The Time Turner

By Jens_World

146K 3.3K 1.8K

James S. Potter is always getting in trouble. What happens when he gets into his father's study and gets sent... More

The Time Turner
Sooo who dies?
Missing kids and stuff
Authors note!!!!
Getting to know each other
A New Visitor
Too much excitement
We're saved!...or not
Closet Lurkers
Bad News
More stuff
Authors Note
Last Chappie
Family Tree


8.2K 209 34
By Jens_World

'I am so dead.' Victoire thought as they landed in 1995. She picked up her eldest daughter and followed her aunts and uncles inside.

"Dad! Mum!" Teddy, Lily, James, Al, Rose and Hugo ran to their parents. Lucy, Molly, the twins, Liz and Scorpius held back until the families called them into the hugs.

"Vic!, Amélie!" Teddy said, seeing them. He ran and hugged them.

"Daddy!" Amélie held her arms out to her dad.

"Hello my precious girl." He said, squeezing her tight.

"Daddy, I knew Grandpa would find you!" Mel said.

Future Harry smiled. "And I did, didn't I beautiful?"

Mel(thts what I'm gonna call her)giggled as picked her and tickled her. Past Ginny smiled. Harry was really good with kids.

"He'll be yours soon." Future Ginny whispered in her ear.

She looked startled, but her future self just winked at her.

"Ugh, I haven't seen this place look this bad in forever."(Ginny and Harry used to live there before they learned about Potter manor). Future Ginny complained.

Future Harry rolled his eyes.

"Rosie!" Mel cried. "Auntie Lizzy!" Both girls smiled and Rose took her. All the girls crowded around her.

Teddy pulled Harry aside. "Dad, why did you let them come?"

"You know Vic wouldn't let me leave her, and I didn't know Mel was coming." He said.

"Where are Remus and Aimée?" Teddy asked

"Dom and Louis are watching them at the house, they were supposed to be watching Mel too, but I guess she escaped."

Teddy sighed. "That girl is more stubborn than her mother."

Mel looked at her dad and her hair turned pink.

"Ha! Is my girl happy?" Teddy asked, picking her up.

"Her hair's been blue lately." Vicky whispered.

"Did you miss daddy?"

She nodded, and her pink hair and eyes flashed ocean blue.

"Wow! She's one too?" Tonks asked.

"Yeah, for now her eyes and hair only change with her moods, pink means happy, ocean blue means sad, fire-red means angry, purple means excited, yellow means cheerful, and white when she's playing innocent." Vicky said.

"Wow." Tonks looked at her granddaughter. "What color does she usually keep it?"

"Sapphire blue. She likes that color a lot." Vic said.

Teddy changed his eyes and hair and Mel copied him, her hair going back to that glittering blue.

She looked over to Tonks, whose eyes were a different shade of blue.

"Daddy, who's that?" She asked.

"That's your Grandmum."

"No she's not, that's Grandmummy." She pointed to future Ginny.

"That's my real mum. Grandmum Ginny isn't really my mum, remember?" Teddy said.

Amélie looked too confused, her hair turning three different colors.

"Poor thing!" Tonks said.

"This is Grandmum Tonks, remember the picture of her and Grandpa Remus?"

Her hair turned a light yellow, almost white.

"We're still not sure what that means." Vicky said.

"Aw, Vic, it only means somethings clicked." Teddy said.

"Or she's bored." Remus laughed.

"That too." Teddy grinned.

"Come here, cutie." Tonks said.

Teddy handed her to his mum.

Tonks looked like she was in heaven.

"Oh man." Harry muttered.

"What?" Everyone cried.

"The dang thing broke when we were coming here. Were stuck." Harry groaned.

"Well, we can just call home, we left the mirror with Percy and George for a reason, right?" Ron asked.

"This was the only time turner in the ministry, it could take them weeks to find another one." Harry said.

"Not good." Ron muttered.

Liz gave him her mirror and he went to call Percy. The twins, Molly and Lucy followed so they could talk to their dads.

"Well, let's get rooms rearranged." Mrs. Weasley said.

Future Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were in one room, and Teddy, Vicky and Amélie in another.


Mel woke up early and did what she always did when she spent the night at Grimmauld place(H and G sometimes go there when they don't want there house destroyed by crazy nieces and nephews). She got up and went downstairs.

"Grandmum?" She said, softly. Past Ginny jumped and turned around.

"That is going to get some getting used to." She muttered, but smiled. "How'd you know it was me and not Lily?"

"Your hair is longer than Lily's." Mel said.

"You are so smart, aren't you?" Ginny said, picking her up.

Her hair turned from a light grey to a bubblegum pink.

"And pretty, too. You got your mummy's Veela in you, didn't you?"

Mel burst into a fit of giggles and Ginny couldn't help but giggle too.

"Dear God, I didn't know it was possible." Ginny heard a voice say.

Past Harry stood in the doorway.

"Ginny Weasley can giggle." He said.

"Oh shut your face, Harry." Mel's eyes widened. She'd never heard her grandmother talk like that, especially to her grandfather.

"What did I say?" Ginny asked.

"Harry and I don't talk like that in front of the little kids." Future Ginny said, coming in. "James got too good at repeating us. We were afraid he'd repeat the wrong word and it would not look good." She said, taking Mel from her past self.

"Oh, sorry." Ginny flushed.

"It's ok." Harry watched Future Ginny play with the little girl.

Ginny smiled at him and he turned a bright red colour. "Come on, Melie-belly Let's go get some breakfast."

"Hi Ginny's, hello Harry." Liz said coming in.

"Hello, Lizzy." Future Ginny eyed her hand.

"Pretty isn't it?" Liz giggled.

"And not big and flashy." Ginny said.

"I hate big and flashy." Both Ginny's say.

"But your ring is so pretty, Mrs. P." Liz said.

"I made Harry order me a new one, but by the time we got it, I was already in love with this one." She grinned. "Everyone knew Harry had given it to me. It was bright and obvious. Girls didn't dare talk about Harry when I was around."

Past Ginny laughed and Harry looked embarrassed.

Liz looked at her wide eyed. Should she have been so adamant about hating big and flashy jewelry? Would girls notice this beautiful yet small ring?

"Of course, I wasn't around Harry, so I needed that." Ginny said, reminding Liz she'd be able to push girls away until they got married since they'd be together all year.

"Err, Mrs. P?" Ginny looked up from where she was strapping Mel. into the high chair she'd conjured up moments ago.

"Will, you, err, be, err-."

"Your Maid-Of-Honor?" She asked, smiling. "Of course."

"Thank you."

"And, since we'll be planning your wedding to my son, I forbid you to ever call me Mrs. Potter again." Liz grinned.

"Um, who was your, err, my maid of honor?" Past Ginny asked. Both girls looked at her.

"Hermione." They both said as if it was obvious.

"Oh. How'd mum take to that?"

"She didn't mind, but Hermione thought she would be angry at her .

The wedding was quite small, actually. Lizzy, you want small, right?"

"As small as you can get marring into the Weasley family."

"Yes, but not many other friends, only the family, and yours of course."

The two began scheming. When James came down, he stopped dead in his tracks at seeing the two.

"What's going on?"

"Grandmummy and Auntie Lizzy are talking about putting Auntie Lizzy in a pretty dress!" Mel giggled over a big plate of pancakes.

"They are, are they?" James said.

Liz smiled at him. James kissed her cheek and whispered, "Good morning, love."

Future Harry came down and greeted his wife the same exact way. He gave his past self a smile.

"Good morning, everyone." He smiled and hugged Mel. "Good morning, princess."

"There you are!" Vicky and Teddy came in seeing their daughter.

"Hi mummy! Hi daddy! Auntie Lizzy and Grandmummy are talking about putting Auntie Lizzy in pretty dress!"

"What?" Vicky cried. Liz held up her hand. "James did it!" She squealed.

"Why are we squealing?" Arthur Weasley came in.

"Hey, dad/Grandpa/Mr. Weasley." Everyone said. (Only younger Harry called him Mr. Weasley. Liz had called him Grandpa since she was thirteen.)

"Liz and James are engaged." Future Harry said.

"Oh! How lovely!" He paused. "Aren't they a little young?"

"They aren't any older than I was." Future Ginny said.

"Really?" He eyed both Harry's.

"I ask you first." Future Harry said.

Past Ginny doesn't look happy, and future Ginny rolls her eyes.

"I am not property!" Past Ginny argues.

"It's not that you are, love. It's that I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something that would make your family hate me. I asked Ron, too."

Past Ginny blushed at being called love and past Harry nods as if it makes sense.

"I'm sure James did the same, if I've raised him right."

Liz turned to look at James, who is rubbing her shoulders.

"Yes I did. But I was supposed to wait until you turned 17." He said.

"Oh, James." Future Ginny said, looking slightly disappointed.

"He said 'I'd prefer if you wait until she's seventeen, or at least until we get back from Holiday.' And she's back from holiday." James said.

Future Harry only chuckled, past Harry smiled, both Ginny's rolled their eyes, Liz grinned and Arthur, Teddy, and Vicky smiled.

"Mum, do you think I could get some of those pancakes?" James asked.

"Yes, and while you're at it, get some for Liz and I as well."

"Yes ma'am." He said with a salut.

"More!" Mel said.

"More?" James repeated, picking her up.

"Yes!" She giggled. He blew into her stomach.

Liz smiled, joining in playing with them.

Future Ron and Hermione stood in the doorway watching them. They were reminded of Harry, Ginny, and Teddy when they were that age. They looked at each other and shared a secret smile.

"You two aren't going to start snogging are you?" A voice came from behind them.

Past Ron stood on the steps.

The two looked at each other. "Well, we are married." Future Ron said smirking.

Past Ron looked at his future Ron like he'd gone mad.

"And how exactly does that happen?" past Hermione asked, coming down the stairs.

They looked at each other and smirked.

"We first kiss in the Room of Requirement during the War. Poor Harry was yelling at us." Hermione said.

Future Ron shrugged. "I didn't know if I was going to die or not, I didn't want it to end." He said.

Past Ron and Hermione were both turning redder than Ron's hair.

"You blush now." Future Hermione said.

They went into the kitchen.


(pic of Mel on side)

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