Blood, Love, and Trust (Mindl...

By ItsSimplyTamia

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A very shy girl named Tamie moves from warm Mississippi to cold Michigan. She didn't know much about the town... More

First Day Of School
It's Alright
What Are You
Coming Up With A Plan
First Impression
First Night With Jacob
Pricila I Missed You !!
Tamie's And Jacob's Talk
Are You Afraid Of Me?? Are You??
Can I Trust You??
Will This Work Out
That's Weird
Jacob Know's Something I Don't
Tamie And Tyler's Day Together
Tamie And Jacob's Day Together
Jacob You Could Have Told Me Who You Really Are
Going Back
I Love You
Fight's And Argument's
Trying To Make Up
What Is Going On??
What Did I Do??
What's Your Problem
We Need To Work It Out
In Philedalphia
Final Break Up
Does He Still Care
We Finally Meet
One Problem Solve
What's Happening??
He's Back
It's All My Fault
Just One Bite
Last Chapter: Let Go

We Need To Get Out Of Here

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By ItsSimplyTamia

Craig’s POV When Tamie went to sleep I started to watch T.V. quietly but most of the time I was watching her sleep. She looks very peaceful…like nothing was worrying her. So I sat at the end of the bed watching but then it looked like something was disturbing her. Her breathing got heavier and she started to sweat really hard. I started to shake her but she wouldn’t wake up.

Craig-TAMIE…WAKE UP. (I was started to shake her harder.)

Tamie-(Sleeping.) NO STOP!!!

Craig-(I wasn’t going to give up on her.) TAMIE WAKE UP!!! (She was starting to scare me because it look like she was one of those girl on Nightmare on Elm Street the movie. Jacob is going to kill me if something happens to her.)

Tamie’s POV When I went to sleep Craig turned on the T.V. and watched it quietly. I slowly fell asleep and surprisingly I felt safe. It’s like at first I was getting rest. I slept very peacefully. That was until I heard a small but load vioce.


Tamie-…….(I stayed silent because I was too afraid to speak.)

???-Tamie…I know you hear me…

Tamie-Please leave me alone! (I could tell it was a boy but his vioce was so calm and soft.)

???-I am coming for you…

Tamie-If this is Dajon you need to stop!

Dajon-(He appeard right in front of me.) Your smarter then I thought…

Tamie-If you hurt me Jacob will kill you!

Dajon-Are you sure about that…

Tamie-Yes 100% sure.

Dajon-Ok…Well do you know where he is?


Dajon-Well let’s just say he will need some help…soon…

Tamie-Why are you doing this?

Dajon-Why did he leave me outside and alone for me to die? I guess his plan back fired…

Tamie-Then what do you want from me…

Dajon-Nothing but your dad does…Is there something that I should want?

Tamie-(Wait…I don’t think he knows that I am pregnant.) You don’t know?

Dajon-Know what?


Dajon-WHAT DON’T I KNOW!!! (Ran over to me and grabbed me by my neck.)

Tamie-(I tried to breath but it was hard.) NO STOP!!!

Dajon-(Dropped me.) I’ll find out sooner or later…(Then he disappeard.)

Jacob’s POV I was in the forest hunting. I caught a few animals but something was telling me to leave. I just ignored it and I went to me lil hide out. While I was in there I started to think about what happened. Hhh…I don’t want to believe that Dajon is alive. I just…just don’t. As I sat I heard a little voice.


Jacob-(What the heck. Am I hearing things.)

???-Nope…but listen…

Jacob-(It was a boy I know. He voice was in and out.) What?

???-(Then his voice became very clear to my left ear.) I’m back.

Jacob-(I almost fell as I looked to me left. I seen a shadow but when I looked at it’s face is was Dajon. When I seen him th first thing that came to my mind was Tamie and my baby.)

Dajon-…Baby?…What Baby…?

Jacob-(He doesn’t know that’s good.) ……

Dajon-What don’t I know! And what baby are you talking about?

Jacob-(For the first time I spoke.) I said my baby…Tamie is my baby.

Dajon-Mhmmm…You might want to check on Tamie…I payed her a little visit. (Smiled.)


Dajon-Not if I kill you first…(With that he disappeard.)

Jacob-UGH! (I took off running to the house. I can’t let nothing happen to them. If something does then my purpose of life would be over. I ran in the house to Tamie’s room and seen her in Craig’s arms crying. What the heck…that should be me.) What happend!

Craig-She had another bad dream.


Craig-Tamie nothing is coming for you.


Jacob-(I knew exactly what she was talking about.) Start packing. (It wasn’t a statement but is was a command.) Now we need to get out of here! (I look at Craig with a hard stare telling him to let go of Tamie.)

Craig-(Let’s go of her.) My bad bro.

Jacob-Whatever…Craig do you think we can crash at your place when we leave here.

Craig-Yea sure if they didn’t tear is down yet.

Jacob-Ok I guess we are going to Philadelphia. (I left the room to tell everyone that we are leaving. After everyone was done packing we waited in the livingroom.)

Tamie-Jacob…I am sorry if I got you mad..yesterday.

Jacob-It’s ok and yes I still love you…and I am sorry if I was a little harsh on you ok.

Tamie-(She smiled at me.) It’s alright…So what car are we getting.

Jacob-Trey just went o to get it with Alana.

Pricila-Can someone remind me again why we are leaving at 1:30 in the moring.

Randy-It’s not safe for you three.


Randy-Yea mini Jacob.

Tamie-Mini who?

Randy-Ugh! You guys are so slow I was talking about the baby!

Craig-Haha he told y’all!

Jacob-Ok I want everyone to hear me when I say this.

Everyone-(Except Jacob.) What?

Jacob-Tamie was right Dajon is alive and that’s why we are leaving. He doesn’t know about the baby so you guys need to keep quiet.

Craig-Oh I understand but how does he know where we are and how did he survive?

Jacob-I don’t know but I seen him when I was out hunting and he is not human anymore.

Randy-What? How did he survive?

Tamie-I think it was my dad…just think about. Jacob remember when you first brought me here you left him there but anything could have changed him.

Jacob-Yea that’s what I was thinking but I got to got check on the car. (Walked outside.)

Tamie’s POV

Randy-Well dang! Does your daddy even love you!

Pricila-Nope he is a complete a ss!

Tamie-Pricila! Watch your language!

Pricila-So it’s in the bible.

Tamie-Yea but you used it in the wrong term because an a ss is a donkey.

Pricila-Well to late I can’t take it back now.

Craig-So does that mean the was can start swearing again?


Randy-(Flirting with Pricila.) Well Damn I didn’t know I had a bad a ss girlfriend. (Smiles.)

Pricila-(Flirting back.) Well now you do. (Kissed him.)

Randy-(Pulled her back by her waist and kissed her harder then let go.) Damn you such a tease. (Licks his lips and smiles.)

Pricila-Haha if you wanted more you could have asked.

Tamie-Ewww…Don’t you find that kind of disturbing?

Craig-Very…(Walked away.)

Pricila-Ugh! Like you didn’t do that with Jacob.

Tamie-It’s just weird seeing my sister do that.


Tamie-(Wow I am so dumb.) You could have just told me.

Pricila-Everytime I did you were either cuddled with him or trying to talk to him or out with him and it’s just annyoing.

Tamie-Well dang ok you make me ound like really clingy.

Pricila-Well you are.

Tamie-I am not clingy!

Pricila-Remember when you had to throw away your stuffed bear because me and mom thought that there was a tracker on it.

Tamie-So that has nothing to do with this.

Pricila-You cried and cried and cried.

Tamie-So I am a sensitive person!

Pricila-I am a sensitive person too but you don’t see me crying over stuffed animals.

Tamie-But you know how I felt about Berry (Stuffed bear.) He was charmed so he could could talk back to me when I was sad.

Pricila-Well etheir way you are still clingy! (Imitating Tamie.) Jacob you are so sexy…Jacob what are you doing today…Come on Jacob let’s go for a walk…YAYY!!! ME AND JACOB ARE BACK TOGETHER!!!…Oh no me and Jacob broke up BOO-HOO!!!…I am not trying to yell at you but your really annoying when it comes to you and Jacob.

Tamie-First off I don’t sound like that and maybe I act like that around him for a reason. If Berry (Stuffed bear.) was here I could tell him about my problems right now because appearently my sister is annoyed with me.

Pricila-Well fine be like that I am just saying you are irritating. Just think about it Jacob wasn’t there when “They” tried to kill us. Jacob wasn’t there when we didn’t have anywhere to go. And Jacob CERTAINLY wasn’t there when we had to be seperated!

Tamie-Don’t talk to me. (Then I walked away.)

Pricila-Well I don’t care anyway’s! (She turned back around to Randy.)

Randy-Aye babe you didn’t have to be that harsh.

Pricila-Oh well then it’s to late.

Tamie-(I walked over and sat next to Craig.) Me and Pricila ain’t talking.

Craig-What happened?

Tamie-It’s the same thing about me being to clingy to Jacob.

Craig-Oh well I know that it will get better over time.

Tamie-I don’t anymore.

Jacob-(Walked in.) Ok come on it’s time to go.

(When I walked outside I seen a black 2011 GMC Yukon Hybrid Car with tinted windows.)

Craig-Aye! We rollin’ sweet!

Trey-Yup! I picked it out.

Alana-Yea yea yea…Now what are the seating arrangments.

Randy-Well Tamie and Craig can go in the back and…(Gets cut off.)

Jacob-NOPE! Pricila and Tamie in the back!


Jacob-Well me and Tamie can’t sit next to each other.

Tamie-I don’t care let’s test it.

Pricila-Well if you start hurting you better ask Trey to help you.

Trey-I’m not in it!

Randy-Ok then Jacob you driving with Tamie in the passengers seat. Trey and Alana in the middle. Me and Pricila get the back.

Craig-Where do I sit.

Randy-Oh my bad you can sit in the back with me and Pricila.

Pricila-Well dang he’s going to kill the mood!

Craig-Well I don’t want to be back there with y’all anyways. (Jumped in the back seat.)

I am sorry I posted it so late but I have a good reason. My grandma is in the hospital and I spent all day there but so far she is alright. Lol I try to make my story unexpecting so the stuff that you guys thought that was going to happen where good idea’s. But I just don’t want to make it to obvious lol. Comment, Rate, and Subscribe. Follow me on Twitter @Princetons_G4L -Thanxx

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