
By chickzilla18

4.9K 137 96

"Alvin and the chipmunks are going to have a concert at the staples center tomorrow night at 7. They will hav... More

Sick Creep
Calm Before The Storm
Out With The Secrets


540 16 9
By chickzilla18

Turn on your break lights
 You’re in the city of wonder!
 Aint gonna play nice!
 Watch out you might just fall under!
 Better think twice!
 Your train of thought will be altered!
 So if you must falter be wise!”

The chipettes sang powerfully, over the sound of fans screaming their names, they twisted and turned the original song into one of their own, changing it to fit how they sing as a group in an all new cover song. Their beautiful high pitched voices rang out and bounced off the walls of the auditorium as they jumped and danced around, lights shining off them and floating around where they stand to make their presentation all the more fantastic.

“Bum bum be dum bum bum be dum bum.
 Bum bum be dum bum bum be dum bum.
 Bum bum be dum bum bum be dum bum.
 Bum bum be dum bum bum be dum bum.”

Dave watched on behind stage, arms crossed and head nodding in approval and pride. The chipmunks sanding by his feet, dressed in white button up shirts and ties to match their signature colors. The chipmunks had already gone and they were nearing the end of their show. They just had to do the group song with them and the chipettes and they would be done and could go out on that fancy dinner Dave had planned.

When the chipettes got to the finale of their song, the chipmunks ran out and started singing the opening to their group song, flipping the girls and starting the dance.

“Be careful making wishes in the dar-dark
Can’t be sure when they’ve hit their mark
And besides in the mean-meantime I’m just   dreaming of tearing you apart.”

The chipmunks and the chipettes voices fit perfectly together, the melody they created could make other celebrities cry. They sang like angles, never missing a stanza and hitting their notes perfectly every time.

“My songs know what you did in the dark!
 So light’em u-u-up, light’em u-u-up,
 light’em u-u-up, I’m on Fire!
 So light’em u-u-up, light’em u-u-up,
 light’em u-u-up, I’m on Fire!
 Ohhhhhh! In the dar-dark.”

Alvin was starting to feel funny, not in the good way though, all the lights and the loud music were really starting to bother him. He didn’t let it affect him though, not even when his throat started to hurt and he started getting dizzy.

He fought it, ignoring it to the best of his ability and kept singing as powerful as he could, he couldn’t mess up; he was in front of thousands of people and this was live on television.

The song was almost over, he only had to deal with it for just a bit longer, the finale was so close.

He made it through, never stuttering and never faltering. He sang proud and strong with the other five, nobody even noticed he was in pain. He was proud of himself that he didn’t let anyone know, pushed the pain away long enough to make the fans happy.

But once the song was over and the curtains closed, the adrenaline shattered and he felt horrible. White hot pain sailed down his throat and his head was pounding. He heard a harsh ringing in his ears as he walked off the stage.


Wincing as he heard someone scream in his ear, he turned blurry eyes towards his brother Simon.

“Are you okay?” the concern in those blue eyes was clear to Alvin, though the three heads confused him. it was hard to breath, hard to think.

He groaned, suddenly his limbs felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and his knees started wobbling. His fur became damp with sweat as the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. He shivered at the cold.

“Sleepy.” He rasped out, wincing when pain shot threw his throat at the small whisper.

Dave was off talking to Ian Hawk in the green room, and the chipettes had gone to go for the snacks with Theodore, leaving the two by themselves behind stage. The show was over and all the fans had already started leaving.

“It’s okay Alvin, the shows over, you can rest now.” Simon said softly, concerned about the damp fur, the dilated amber eyes and the way Alvin was carrying himself with wobbly legs and head rolling. He put a paw to his brothers forehead and wincing in shock at how hot he was. “Okay, bro, it’s time to get you a bag of ice.”

Alvin did his best to shake his head, “No… I’m so cold…” the munk muttered softly.

“Shhh.” Simon put a finger to the elder’s lips, “Don’t talk, you don’t want to irritate that throat.” He stepped behind him and gently pushed him forward, “Come on, we need to get to Dave.”

Before they could go anywhere, a tall dark figure came up and stopped directly in front of them.

Alvin being to delirious to comprehend anything but the pain he was in, continued to look down, head to jumbled to be concerned about anything.

But Simon looked up in confusion, looking at the tall figure that he didn’t recognize. “Excuse me sir,” Simon said, “Were not taking autographs right now, I need to get my brother to Dave.” He said as politely as he could, waiting for the unknown person to move.

His eyebrows rose in confusion when the person didn’t move. And for about four seconds, the only sound that could be heard was the noise coming on in the auditorium behind them as the fans left, and the soft moaning Alvin was doing as his temperature continued to rise.

After those four seconds though, is when Simon began to panic, the situation becoming clear to him as he just knew this guy was very, very bad news. And they had to get away.


The strange man in front of him kneeled and grabbed both him and Alvin by the waist before he could think to do anything. Simon opened his mouth and yelled out, but nobody could hear him over the sound of the crowed yelling in the auditorium.

Theodore came in just then holding varius crackers and candies. He must have come looking for them once he noticed they weren’t next to him on the snack table. Confusion and then realization crossed those green eyes when he saw the tall figure holding his struggling brother and a now unconscious Alvin. The man turned and saw the little chipmunk, who was too surprised to move. Simon noticed his baby brother standing there by the door, and not willing to let the younger one get kidnapped as well, he yelled out as loud as he could just as the man holding him started to approach the baby. “Run Theodore! Go, run and get Dave!”

Snapping to attention, Theodore jumped out of the way just in time to dodge a hand that tried to grab him and ran out of the room. The man holding him and Alvin groaned and turned the other direction, running out the back door and down the side of the building towards the back, ignoring Simon’s protests and screams for help. The younger struggled, biting anything he could reach, his paws were bound in the tight grip his kidnapper had on him.

Suddenly, Dave and a few other people, the security, ran out of the building, looking for them, Simon screamed for him just before him and his brother were shoved into a black bag and into a blacker car. Dave’s eyes landed on Simon just before that happened and he yelled for the kidnapper to stop as everyone ran over. They were too far though, and the kidnapper was quick to jump in the car and start the engine.

Simon struggled in the bag he and Alvin were in, panicing when a familiar smell hit his nostrals. The bag had a napkin doused in chlorophorm that was scenting the entire bag, making Simon dizzy and feeling like a rock, everything started feeling light and heavy at the same time. And just before he could knaw a hole in the bag any further, sleep captured him and he fell unconscious next to his sick brother.

Without a car, Dave, Ian, and the security couldn’t catch up to the kidnapper as he drove away. Dave was going crazy in panic, disbelief, helplessness, regret, and pure anger in various levels which had him seething as he listened to the security call for back up and the current situation.

“… I repeat Alvin and Simon Seville have just been kidnapped, by a man about six foot 2, brown hair, black pants, and black shirt, he escaped in a black ford focus with dark windows and a license plate that looked like it had something that started with the letters GTF, he just drove down the side street of West Giver and onto the highway on rout 16…”

Dave didn’t hear the rest, he was too focused on where that skunk had disappeared down the street. Sirens were heard in the distance coming closer and then disappearing down the same street the kidnapper had taken. The baby of the group of chipmunks was crying next to Dave’s feet as he screamed out his brothers names, devastated that someone would do that to them.

Dave reached down and scooped up his youngest, holding him close to his chest. “It’s okay Theodore, we’ll get them back, the police are on their way.” He tried to comfort the little one, hoping that he wouldn’t have to be burdened with as much panic and heart clenching fear that Dave had.

Questions flooded their mind, occupying their thoughts and making it impossible to think of anything else. The chipettes appeared next to them, as the police ran away, searching for their cars. The girls looked between Dave and the streets in front of them, hands over their mouths in concern and shock.

Who just took them? Why did he take them? What is he going to do with them?  Will they ever see them again? Is the man going to hurt them? Sell them? Use them for ransom?

Dave cradled the baby of the family against his chest, hugging him and patting his back as the younger cried against him.

The shock and turmoil Thoedore felt was over powering, ‘it could have been me’ was whispered over and over in his mind as he thought about his brothers, 'it was almost me too'.

He wanted them back, he wanted them back right now! He could have been in the snack area, laughing as Simon tickled him like he usually did when they played right now, or he could have been challenging Alvin to a candy battled right at this very moment if this had not happened.

But it did happen, and now he was wondering why he hadn’t looked back to notice they hadn’t been following him, why had he been so excited to get to the food that he left them behind and didn’t notice his brothers getting kidnapped until it was too late.

A police man came back, noticing that Dave hadn’t been following, the latter being too shocked to move from his spot staring at the street that his sons had been taken.

“Sir, I need you to come with me down to the station.”

Dave tore his eyes away from the spot that he had been staring at all this time and looked at the semi bald cop. Nodding and turning to go with him, the girls following close behind.

The cops never did catch the guy, they lost him when he crossed the cliche railroad just as the train passed, forcing them to stop in their tracks while the car got away on the other side like they were on some lame TV show.

News reporters had stopped close by and recorded live what the situation was and showing footage of the car as it drove like a maniac down the street.

Dave and the remaining rock stars were down at the station answering questions, though they focused mainly of Theodore because he was the one that saw it all happen.

The little one tried his best to answer all the questions, but the poor thing was half way to delirious, covered in tears and eyes wide, still in shock and unable to comprehend anything but fear.

“I-I-didn’t recognize him, he wasn’t part of the faculty, the only thing I saw was him holding Simon and Alvin in one hand and he reached for me in the other hand…” he gulped, more tears falling, “I was coming back to look for them cause they hadn’t followed us to the food court, and Simon yelled at me to run away and get Dave. So I did.”

“Did the man talk at all?” the police asked.

Theo shook his head, the girls hugged him tighter and petted his head as he answered, “N-no, I didn’t hear him say anything.”

The police sighed, not having any more questions, he closed his note book. “Okay guys.” He crossed his arms and leaned forward on the desk, “I want ya’ll to go home and get some rest, you have had a long day. I’m making this case my top priority, we’ll find the chipmunks and we’ll bring them back to you.” Dave and the others nodded. “Now they disappeared heading east towards Dallas, hopefully they won’t be taken too far. But hey,” the police smiled a bit, “This is Alvin and Simon were talking about, now I don’t know much about them but I know enough to know that those two are smart and will figure a way out. They will find some sort of loop hole and escape.”

Dave and the others seemed to ponder that, realizing that it was true, setting in a bit of hope in their minds. They nodded. Alvin and Simon were both individually masters of deception and escape, but together they were the little demons that never stayed put. Avoiding and evading any sort of bad situation and or bullies.

The police nodded back, “okay, I’ll call you if you hear anything, here’s my card, it’s got my name, my personal cell and this building address and home phone number. Call me if you remember anything else.”

Nodding again, Dave took the card and walked the chipettes and Theodore out of the building and towards the car that had been driven there for them.

The drive home was quiet; nobody was able to stop thinking about Alvin and Simon. Thinking about how they would probably be arguing about something stupid like they always did if they were here.

The atmosphere didn’t feel complete without the two here, and the devastation and sadness everyone felt sat like a rock in their hearts.

Dave bought them food, but nobody really ate, not even Theodore, too depressed about his brothers.

When they finally made it home Theodore wordlessly went up to his room, shutting the door behind him. he made his way over to his bed slowly, but before he just onto the comforter, he turned his head and stared at Simons bed. Simon used to let Theodore sleep in his bed with him when he had nightmares, looking at the bed now, he reminisced on those times when Simon would hold him close welcoming him with open arms every time he asked. He couldn’t drop the fear he felt now, wondering if it would ever happen again.

He sighed, unable to hold back the tears, and jumped onto Simon’s bed, snuggling onto the covers and putting his head on the pillow.

‘It smells like him.’

He breathed in the smell of cinnamon and cried himself to sleep.

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