Chapter 2

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Kylie's POV:

I finally made it to school on my light blue pennyboard with hot pink wheels. I hopped of my board and walked to my locker, being careful i didn't run into the guys on the way there. Once i got to my locker i put my pennyboard inside and grabbed my binder for my first two classes, acting and math. I quickly headed to acting just as the bell rang. The worst part about this class was that although Ricky Jc and Connor were out of school, i still went to school with Kian and Sam. They were seniors and i was an 17 year old junior but acting was all ages so of course they were in the class with me. I entered the class just as the bell rang and sat down in front of the stage. As soon as they saw me walk in they came and sat next to me. "Hey little bitch," Sam said. I looked down into my lap praying this period would go fast. Just then my teacher said, "Kylie could you please go grab the prop boxes out of the costume room for me?" I smiled and replied, "Sure Ms. Marks." I would do anything to get away from the guys. Just as i got up Kian blurted out, "Thats a lot of boxes, why don't i help her out?" "I'm fine Kian really." i argued. "It would go faster, i could help too." Sam added. "Sure boys that would be faster." Ms. Marks stated. I hurried into the costume room and grabbed a box, it was my only form of protection. I heard the door to the room shut and spun around to see Sam and Kian walked towards me a devilish grin on each of their faces. 

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