Let Me Heal You (Tenth Doctor...

By Clover778

21.4K 537 214

My arms wrap around you like a vine clinging to an oak tree. I breathe you in, filling my lungs with the head... More

Let Me Heal You (Tenth Doctor x Jack Harkness)
Chapter One
Chapter 3

Chapter Two

4.7K 121 15
By Clover778

"And then, and then and then and then... you won't believe this," says the Doctor, waving his arms wildly and giggling like a little girl, "and then you know what he says to me?"
"What does he say to you, old friend?" Jack replies, chuckling at the very state of the Doctor, who'd had one too many beers.
"He says, 'I'm a tea pot, not a tea kettle!'" The Doctor broke off, laughing wildly and clutching his sides. Jack laughed along with him, laughed at him drunk, laughed at the beautiful night and laughed at himself. They both chortled off into silence, gazing out at the stars from the flight deck, and things became utterly sombre. The silence stretched, and then Jack got an idea, an idea that refused to leave his head no matter how hard he tried to slam a door in it's face. He sighed internally and gave in, then leapt up, startling the Doctor.
"Don't worry Doc, I'll be right back." He said, then descended from the flight deck. The Doctor watched him go, and even in his drunken state, was able to think clearly for a moment.
He wondered about his intentions with Jack. His true, real, honest intentions. Although he did want to explore a territory he'd never ventured in before, and Jack was the perfect man to do so, the Time Lord wondered if he was actually attracted to this man. Captain Jack Harkness, he mused, what are you made of? He looked out into the neverending night sky, his thoughts deepening. Jack was immortal now, and although the Doctor knew he would die eventually, as the Face of Boe, he still had a long, long, long while to go yet. Not forever, but a very long time. He could stay with the Doctor, and more importantly, the Doctor could stay with him. Jack was everything he sought in a relationship. Brave, strong, funny, and the fact that he was extremely good looking didn't hurt. The Doctor chuckled to himself, then jumped again as speakers from every angle crackled, then spit to life in a tune the Doctor recognized as late 1930's Earth music.
Jack bounded back up the stairs, grinning and, without saying a word, grabbed the Doctor, spun him around, and held him, swaying back and forth slowly across the flight deck as the music played. He closed his eyes and let the music carry him, moving his feet, moving his heart. He wanted to live in this moment forever, just holding this beautiful man.
The Doctor, strangely, had not said anything. He was musing once again as to what his next move would be, how he wanted to procede. For as much as he tried to squash it down, he was already getting consciously attached to Captain Jack, already developing romantic feelings and... attraction. Well, he chuckled to himself, it was hard not to when pressed up against that man, being held by him. The Doctor felt a warm hand grab his chin and tilt it up to see two twinkling blue eyes gazing into his. Once again, he felt himself getting lost in those eyes, mesmerized by the spark in them that never seemed to fade.
"What were you chuckling about, Doc?" asked the Captain, his voice coming out smooth and husky, and making the Time Lord shiver just slightly. Jack drew him closer, wrapping his arms around the skinny man's waist, and the Doctor put his head on Jack's shoulder, giving in to what he wanted. To what they both wanted. He sighed deeply and looked out once again at the stars. They never seemed to change, but at the same time, they changed so much as the universe grew older, then young, then older again.
"Us. This. The maddening brilliance of it." He admitted softly, not wanting to ruin the tranquil moment. He could hear the Captain's heartbeat, strong and steady and alive. The song came to an end and they were left standing on the flight deck, both still slightly tipsy and swaying as the music kept on playing in their heads.
"How's that then?" Jack asked, resting his chin on the Doctor's head as he waited for an answer.
"Hmmm, I'll tell you once I finish that thought."
"Mm, okay." And it was quiet for awhile. Could've been two minutes, or two hours, Jack didn't care, it felt like an eternity when he was this peaceful. Every second felt like a thousand years of just that feeling of being okay, being content, being satisfied. And then the Doctor shattered all that, in an instant.
He'd made up his mind, and now he was going to really make good on his promise, as he knew Jack hoped for, and that he himself now wanted. He weaved his fingers through Jack's ashy locks and pulled the handsome man's face down to meet his own, kissing him hard and without restraint. The Captain immediately responded, kissing him back fiercely, and getting the first taste of time. That heady, intoxicating, taste that thrummed with all that had been, all that would be and all that was in that moment. It was the taste of a Time Lord.
The Doctor, meanwhile, was tasting pain. Jack was kissing him with abandon, deep and strong and showing the Doctor all the pain Jack had ever felt, all the love he'd lost, that raw, animalistic feeling of being abandoned and utterly helpless. Well, no more, the Doctor decided. He was here for good and as long as Jack needed him, he would be everything he wanted and more. The Doctor kissed deep and passionately, trying to show Jack that he was there for him, that he didn't have to be alone anymore.
Jack suddenly pulled back, breathing hard, and they both tried to get their breath back and slow their heartbeats down, without much success. Jack laughed nervously and ran a hand through his now unruly hair, mussing it up even more. The Doctor just stared at him, almost as if he was seeing right through him.
"You okay there?" he asked, his voice shaking a bit, which surprised him. He was normally much more... cool about these things. "I mean, I know I'm good and all, but there's no need to go comatose over it." He grinned, and still the Doctor just stared into his eyes, as if seeing his very soul. Jack was getting legitimately worried now.
"Hey, Doc, seriously, are you okay?" Jack shook him a bit, which seemed to snap him out of it.
"Yes, uhm, I'm fine, I'm just, um... fine." The Doctor darted out of Jacks arms, which disappointed him but at least proved the Doc was back to his old eccentric self. He descended from the flight deck and Jack followed him, curious.
"Now then," The Doctor called over his shoulder as he ran around the ship, looking at random items as if they were the most important things in the world, such as the stove and the bare bulb in the kitchen light. "I believe, we should, ahm, what's this?" He stopped, staring intently at a whitish stain on the couch-slash-pullout bed. Jack chuckled as he remembered what had caused that.
"Well, I was sitting here, drinking a nice glass of powdered milk and thinking about why donkeys are color blind, and I looked out the window and all I can see is a huge, well, elephant, floating in the middle of space. I damn near shit myself, and spilled the milk all over myself and the couch. Turns out it was just a lost parade balloon from an Earthmade flying city." The Doctor listened intently and finally nodded.
"Are you bloody mad?!" He yelled. "Oh good God, why oh why would you drink POWDERED milk! Euuugh!" He darted off again and Jack stood there, stunned at the very intense, very strange mood the Doctor was in. This was not the calm, calculating, always-has-a-plan Time Lord he was used to. This was the real Doctor, as mad as a Hatter. Hell, he probably was the Hatter, Jack thought to himself as he wandered into his bedroom, the room the Doctor had disappeared into. He liked this different side of the Doctor, he liked it quite a lot.
"... Should sleep on the pull out until we're a little bit more, uh, sorted." He spun to face Jack, who just nodded even though he hadn't the faintest idea what the Doctor was on about, and followed him once again as he rushed through the ship, a small whirlwind of energy and magic as the made himself comfortable.
"Uh, Doc, you know you could just go back to the Tardis, right? I mean, not that I don't want you here, but that pullout isn't the comfiest thing..." he trailed off, uncertain.
"Ah, that's true Captain, but then again, where's the fun in that?" He winked and grinned devilishly, a crooked smile that made Jack's heart pound. He managed to shrug nonchalantly.
"Your choice. Oh, and Doctor?" he said as he turned to walk away, already catching on to the Doc's game.
"My bed is always open if you get scared and need a little, y'know, comforting. I assure you, I'm VERY friendly." he replied, letting desire flood his voice so there was no way the Doctor could miss his meaning. And with that, he turned and walked away, already replaying the kiss in his mind.

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