The new girl has a mate...

By Soccerstudette

111K 2.7K 197

Peyton hasn't had the best past and moving to another state isn't what she was hoping for in her Senior year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Not an update. So sorry!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Writers block
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not an upload. Need help please!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 19

2.6K 81 5
By Soccerstudette

Yep! So I'm writing again. Woo! Also, just to let you all know, my job isn't going well so soon I might not even have a job so I will be able to write more possible. I'm trying really hard to just keep myself busy this summer so at times I might not write for a few weeks due to being busy. At the moment things are pretty stressful because I have to find a new job since I'm only getting work two days a week because the pizza place I work at is running out of money so they are cutting down our hours. The past few days I worked, I only worked up to two hours total...and I need $600 by August but that doesn't look like that's happening any time EMT school might be out of the picture also. But anyways, I just wanted to say that I might not be writing a lot, like usual, but I might get a chapter or two in every few weeks. So bare with me! Hope everyone understands:) and enjoy reading!!! Also, if I make mistakes, please just message them to me privately, not in the comment section please.

Peyton's p.o.v

I've been sitting in the waiting room either bouncing my knees or sitting with my head in my hands to calm myself down. Max has been by my side the whole time, telling me it's going to be okay and that the baby is fine but I just don't know. It's been four hours since we got to the emergency room and I am so scared for the baby. I can still hear it's screams in my head from when I was walking down the street.

My heart has been pounding since we got here. For some reason, I seem to be attached to this baby. I guess it's because I feel bad for it? I have no clue but I just can't stop wondering if it is okay. No nurses have told us if the baby is okay or not and it's really frustrating me to the point where I want to storm up to one of the nurses, push her against the wall and make her tell me. I bet if I can change my eye color, then I can make her tell me.

"Peyton, everything is going to be okay," Max said, holding me tightly to him. I've tried to be so strong for that baby but I just can't anymore. Leaning into my mate and gripping onto the front of his shirt tightly, I cried my heart out. I cried because I was scared for two reasons. One, I was scared that they would think we were responsible for this and two, that the baby might not make it and I won't be able to see it again. I haven't cried like that in a long time but it didn't really seem to bother Max because he just smoothed out my hair and let me cry.

"Peyton, look at me," Max said and held my face in his hands, making me look at him. "This baby is going to be okay. I know it. We just have to wait until someone comes and tells us, okay? Just stay strong, baby." As he leaned in to kiss me lightly, I saw a nurse walking up to us and got all antsy.

"Are you two the ones who brought in the baby?" she asked quietly and I stood up, nodding. "Well, would you like to go back and see her?" Me and Max nodded frantically and followed the nurse to ICU. I hate hospitals so much but right now, I can't seem to focus on how much I hate them, all I'm focused on is the poor baby girl that is in the ICU because some dumb ass put her under trash bags!

"Here she is," the nurse said and pointed to a little baby on a small bed with a bunch of tubes and wires sticking in her. I put my hand on my mouth to keep the small sob that wanted to come out. I looked back at the nurse, then at Max, then at the little girl in front of us. "She's a real trooper. A doctor will be in soon to tell you about her condition."

"Thank you," Max said and I sat in the chair that was next to her bed. I reached into the bed and held her little hand. She squeezed my finger tightly and had a little smile on her face which made me smile. She really was a pretty baby, that's for sure.

"Hi, you two must be the ones who found this little girl?" the doctor said and we nodded. "I'm Dr. Kinsman."

"Peyton," I said.

"Max," my mate said, shaking his hand tightly.

"Well, fortunately there really wasn't anything wrong with her. She was a little dehydrated and pretty famished with few cuts and bruises but she's a trooper," he said. "Also, there are some police officers that would like to question you."

"We'll be out in a sec," I told him and he nodded. "Dr. Kinsman, where is she going to go after she gets released?"

"Well, she will be released in a day or so but she will most likely go to Child Protective Services. After that, I have no clue. I'll go let the police know that you are in here," Dr. Kinsman said and walked out. I looked up at Max, scared for the little girl.

"Max, I-"

"I know. I'm not going to let her go to CPS," Max said and smiled at me and the little girl. "You and I are going to adopt her. We'll be on big happy family. I didn't plan on it this soon but I don't care. This little girl needs a new home and I'm going to make sure it's a great one."

"Are you serious?" I said and he nodded. "Max, are we ready for a baby? I mean, she is an amazing little girl but are we ready for the responsibility of taking care of her?"

"I am if you are," he said and I made him lean down so I could kiss him.

"I guess she's going to be our little girl," I said whimsically. "Hi, baby girl." She smiled brightly and opened her eyes. They were bright blue and so, so gorgeous.

"Miss, Sir? Can we please speak to you out in the hallway?" an officer said and we reluctantly left the room. "I'm Officer Marques and this is Sergeant Adams. We were informed that you both found this child underneath some trash bags in an alleyway? What were you two doing in that alleyway?"

"Sir, we were just walking by when we heard her screaming. So of course we went into the alleyway to see if she was okay," I told them. "I would never intentionally hurt this child. As you can tell, she is neither of ours but I wasn't going to just let an innocent little thing die there."

"I know, Ma'am. I'm just going through what we were informed of," Sergeant Adams said. "Now, this baby has bruises all over it. I'm assuming they were there when you found her?"

"I'm pretty sure they were. I just grabbed her and ran to get a taxi so we can take her to get help," I said and realized I didn't have my jacket anymore.

"And is this your jacket?" Officer Marques said, holding up my jacket that was in a big bag.

"Yes, Sir. It is. I used it to wrap her up so we can get her warmed up," I said and they nodded.

"We just have a few more questions and then we will let you go," Officer Marques said and we nodded. "How could you have heard that baby screaming if you weren't in the alleyway? Considering most trash bags and trashcans are at the far end. How could you have heard her?" He looked at me like he knew why but I wasn't sure.

"I have really good hearing, Sir. Are you trying to say that I put the baby there?" I said.

"No, Ma'am. It was just a simple question. How could you have heard her? I know we wouldn't have been able to," Sergeant Adams said and I felt my palms become sweaty from being nervous.

"I just heard her. I can't explain how I heard her but I did. Why is it such a big deal that I heard her? I mean, we saved her, right?"

"Yes. We are just asking, Ma'am. Also, which one of you was closest to the alleyway?" Sergeant Adams said.

"I was. That's how I was able to hear her. Max didn't hear her at all until we got closer," I said and looked at Max.

"Yeah. I didn't at first. We were just walking downtown when my fiance darted off into the alleyway and once we got closer I heard the baby screaming," Max said and the officers nodded.

"So you two were just walking?"

"Yes, we were just walking. We had gotten into town a few hours earlier and decided to walk downtown since I haven't been here for almost a year. My fiance was just giving me a great graduation present," I told them, feeling less nervous.

"Alright. Well, that's all of our questions for today," Sergeant Adams said. "Thank you for your time. We will be getting a hold of you two if we need anything else."

"Thank you," Max said and they walked away. I exhaled when I noticed I hadn't been breathing because I was nervous. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just want to get out of here," I said and we went to see the little girl.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We have been sitting by her side for a while now and I finally got to hold her! I was so excited. She didn't weigh much but the nurse said it was because she wasn't being fed properly. Me and Max also got to feed her. We took a few pictures with her and surprised our families by sending one to them. Right away we got a few calls.

"When were you going to tell us you were pregnant?" Karen, Max's mom said.

"Mom, she wasn't pregnant. We are going to adopt this little girl," I heard Max say.


"She needs a home to go to," he said quietly.

"But you two are only eighteen!"

"And we are ready for her. Mom, we found her in an alleyway with trash bags over her! She needs a good family."

"Well, I guess I can't stop you. I'll make some calls and get the paperwork started. Just please, know that this won't be easy."

"We know and we are ready for this challenge."

"Alright. I love you both. Tell my granddaughter I love her too!"

"We will!" I said and my mate hung up.

"That didn't go as I'd expect," Max said.

"Nobody can change our minds," I said. "Not even if we wanted to. I'm loving this cutie already." Max scooted closer to me and we looked at the little girl who will hopefully become our little girl soon.


Let me know what you think! I know it's shorter but I got distracted :$


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