I Hate That I Love You

By amourecrivain

4.2M 112K 30.4K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note <3

Chapter 8

182K 4.9K 1.6K
By amourecrivain

I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 8


Carly's POV

Where was Blake?

Wasn't he suppose to be at my side at all times to protect me? Why wasn't he here now?

My fear heightened as I walked through the dark UCLA campus by myself. I kept my distance from the alleys, scared that the incident will repeat itself. It was close to midnight and not a lot of people were outside.

Up ahead, I saw two figures right under the glow of one of the street lights. As I got closer, their faces got clearer.

The light cast a shadow over the woman's face but I could make out her features. She had brown hair that that was bobbed and framed her face. She had a small button nose and eyes that were a little bit too close together and a perfect white smile.

I knew the other person was Blake just from the intimidating way he was standing and how I can clearly see his hazel eyes shine even from yards away.

They were standing a little too close to each other and was engaged in a conversation. I started to walk faster so I could be safe by his side once again.

Then, they kissed.

I stopped in my tracks a few yards from them and suddenly, breathing didn't come easy anymore.

They were locked together in an intense kiss. His arms were slowly wrapped tightly around her waist, lifting her slightly off the ground, while her arms went around his neck.

I couldn't hold onto the tears, they just started falling down my face like a waterfall. I wouldn't be surprised if I just suddenly dropped dead. I don't know how I'm still alive from all the damage my heart has been through today.

I couldn't utter a sound, move my feet, or stop the tears from falling. So, I just stood there and watched the man I love kiss someone else.

I saw her smile as she pulled away and it broke my heart because I knew just how amazing his kisses made you feel. I was once in her position except he had rejected me and with this stranger, he pulled her again for another kiss.

Then, a cold hand roughly went on my mouth, muffling the scream that instinctively escaped. I fought and struggled, trying to slip from his hold. I could still see Blake and the mystery woman locked in their kiss. Fear overflowed through me as more tears fell.

An arm wrapped itself around my front, pulling me back and dragging me to a familiar alley. I was pushed against a brick wall, a hand still covering my mouth while the other held both my hands tight above my head.

The figure was in black sweats and stood taller than me. Their hood was over their head, preventing me from seeing who they were. I stopped crying but my heart rate doubled.

"Don't testify. Forget what you saw. Forget what happened." their voice was raspy and every word was like a scratch.

Then I saw the person take something out of his pocket. Before I could even do anything else, the knife entered me.


"Come on, you two, it's not like you're never going to see each other again. You have a class together tomorrow." I heard the amusement in Aiden's voice.

Blair and I held on a little longer to each other as we said our goodbyes. It was noon the next day and it was time for both Blair and Aiden to move out of Blake's crib and into Aiden's new apartment in the city.

"I'll see you in class, okay, Carly?" Blair said to me, finally letting me go. "Be careful and call whenever you need me."

"Thank you. And yes, I'll see you then." I replied.

Be careful, Blair said.

My dream from last night played through my mind and I rubbed my chest, remembering the way the knife hit me. I had woken up in a sweaty mess, shaking to the bones, from the nightmare. But all I did was lay there and observe the ceiling until I fell back to sleep again.

I was torturing myself with thoughts like: "Who was that woman kissing Blake?", "Does Blake have a secret girlfriend?", "They looked so happy together."

The sick thing was, I wasn't at all interested in the black-hooded figure that was the lead role in my dream. Instead, I was more hurt about what happened with Blake.

After a few more goodbyes, they left. I went straight to Blair's old bedroom which will now be temporarily mine.

She left the covers, blankets, and pillows on the bed along with other furnitures that she didn't need because Aiden had similar ones. All I had to do was fill up the closet with my clothes and the bathroom with my toiletries.

"Ready for class?" Blake was leaned up against my door, watching me as I hung up a few clothes.

"Yup." I popped.

He had to watch over me, it didn't mean we had to be friends. As far as I know, we stopped being friends the second he told me to leave.

I could still feel him watching me but didn't say anything else. I finished hanging up my casual clothing and just dumped my undergarments and PJs in the drawers.

"Do you need help?" he asked. He still didn't move from his spot.

"Nope." I kept reminding myself about the decision I made about moving on from Blake. Hopefully, if I'm short as possible, he would get the hint and leave.

"Are you mad about something?"


Within seconds, he had crossed the room and had a gently grip 

on my wrist. The simple touch made me crave for so much more but the pleasure wasn't enough to mask the pain he had caused me.

The memory of him completely rejecting me right after he unknowingly took my one sacred thing has traumatized me. It had hurt me to the point where I felt numb. And after everything that has happened lately, I was on the verge of depression but I wasn't weak. That's why I have to keep my head up and my heart away from Blake Bradley.

"Carly, I know when you're lying." Blake's hazel eyes had changed from a brown color to a darker gray. Knowing him, it was either he was aroused or angry. Obviously, he was mad. "Tell me what's wrong."

I stared at him for a moment. He was unbelievably perfect. Even though he wasn't smiling, I could see the little dip of skin where his dimple lies. His nose was slightly crooked from the fights he had been in in his teen years, showing a bad boyish side. His lips were curved into a frown but nothing in the world looked more kissable than his mouth.

I tore my gaze away from his lips and ripped my arm out of his grasp. I couldn't believe that someone, who I thought was incredibly perfect, could just selfishly shatter my heart into pieces.

"What's wrong is if we don't leave right now, I'll be late for class." I said.

I didn't wait for him. I took my purse and books from the nearby shelf and walked out of the bedroom. I heard him shuffle through his room to get what he needed while I was slipping on my shoes in the foyer.

A few minuets later, we were silently in his G6 driving to the main building. Even though my class was within walking distance, he had thought this would be safer. I didn't argue.

"Your professor has been notified of the situation and is allowing me to sit with you during class." Blake said when he was turning off the engine to his car.

"What about your classes?"

"Being your near guard is my assignment. So it's like I'm going to class just by being with you."

Great. The only time Blake Bradley ever hung out around me is when he's required to.

"And it's best if you don't tell anyone our business. It's safer for you that way." he continued.

"What if people ask why you're always with me?"

Blake paused and I could almost see the gears in his brain move as he thought of an answer. "You could say we're dating." he said.

Normally, nothing would make me happier, even if it's only pretending, but in this situation, I am beyond angry.

I was in the middle of forcing myself to get over him and he's twisting up some random role-play? No. It's hard enough as it is, having to be around him all the time, I didn't need us to pretend we were dating. That would make it more difficult and it'll also hurt more knowing that none of it would be real.

"That's not necessary." I said. My eyes narrowed at the little dimple that started to appear. I can see him trying to hide his smirk.

Before he could reply and make me even angrier, I grabbed my things and opened the car door to let myself out.

We walked silently on the pathway from the parking lot to the building. We weren't close enough to be touching but we walked with a reasonable distance between us.

"Blake!" Suddenly, a little pixie came running out of who knows where and threw her whole body at him.

Shit, fuck, damn... it was the girl from my dream.

He stumbled backwards but then he caught himself and stood straighter. The woman's legs were wrapped around his waist and arms were wound around his neck so tight that I think his head might pop off.

The anger and jealousy bubbled in my chest. I wanted to rip that woman out off Blake's arms and show her exactly who's fucking man she had her hands all over.

My conscious got to me before I could grab her hair, reminding me that Blake Bradley was not mine.

"Miranda?" I heard Blake ask.

The little bitch finally pried herself from him and Blake gently placed her back on her feet. "Hey, Blake! I haven't seen you in so long. I missed you." her voice was like nails on chalkboard.

I looked away from them when I saw a big smile stretch on Blake's face. It hurt to see another woman making him smile like that when not once did I make that happen.

"I missed you, too!" From the corner of my eye, I saw him hug her again. "It's good to see you. How was boarding school?"

"Ehhh, it was okay." the pixie babbled on but I zoned out.

I stood there, a few feet from them, awkwardly waiting for either of them to take notice. I was on the verge of freaking the fuck out on them when the pixie turned and her eyes landed on me.

"Hi," she smiled. "I'm Miranda Blue." she held out her hand and I shook it with a firm grip.

"Oh, how rude of me." Blake said. Yeah, how rude and completely heartless of you. "Miranda, this is my friend Carly West," Oh, it's friend now? I thought we were pretending to be dating? Cool. "And Carly, this is Miranda, an old college friend." Yeah, friend, sure. More like an old fuck buddy.

"Nice to meet you." I said politely, forcing a fake smile on my face.

The sight of them kissing from my dream was branded onto my memories and now, as I watch them slip into a casual conversation, there was no doubt in my mind that my dream was somehow a prediction of the near future.

They would kiss and fall in love.

And I would die.

Not being able to take any more, I rudely turned around and walked away. I didn't even bother to say goodbye or let my 'body guard' know.

"Dammit, Carly. Wait for me." I heard him say a quick farewell to Miranda but I ignored him and kept up a quick pace to my first class.

"Carly?" I stopped there. The voice hadn't come from Blake's sexy voice. I looked around to see who had spoken my name and saw Riley Sherman walking towards me.

I remembered him staying by my side on the ride from the crime scene to the court house. He was so nice and caring to a complete stranger that I couldn't help but like him. He kept whispering "it's okay" and "everything will be alright" to me yesterday during the hearing and the soothing words had calmed my nervous wreck.

"Riley." I greeted with a smile as he took me in his arms for a quick hug.

"How are you feeling? Is everything alright?" Riley asked, his hands holding my shoulder and standing so close that I could smell the mint from the gum he was chewing.

By now, Blake had reached me. I could feel his intimidating presence from behind me and I fought a smirk.

You want to flirt with other woman? Well, honey, I could do the same.

I put a hand on Riley's shoulder and batted my eye lashes at him. Right away, a blush rose to his cheeks and I smiled at the quick accomplishment.

"I'm great now that I got to see you again." I said sweetly.

Was it me or did I just hear Blake growl?

Riley looked over my shoulder and finally noticed Blake. He gave him a quick nod hello before looking back down at me.

"Do you think I could get your number?" he asked, shyly. "I wanted to see if you'd want to go out for some coffee sometime."

I heard Blake move from behind me and he was now standing beside me and Riley, who's hands were still on me. "I don't think---" Blake started to sat but I cut him off.

"That'd be great!" After reciting my phone number, he promised to text me later on. We hugged goodbye then walked away in opposite directions.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Blake asked me. He kept up with my quick pace.

I faced forwards and kept my eyes on the ground in front of me to avoid eye contact. "Going out for coffee with a friend." I said.

"I don't think so." Blake said. He took my upper arm and stopped me from walking. He turned me so we were facing each other. "First off, it's not safe and second, I don't like him."

I scoffed. "Frankly, I don't give a shit about what you think anymore. I'll go out and talk with whoever I want to." I took his hand off of me, ignoring the shocks of pleasure that always came from touching him. "Why don't you go out with Miranda while I'm out on my date." I couldn't help but add that but I quickly regretted the words right after it left my mouth.

"You're not going on a date!" he yelled, causing a few heads to look our way. But then he stopped as a small smile started to appear on his face. "Are you jealous?" he asked me.

"No." I said a little too quickly. I felt my face heat up and I know that it probably resembled a tomato.

Blake smirked. "Yeah, you are. That's cute, Carly."

Stomping my foot in anger, I turned on my heels and headed towards class. "Fuck you, Blake."


Blake's POV

I watched her hips sway as she angrily walked away, loving the way her butt looked in her jean shorts. Then I remembered the scene that just occurred with Riley Sherman. Anger replaced the happiness I felt when I saw Carly in her jealous state.

She was going to on a date, with a damn pansy ass, when there was a murderer out there who might be hunting for her? Hell, no. Over my dead body.

I wasn't sure if I was feeling this protectiveness due to the fact that I was ordered to keep her safe or if it was because I didn't want her to ever be around that douche, Riley, for another second.

When I had seen him hug her and kept a hold on her, I wanted to rip his body to shreds. I hated the fact that another man was touching her. It not only made me angry beyond belief, it also hurt to see.

Miranda Blue was one of my many one night stand. I met her on our Freshman year at our Philosophy class. Long story short: I thought the brunette was pretty, invited her to a party, took her home, and did the dirty.

We became acquaintances but then she had to move abroad a year later for two years to get class credits that wasn't available in UCLA. I haven't spoken to her since she left, until now.

Yeah, Miranda was pretty. The sex was satisfying. But I couldn't help but compare her to Carly. Miranda looked plain and simple next to flawless and perfect.

Ever since New Years, the one time I slipped and gave into my feelings, and I kissed her, Carly Anne West had ruined me for any other woman. I couldn't even check out other girls anymore. Carly is the only one who attracts me now.

Hence, the plan of telling everyone that we were 'dating'. It was a way to protect her and keep her from other guys all at the same time.

After what she had said to me last night, I took the wake up call and decided to go after a once in a life time thing before it quickly slips from my grasp.

Fuck everything else, I was going to give into this feeling. I'm tired of not touching her and kissing her. I wanted to hold her and protect her and take care of her and love her with every atom in me.

I was going after Carly West.


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