A new world

By sammyntina2017

43.8K 1.6K 111

A navy seal turned secret agent. She has a new family to call her own. Staying stateside she'll love again D... More

A new dream
Make the call
Getting info
Waking up
Thanks and surprise
Waiting game
Stop scaring us
Im coming
Mark has arrived
How dare you
Betrayed by our own
We have a leak
Getting intel
Distancing myself
Safe house
Found the leak
His real identity
Telling the others
If looks could kill
Get out
Girls day
I do
Being watched
He's been taken
What needs to be done
Im hit
What happened?
Moving out of the ICU
Is she safe?
Big News
Call I'm Dreading
How did you know?
Its Bugged
Job Offer
Can I?
Still in danger?
Who did this?
Shoulder Pain
Big news
Dinner pains

Dinner talk

788 35 1
By sammyntina2017

As soon as Dad leaves I make my way to the kitchen to start on dinner and Trevor follows me. He pulls me into a hug.

"How are you really baby girl?" He asks me concern written all over his face.

"It'll take a while to wrap my head around what happened and I need to tell you something." I tell him.

"What is it?" He asked perplexed.

"You know how when we were held hostage together? I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Yeah what about it?" He asked confused.

"Remember that guy Chris that was on my team?" I ask him and he nods at me.

"Apparently I killed his father." I say looking at him in the eyes.

"I knew you didn't trust him, it was his father that had us? That's so unreal." He says completely shocked.

"He's AWOL right now, there's a leak to someone associated with a terrorist group that killed my entire family." I say with tears.

"When you go after Chris I want in." He says adamantly and I just smile.

He helps me start to cook and shortly after everyone walks in.

" Am I seeing things or is Ace cooking?" Logan asks mouth agape.

"She's always cooked." Tris says laughing at his expression.

"Not in college." Finn says.

"She's been cooking since graduation. I say around September or so around there." Trevor says.

"Wow really mate?" Finn asked shocked.

"How do you two know each other?" Juliet asked her curiosity peaked.

"I'm her lover." Trevor says with a straight face.

"What?" They all yell spitting out their drinks and the guys and I laugh loudly.

"We're best friends, we've been together since day one." I say smiling at Trevor.

"That hurts you don't love me, I'm heartbroken." Trevor says dramatically holding a hand over his heart and I shake my head laughing.

"Oh muffin you know your the only one for me." I say purring at him and he pulls me close and dips me and Colin looks at me and laughs.

"What's so funny Colin, seems like Rory got another man." Logan asks annoyed with a hint of jealously.

"Logan I know her relationship and pet names for all of these guys. Trevor is muffin, Tristan is cookie, Austin is sugar, Mark is honey and Ben is dumpling. I've seen them do this a few times." Colin says laughing.

"Sarah you don't mind Rory calling Tristan cookie? Or acting like this with him?" Logan asked.

"Nope, they love each other. Their brother and sister, I love the bond they have together. I know because of that bond they will always come home." Sarah says smiling as Tristan wraps his arms around her waist.

"You guys really are close aren't you?" Rosemary asks.

"We're family, we'll always be there for each other. Hell we've taken bullets for each other at one point or another." Austin says.

"So who's house is this anyways, It's really nice." Juliet says looking around.

"It's mine." I say offhandedly.

"Luv this is your house?" Finn asks shocked.

"Aren't you worried they'll find us?" Logan asked concerned. I laugh at his facial expression.

"Nope it's not under my legal name."I say.

"What's it under?" Mark asks curious.

"You really want to know?" I ask them. They all nod their heads yes.

"Leigh Janlan" I say.

"How did you come up with that?" Nate asks.

"My middle name is Leigh and Tris's middle name is Janlan. All my properties are under a different name. I use all the guys even some of you." I say pointing to Colin, Mark and Finn.

"You used Colin, Finn, and Mark under your properties." Logan asked a little hurt that he wasn't used. I simply nod my head.

"Ohh what are the names?" Steph asks curious.

"Let's see Leigh Marks, Leigh James, Leigh Nathaniel, Leigh Treves, and Leigh Edwards." I say.

"How many properties do you have?" Juliet asks.

"Where are they?" Rosemary asks.

"She has London, Paris, Italy, Scotland, Brazil, and Australia ." Tris starts.

"Luv you own a house there? Where?" Finn asked excitedly.

"Sydney and one on dolphin beach." Austin says. By the time we're done with all this talking dinner is ready.

We talk about what's going on and that they can't leave the property. I assured them that I will find the leak soon. They understood and after dinner we all went to our rooms.

I go straight to the bathroom and grab the supplies to clean my wound and put ointment and a new bandage on it.

"Here baby let me." He says softly.

"Thank you, I love you." I say softly leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you too Ror." He says back. He removes the old bandage and gasps.

"How did this happen?" He asked looking at me in the eyes.

"I was taking down a guy." I say. He nods and continues to clean and re wrap it. I look at him and his eyes are glossy.

"Colin what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"I don't want to lose you. I love you so much." He says holding me tight. I pull away slightly.

"Baby you won't lose me, I'm ok. I'm not going anywhere. Trust me I'm a hard person to take down. I love you with all my heart." I say to him.

He leans down and kisses me passionately. Soon we are lost in the moment of passion. Wanting to lose ourselves in each other.

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