Are We Even Friends?!

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While just chilling in his bedroom, Richie heard the sound of familiar laughter outside his window. He looked outside and saw something that angered him. There were all of his "friends" biking down the road, without him. They didn't even stop in front of his house to tell him they were going to hang out. Richie immediately threw on his jacket and left the room.

"Mom I'm going out!" He yelled out to the living room. "Not that you would give a shit," he said, mumbling the last part to himself.

Richie grabbed his bike and started pedaling to catch up to the other Losers. Luckily, he was a fast bike rider and was able to catch up quickly. He went past them and stopped his bike right in front of them, causing them to stop pedaling before they could crash.

"What the fuck Richie?! What the hell are you doing?!" Stan yelled out with a glare.

Richie glared back. "Oh, what I'm doing? How about what are YOU doing?! Didn't think to invite me to hang out with you guys?! What the fuck?! I thought we were friends!" He yelled. "Are we even friends anymore?!"

"We didn't invite you for a very good reason, Richie!" Eddie said.

"I'm waiting for said reason, Eds!" Richie said, crossing his arms.

Beverly sighed and crossed her arms against her chest. "We were going to a party. We were going to prove to everyone that we weren't losers and that we knew how to party. Does it look like we want to be losers anymore?!" She said

"You would just screw it up with your stupid jokes about dicks! We can't have that anymore! We're sick of you being around!" Ben added in.

Richie's glare dropped when she said that. So it was true. They didn't want him around anymore. He lost the only friends he had, just because he needed them so he wouldn't be alone. They didn't want him anymore. He could feel tears threatening to fall,  but he refused to let them. He needed to act like the tough guy in the situation instead of being a huge crybaby. 

"Gee, thanks guys. Really appreciate it. So you're just going to ditch me because you don't want to be losers, while leaving me as the only loser? You don't even want me to be popular?" He said. "I'm starting to wish that IT would come back and eat all of you because all of you are starting to become ASSHOLES! JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS STUPID FUCKING TOWN!"

Richie looked at all of his former friends with a small glare. They all glared at him back before Mike said, "This is exactly why we didn't want to tell you. We knew you'd make a big deal about it, just like you do with every other thing. We're done with you." Then they all pedaled around him, leaving Richie in a daze. 

Bill, however, was the one who stayed behind. He hopped off his bike and went over to his friend with a sympathetic look. "R-Richie, I-" he started to say before getting cut off.

"You're going to make fun of me too? Thanks Bill. You were my first ever friend and you ditch me like this. Fuck, I was even liking you a lot! I still do because fuck my life! But you're too busy making out with someone else who you barely know too! I thought we were best friends Bill! But we're not anymore! Thanks to you, I have no friends anymore," Richie said. A single tear slid down his face, but he quickly wiped it away. Then he pedaled off back to his house, silently crying to himself.


Bill quickly caught up with everyone else on his bike. He rode along beside them as they all were heading to the house where the party was taking place. The boy felt guilty about what they all said to Richie, but he couldn't be a loser for the rest of his life. Now that Henry Bowers was in prison due to him taking the blame for the missing kids, it was their chance to be able to be better in society. Bill was forced to agree that they couldn't hang out with Richie anymore and he was upset about it. But now, he needed to speak up.

"G-Guys, we shouldn't h-h-have done that to R-Richie," Bill spoke up.

The others stopped pedaling and turned to look at him. "What are you talking about? We all agreed that it was for the best," Ben asked.

"He l-looked hurt b-b-b-by what w-we did. W-we forgot a-a-all a-about him and n-now he's u-u-upset," Bill explained. "We n-n-need t-to make I-it up t-to him now. He n-needs f-f-friends," He added.

"Yeah, And he can get some others at school. His jokes were getting annoying and he's constantly getting on our nerves. It's for the best, Bill. As long as he's not with us, we'll be able to not be picked on anymore," Eddie said. "I hope you understand that Bill. Friends come and go all the time."

The group all started to pedal off, except for Bill. Instead of going with them, he turned around and pedaled over to Richie's house. He needed to apologize and not let his friend think that he hates them. The other Losers may not think so anymore, but Richie was just as an important member of the group as they all were.

Bill slowly went up to the front door and knocked. No one answered, so he walked over to the window of Richie's room. He could see his friend crying into his pillow in his room. Bill felt awful so he tapped on the window gently. Richie didn't hear him, so he knocked again, louder.

Richie looked up with a tear stricken face, making Bill's heart break.

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