Partners In Crime: Watch Them...

By TheWeepingAngelOfCas

3.9K 193 39

Disclaimer: Sherlock and it's character's all belong to their rightful owners. I only own my Original Charact... More

Chapter 2: The Happy Lil' Heartbreaker
Chapter 3: Goodbye, Constance
Chapter 4: Dominatrix
Chapter 5: Just A Few Questions
Chapter 6: Deal Of The Day
Chapter 7: Bite
Chapter 8: Me Too
Chapter 9: Miss Me, Mr. Holmes?
Chapter 10: We'll Start To Burn
Chapter 11: We'll Catch Aflame
Chapter 12: Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty
Chapter 13: On The Edge
Chapter 14: Ashes to Ashes
Chapter 15: We All Fall Down
Sneak Peek To Watch Them Break

Chapter 1: The Criminal Couple

477 20 2
By TheWeepingAngelOfCas

"Make it look pretty, but train it to kill."
"We've given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse of what I have going on out there," Moriarty still had his arm around Beth's waist, and in turn she was pressed against him instinctively. "Beth and I are specialists, you see. Like you!"
"Dear Mr. And Mrs. Moriarty, please will you fix it for me to get rid of my lover's nasty sister," Sherlock rattled off an example, "Mr. And Mrs. Moriarty, can you make it so that I disappear to south America?"
The two criminals chuckled, and James smirked, "Just so."
"Consulting criminal. Brilliant."
"Isn't it?" It was Beth who spoke this time, and her husband spoke second. "No one ever gets to me... and no one ever will."
Sherlock cocked his gun, "I did."
"You've come the closest. Now you're just in my way."
"Thank you."
"He didn't mean it as a compliment." Beth had her hand on her hip. She was probably concealing a weapon there.
"Yes he did."
James shrugged. "Yeah, okay. I did."
Beth suppressed a small giggle, and he continued, "But the flirting is over, Sherlock. We've had enough now. I've shown you what I can do... I've shown you what Bee can do. So please take this as a friendly warning, my dear," his tone became more serious, "back off."
Beth nodded grimly at Sherlock, a sly grin adorning her face.
"Although we have loved this. This Little game of ours..." James actually had a bit of a reminiscent look in his eyes. "Playing Jim from IT. My wife playing sweet little Lizbee from Kansas."
"People have died." Sherlock was glaring at Beth with a look of betrayal and murderous intent. 

"That's what people DO!" James yelled, scaring even Beth. He held her closer to calm her down.

"I will stop you... Both of you."

"No," Beth's voice was both sugary sweet and dripping with poison. Poisoned honey. It described her well. "No you won't."

Holmes glanced towards John, who was standing completely still, rigid, the explosives still strapped to his chest. "Are you alright?"

John didn't reply, and Beth spoke instead. "You can talk, Johnny Boy. Go ahead."

Sherlock looked into John's eyes. John looked calm. Yet his eyes betrayed his demeanor. Inside, he was panicking. The detective held out the flash drive to the Moriarty's. "Take it."

"Hm? Oh. Those... The missile plans..." James took it from him, and held it to Beth, and she gave a little kiss to the tip of the flash drive, before taking it herself. "Boring!" she announced, and gave it to James again, who threw it into the water of the pool, "We could have gotten those anywhere!"

Before they could say anything else, John was on him, wrapping his arms around James's neck and pushing Beth aside, growling, "If your sniper pulls that trigger, Mr. Moriarty, then we'll both go up."

Beth was already glaring at John, her pistol out and ready to fire if John did anything drastic. Yet James was laughing. "Aw. How sweet. I can see why you like him so much. He's so touchingly loyal. But oops!" In seconds, a new red dot appeared on Sherlock's forehead. There was more than one sniper. John cursed under his breath, before backing away, his arms above his head.

Moriarty smirked, brushing the dust off of his suit before returning to Beth's side.

"Do you know what happens if you don't leave us alone, Lock?" Lizbeth wasn't from Kansas. Sherlock could deduce that now. No, a much more populated area. Her accent was different. It was more likely she was from Seattle, then moved to London as a teenager. Her voice had notes of both the accent of someone from London, and someone from Washington. But he couldn't be sure. She had always been playing him. This could simply be another trick.

"Do I get killed, Mrs. Moriarty?"

"What? No...." Beth turned towards James, who continued what she didn't say.

"Kill you? No, don't be so obvious. I mean, we're going to kill you anyway. Someday. I'm not going to rush it though. No, no, no. If you don't stop prying... We'll burn you." His voice went from sickeningly kind to deadly. "We'll burn the heart out of you."

Sherlock sighed, "I've been reliably informed that I don't have one."

"But we all know that that's not true, is it?" James gave a knowing smirk, looking towards Beth, "Well, we better be off."

"What if I just shoot you. Right now." Sherlock aimed the weapon exclusively at James.

"Then you would see the look of surprise on my face," James mimicked the look briefly, "Because I would be surprised, Sherlock, I really would. And just a teensy bit... Disappointed. And of course, you wouldn't be able to enjoy it long. Bee would slaughter you before you cold even blink."

As an example, Beth took a small blade out of her boot, and twirled it in-between her fingers, as if getting ready to act on James's command. Then they both walked out, and the door closed as they exited.

In seconds, Sherlock was next to John, unstrapping the explosives and throwing them to the other side of the room. "Are you alright?!"

"Yes, Sherlock." John leaned against the wall, before losing the feeling in his knees and sliding to the ground. The shock of it all was getting to him.

Yet it was only about a minute or two later when the door opened, revealing the criminal couple once again. "Sorry, boys!" Beth was the first out, "We are soooooo changeable!"

James continued, "It's a weakness, really. But it's my only weakness."

James was lying. Sherlock could tell. James Moriarty had two weaknesses. His changeability, and Beth.

"You can't be allowed to continue. You just can't. And everything I have to say has already crossed your mind."

"Then perhaps my answer has crossed yours."

Sherlock took out his pistol again, and pointed it at the explosives filled jacket in-between him and the couple.

Instinctively, James stood in front of Beth.

Ha. As if he could shield her from the potential blast.


Hi guys! Long month, no see.

Did you like the first chapter of Watch Them Fall Apart? This one took me a while. It takes off where the first book left off, and its based in season 2 of BBC Sherlock.

This entire fic will be based after two songs:

Watch Me Fall Apart - Hard Fi.

Partners in Crime - Set It Off


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