Where are You Now? - Bichie

By FilevenMileven

19.7K 611 517

Set a couple of months after the events of IT, the Losers Club are trying to get over their traumatizing expe... More

Are We Even Friends?!
Are You Gay?
Where am I?
Looking for Clues
Talking about Feelings
The Lair
The Fight
Back in School
I Need You
27 Years Later

Just the Trashmouth

2.2K 56 77
By FilevenMileven


Yup, this is a new fanfic I got! Look, I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I ship Bichie. Reddie is cute and all, but Bichie is where it's at. They had such a good connection in the movie and DONT TELL ME THAT WASNT RICHIE BEING THE FIRST TO HUG BILL AFTER FINDING GEORGIE'S SLICKER! IM NOT BLIND PEOPLE!

So, now I'm writing a Bichie fanfic. Deal with it.

It's gonna start out kinda sad but then get into some ACTION! Also, there will be a new demon in this story! No Pennywise, although he will be mentioned and probably be featured in flashbacks, but he is not the main villain. Yeah, you read that right. You'll find out later!

Anyways, here we go!!!


School. It was one of the many things Richie Tozier hated. All it was for him was a prison cell that you have to go to everyday just to hear shit about things he didn't care about. It was also bad because many of the students dedicated their time to bully him. At least he wasn't alone in the matter. His friends also got bullied for being who they were.

Richie had changed since that awful summer of 1989. Ever since he and the Losers Club fought a demon clown named Pennywise, he had never been the same. Sure, he cracked a few jokes around here and there, but he was never as cheerful as he normally was when he was with his friends. The others Losers were just as traumatized as him, and in his opinion, he got the second worst of the whole incident.

The first worst was his best friend, Bill Denbrough. Pennywise had kidnapped his little brother, Georgie, back in the fall of 1988. Bill believed that his brother was still out there and that he could save him, but he learned that he couldn't in the worst way ever. Pennywise disguised himself as Georgie multiple times just to torture Bill and after they defeated the clown, the boy found his brother's ripped up yellow slicker. Bill cried for hours about his brother's death and Richie was the one who was there for him throughout that whole time of mourning. Whenever Bill was upset, Richie was there.

Unfortunately for Richie, Bill didn't seem to give a shit about it.

Currently, Bill was dating Beverly Marsh, and Richie was not happy about it AT ALL. At first he felt happy for them until he realized that it seemed like they only cared about each other. Richie always had feelings for Bill ever since 6th grade, but it never seemed like Bill noticed or felt the same. So much for being his best friend anyway now that he was only hanging out with Beverly.

Richie was also now in the background of the group. He used to be in the foreground, but now his worst fear of being forgotten was coming true. Every time he made a joke, he was ignored. Every time he mentioned something to do, he was ignored. Everyone was ignoring him now and he hated it. For a long time, he made sure that he wasn't forgotten and that his friends noticed he was there, but now it had all gone down the drain. 

Once again, he was at school, the most boring place on Earth, and Richie hated it more than ever. He was in math class with Eddie Kasprak and Stan Uris, but they only spoke to each other. Richie sat right in the middle of them and they didn't even talk to him. It was annoying him a lot and he just wanted to be included.

Richie raised his hand to ask to go to the bathroom. He walked to the bathroom so he could take a break and take a piss, but when he entered, he saw Bill and Beverly making out in there. He facepalmed and rolled his eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Get a room!" Richie exclaimed, startling the two. The couple jumped and looked over at him in surprise. Then they quickly grabbed their stuff and left the bathroom, without even a second glance at him. "Hello to you too fellow losers," he commented. "Not like you're losers anymore anyway. You guys are the main couple in the school and I'm the only loser. Go me. Fuck my life!"

Then Richie went about his business, still annoyed about the fact that he walked in on his crush making out with someone else. 


After school, Richie biked back home to his house. His home life was just as bad as it was at school. His mother was always on the couch, drinking as much alcohol as she can before passing out while his father was always out working. He felt like he had the most neglectful parents in the world because they never wanted to do anything with him like a normal parent would. It's like he's not even there sometimes.

Richie walked into his house to find his mom already passed out on the couch. He sighed miserably before going upstairs to his room. He dropped off his backpack on the floor, took off his jacket, and then laid down on the bed. Then he reached over and grabbed a diary he had by his bedside. Yes, he had a diary. He would never tell anyone that, but he enjoyed having one. It let him fill out all his feelings when there was no one there for him.

The boy opened up his diary and wrote, "Dear diary, today was the fucking worst. Once again my friends ignored me and acted like I didn't exist. Then I came across Bill and Beverly making out. I had never seen them make out, normally just kisses, so I was jealous. It's like my best friend only has time for a girlfriend now and not his other friends. I'm totally fucking gay for him, but it's not like I can walk up to him and say, "WASSUP IM GAY!" That would be a hard thing to do. Especially since I'm gay for Bill. God fucking dammit, I hate this." Then he slammed his diary shut and put it back on the nightstand.

That felt slightly better.

Richie could only hope that things would get better for him, even if it meant something bad happening to him first.

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