Stephew Oneshots!

By Fangirl_Powers

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Brief stories surrounding Matpat and Steph! Mainly AU's, but I also will take requests. 💖 More

He likes me too? Pt. one
He likes me too? Pt. Two
Matthew Patrick Private Detective For Hire (Pt. one)
Matthew Patrick Detective For Hire (Pt. 2)

He Likes Me Too? Pt. 3 (Finale)

162 6 0
By Fangirl_Powers

(K here's the deal here guys, I finished writing this, BUT I haven't gone through my super long editing process so if you notice a mistake please comment about it and I will fix it. I'll start editing it soon :3)

"Stephanie? Yo Steph?" I looked up from the flyer to be greeted by my friends all staring. "Did you hear me?" Amy asked pointing up ahead of us. I shook my head. "Okay anyway, you wanna go to the game stop?" She said as we walked past the food court. Marzia and Tiffany were devouring a cup of pretzel castaways. I nodded checking my wallet trying to decide if I had fifty dollars in a game that was worth like ten. 

"Steph what's that flyer say?" Marzia queried as she popped another small pretzel piece in her mouth.

"Oh, it's for some sale there having at that T-shirt store," I muttered placing the slip of green paper into my bright pink bag. 

"Can we go there after we stop at game stop?" Tiffany skilfully dunked a chunk of the doughy goodness in some spicy mustard. I felt my stomach rumble gazing at the deep fried goodness they were eating. "Steph you want one?" She asked holding out the cup with the large Auntie Annes logo on it. 

"Sure," I grabbed a few taking in the smell of the deliciousness. "Thanks, Tiff." I munched on a few as we entered game stop. I looked through the new releases. I let out a small squeal when I found exactly what I was looking for! Skyrim, for the switch. Perfect, I gazed at the box longingly for felt like ages then I looked around for my friends only to notice they were gone. Whipping out my phone I quickly sent them a text, then waited a few seconds. No response. Huh. I paid for the game and was heading out the door when I bumped into a familiar face. 

"Oh... Hi Steph!" Matthew awkwardly said trying not to look at me. It had been months since our acid project and we hadn't really hung out much. The only time we really talked was during class or the one time I had sat with him before Christmas break due to the fact Marzia, Tiffany, and Amy came down with the flu.

"Oh uh hi." I smiled brightly at him trying not to be well... uh too awkward. "What are you up to?" I checked my phone hoping to see that they had responded but no luck. 

"Nothing really I was just gonna grab a bite to eat, you wanna come with?" I felt my insides go slightly crazy at the thought of eating with him... again.

"I guess, will your friends mind?" His cluster of theater friends didn't seem to be anywhere near.

"Nah, they're looking at costumes for the spring musical." He waved a hand dismissively. 

"Oh uhm okay! What do you wanna get, besides diet coke?" I added, he smiled brightly. Matt was constantly drinking diet coke every time she saw him. 

"Hmm wendy's works for me." I nodded, fries did sound good. 

"Sure, you wanna go then?" We walked to the food court discussing our favorite classes of the semester and the rumor going around that the principal was actually a lizard person. We ordered a burger for him with a large diet coke and an order of large fries and water for me. "I'm buying," I got out my wallet selecting a crisp ten dollar bill. 

"No, I'm buying." He said taking a ten dollar bill out as well. The pink haired cashier rolled their eyes.  I handed my money to them before Matthew could give up his money. "Hey!" He squinted his eyes at me in mock disgust.

"Sorry, you can buy frozen yogurt, okay." I laughed. The cashier handed me my change and I put it in my wallet.

"Fine." Matthew scowled at me. I scowled back while we waited for our food until I couldn't take it anymore and we started laughing. 

"Here's your food." The cashier handed us our food in a bored monotone. We walked to a table and took a seat at a table. I pulled out my phone checking my notifications. Not a single text. I set my phone down and we ate our food. I kept looking around trying to find my friends. 

"You okay?" Matthew asked taking a bite of his burger. I nodded drenching one of my fries into some ketchup.

"My friends left me." I ate the extremely greasy fry waiting for his reaction. Matthew's face went slightly blank as if he suddenly was very nervous about something. 

"Oh well, uh what kinda frozen yogurt do you uhm want?" He quickly changed the subject. I narrowed my eyes as I ate another fry. He looked away shyly.

"Do you know where they went?" I slowly asked while dipping another fry into my ketchup. He looked to somewhere behind him focusing on it. He quickly turned away a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. I got up his eyes growing slightly wide. I walked towards the spot. It was corner between a wall and a shop. There peeking around the corner were my friends. 

"Augh she saw us!" Marzia yelled as she ran away. I turned to Matthew whose face was pure horror. 

"You guys set me up didn't you?" I asked Amy. Tiffany was swaying back and forth upsettingly. 

"Ehh..." She said taking a swig of her slushie. I hung my head. No wonder they had left me and Matt had been right there. "We're sorta sorry I guess." Amy brushed a strand of her short blonde hair. I felt slightly betrayed. Without saying a word I stalked towards the escalator pocketing my phone into my purse. outside in the cold air blew my hair in front of my eyes. I wasn't sure what I was doing anyway. I would have to wait for my mom to pick me up and I wasn't about to walk the nearly ten miles home. 

"Steph?" I heard him call from behind me. I turned to face a breathless Matthew. "I'm sorry, but when they asked me... well I couldn't say no." He smiled sheepishly. 

"Still. I didn't want this," His slight smile turned into a complete frown. "Err not like that."

"Wait... you don't like me?" He asked. I could feel my heart start to pound in my chest.

"Of course I do!" I quickly spit out, no time for something poetic. His frown turned upside down into a huge smile.

"Really!?" He exclaimed loudly. I nodded. "That's great! Cause I really like you too." I smiled feeling a blush spread across my cheeks.

"Well, you still up for frozen yogurt?" Matthew nodded taking my hand suddenly.

"As long as I get to pay for it!" He smiled back at me matching my no doubt extremely flushed face. 

"Of course!" I leaned on his shoulder as we walked back to the warm mall. I guess he does like me after all...

There you guys go, hope the ending was good enough!

Have a oneshot idea? Cuz I have no creativity right now :/ also you get a shoutout

so it's kinda a win-win situation :)


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