The Werewolf Prince

By JuliusLukeV

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This was a story I wrote off a personal experience, but then it began to develop into a fantasy I've never li... More

Chapter 2: Success with a Tint
Chapter 3: Interrogation then a Call
Chapter 4: A Lovely Intrusion
Chapter 5: Battle into History
Chapter 6 - "Farewell... brother..."
Chapter 7 - Reinforcements
Chapter 8 - Chasing Shadows
Chapter 9 - In the Eyes of the Moon

Chapter 1: The Wolf at School

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By JuliusLukeV

There was once a prince, born and raised a prince... however, he was from a recent generation of werewolves. He had dark, long hair and deep brown eyes. Maybe he wasn't as large as his other bretheren, but he was a brilliant thinker and poet. Though being royal and respectful to others, deep inside he despised the human race very much. The humans always though their actions were right. Taking what they want, believing what they want instead of finding what they need. All at the cost of destroying themselves, causing the divide between the rich and the poor and damaging the environment in which they habitate along with everything else that lives. This werewolf's name was Lukas.

Being royal, the werewolf prince had to be educated, and educated he was. He attended a private school which housed students of high status or even royalty. However, Lukas signed in as a human student, but uncounsciously, Lukas drew in many... mates through his wolf-like nature, but his hate for humans would become ever so worse when they'd find out he was a werewolf and they would never want to see him again.

But there was a princess there at the Royal Academy that was... another regular human princess. But her interest in a social and personal life of feeling gave way to a new conclusion. The princess' name was Krystal, and she was a romanticist. She loved love and everything involved in love, and when the werewolf prince found this idea, he had found the answer to humanity's flaws. What they needed was love, and this human princess immediately made him realise this. They then began dialogues and became great friends. He then began to find ways which to plant love in the human race. But more than that, he wanted this princess to be his eternal soul-mate.

Only to find that the princess already had a soul-mate. A human royal, dull, and not a tad interested or even understood her sense of love - Prince Mattieus. When the werewolf prince found out the princess was already engaged to this mannequin of a man, he felt the need to save her from this new enemy. However, he knew that others had tried their hand with the princess for she was a beautiful sight to behold. Soldiers, princes, peasants, "Robin Hood"s, all sorts of men throughout the land had courted and proposed to this day-dreamer, but none could steal her heart because none of them knew or had enough romance. And thieves became quite confused because they were particularly good at stealing, whatever it was - hearts and all.

So the werewolf knew now that he couldn't approach the princess in the regular fashion. He had to be cunning, he had to have romance... he had to be a wolf! And he knew that was his strength. Out of all who tried before, he was the only wolf to have an aquaintance with the princess. That was the biggest difference yet.

So the werewolf prince thought up a plan... a cunning plan... one he had thought over and over and over again. His first thoughts were to take her eyes off of the man she was engaged with . No one knew why she was together with such a colourless man. Maybe it was a parental decision. The wolf thought on his options. He had to make it seem like this prince was bad in some sorts. He had to make him look like a philanthrophist or make him seem like a more angry person than he was before. And because he was a wolf, his cunning said that he could pull it off. The next part of his plan was to be there for her, "at the right time" to "catch" her from "falling" so to speak. Lukas would meet Krystal after she had broken away from Mattieus. She would cry, and he would lend her his shoulder. They would eventually develop an even deeper bond than before through these events. That was the general gist of the plan.

Now his first mission was to find another girl that would help him in his plan. And he knew the perfect person. Natasha was Lukas' most trusted friend. She was always there for him in whatever trouble he had. He had full trust in her that she'd do her part, and do her part well. Lukas took a good amount of time "persuading" Natasha to help him with this task. However, the only reason why Natasha was Lukas' friend and why she helped him with all his problems was because she was secretly in love with him, with Lukas being completely unaware of the fact.

So now it was around the late hours of the night at the dorms...

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