The Real Me || Book One

By miraculousduo

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((COMPLETED)) Graduation night, they promised each other they would stay in touch, but things don't always go... More

Chapter One: Graduation
Chapter two: Finding Out Is The Worst Part
Chapter three: Same Class
Chapter four: Liar
Chapter five: Is It Too Late?
Chapter six: Best Friends
Chapter seven: Let The Games Begin
Chapter eight: First Signs
Chapter nine: Skin Deep (Part One)
Chapter ten: Skin Deep (Part Two)
Chapter eleven: Skin Deep (Part Three)
Chapter twelve: Confrontation
Chapter thirteen: Growing Up
Chapter fourteen: No Longer Kids
Chapter fifteen: Her Birthday
Chapter Sixteen: The Reveal
Chapter seventeen: It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This
Chapter eighteen: Mason and Marinette
Chapter nineteen: Everything is not as it seems
Chapter twenty: The Wedding
Chapter twenty-one: Marry Me, Here And Now
Book Two!!

Chapter twenty-two: The End Is Just The Beginning

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By miraculousduo

{A/N: In the last chapter, I forgot that I had changed the title after writing the entire thing, so the A/N makes zero sense now XD also this is a really long part but I saved the best for last!}

Third Person POV:

It didn't take long for Alya and Eileen to drag Marinette from her soon-to-be husband and to the nearby "powder" room. They sat her down at the vanity and went to work, taking off the not-so-flattering lipstick color Mason's mother begged for the bluenette to wear since she herself wore it on her wedding day.

"Am I making a mistake?" The girl squeaked out, staring at her reflection. Alya and Eileen stopped in their tracks, exchanged looks, then both scoffed.

"Are you serious, Marinette?! He's back, he's waiting for you, and you're getting married! There's no time to second guess this. You've literally planned for this day to come ever since middle school. No backing out now." Alya stated as she applied a thin layer of bright coral lipstick to Marinette's lips. Eileen nodded in agreement, fiddling with the navy blue hair that was once in their signature pigtails for some reason.

"It's been five years too long, Mar. You both love each other, which was obvious in the beginning but now, you can take that final step of your ultimate fan fiction: marrying Adrien Agreste."

"How did you—" Marinette started but was soon cut off by Alya standing her up.

"There, you're complete! Now! We need your father to re-walk you down the aisle and give you away... to a different guy." She scanned the room for her purse where her cell phone lay tucked inside.

"Actually, I don't want to walk the aisle that way again." Both girls stared at her in shock, their lips parted slightly.

"What?!" Alya's eyes grew wide.

"Everyone's already seen it, shouldn't I shake things up a bit?"

"Mar, you're shaking them up by getting married to a different guy. Anymore shaking and you'll cause multiple heart attacks." Eileen crossed her arms over her shoulders.

"Wait, I've got an idea." Alya's lips curled into a smirk as she glanced down, collecting her thoughts.

"I don't like that look." Marinette let out a sigh as Alya chuckled.

"Eileen, I want you to retrieve Lucas and Marinette's parents. Tell them there's been a change of plans. I'll get Nino down here and let Adrien know what's happening."

Nodding, Eileen exited the room and made her way to the wedding hall. Marinette looked at her best friend with a confused expression.

"Don't worry, I'll come back for you when we're ready to go." Alya pat the top of Marinette's head before moving towards the door.

"What on Earth am I supposed to do while you're gone?" Marinette tried her best to follow Alya out but as soon as her feet touched the carpet of the hallway, the redhead pushed the bluenette back into the room.

"Play a game on your phone, write the last chapter of your Fan Fic, hell I don't know. But you better not leave this room!" The door was closed before Marinette could respond.

Sighing to herself, she retreated to the couch and pulled out her phone. "This only makes me more nervous than I already am." She mumbled, tapping onto a game.


Adrien remembered the way Alya stomped down the aisle, a determined glint shining in her eyes. As soon as she stood in front of him, her fingers latched to the collar of his shirt and she pulled him forward without any warning.

He was dragged down the aisle, avoiding snickers from the crowd as he passed by. Once the two were outside along with Sabine, Tom, Lucas, and Eileen, Alya turned to the confused blonde with the same smirk she showed his future bride.

"We're going to get you two married, but not here. Everyone's expecting a wedding between Marinette and Mason, you're not in that equation."

"So then how are we getting married?"

"City hall. The mayor can do just a good job as a preacher." She smiled softly and finally let her fingers leave his shirt. "Marinette will be surprised, which is why she's not here. She'll go with Sabine and Tom while Lucas, Eileen, and you go on ahead there. We'll be there shortly."

Before Adrien could fully process what would be happening, Eileen grabbed his shoulders and lead him to the car with Lucas trailing behind. Once the three had pulled out of the parking lot, Alya turned to Sabine and Tom and lead them to their own car. Things were finally going in the right direction and she'd be damned if anything happened to ruin it.

"No bimbo blondes coming in at the last minute to ruin the vows," she mumbled, walking through the hall towards Marinette's tomb. "And certainly no random invitations."

Just as her hand turned the knob, her eyes grew to the size of saucers. There standing in front of her was Marinette and Mason... hugging.

"What the hell?! I leave for a few minutes and you bring him in here? Explain, now!"

Marinette pulled away first, tears trickling down her cheeks. All the anger that had built up inside her quickly melted away as she stretched her arms out for the girl.

Marinette hugged her back, sniffling a few times as they embraced. "Can he come too? He means a lot Alya, and technically he was supposed to get married today."

"So seeing your wedding is supposed to make him feel better?" Alya laughed and looked over at the boy. He fidgeted with his fingers nervously as Alya gazed at him.

"Don't worry, you can tag along. But I swear if you do anything to prevent them from getting married, I will personally dig your grave and bury you in it!" Mason's head sprung up at her comment and his cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"Relax, I'm only kidding." Marinette pulled away and turned to face Mason, a kind smile taking over her features. She reached a hand out for the boy to take and when he did, Alya places each of her hands over Marinette's bluebell eyes.

"All right, I don't know much about you Mason, but could you please help me guide her outside? We've got somewhere we need to be."

Mason nodded, leading both girls into the hall then outside. Alya silently pointed to a black car which was running and ready to go. The two helped Marinette inside then quickly scrambled in themselves.


Adrien moved side to side in his chair, something to distract himself with while the other group was on their way. He sat in front of a marriage official ((or whatever they're called)) his nerves slowly starting to get to him.

Minutes passed and the door suddenly opened. Without a word, Alya stepped inside, her hands still covering Marinette's eyes. The red head lead her friend to the chair next to Adrien and once Marinette was plopped down, Alya took one of Adrien's hands and intertwined it with Marinette's. Taking a few seconds to admire her work, she smiled contently and nodded her head at Adrien, giving him the go-ahead.

Marinette's eyes fluttered open once the door was closed and the first thing she looked at, was their joined hands. Her cheeks slowly turned red as she realized what was about to happen.

"It's really happening isn't it?" She asked softly, avoiding his emerald orbs. Adrien nodded silently and leaned over to kiss her temple, sending a shiver down her spine.

"I'm ready when you are." He whispered, looking back at the official and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

~•~•~((skipping to the vows because I'm too lazy and because I think we all want to read this part))

"I wasn't sure this day would come, with all the hops we had to jump through just to confess our feelings, but you were. I wasn't sure love could go through all the things we put it through and manage to grow even stronger, but you were. You have always been sure about everything and you taught me that love is not just some word people spread around; love is two people who are destined to be with each other for the rest of their lives. I want you to know how lucky I feel for having found the one perfect person for me, the one who suits me so comfortably and who gives me joy and boundless hope and anticipation for the future. Every time I think about you, you make me nothing but happy. The day we met was the day I truly became alive again, and today— our wedding day— I declare my love and devotion for you. I make a vow to stand by your side through the best and worst of times, and to give you the best of what I have from now until the end of our days." She finishes, tears stinging her bluebell eyes. Adrien leaned over and gently wiped them away with his thumb, staring lovingly into her eyes. It was now his turn, a vow he would always stand by for years to come.

"Well, here we are, love. Despite the ups and downs, we showed everyone who didn't believe in us that our love is real and no one can come between us. Just you breathing is the greatest gift anyone could ever give me. I will tell you, if you let me count the ways, that I love you to the depth and breadth and height that my soul can reach. I love you to the level of everyday's most quiet need, by day and by night, I love you purely and freely. I love you passionately and with my deepest faith. I love you, Mari and I promise to love you, take care of you, to cherish you, to support you, and to respect you. And if my lifetime of loving you is not enough, I promise you that I shall love you even better after death. In the sight of family and friends, I give you my solemn promise to stay with you faithfully in times of happiness and of sadness, in times of health and of sickness, in times of plenty and of lack, through good times and through bad times. I vow to you that I shall give you my unconditional love and support, that I shall honor, respect, and cherish you for the rest of my life."

Happiness in marriage is not something that happens. A good marriage must be created. In the Art of Marriage, the little things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day. It is never going to bed angry. It is at no time taking the other for granted; the courtship should not end with the honeymoon, it should continue through all the years. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is standing together, facing the world. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is not expecting to the husband to wear a halo or the wife to have wings of an angel. It is not looking for perfection in each other. It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding, and a sense of humor. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is finding room for things of the spirit. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is establishing a relationship in which independence is equal, dependence is mutual, and the obligation is reciprocal. It is not only marrying the right partner, is is being the right partner. May you always need one another, not so much to fill the emptiness as to help each other know your fullness.

"On this special day," they begin together, their fingers intertwined with one another and dopey smiles across their lips.

"I give to you in the presence of all in attendance my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you, cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live."


"... always be open and honest with you..."

Upon finding out about their first child almost a year down the road, everything Marinette feared would happen, did. Here she was pregnant, receiving a phone call she knew all too well. He was gone... Really gone... and as the tears streamed down her cheeks, the nagging feeling of something wrong began to slowly eat at her. No... this time was different... this time, he wouldn't be coming back. This time, there was a funeral... it all hit her at once.

Adrien Agreste, her high school crush, husband, and father of her child, was gone...

The end is just the beginning...


{A/N: Tada! Anyone who is freaking out right now, fear not for I have already started writing chapter one of the second book!
Title: Love Is Patient

See you soon!!}


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