Bullied by o2l (featuring mag...

By kayleeisthename725

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Bullied by o2l (featuring magcon boys)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14

chapter 9

6.5K 166 1
By kayleeisthename725

Cameron's POV:

I walked quietly to the back door of kians house. I turned the handle only to find that it was locked. shit. I pulled and pushed on the door knob but still couldn't get it open.

what am I supposed to do now? I looked around and saw a balcony that lead to a door.

well how am I supposed to get up there? I looked around again and saw a tree that was only about 2 feet alway from the edge of the balcony.

do it for Kylie, I told myself.

I pulled myself up with the branch of the tree and found a good spot to place my foot. I continued that all the way up the tree until I got to the top. I took a deep breath and reached out to grab the balcony railing.

I stretched my arms until I finally grabbed on. I used all my strength and finally pulled myself up and over the rail.

finally, I thought.

then after catching my breath I started to turn the handle on this door.

luckily it was open and I carefully walked inside. I was on the second floor now which was perfect because that's where Kylie was.

I walked quietly around the floor until I found what looked like a closet.

I knocked on the door and said, "Kylie? are you in there."

after a couple seconds I heard a reply,

"Cameron? is that you?"

I replied, "yes" and began to try to open the door.

"wait the key is above the door on the door frame!" she insisted.

I reached on top of the door and found a little golden key.

I then unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Cameron!" Kylie smiled.

I hugged her and replied, "told you I would save you."

I lead her out to the balcony and explained how we were going to get down.

"I'll go to the tree first then I'll pull you over okay?" I said.

she nodded but seemed uncertain.

I climbed over the rail and reached out to the tree.

once my feet were planted firmly I reached out for her hand and said, "climb over I got you."

she carefully climbed over and reached for my hand.

just as she had grabbed my hand her foot slipped and she fell off the edge of the balcony.

"KYLIE!" I yelled only holding her by one hand.

I could feel her slipping out of my grip.

I had to pull her up or else...

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