She's My Constant

By SkyWrites102

29.1K 922 161

Cast Of Characters: Glaiza De Castro as Destiny S. Valerio Rhian Ramos as Kate Denise R. Howell Solenn Heuss... More

College Friends and Feelings
Killer on the loose
Remembering Destiny
Force of Habit
Habits Stay
Monday Blues
Bloody Grey
Kate vs. Eve
Over the moon
Eve, The Apple of their Eyes
Meet the parents
In her loving Memory
Mr. Montenegro will see you now
Letting you go
Solenn's Blessing
Valentine's Day Plans
I Choose You
Truth about us
Eve's Temptation
1 Month in
Of Cafes and Men
Seventh Month
She will be loved
All of Me
Author's Note
Author's Note on the Commentaries

Sleep Tight

986 41 8
By SkyWrites102

Destiny's POV:

Today's lunch was intense, I know it was wrong to use Kate as my beard. But it was Eve who thought Kate and I were dating. I've thought about how this is affecting Kate, she may not speak, but I know this is hurting her more than it should. I don't want her to hurt. The last four days, I have tried to appease her, because I've been feeling crappy about treating her like crap all these years. I made her feel special and made love to her for one night.

After dinner, she left me alone in the kitchen. The bath we took together was silent, I let her be. I know she is hurting. If I could only mend her broken heart, but damage has been done. She laid down in bed, didn't even bother to invite me to bed. She's thinking. I know. After looking at Brian's emails, I quickly noted the things I noticed. Once done, I shut my computer off.

I went to my side of the bed, I took time to look at Kate's angelic figure, sleeping soundly. I kissed the top of her head, I kissed her eyes and finally her lips. Before I laid down myself.

Once I have laid myself down, Kate hugged me, she adjusted her head until she found her favorite spot at the crook of my shoulder and neck. It feels nice to have her lay in bed with me, like this. I hugged her tight and switched the lights off.

I looked at her and watch her sleep, even in the darkness, she's beautiful. For what seemed like the millionth time, I began to wonder, what I have done right, to deserve her. I silently prayed to God to keep her safe and to never break her heart any more than I have.

I drifted off to sleep myself.

Eve's POV:

Earlier today, I decided to do a surprise visit at Destiny's office, I was determined to have lunch with her. Now that I have finally found her, I was hoping I could talk and tell her my side, why I did those things to her and my true feelings. Once I entered her room and saw a pretty woman inside her office, my heart broke. When I heard her call the woman 'Sweetheart' it made me jealous. Because before she, there was an us. That should have been me.

I decided to tag along their lunch date, the woman is caring, I can see in her actions how she cared about Destiny, her eyes told me how much she loved Destiny. Does this woman know who I am? I really wanted to ask her, it was an awkward lunch, Destiny referred to me as an acquaintance from college, she never mentioned once how I was the center of her world. It made my heart break because it only means that ever since that day, her love for me ceased to exist. She is her world now. That makes my heart break. Was I 10 years too late? The tears in my eye flowed tonight, I slept myself crying.


Destiny's POV:

I woke up the following day, with out Kate beside me. I looked around the room, there was no sign of her. I shrugged off the fear of her living with out me knowing. I rose from bed and went to the kitchen. There she was, my goddess, preparing our breakfast, once she realized she is being watched, she looked over my direction and smiled, the sweetest smile I have ever seen, she greets me.

"Good morning, Sweetheart." I hugged her from behind, I kissed her neck before answering her.

"Good morning, what are you doing up this early? You scared me you know that?"

"Just wanted to for a change be up this early and make you breakfast, I only get to make you breakfast every weekend."

She smiled while she was cooking corned beef and eggs.

"Okay, can I help you with anything?" she shook her head no.

"No, I'll be alright."

She says full of confidence

"Alright, I'll go back to the room, to work on a few emails from Brian. I will be right back."

I kissed her neck once more, before I started to walk back my room. Once there, I powered my computer on. I opened my email, I opened the autopsy report of the first victim. I reviewed the stab wounds, just as I suspected, the stabs where full of force, someone full of anger.

I sent Brian a reply and informed him to pull records for the wife of the victim. I reviewed the other email, the files Brian gathered for victim number 2 I noted the following things for him:

-Physically hurt his wife, there was one report of a domestic violence case
-Wife had knowledge of his cheating

I sent those to Brian, as well. Before powering off my computer and putting it back to my bag.

I walked back to the kitchen to find Kate already plating food. I smiled at her vision. I hugged her from behind.

"I'm back Mrs. Valerio, you cooked up a storm today." I chuckled at her

She smiled at me and said

"Only for you Mr. Valerio." I knew Kate lived a sheltered life, always her Daddy's little princess. Since college, she's been learning to do house chores, because she stayed in the Philippines for college, she declined her dad's offer to hire a maid. Just like a brat that she is, she convinced her dad not to worry about her.

I took our plate to the living room and sat in the couch, she followed me with two mugs of coffee in hand. She places them in the center table before taking a seat in between my legs. I fed her, before feeding myself.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked her

"I rested well, but haven't slept well." she answered me

And I know what she means. She must have drifted off to sleep thinking of all the pain she was feeling.

"I'm sorry for all the hurt feelings you're experiencing, I promise to make it right."

I said with all the sincerity I could muster for her.

She shook her head no

"Mmmmm, No. You don't need to say sorry D, you and I are in this together, it's just hurting me to see you love someone else and for the nth time, I wish it was me you love."

I hugged her tighter, I held her like that for a minute, before turning her body in front of me. 

Once she was facing me I started to speak "Kate, I do love you, it's just that I need clarification from how I am feeling, you are every bit good for me, my heart already knows I should love you, but half of it wants to be with Eve. How about we just forget about labels for now? Just let go of any inhibitions and just enjoy our time?"

"You will be fine D, We will be fine. I love you too much it hurts me, I know where I stand and I know what I am doing, of course there are things I would like an assurance of, like you staying with me, like waking up with you every morning, like knowing you chose me. I want those things to happen." 

I smiled at her, I wanted to tell her that it may or may not happen, but I chose to keep quiet so as to not ruin the moment. I fed her again the last bite from our plate. I watched as she chews and swallows her food, I took a sip from my mug. 

"You're on coding today, can I drop you off and fetch you at work?" I asked her

She thinks for a few moments, sipping on her coffee. 

"You'll be late for work though and that's going to take a lot of effort from you, I can take an Uber or call Dad's driver to come and pick me up."

I lifted her chin up so that she's looking at me

"That effort, will never compare to the effort you make for me, for always being here, please Kate, I want to do this for you."

She pulls my head over to her, so that we were forehead to forehead

"If I say Okay, will that make you happy?"

"Yes, very much happy."

She kissed my lips, soft and full of longing.

Before she stands up and gets our plate and mugs, she looks over her shoulder and says "Yes." before she starts walking to the kitchen.

I followed her to the kitchen, I hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. 

"I'll wash these. Go now." as she sets down the plate and mugs in the sink.

She kisses me on the lips, before she started walking to the bedroom. I started to wash the plate and mugs we used.

After putting them in the drier, I walked to my bedroom. I find her getting our outfits ready in the bed, I saw her black and red bodycon dress that I liked, she took out my white dress shirt and black leather jacket, pants and black leather shoes. She folded the sleeves of my dress shirt.

I went directly to the bathroom, I started to undress, I folded my clothes neatly and placed them in the hamper. She followed me shortly, she starts to undress, giving me her clothes as I folded them neatly and placed them in the hamper. We stepped into the shower.

After we showered, we dried each other's body, and proceeded to get ready for work. I watch her out of the corner of my eyes as she puts on her dress, I would never get tired of watching her get dressed, she's so lovely that I almost forget we are getting ready for work. I put on my pants and button up the dress shirt, I tucked it in my pants and zipped up my pants.

I put on my shoes and finally the leather jacket, I fixed my hair to the side, as I look at her put on final touches of her make up. Once we are ready, I got my computer bag and her computer bag as well, I carry them out with us, she pushed the down button, we stood there as we waited for the elevator.

She fixed the collar of my shirt, she kissed my lips once she was satisfied with the adjustment she made. I smiled at her and shook my head.

Once the elevator door opened we alighted and pressed the down button. I pulled her closer to me she leaned against my chest. 

"Do you have any schedule for today?" She asked me.

"No, none that I know of, why'd you ask?"

"Uhm, because I was thinking maybe we could have lunch, if that's fine with you."

"If you want, I can even do this everyday." I answered

"No, not everyday. Hahaha! You'll lose your job if I asked you to do that."

She laughed at my answer

"Okay, I'll pick you up at lunch." the elevator door opened and we walked into my car, once we reached the car, I lowered myself down and buckled her in, I kissed the top of her head before making my way to the driver's seat. Once I buckled myself in, I started the ignition and started to drive.

The drive to her work was a little heavy, I took a shortcut at the back streets as opposed to taking EDSA. After 45 minutes of driving we finally reached her office building.

"Sorry, I won't be able to drop you off at your office door, I will be late if I did that. But I will see you later at lunch time." I kissed her on the lips. Gentle and soft. She smiled and said.

"Okay, I'll see you later at lunch."

She watched me drive away before going in her building.

Kate's POV:

I watched Destiny drive away before going inside my building, when suddenly someone called my name, I looked back and saw Robert. I smiled at him.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked him tentatively

"I came here to surprise you, but it seems like I was the one who is surprised."


I answered, not really understanding what he meant.

"That guy, is he your boyfriend? Is that why you were avoiding me?"

When I realized he was talking about Destiny, My heart palpitated. But I guess it is now or never.

I sighed

"No, she isn't my boyfriend and yes, she is the reason why I seem to be avoiding you." I answered him with out emotion.

"Wait what? She is a woman? Y-You mean you're lesbian?"

"She is my best friend." I said with out really answering his question.

"Best friend? You kiss your best friend torridly in the lips?"

Ahhh there it is, he saw something unusual.

"Yes, I do." I answered him again

"What?!" He said

"I do, because I have feelings for her and we are in a complicated relationship. I meant to tell you, but over the last 5 days were a blur, we broke it all off over the weekend, but we can't seem to stay away from each other. We need each other to function, as we have been doing this since college."

I said to him. I waited for an answer from him but he was stuck speechless.

"Now, if you'll excuse me Robert, I need to go, I'll be late for work."

Then I walked to the elevator. The door opened, I stepped in and punched 10. It feels good having to tell him the truth, why there can never be an us. I reached my floor feeling happy as to how things had turned out.

"Ms. Howell, Mr. Howell would like to see you, he is back from his business meeting in China." Louise my secretary greeted me.

"Okay, let him know I will be up in a minute."

I continued to walk to my office, I put my bags down the couch and proceeded to the 11th floor where dad's office was located.

Once in the front of his office, I knocked thrice before letting myself in. He looked up from the piles of paper in front of his desk. He grins widely.

"Ahhh, there you are my lovely daughter! Come here, Daddy missed you."

I approached his seat and gave him a big hug. Then after a few minutes, I pulled myself away.

"How have you beeen dad?"

"I've been great, and how about you?"

"Oh dad, I don't really know how to answer that."

"Hmmm, is this about you and Doctor Valerio?"

"Wait, how did you know?"

"C'mon kid, your old man listens to you. You told me some years ago, that you like her."

"Well, we've been in a rough patch, the girl who broke her heart, came back to her life very recently."


"I'm not sure if she still wants her because she loves her or because she wanted to avenge herself from what she did to her."

"Well, if you say you really love her as much as you said you do, trust in fate my dear, she will come around, I guarantee you, after all you are a Howell, we are known for our charming smile and beautiful soul." he smiled at me.

"Thank you, Dad. Can you join us for lunch later? She'll be here."

"Sure sweetie. I'll swing by your office at around 11am."

"Okay Dad, I'll see you later then."

"Alright, see you." he beamed at me I gave him another hug before leaving him in his office.

The morning went by so fast, I had to review a couple of proposals and approve them. Before I knew it a knock at my office doorwas heard

"Come in." I said, the door opened I looked up from the papers I was reading to see who it was. It was Destiny. I smiled at her

"Have a seat please, I'll be done in a few."

She sits in one of the chairs in front of my table.

"Oh and Dad will join us for lunch." I gave her a heads up.

"He is here? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know either, I came in and my secretary told me he was looking for me."

"That's nice, how long is he going to stay?"

"I don't know yet. We can ask him later."

A few more minutes, another knock on the door and my Dad emerged from door.

Destiny stood up to give him a hug.

"Hi, Uncle Gareth! You didn't tell us you were coming, we should have picked you up." I heard Destiny said

"Aww, no need Destiny. So, how have you been?"

"I'm doing fine uncle, I work now for a private asylum."

"I see, have you been taking care of my baby?"

"Dad!!!" I admonished him.

I locked my computer and went beside Destiny.

Dad was chuckling to himself seeing my reaction.

"Yes uncle, I've been taking good care of her. I ask her to cook and clean my house on a daily basis." Destiny said jokingly and they both laughed

"Good one Destiny, I can never get her to clean her room, back when she still lived with me at home." Dad chuckled.

"Let's go to lunch now. I'm starving." I cut their fun.

Destiny held my hand while we walked to the elevator. Dad called his driver to drive us.

While on the Elevator, I saw Dad gave me an approving look.

He was always supportive of my choices in life. He never restricted me, he said that Love is love, no matter the gender. That is why, it was easy for me to admit my preference.

Dad took us to Mamou's at Rockwell.

"Kids, order what ever you want and I'll take care of it." Dad said to us.

Destiny ordered Lorenzo's Truffle Cream, while I ordered their lamb chop. Dad ordered steak.

As we were sitting and waiting for our food to arrive, Dad spoke to D.

"Destiny, if you don't mind me asking you a favor."

"No worries Uncle, what favor is it?"

"I am getting older Destiny, I'm afraid that soon, I will die and Kate will be left alone. Can you promise me to take care of her and love her? You are the only person I could hold accountable for Kate."

"Dad, don't say that! You're scaring Destiny, look how flustered she is."

Destiny smiled at me, giving me a look of assurance that she is fine. She takes my hand in hers and intertwined it.

"Uncle Gareth, I can't really promise her the love part, she knows about it, but I will do my best, to treat her right."

"Good enough for me." Dad reached out his hand for a shake and Destiny shook it.

I smiled seeing these two most important people in my heart get along fine.

Once our orders arrived, I sliced a lamb chop and put it beside Destiny's plate while she puts some of her pasta in my plate. Dad was smiling at us.

"You always do that?" Dad asked

"What?" I asked him

"That giving portions of your food to each other."

"Yeah, we do, whenever we eat out."

"That's sweet."

"Uncle Gareth, are you going to stay in Manila or fly back to London?"

"I will stay a week here, then fly back to London."

"I see."

Destiny said as she takes a bite of her pasta.

After lunch, We went back to our office building, I excused myself from Dad, to drop Destiny off to her car. We walked to her car, holding hands.

We stopped in front of her car

"So, this is you." I smiled at her

"Yeah. This is me."

I hugged her tight and whispered in her ear

"Robert and I won't go on a Road Trip this weekend."

"What?" Destiny couldn't believe it

"He saw us this Morning, D. He saw you kiss me torridly on my lips."

"What did you tell him?"

"That you are my best friend and the kiss happened because we are in a complicated relationship. D, I feel light that for once, I didn't have to hide you and what I feel about you."

"Kate, thank you for always being vocal about your feelings for me. That makes me proud to have you in my life."

I smiled at her and kissed her on her lips.

"You're welcome. Go now. I'll see you later after work."

"See you later."

"Careful please."


I watched her drive away before I head back inside.

Destiny's POV:

I drove back to the asylum, once I got back, I went to my office right away. My secretary Patricia greeted me.

"Doctor, Ms. Aquino's test results are in, they're at your table, also Ms. Jimenez scheduled a meeting with you today, she'll be here at 3pm."

"Patricia, about the other day, please never let any one in unannounced, Ms. Jimenez will have to set an appointment, while Ms. Howell can see me any time. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Doc. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. Won't happen again."

"That's alright Patty, I mean you didn't know about it, so, I was just telling you now." I smiled at her and I started to walk to my office.

I reviewed the test results, that were sitting on my table, the results concluded that she didn't have Alzheimer's Disease. Her brain was trying to forget the traumatizing experience that triggered it. With this knowledge, I formulated a plan to snap her out of it. I took note of the plans and therapies she needed to undergo. I was writing these notes when my phone rang. I looked at the screen, it was Brian. 

"Hey, Bro. What's up?" 

"Hey Bro, so the second victim also had crazy girl friends on the side. I had them checked out as well."

"Okay, send me his autopsy report, I just need to note the stab wounds." 

"Okay, thanks for helping me out man. I owe you." 

"Yeah we'll talk about about what you owe me soon." 

"So how's it going with Eve and Kate?" 

"Eve has a scheduled meeting with me in 10 Minutes, while Kate and I are doing well, thank you for asking." 

"What for?" 

"Her best friend, Shane Aquino, she's my patient." 

"I see. Anyway, I won't hold you up anymore, I'll update you." 

"Okay, man. Take care."

"Same man, Same." 

once the call ended, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself after that, I straightened my dress shirt and my hair. I got back to my office. After a couple of minutes, Eve was ushered in to my office. 

"Hi." She greeted me with a smile.

I smiled back at her and said

"Hello, Eve. Please have a seat." 

"Thanks, she sat in one of the chairs in front of my table." 

"So, I have gotten the results of Shane's Tests. My suspicion of her misdiagnosis where not confirmed, This means, she does not have the inability to forget things, but she has the ability to control what she remembers." 

"So what should we do?" 

"We need to undergo a set of Therapy sessions for her stress and trauma management." 

"And?" she asked me

"You need to talk to her as normally as you can, there's no use in hiding things from her or pretending that things were the same, the sooner she is confronted the sooner she'll get better. She needs acceptance, not lies." I told her sounding a little bitter. I admonished to myself.

"Okay. I'll take note of that." Eve says.

"Also, we need to let her express herself through art. Do you know any interests she has where she can freely express herself?" 

"She loves to paint, she has always painted before." Eve said.

"Good, I'll tell her nurses to let her paint every day." I commented while noting down the action plans we have discussed.

"So, what you're saying is, she needs to have a normal life?" 

"Yes, exactly. It's okay to think and over think, that is a normal brain function." 

"I see." Eve said.

There was a moment of Silence when Eve started to talk again.

"I'm sorry about what happened back in college, I really am Destiny, but the truth is, I was already feeling the same way for you, I was not able to tell you that what I did was just for show, for my college friends not to bully me. I tried to contact you after the incident, but I wasn't able to, until I found out that you moved to Northshore, but I was not sure if you did, because your parents won't deny or confirm. I guess, what I am trying to say right now is that, I loved you then and up until now, I still do. I know, I'm most probably too late. I just needed you to know." 

She said with out letting me speak 

"So, do you expect me to understand you? Tell me what do you want me to do?" 

"No, I don't expect you to do something about it. I just needed to let you know."

"Okay, I don't think it will make a difference if I knew about how you felt. I suffered all these years Eve, because one day, we had nice things going, just when I thought you were different, you had to crush me, you could have pulled me aside, not like that Eve. Do you even understand how that feels? All this time Eve, I carried it with me. This is the exact reason why I am not in a relationship, Kate was the only person who helped me through my depression, even if it's breaking and hurting her, Sorry is such a big understatement Eve." 

"Wait, Kate isn't your girlfriend?" she said with a hint of hope in her voice.

"Yes." I answered.

"Oh God, I'm really sorry." Eve said

"For?" I asked her

"For mistaking that you and Kate are dating, that must have been embarrassing for you both."

"Eve, she is my fuck buddy. So, we're kind of in a complicated relationship."

"Do you love her?"

"I do, as a friend."

"I know this is so selfish of me, I know you haven't forgiven me yet, but can we try us?"

"I've imagined this day Eve, but never have I imagined what I am about to tell you."

She looks at me expectantly

"No, Eve. We can't try. Because, I know that if we did, I will only hurt you."

I said firmly

"You can do what ever you feel like doing, if it is hurting me, you can do it, I deserve to be hurt, because of what I did. I would understand."


She stood up from her seat and she approached me, I was frozen for a minute. She closes the gap between us, with out warning, she kissed me on the lips. I didn't respond. I lightly pushed her away.

"Eve, this is wrong."

I stated. I got my computer and my bag. I left her still standing in my office. I went to the elevator, and pushed the down button, once the door opened, I hopped inside and closed it. I drove to Kate's office. While my mind drifted off to Eve.

I need to see Kate. That is all what I am wanting to do, I need to hold her and feel her. After 30 minutes of fast driving along EDSA, I reached Kate's office building. I parked my car and went inside.

I walked out of the elevator door, going straight to her office. I didn't bother to knock. Kate looked up once the door opened, although surprised, she immediately dropped the paper she was reviewing and hugged me.

I felt secured again. She hugged me for a minute, until she broke the silence.

"What happened?" she whispered.

I couldn't give her an answer, I just hugged her strongly this time. She waited for me to speak. When she realized I wouldn't speak, she rubs my back and whispered again.

"Shhhh... I'm here, I won't go anywhere, I'm all yours."

Silent tears were flowing down my eyes, I locked her office door. I leaned her against the door and kissed her on the lips, my hand travelled down her body, touching her, feeling every inch of her skin. I grabbed her right thigh, and pushed her against the door, while I kissed her, my hands still touching her thigh, while my other hand grabs her breast through her dress.

We kissed with intensity and need, I lost control of myself, I feel every pain I carried with me washed away by the intensity of our kisses, Kate's hand held my nape. With out any word, my hand travelled up her core, I removed her panty and let it fall over her feet. I touched her folds, while still kissing her. I played with her folds. I felt her wetness leak into my hands. I inserted three fingers in her core, I didn't slow down, I pumped into her, I hear her screamed my name, her nails dug into my clothes, I lift her thigh up, to get more access, I drive my fingers in and out of her core. She warned me, that she was about to cum, I didn't listen, I pumped in and out of her core, until she released her cum, While she was still having her first orgasm, I continued to pump my fingers, I bit her nipples, through her dress, the pain caused her to scream in pain and before I knew it, she was having another orgasm, I continued to build her up, I kissed and sucked her neck while my strokes in her core were fast and deliberate, I tapped on her g-spot every few thrust and in a minute or so, she orgasmed again.

I stopped pumping at her third and last orgasm. I kissed her torridly on the lips, as she released her third orgasm. Her legs buckled underneath me. I carried her to the couch, as she dreamily looks at me in the eye.

She reached for my face, now drenched in tears, she wiped each one that fell. I laid her in my lap at the couch, I looked at her as she smiles at me.

I caressed her hair, which is now flowing in my lap.

"What was that about, D?" she broke the silence.

I smiled at her as tears flow from my eyes.

"I guess, I just wanted to tell you what my mouth couldn't. I love you Kate, not just as my fuck buddy, but my everything. I realized it just now."

"W-what? A-are you serious?" tears fell from her eyes as she stammered. She got up from the couch and faced me.

"You love me?"

"Yes." I nodded at her

"Very much. I'm afraid." I added

She hugged me tight as tears flow down our eyes, we cried for the rest of the afternoon, in each other's arms, we couldn't believe that this was finally happening.

"Does this mean? You and I?" she asked me

"A couple? Officially?" I added

"Yes." she answered

"Yes." I answered her.

"What made you change your mind?" she asked me again.

"Eve, kissed me earlier today, I didn't respond, I walked out of my office and the first thing I thought of was you, how my troubles clear up when I am with you, I love you and the feeling of security and peace that I get when you are next to me. I love your kisses, your hugs, the way you look at me and your warmth. All this time Kate, I've been trying not to say it. I've been trying to stop myself from saying and feeling it."

"What else did she do?"

"She offered that I try to love her, that if I had to hurt her, if that's what it takes for me to forgive her, I can do it, she confessed her side and how she felt for me all along."

"And you let go of that chance to be with her for me?"


She hugged me tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you for loving me that much, for letting me ease away your pain. I love you so much babe. I'm feeling really giddy right now, you stir up some strong emotions inside me."

I hugged her tight again, I can't get enough of her.

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