2, just as I suspected, the stab wounds were the same as the ones with victim #1. I massaged my head. I looked at the photos of the three murder scenes. Aside from the chopped up and arranged pieces of their hearts, there was strangling, their eyes were open, as if they were begging. Noticeable were their hard ons, in the crotch area. I suspect, they were in the middle of making out, when they were strangled with a wire or something, based on the cut in their necks.

I groaned at the sight of the gruesome photos, Kate looked up from the papers she was reviewing after hearing my groans.

"Babe? Is everything all right?"

I carried my laptop to her table

"Look at this, 3 Victims, same circumstances."

I showed her the photos of the murders

"Strangled to death then stab wounds. With an incision in the left chest."

"Babe, why do you have these photos?"

"Brian sent them to me, he is asking me to help him with Psycho Forensics, I am only trying to profile the murderer."

"So, you were still doing that on the side?"

"Yeah, I couldn't let Brian down, you know apart from you, he's been there for me during those low times."

I smiled at her

"Babe, do you want to have lunch with Brian?"

"We can do that, I'll call him." I smiled

"Okay, uhm, I'll just have to go up to Dad's office, stay here." I nodded at her.

"Okay, Babe. I'll stay here."

She pulls me in for a kiss before she heads to her Dad's office.

I dialled Brian's number, he picks it up after 2 rings.

"Hey, Bro." I greeted him

"Hey, you." He greeted me back

"Can we have lunch later?"

"Yeah, sure." He answered

"So, how was the investigation going?"

"Well, we have information that the guys that were killed were last seen with a woman."

"Was she recognizeable?"

"None of the CCTV Videos showed her face. If not, it's blurry."

"How about witnesses?"

"No witnesses."

"Oh, man. That sucks."

"I know. It does."

"Hey, Brian. I wanted you to know..." I trailed off.

"What Bro?" He asked me

"I already made a choice."

"Whoa! So you chose Eve?"

"No, Brian. I chose Kate."

"I'm proud of you Bro, Kate loves you, so how did you choose her? What went down?"

"Yesterday, Eve kissed me in the lips, the moment she did, I couldn't stop thinking of Kate, I had an intense need to see her to calm me down."

"Mhmmmm.." he replied as a verbal nod for me to continue

"I made love to her once I reached her office, then I admitted to her that I have been holding myself back from loving her, all this time. That I realized, I don't feel the same anymore for Eve."

"I am really glad that you've moved on, it was about time that you did bro and besides, Kate is a goddess, you're lucky to even hold her attention."  He laughed at me.

"I know, so lunch later near makati area?"

"Yes, will let you know the place. Is Kate coming?"

"Yes, she is."

"Alright, See you love birds. Tell Kate I miss her."

"Yup, will do. Working from her office."

"Nice, first day at work but didn't want to part ways." he chuckled to himself

"Love is weird. Hahaha! Bye and we'll see you later bro."

"Okay, bye."

We ended the call and I went back to work on Shane's psychiatric analysis. Although, I am quitting, I wanted to ensure that Shane gets well, I understand, that she is Eve's only best friend.

After a while, Louise, Kate's Secretary came into her office.

"Doctor, Mr. Howell would like to see you."

"Okay, please tell him I'll be up in a minute."

I closed the lid of my laptop and straightened myself.

I put on my jacket and went up his office.

Once I was in front of his office, I knocked three times before letting myself in.

He and Kate looks up to me, Kate smiled and waves me to sit down beside her.

"Hi, Dad. You wanted to see me?"

I asked before taking a seat next to her daughter.

"Yes, I did. This is because of your employment here at HGC, as I have mentioned to you earlier this week, I am getting older, I wanted to ensure that my daughter is happy and well taken cared of, I have no doubt that you will take care of her. Just like now, you are here instead of being in the asylum, I'm sure you know Kate is going through a rough time at the loss of her childhood friend. I have known you for ten years now, you were a constant in my daughter's life." He said and smiled.

"I am promoting Kate as a COO, so she can handle our business and continue with the legacy I will be leaving behind, I have been meaning to ask you to take charge of a special department for product research. Destiny Valerio - Howell, will you be the VP of Product Research for Mental Health?"

I was silent for a few moments, I'm not sure what to say, I felt Kate's hand squeezed mine. I looked at her and her father. They were both smiling.

"Y-yes, Dad, I will." I stammered

Kate squealed in delight and hugged me.

"I'm Happy that you accepted the Job Offer." He hugged me as well

"Babe, I'm proud of you." Kate said

While I was laughing at her

"Dad, she really is a brat right?"

I looked at her father

"I'm afraid she is." He laughed

"Uhm, Dad, This weekend, before you fly back to London, can I invite you to Antipolo, to visit my Mother and Father, so you guys can meet each other."

I asked him

"Sure Son, Kate told me she hasn't met your parents yet. I would love to meet them and talk about wedding plans with them." he said playfully to which Kate wasn't very proud of. She's turning red in embarassment.

"Daddy! Stop it." Kate admonished her father

"Oh, Princess, that's all where it will lead to, getting married." He answered as he playfully chuckles

"Right, D?" he asked me

"Right, Dad."

I joined in embarassing Kate, she looks adorable and cute right now, trying to hide her blushing.

"Alright, you two could go now, I'll send your Job Offer with the HR, later on Today."

"Kate and I will be out for lunch, we'll meet a common friend."

"You guys enjoy." he smiled

Kate and I went back to her office. Hand in Hand.

"That was a little overwhelming, Babe." I told her honestly

"Relax, you'll be great."

"About the wedding plans, are you serious about that, I mean you haven't mentioned it to me." I asked her

"I haven't thought of it yet, I just want to be with you, that's all I know now. I feel like I haven't done enough yet, it's the same case for you."

"I know, which is why I wanted to ask you, if we can just enjoy every moment we have, until we're finally ready to settle down."

"I'm good with that Babe, no rush. Sorry for what dad told you earlier, he's an old man, always worried about my happiness."

"You deserve to be happy Kate, I promise to always be here and support you, even if times would be tough. I promise to be your strong hold."

I said as we walked into her office. She turned around and kissed me on my lips.

"Thank you." she whispered softly.

With that, we went back to working on our computers, I saw the response from my boss, I read through his email. He graciously accepted and wished me luck. I responded and informed him about Shane, I requested all of the action plans I had for her to be implemented. I sent him the email and continued to look for clues amongst the file Brian had sent me.

I reviewed the cctv video myself, In the hopes that I would find clues. The first video played, there she is. Getting in the victim's car. I paused the video.

"Babe, Brian says he misses you, I called him earlier."

"Awww Big brother bear misses me." she said with out looking up.

Ever since I transferred to Northshore, Kate was always by my side, she knew Brian and have called him Big Brother Bear since. Kate has never met my parents, I was holding back, because I wanted to be sure that I love her, before introducing her. My parents though, knew about her, they were wanting to meet her for some time now, to thank her personally for staying with me.

"My parents know about you, babe." I smiled at her

She looks up from her desk and said

"Wait, they do? Oh my God, what have you told them about me? Did you tell them I'm your crazy stalker or your fuck buddy?"

"None of the above. I told them about you being the potential wife."

I laughed at her reaction.

"Stop laughing Valerio, this isn't funny." she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do you remember college days?" I asked her



"Mom, Dad. I'm home." I greeted them both

"I'm in the kitchen honey!" Mom screamed back

I made my way to the kitchen and gave mom a hug. I was foolishly smiling at her.

"I haven't seen you smile this way, since you left East Valley."

"I'm sorry mom." I said guiltily.

"Nonsense, my child. So is there someone new? It has been 6 years. Tell me about her."

"I'll tell you and Dad later. Where is he by the way?"

"He is in his den, reading a few papers he needed to sign."

My dad is a Psychologist as well, I knocked at the den before I left myself in.

"Hey Dad, what's up?"

He looked up at me and smiled. He walked over his table to hug me.

"Never been better Kid." He smiled.

"Dad, I have something to tell you and mom." I smiled at him

"New girl? Finally?" he beamed.

I shook my head at him

"I'll tell you guys later." I kissed his cheek and retreated to my room.

It has been a long time since I went home, ever since I did my doctoral. They understood, I am thankful that I have awesome parents.

During dinner, as we sat in the dining room Dad took notice

"You seem to be happy. What's up?"

Dad looked at me with questioning eyes.

I took a bite off my plate and started to chew. After I swallowed the bite of food I began to tell them.

"I think I'm in love again." I finally broke out to them

"Oh honey, we are happy for you."

"Her name is Kate. Kate Howell. She was a classmate from Northshore. She was always there for me, she calms me when I think about Eve and what she has done to hurt me."

"Okay, you sound happy but unsure, what is up?" Dad said

"That's the thing Dad, I don't want to hurt her and besides, I still have feelings for Eve."

I admitted

"Darling..." Mom said

"You will never truly know her worth, if you do not give yourself a shot."

"Not that I am trying to convince you, but your mother is right."

Dad smiled.

"When are you going to bring her home?"

Dad asked

"In time Dad. For now, I'm happy that I think I finally found the one." I answered them.

*****End of Flashback*****

"That was in my 6th year in my doctoral degree."

I smiled as I recall the memory

"Babe, that's so sweet."

"I have known for four years now." I chuckled at her.

She straddled me on the couch, before she kissed me torridly on the lips, her kisses are hot and full of desire. Her hair fell on the side, her long wavy hair, I held each one of her cheeks with both of my hands. We were staring at each other.

"You should stop, you are turning me on, Babe." I smiled at her

"Make me stop, Babe." She whispered sexily at me. I grabbed her butt and squeezed them tightly, I know she doesn't like her butt being touched. I laughed as she gave me a frown.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll stop, just stop grabbing my butt."

"You made me do it Babe." I teased her back.

"Come on, it's almost lunch, go finish your work." I added

She walked back to her desk and continued reviewing the papers on top.

I messaged Brian, to ask where we'll meet him.

I have a hunch about the lady on the video, but decided not to tell Brian first. It is making me uneasy, I know pretty soon, I would see her again. I have to talk to her.

I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard Kate.

"Babe? Are you okay? Did you hear what I told you?"

"Uhm, sorry Babe. I didn't. What is it?"

"I said shall we go?" she repeated herself

I smiled at her

"We Shall, but first, let me call Brian."

"Hey Brian, Yeah, so we'll see you at Glorietta 5? Okay, we're on our way."

We didn't bring her car, because it was just a 5 minute walk going to Glorietta, Kate and I walked hand in hand, as I carried her purse. I was walking at her danger side, she wasn't wearing stilettos today, just a one inch high heel, so she can walk comfortably. She was clinging at my free arm for support. I put my arm around her, shoulder to steady her.

"Where are we meeting, Brian?"

"Lusso." I smiled at her

"Babe, you think it will be okay if I ask Brian about the murders?"

"Babe, that's confidential information, I am not sure he is allowed to share it. But, I want to assure you, we will catch the killer."

"I know about what Robert did."

She confessed

"What did he do?"

I stopped her from walking.

"He had a history of being accused of raping girls before, to his defense, the girls were drunk and so he is drunk too."

"You honestly believed him?"

"No, I'm a psyche student, I can tell if he is telling me the truth, that is why I don't go out with him as much as possible and when you said you would let me go, that broke my heart, because I know I have to try and give him a chance."

"But you never got the chance to, because you always put me on first priority. You chose me, even if I was letting you go. Thank you babe, I don't know if I could ever forgive myself had he tried to rape you."

"Babe, I'm so happy to have chosen you." we hugged each other before we continued to walk.

"Babe, I know who may have done this to Robert, But I'm hesitant to talk to her, is it okay if I did? I mean don't get jealous."

"I won't be jealous babe, I have discovered now, that I don't need to be jealous, because you love me so much too, not even if Eve kisses you."

She smiled sincerely, we reached the restaurant and sat inside.

Brian arrived after a few minutes.

"Hey bro!" I greeted him

"Hey Big Brother Bear!" Kate greeted him and smiled.

"Hey little sister." Brian responded

Kate and I continued to look at the menu. I ordered Lobster and River Prawn Lasagna, while Kate ordered Luxe Mac & Cheese. Brian ordered U.S. Angus Tenderloin.

"So I heard you two are finally together." Brian said to Kate.

Kate held my hand and intertwined it, as she holds it up

"Yes we are big bro." she smiled

"I am happy for you both." He smiled.

"I am too, after such a long time."

Kate laughed at me

"Babe, stop it, you're embarassing me in front of my best friend."

I said as I blushed and was smiling goofily at them.

"Bro, you're all red." Brian laughed at my discomfort.


I said with a firm tone of warning

To which he and Kate laughed.

"Kate wanted to know about Robert's case." I finally said to change the topic

"Yeah, about that Kate, We don't have any leads yet, but the last bar he was seen at, we talked to the crew, they said he left abruptly with a woman, given his history, it's possible that he tried to rape her."

Brian answered her

"He works at a pharmaceutical company, that his father owns, it is possible that he mixed something into that girl's drink." Kate concluded

"Wait, was that how he raped those other girls?" Brian asked

"I guess so." Kate answered

Our conversation was cut when our orders have finally arrived.

Like always, I took a portion off my plate to scoop over to Kate's plate as she takes a portion of hers to scoop to my plate.

We started eating, silently. Until Kate broke the silence "Brian, please find his killer." She said

"We will Kate. Trust me." Brian answered.

With that we continued to eat. We talked some more, until it was time to go back to the office.

We walked back, hand in hand.

"Kate, Is it okay if I go and talk to someone?"

"Sure, you'll be out?" she asked me

"Yeah, just for a while, I'll be back."

I answered and pulled her closer to me.

"Okay, I trust you." she smiled at me.

"Thank you for trusting me."

I said as we reached her building. I dropped her off her office, I kissed her gently on her lips.

"I will be back before you realize it." I smiled.

"I expect you to be back." she smiled.

I walked towards the elevator, I alighted it once it opened.

Once I was in Kate's car, I dialled Eve's number. She picked up after four rings.

"Hi, Eve. Can we meet up today?" I greeted her.

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