Snow White And Rose Red (Priv...

By jrotti

148 1 0


Snow White And Rose Red (Privame academy)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10

chapter 8

6 0 0
By jrotti


Alex’s Pov


 “Cool.”  Celena says.  She looks at all of the video games stacked on the shelf.  The room has video games, a mini kitchen, instruments and anything else that a guy could ever want.  I look at the room in wonder.  Then I see the small tv that is showing the concert.  

   “Hello everyone!”  Austin yells as the girls in the crowd scream.  Austin launches into his song ‘do it all over again’  (Actual song by ELYAR FOX.  British singer.  Awesome.  Look him up).  I have to admit that the song is catchy.  

   “This ones for the girls who like to lose their minds, they hit rewind and they lose their minds.  Hey this ones for the girl that keeps me up all night, she works me over time, my heart's working overtime.”  Austin sings.  He launches into the pre chorus and everyone sings along.  “So hey girl, hey girl why you hesitate girl, cause I got a seat free and its right by me tonight, tonight.  Wait girl, wait girl, why you complicate girl? I got money in my pocket and I kinda wanna blow it tonight, tonight.”  Here comes the chorus.  “So if I lose my head tonight.  Don’t forget to tell the morning light to wake wake me up, up, up in time and do it all over again do it all over.”  The crowd is crazy and after that is done his song ‘a billion girls’ comes on.  “I would like to dedicate this song to a new friend of mine.  This ones for you Alex.”  

   “Friend?”  I scoff.  The song starts and he starts to sing.  Finally he gets to the chorus.  

   “I could go from London to L.A.  I could look a million times a day.  The way I feel is never gonna change is never gonna change, you tell me i’m young and I should wait, but then you’d be the one who got away.  The way I feel is never gonna change is never gonna change ,  There’s a billion girls in the world, but theres only one yoooou,  yoooou.”  

   Austin walks through the door with the press behind him.  They push and shove asking questions, but all get a door in their face for an answer.  

   “Hey.”  He says and plops down on the couch.  I cross my arms and glare.  

   “What are you trying to pull Fox?”  I say.

   “Oh.  Are we not on a first name basis yet?”  He jokes.  My glower just deepens.  “You look scary.”

   “Give me my damn phone.”  I growl.  Austin pulls it out of his pocket.  I throw him his and reach for mine, but he swipes it away.  

  “I’ll escort you to your car.”  He says and walks out.  I run after him and Celena after me.  We end up outside of the car.  He hands me my phone and waves goodbye.  “See you later.”  He yells.  

  “See you la- wait what?”  I yell.  See you later?  He thought that I wanted to see him again.  


   We ride on the highway back to the pack houses.  The car is silent as I try to fall asleep.  Suddenly the car is jerked to the side and Celena screams.  I sit up and look out the windows.  The darkness is complete without the moon in the sky, but I can make out figures coming out from the trees.  Celena jerks the wheel and we go off the road.  Both of us are screaming at the top of our lungs and we brace ourselves.  The car is slammed into a tree and the hood is holded like an accordion.  The glass is laying in our laps and I feel sticky wet liquid on my bare arms.  Celena’s not moving in the drivers seat.  She’s hit her head and the wound is deep.  I drag her out of the car and set her against a tree trunk and prepare to protect her as the dark humanlike figures come out of the forest.  They are Evil ones.  Their eyes are pitch black though I can’t really see anything in the darkness.  Dread fills my heart.  We were stranded in the forest without light or weapons.  Not to mention that Celena was not even conscience.  The EO’s lunge and I have to fight for my life.  I had left my daggers in my room at the pack house.  I at least had my powers.  I grab a stick off the ground and brandish it as a sword.  I teleport behind the line of zombies.  I drive the stick through their hearts.  I rip it out again to skewer more coming at us.  Celena being the werewolf she is, starts to stir.  The gash on her head has slowly closed leaving only blood, but the hit to the head and the strain of the healing keeps her down and unable to fight.  I toss her my phone.  

   “Call someone.”  I yell.  She picks it up and scrolls through my contacts.  The phone screen gives off a little light, just enough to see the zombie behind Celena.  “Celena!”  I yell.  She looks up at the EO and starts to chant.  Her magic again moves out in a ring, but not as strong as it was when I first met her.  It knocks down the EOs within a 5 feet radius, but it not only knocks them out, but her as well.  All of the sudden a light fills the clearing and Austin steps into the clearing with red light glowing off him.  And he has wings.


Austin’s Pov

  Okay.  So maybe you could call me a stalker for following Alex and Celena home, but I had a bad feeling.  My suspicions were confirmed when my phone started to ring.  I picked it up.  All I could here was some screaming and a girl chanting in Worlock tongue.  I had no doubt that it was Celena and Alex.  I swerve the car off the road and park it.  When I step out I do a quick and easy tracking spell to locate the two girls.  They are off into the woods to my right.  I start sprinting and soon enough I come across a bunch of the walking dead.  They turn on me, but they don’t have a chance to attack because I have already unshielded my wings and fly through them cutting throats as I go.  I use a the fearie people’s most powerful weapon.  The black reaper sword.  Let me tell you that when it cuts you it literally sucks out your soul.  I walk out into the clearing.  



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