The Sisters: The Curse of Gab...

By TheHuntingMockingjay

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Alexis and Diane Warren live in Gabriel's Gardens, a city known for its flashy luxury, rotten people, crimina... More

The Icaria Poltergeist
The Imaginary Friend
The Prophet
Under Arrest
The Monster of Morningstar
Nobody Can Save Me
Starting Again
The Christmas Mystery
The Goblin Thief
Crossroads - Special chapter
Long Live the King
The Demon's Return
The Angel Voice
The Good Luck Charm

Vindicator of Starlandia

90 5 17
By TheHuntingMockingjay

"I just love our birthdays," Diane said, licking an ice cream. "Especially these annual trips to Starlandia."

"So do I," Alexis smiled.

The twins were turning nineteen that day. And since they were little, there was a ritual connected to their birthdays - visiting Starlandia, a space-themed amusement park located in Serenity Square. The whole park was built in sci-fi, astronautics and cyberpunk themes. The rides were usually shiny and metallic, with gondolas resembling rockets or space modules.

Trip to the park felt like a step into the distant future further emphasized by flickering lights and electronic music. The themes of space, robots, rockets and aliens could be seen everywhere and even souvenirs and food stands matched the theme. For example, the ice cream flavors were named after planets. Diane picked Mercury (vanilla) and Uranus (coconut).

Both girls had some great memories regarding this place. When they were children, Reverend Warren went with them and even though he didn't enjoy any of the rides ("I prefer my life with a low adrenaline level, thank you"), he never ruined the fun and always bought his adoptive daughters something nice; some food, sweets and a souvenir. When the girls entered their teen years, they started to go alone. The tradition was broken only in one case - during the year Diane was a part of a gang of deliquents. She still regretted it.

This time, however, they weren't completely alone. The trip was usually purely sisterly ride, but this year, Anna joined them. Diane agreed that she's basically a part of their family since she's dating Alexis and they will most probably marry in the future. Anna enjoyed the park even though her impairment prevented her to enjoy most of the rides. There were also a lot of amusements and, of course, food which Anna could enjoy without minding her limitations.

The clouds were covering the sun and it looked like it may start raining soon, but the girls didn't mind. If it started to rain, they could just enjoy some of the indoor rides or enter a restaurant. Besides that, the overcast sky only made Starlandia's lights and atmosphere more prominent.

"What are we gonna try now?" Diane smirked. They already tried several adrenaline rides and even though Alexis wouldn't admit it, the centrifuges and rollercoasters made her queasy. Diane was already aware of this fact and was willing to put the knowledge to good use, taking advantage that Alexis can't refuse so she won't look weak in Anna's eyes.

"What about shopping for souvenirs?" Alexis suggested. They just got off a ride called Rise and Fall which was basically a high tower to which was attached a long metal pole with a cabin on each end, rotating vertically on its axis. Alexis was still pale, with shaky legs.

"We can shop later," Diane smirked. "Now it's time for some wind in the hair!"

Anna was already aware of her girlfriend's weakness, too. "If I didn't know you, Lexie, I'd say that these rides mess with your stomach," she mocked.

"I'm fine with them," Alexis tried to keep her dignity. "I just... have headache when I overdo it. Let me just take a short break and we can continue!"

"I guess we should let her rest," Anna smiled at Diane. "We don't want her to have a migraine on this great day, right? Oh God, you're nineteen already. You're getting old!"

"Sure we are," Diane replied. "Soon, I'll start listening to brass music and complaining about today's kids."

Alexis kept looking for a more peaceful ride so she could rest a little before taking on some more extreme one. She pointed at a hangar-like building decorated to look like sunset with the name Into the Unknown written on it. "What about this?" Alexis pointed at it.

"Into the Unknown? That's boring," Diane frowned.

"But I can ride it, too," Anna decided to help Alexis after all. "And I'm a bit tired of just standing aside and watching you two having fun. Let's give it a try."

"Okay," Diane agreed hesitantly.

Thank you, love, Alexis mouthed at Anna. The impaired girl just smirked.

Into the Unknown was a rollercoaster in a tunnel made of screens projecting beautiful space sceneries. The carts shaped like rockets and a monumental instrumental music gave impression that the participants are really floating through space. After several meters, the rocket accelerated and the tracks became twisty, but it was nothing extreme and even Alexis could enjoy the ride.

"Hey, Lexie," Anna, sitting next to Alexis, smiled at her. "Have you ever kissed in space?"

"No, but we have to try new things, right?" Alexis said and leaned towards her girlfriend. The seatbelts made it harder, but after some effort, their lips could touch. The kiss was, however, still difficult to pull since the wild twists of the tracks led to awkward headbutts.

They had to wait until the tracks became more narrow. Then they could finally express their feelings even though the kiss was accompanied by Diane's annoyed grunts. It was really an otherworldly experience for both young lovers - a kiss among the stars, with huge planets watching them.

Suddenly, Alexis doubled over and gasped in pain.

"Lexie!" Anna shouted. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"The insignia," Alexis uttered. "It just started to ache... it's okay now. I wonder why. It usually does this when some entity is present, and this time, it was really strong. It could be also some kind of mistake, though. Don't worry about it, Annie."

But Anna kept worrying about it. She saw concern in Alexis' eyes as soon as they left the ride. She tried to act cool, but it was clear that the sudden burst of pain in her insignia disturbed her.

"Sis, is everything alright?" Diane asked her as soon as they reunited outside the amusement.

"I guess," Alexis said, looking at the insignia. "It sometimes goes wild for no apparent reason, there's no need to worry about it. I won't let something like this ruin our birthday!"


Two hours later, Diane already tried out all the extreme rides, much to Alexis' relief. They proceeded to have some food in a restaurant whose interior was decorated with framed pictures of the most famous UFO photos, newspaper articles and other relics connected with ufology.

The girls also had to spend a while looking at the menu; they offered meals with names like "The Rosswell Incident" or "The Foo Fighters". It was all surprisingly good.

Then they aimed towards the souvenir shops to buy some birthday presents. Alexis bought a black T-shirt with a picture of a rocket aiming towards a galaxy and a writing "Screw it, time to leave Earth". But it was the last thing they managed to buy since some kind of drama started to happen nearby.

First of all, they heard some shouts and panicked screams, but it was normal - not everyone was prepared for the extreme rides and there were people who overestimated their courage. They realized that something is wrong when they heard ambulance sirens.

"Looks like someone's in trouble," Anna said and followed the noise. The sisters followed her.

A small crowd of people gathered around a space-themed carousel. There was also a group of children who took a ride on the carousel, disappointed that their ride had to stop. The doctors approached a man laying on the ground - it was a tall man in his forties in a black polo shirt and jeans with a short dark haircut and eyeglasses. His eyes were blankly staring at the sky.

The anxious mumbling of the crowd was drowned out by hysterical crying of the man's wife who was about thirty with long curly hair and tanned skin. "Eddie, don't leave me!" she screamed. "You can't just leave me here alone! Come on! Do something!"

Her despair turned against the doctors who started to resuscitate the man using their hands and a defibrilator. It lasted for a painfully long time before the medics shook their heads. The man was dead. His wife's scream grew even louder and the people just stood there in dumbfounded silence.

"What happened?" Alexis asked one of the observers who has been here since the beginning.

The guy in his twenties shrugged. "No idea. That dude just hit the ground and died, for no apparent reason. Probably some kind of heart attack or cardiac arrest."

The park had to be closed for the rest of the day. Soon after, the funeral car and even the police arrived just in case the man's death wasn't natural.

The girls hanged around near the park entrance for a while even after the park was closed. Soon after the police arrived, they were approached by Alyssa.

"Why is it when something happens, it's always you three?" she asked.

"We just took a trip here for our birthday," Alexis started explaining. "We're not involved in his death in any way." She wasn't sure, though. There's a chance that the man's sudden death was somehow connected to the burst of pain in her hand.

"It's your birthday today? Happy birthday, then!" Alyssa smiled at the sisters, then her face went serious again. "Of course I'm not suspecting you. But there is one weird thing about this thing. This is not the first man who just suddenly died here in Starlandia."

"Could you tell us more?"

"There's not much to tell. The scenario was pretty much the same as now - a man just randomly dying near the carousel. It's always near that damn carousel. This is the sixth case that happened. I was present during all of them. The Starlandia staff checked the carousel countless times to see if something dangerous doesn' leak from it, but everything was perfectly fine. Except... people keep dying around it."

"When did the first death happen?" Alexis wondered.

"About twenty years ago. Also, all the victims so far are adult males. No woman or child died yet, even though the carousel is mostly used by children and their mother are staying close to it. The dissection gave no answers, their heart just suddenly stopped for no apparent reason."

"Like someone wrote their name in the Death Note," Diane noted.

"Starlandia's staff often says that the carousel is cursed. Some of them even completely refuse to get close to it, which sometimes causes trouble when planning shifts. I honestly have no idea what to think about it. It's too much to be a mere coincidence, but what could it be?"

Diane looked at Alexis. "I hope you don't want to stick your nose in it."


There was a small birthday party when they arrived home. Augustus even baked a cake with a chocolate coating. It was decorated the red rose and white feather symbols made of marzipan - with a smile, Anna admitted that she's responsible for this improvement.

"I'm almost hesitant to eat it!" Alexis said. "Gus, it's beautiful."

"Well, I am not," Diane uttered, took a big slice of the cake and started to eat it. "Delicious," she said.

Anna smirked. "Gus has an apron with a writing 'KISS THE CHEF'," she said. "He wears it only on special occassions. It's his lucky apron and everything he cooks while he's wearing it is exceptional."

"Come on, Annie," Gus wailed. "I thought it's our secret."

"Kiss the Chef?" Alexis laughed. "I'd love to, but I'm a lesbian, y'know."

"So embarassing," Gus sighed. "Being turned down by my sister's girlfriend."

Alexis managed to keep the good mood until the party ended. Then she put on the pyjamas with Star Wars motive Anna gave her and put on a serious expression.

"Let me guess," Diane said. "You're upset about the guy in Starlandia."

"Of course I am," Alexis replied. "You aren't?"

"Well, it was kinda disturbing to see that guy die, but we just can't solve everything. You're not Luke Skywalker," she poked the face of the Jedi grandmaster on Alexis' pyjamas with her finger.

"Maybe I wouldn't take it so seriously if there wasn't that pain in my insignia when we were inside Into the Unknown," Alexis sighed. "It occurs every time something paranormal is present, and this time, it was hella strong. And just a while later, a man dies from unknown reason near the carousel which is said to be cursed. I don't believe in coincidences, Diane."

"So it seems like we have another case to solve. For free."

Alexis shrugged. "Maybe Starlandia will pay us something if we solve it."

"That doesn't sound like you, sis."

The blonde girl smirked. "So what? A good feeling is a good reward, but a good feeling and a bit of money are even better. I think you can second that."

"Yeah, but..."

Alexis blushed. "Well... if you really need to know, I rarely buy anything and I'm saving money for the university. I know you probably think it's stupid, but... I want a degree. Someday."

"I don't think it's stupid at all," Diane said. "You are the smartass. And you deserve to have a piece of paper which proves it. Go for it, sis. Fulfill your dreams."

"Thanks, Diane. You know, I'm already a famous ghosthunter and I've saved a world and stuff... but I think that living a normal life for a while would be great, too. It's not like I miss my school years, but an university life is something I want to experience. The only thing I'd have to give up would be these lesbian college orgies, since I already have a girlfriend," she laughed.

"Okay," Diane said. "Starting today, you'll receive two thirds of our revenues instead of half. I keep buying stupid things anyway and you'll be able to put the money to good use."

"No way. Right at the start, we agreed to divide it fifty-fifty. I'd feel bad if you funded my education! It's okay, sis. I've calculated that if I keep saving like this, I'd be able to start studying at twenty one which is an ideal age for it. I'll be able to enjoy some more time with Annie without my studies interfering - you know it's still kind of fresh, and we're still so in love."

"Just save the details for yourself, okay?" Diane interrupted her.

Alexis laughed again. "Don't worry, there's nothing much to share. It's just kisses so far. So far. But first of all... we'll try to solve the Starlandia mystery, do you agree?"

Diane sighed. "Seems like I don't have a choice."

"Alright. We have to go there at night."


Since the girls had no experience with breaking into objects, they had to "cop-open the gate", as Diane put it. Alyssa was very hesitant and it seemed that the sisters won't be able to convince her. They appealed on their long-time friendship and trust.

"Lady, you act like we weren't able to fight off a supervillain on top of the Arlington Tower," Diane said; Alyssa invited the girls into her flat she shared with her wife. It was the first time the girls visited it and for a second, they thought Alyssa is kidding them. Even though two adult women lived there, the flat looked like it's inhabited by teenagers.

Alexis would never guess that Alyssa's flat is messy and chaotic at the first glance, filled with posters and merchandise of various rock bands and movies. The neatest room was probably the kitchen where Melody, wearing only a bra and sweatpants, prepared the lunch while singing along the radio.

"Don't you realize that I could get in trouble for it?" Alyssa objected.

"You're Alyssa Lafayette! You never get in trouble," Diane said.

Alyssa laughed. "That's where you're wrong, kid. I got into so many problems during my life. I lost people dear to me... had to fight for my own survival... got involved in things I don't want to talk about ever again. And yet, for some reason, I haven't given up this goddamn job yet. I guess it's to honor my dad's memory."

"Alyssa..." Alexis spoke carefully. "Your dad? What happened to him?"

The officer's mood darkened. "He was killed," she explained with a blank expression. "I saw it with my own eyes. A gang war on the street... he got involved by accident. I saw these filthy suckers shooting bullets into him. So many... He was dead before he hit the ground. I had barely enough time to run away." Tears started rolling down her cheeks. It was a strange sight, seeing such strong woman crying.

Melody left the kitchen and hugged her wife. "It's long gone, my love," she said and gently kissed her. Melody looked partially like a street punk, but she became surprisingly sensitive when it came to Alyssa. Alexis looked at them with a small burst of jealousy. Here she had a proof that a marriage between two women can work. Will she and Anna be equally happy together one day?

"We're sorry that we brought it back," Alexis said, feeling bad for Alyssa's mood swing.

Alyssa smiled through tears. "You asked, I replied," she said. "I wanted to somehow avenge his death, but I didn't have the guts to kill the thugs and I didn't have any superpower... so the only way I could punish them was joining the police. I won't lie, it was rough very often. I was bullied and ridiculed. Because I'm a woman, because I'm short, because I'm a lesbian. But I showed them," she smirked proudly.

"You always managed to get out of the trouble with grace, right?" Diane said.

"Yes," Alyssa confirmed.

Diane smiled sinisterly. "So that means you can help us break into Starlandia!"

"Break into Starlandia? You can do that?" Melody cheered. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Next anniversary, you'll break us in at night! We'll have the whole park for ourselves... we could have some fun in the Ferris wheel gondola... I've always wanted to try it outside."

"Jesus, shut up!" Diane exclaimed. "I already have to deal with one lesbian couple at home!"

The women laughed, then Alyssa spoke. "I have an universal keycard which can open every door in the city, but I can't operate the amusements. Also, I shouldn't be using the card unless it's about solving a serious crime," she gazed at Diane.

The girl tried to do the puppy eyes, but they weren't as successful as they were when she was younger. "Come on, Lyss!" she begged. "Just for this once."

"It's a serious case," Alexis tried to use different arguments. "Maybe these deaths have a paranormal source and if we manage to solve it, we can prevent more deaths. We feel obligated to try it at least and you're the only one who can help us. Please, Alyssa."

The officer sighed. "I'm gonna regret this so much."

The next day, in the dead of night, the three women approached the Starlandian gates. Above them, there was a neon sign usually flickering with bright colors during day. Now it was dark and somewhat depressing.


...the Future is Now!

Next to the closed gate, there was a terminal resembling a mailbox. Alyssa wasn't wearing her uniform; she chose black jeans and a black sleeveless blouse. She approached the terminal and reached into her pocket. She sighed. "I still think we shouldn't do this."

"Do it," Diane said with her best Darth Sidious voice.

Alyssa inserted the keycard into the terminal and pressed a few buttons. The gate started to open with an immense noise. The girls were expecting the police to arrive at any given moment, but then they remembered that they are with the police.

"So come inside, and don't do anything," Alyssa begged them. "If the staff notices any inconvenience, they'll check the security cameras and guess what?"

"Yeah, yeah, we got the picture," Diane said.

The park, usually noisy and vibrant, now looked eerie and it was easy to believe this place is haunted. It also looked much bigger than it looked when filled with visitors. The women got chills, and not only because the wind toying with the idle gondolas.

"Now I regret my choice of attire," Alyssa noted and rubbed her bare arms to warm them.

They passed the souvenir stands. Even if they wanted to take something, it would be impossible since the stands were closed and locked by massive old-school padlocks. "Breaking into a huge amusement park and not committing any crime," Diane muttered. "Why did we have to bring a cop here?"

Alyssa gave her a strict look.

"C'mon, I was just joking."

Alexis approached the cursed carousel. She didn't know what did she expect. An appearance of a malevolent ghost who's responsible for the deaths? Some sign that it's present?

Well, she received the second. Her insignia started to get warmer. It wasn't a surge of pain like during the ride Into the Unknown, but it clearly reacted to something.

"So what, sis?" Diane asked.

"I sense something," Alexis whispered; she had no idea why did she keep her voice low. But when she observed the surroundings, she only saw Alyssa walking near the carousel. "But that's no proof that there's something dangerous here. Maybe it's the opposite... maybe a ghost of one of the people who died here haunts this place. I really can't tell unless I communicate with the entity."

Alexis grabbed her electronic field detector and turned it on. "Well, there are some oscillation, but it can be because there are electronic devices everywhere. It doesn't prove anything," she announced after a short walk with eyes on the device.

Alyssa approached her from behind. "That means you have to use all your ghost-hunting toys."

Alexis looked at her in surprise. "Alyssa? I thought you were... and you're wearing long jeans!"

"Yes, and I'm glad for it. Otherwise I'd probably freeze."

The girl looked genuinely confused. "I just... I saw someone over there," she pointed at the carousel. "I thought it was you. That person was short, probably female, with sleeveless top. But that one was wearing short pants or skirt, approximately knee-long."

"I'm not short!" Alyssa exclaimed, then went serious again. "Well... that's strange, but maybe it was really me. I roamed this place quite a lot in the past minutes and about the legs, it could be some optical illusion. Even though you won't admit it, your imagination is running wild on such places."

"Maybe," Alexis admitted. "But it was weird for sure."

"This whole place is weird," Diane muttered. "I mean at night."


Alexis shook off the strange encounter and returned to her professional work. Since the electronic field measurement was deemed unreliable, the girl tried to communicate with possible entities in a more old-fashioned way - she had her voice recorder ready.

"Is there anyone who would like to communicate with us?" she asked out loud. "Can you give us a sign of your presence? Was it you who murdered those men, or are you a victim?"

Nothing happened.

"I'm starting to incline towards the possibility there's no ghost," Alyssa said. "I'm pretty sure that there's a natural explanation, we just didn't solve it yet. The carousel..."

She was interrupted by a neon sign of one of the rides called Lost in Galaxies. Some of its letters started to shine - that was strange, since the electricity source was stopped overnight. Alyssa summed it by saying: "What...? These things aren't supposed to shine at night."

"Only certain letters are shining," Diane noticed. "Maybe it's some kind of malfunction in the wires. Like, you know, a residual electricity in the sign."

"Or it can be someone trying to communicate with us," Alexis voiced.


"LONAE," Alexis spelled out the shining letters. "That makes no sense."

"Alone," Alyssa said. "God, I changed my mind. There's something here talking to us, and I don't like it at all... I can handle all kinds of violent criminals, but damn, this kind of things makes me uneasy."

"Welcome to my life," Diane smirked at her.

"So you are alone..." Aleixs talked to the entity. "Why? Who are you? What binds you to this world? Maybe we can help you. Just tell us what do you want!"

This time, a building called Kaleidoscopical Realms which included several virtual reality booths started to shine and present the entity's message:


"KLEIDL," Alexis uttered, then gasped. "Killed."

"Okay, this is getting creepy," Diane said. Alyssa looked nervous. The girls have never seen her scared, but it seemed that the officer isn't as hardened as it seemed. She was taught to fight crimes, something that could be explained. This was the first time she directly witnessed something unexplainable.

"Killed?" Alexis continued in her chat. "Were you killed? Did you kill someone? Please, tell us. We can help you. Just keep talking to us and..."

This time, the familiar ride Into the Unknown spoke. Only two letters started to shine: NO.

"Why not? We can help you leave this world and move on! You have no business here, so..."

This message was the biggest of them all; it used the giant neon letters on a massive, multiple-track rollercoaster, one of the dominant features of the whole park.


"Oh, shit," Diane gasped. The letters were looking at them like giant, condescending eyes staring at their pathetic existence. There was only one possible solution to the anagram.


"Lyss?" Diane said. "Are you still sure that there aren't any ghosts?"

"Now I'm a bit more open-minded," the officer replied.

Then, the lights in the whole park started to randomly, frantically flicker; the whole thing had to look like an electronic music concert when observed from the distance. A neon sign next to Alexis suddenly exploded; the girl screamed and quickly extinguished the sparks which landed on her skirt.

"Okay, it's time to leave," she said. "I think that's the ghost's way of telling us we're no longer welcome here. Quickly! To the entrance."

"Now there is no way we can keep this trip secret!" Alyssa said. "Goddammit!"

The trio left Starlandia and Alyssa locked the gate. Then they entered Alyssa's car and left.


"What a nice night," Diane said after meeting Alexis in the morning. "These crazy neons were something new. The paranormal stuff never stops surprising me."

"Revenge," Alexis said. "That's all it was willing to share. Revenge... against who? We already had a vengeful spirit - remember Henry Rudger who drained power from the power plant? But this one seems to be... different. Does it take its revenge by killing men around the carousel?"

"No idea," Diane said. "I'm also worried because of Alyssa. If the security cams recorded our adventure, we'd all be in a big trouble. Especially Alyssa. A cop breaking into a private property... I feel guilty, sis. That we made her do it. She can even get fired for it!"

"Let's not think about the worst," Alexis sighed.

Several hours later, someone knocked at their door. It was Alyssa. "Okay, girls, I have some news," she said. "First of all, fortunately, I hopefully won't get in trouble. The Starlandia staff reported the incident from the last night - fortunately, our faces on the security camera recording aren't recognizable, even though a few people told me it looks like me as a joke. I had to act all surprised and shocked."

"I presume that you didn't manage to explain what happened," Alexis said.

"No, we didn't. The park was empty at night. The only natural explanation includes a hacker who broke into the Starlandia network and made the lights go crazy. But how could he know there'll be an intruder las night? The police is clueless. I think we'll have to leave it to you."

"But the entity refused to communicate any further!" Alexis objected. "All we got are three words: Alone, Killed and Revenge. Maybe it was killed somewhere in the past and now it takes its revenge by killing men who approach the carousel? Also, it seemed to refuse the offer to leave this world. Most of the spirits are eager to move on, away from this world. This one would like to stay."

"To continue killing men," Diane noted. "A crazy radical feminist ghost."

"I highly doubt that it chooses its victims randomly," Alexis continued. "These menmust have something in common - if we found out what it is, it'd advance us further."

"So it's our usual drill," Diane smirked. "Make a list, figure out the connections, play on the ghost's heartstring, make it go away."

Alyssa was browsing on her tablet computer. "I'm afraid it won't be so easy," she said. "I have complete profiles of all six men who died in Starlandia. There is absolutely no connection between them. The youngest was twenty, the oldest was close to sixty. Three were white, two black and one Asian. Every social status from an university professor to a convicted child molester. From all possible districts, single and married, fat and thin. There's no connection between them."

Alexis sighed. "What now?"

"Since we can't ask the ghost," Diane replied, "I think we've hit the dead end."

"The last victim, Edward Knight..." Alyssa said while still looking at her tablet. "Forty-two years, worked as an accountant, married for twelve years. Has a seven-years-old daughter. The only entry in his criminal record is a minor financial fraud thirteen years ago, he didn't even go to jail for it. He looks like completely average guy from Icaria. There seems to be no particular reason the ghost wanted him dead."

"Revenge. Killed," Alexis said. "It seems like... like the person was murdered and now it tries to take revenge. Were the victims in a... gang or something?"

"Not possible," Alyssa replied. "The youngest victim was twenty; he was an infant during the time when the first death occured. Nevertheless... there's a little ceremony in Starlandia today, to honor Edward Knight. There are already five memorials of the men who died near the carousel... sixth will be added today. If you attend it, who knows what can we find out?"

Diane shrugged. "We have nothing to lose. Besides that, I have to fix my reputation about Starlandia... y'know... after this night. If I don't, I may not go there ever again."


The girls told Anna everything about last night's events. The impaired girl seemed relieved that she wasn't there - like Alyssa, she wasn't used to encountering the paranormal personally. However, she agreed to visit Starlandia again with the girls.

They all dressed in black, to not look unbecoming during the ceremony. It's not an official funeral, but that man still deserves some respect.

Alyssa had to return to work, so the girls had to go by themselves. They arrived to the amusement park just a few minutes before the ceremony started.

"Attention," a voice said from the speakers. "Yesterday, a man named Edward Knight tragically died in our park. To honor him, we will be shutting down all the amusements for ten minutes. A ceremony will be held in the centre of Starlandia. I kindly ask you to attend it and honor Mr. Knight."

The amusements finished their current rides and went silent. The electronic music also stopped, leaving the park in a strange, tranquil state. The announcer was right - there was already a small crowd of people in the centre of the park where a small square was. There was also an obelisk-like structure with pictures of people who died in the park.

The first victim was the oldest, looking like a honorable old man with silver hair. The second one was a middle-aged Afroamerican, the third one was a violent-looking young man. Then there was a chubby dark-skinned man in his thirties and finally a strict-looking Asian. The photo of Edward Knight was the newest.

Seemingly, there was really no connection between these men.

The man's widow in a modest black dress was standing in front of the obelisk, quietly sobbing. She was holding hand of a young girl with neck-long black hair inherited from her father. Her expression was unreadable, but she definitely didn't look devastated like her mother.

Anna confirmed it after a while. "Is it just me, or does that girl look weird?" Anna whispered towards her girlfriend. Alexis nodded. She definitely didn't look like a child who lost their father.

Several minutes later, Show Must Go On by Queen, probably the late man's favorite song, played from the speakers. Several people started to cry. The widow looked like on the verge of mental breakdown. Only the daughter looked strangely emotionless.

After a while, Alexis recognized her expression. Was that... relief?

"We have to focus on the daughter," she said. "If there's someone who can lead us in the right direction, it's her. It seems that she knows something about her father... maybe even something her mother doesn't know."

"I'll take care of it," Anna said. "I have... some experience with loss of parents."

The song stopped.

The widow was asked to tell a few words about her deceased husband, but her condition didn't allow her to do so. The one who started speaking was a middle-aged bald man in a black shirt, probably Edward's brother. He confirmed it as soon as he started speaking:

"I... I couldn't wish for a better brother than Edward was. He was always loving and caring, and even though he wasn't a saint, he was a great person. The way he treated his wife, his daughter... I'm sure we all will be affected by this horrible loss."

A strange sneer went through the daughter's face.

"The worst thing about it..." the brother continued, "it was all so sudden. One day he was there, cheerful, loving. And now... he's gone." The man's face got soaked with tears. "I... I don't know what to do. I'll do what I can to take care of Pauline and Linda. It's my responsibility."

Suddenly, the girl hugged him tight. "Uncle Ton... don't leave me!"

The man began to gently stroke her hair. "Don't worry, Linda. I'll be there for you, always."

After several more touching words, the ceremony was disbanded. Only Linda, Pauline and Ton stayed by the obelisk, looking at Edward's photo. "Mommy?" Linda asked a few minutes later. "Can I go to the swings? And maybe have a cotton candy?"

"Of course," Pauline handed her a 10-dollar bill. The girl took it and left.


Anna found Linda near a cotton candy stand labelled as Sweet Nebulas. She was somewhat reluctantly nibbling on the sweet. Anna carefully approached her. When the little girl looked at her with questions in her eyes. "Hello!" Anna greeted her. "You are Linda, right?"

"Yes," the girl gave a tired smile. "You can't walk, right? I've seen people like you before. I thought you are robots before mom explained it to me."

"Robots? Give me a break!" Anna laughed. "This thing may seem weird, but it's the only way how can I move. I would just lie on the bed and do nothing all day if I didn't have it... I know it sounds great, but it starts to be boring after a certain time."

"You're interesting," Linda said.

"Thanks. Well... I know what happened to you. That you lost your dad. You know, the accident that caused this," she pointed at her legs, "also took my parents. Don't give up. Your mom needs you just as much as you need her. It will be fine, I promise."

"Actually," Linda spoke reluctantly, "it's fine right now. I wanna tell you something, but if mom finds out, I'll be in big trouble. You won't tell... right?"

This is getting interesting, Anna thought. "You can be sure I won't," she replied. "I'm your friend, after all. You can trust me. So... what happened?"

"I know I shouldn't be saying this," the girl twitched, "but I don't mind that dad is gone. Yeah, he was nice and loving and everything, but he played a strange game with me and it hurt so much. Now, when he's gone, there will be no more games. No more hurting."

"What game?" Anna asked. "Tell me."

"He did it sometimes when mom was at work," Linda confessed. "He came to my room, telling me that we'll play a game, but it's a game so secret that mom mustn't know about it at all cost. He said that if I told mom about the game, I'd be taken away from them and adopted by ugly, nasty people. And that's what I didn't want, so I decided to play with him.

He always blindfolded me and took off my clothes... then it started to hurt. It hurt so much... he kept telling me how much fun it is, that I'll love to play it someday with other boys. But it wasn't fun at all! I was all dirty, hurting and tired when he finished. I begged him to stop it, but he insisted that I'll start to enjoy that game more and more until I'd ask for it myself. But... but I didn't."

"Jesus Christ," Anna voiced.

"What's up?" Linda asked. "Do you know the game? Did you play it, too?"

Anna could hardly imagine what did that girl have to go through. "It was not a game at all," she said. "Dad was just hurting you for his own pleasure. He enjoyed it, you didn't. It's the most horrible, horrible thing a dad can do to his child. You should have told your mom while there was still time."


"I know, he threatened you. But still..."

"Should I tell her now?"

"I don't know... do you think mom would be devastated if you told her dad was a monster?"

"Yes. She loved dad so much. And so did I... until we started to play the game."

"In that case," Anna said, "you should probably keep it a secret forever. Since your dad is gone, it wouldn't help anything if you told anyone. Am I the only person you told about the game?"

"Yes. No... well, there was this girl about as old as me here in Starlandia. She approached me just like you did, and asked about my dad. I told her. She was just as nice and understanding as you. She promised me it'll be alright, that she'll take care of it. Maybe... maybe dad's gone because of her."

"A girl? How did she look like?"

"She had... light brown hair, about this long," she pointed near the end of her neck, slightly above the shoulders. "And pretty eyes. Dark brown. And she was wearing a dress. But it was... an adult dress, black, no sleeves, knee-long. It had also pretty big... cliffhanger," she pointed at her chest.

"Oh, you mean cleavage," Anna said. "Okay, Linda. Thanks for the talk. I wish you good luck with everything. Your life will get only better from now, trust me!"

"Okay, bye!" Linda smiled at her.


"What? Molested?!" Alexis gasped.

"Yes," Anna nodded. The girls hid behind a hot dog stand next to the Divergence rollercoaster - it was also a favorite vomitting place for those who couldn't handle the ride, but fortunately, they were alone now along with some privacy, ready to discuss Anna's results.

"No idea what's more disconcerning," Diane noted. "Dad molesting his own daughter, or a girl in a dress who took care of it?"

"I guess the other girl is the spirit we encountered," Alexis said. "When I think about it... I think I saw her, too. Near the carousel. I thought it was Alyssa at first, but it could also be a child in a cocktail dress, just like Linda described her. I think a story is starting to form. Maybe a little girl who was molested was murdered here and her spirit..."

"Her spirit now kills every child molester that comes across," Diane finished.

"Wait!" Anna said. "If I remember correctly, Alyssa said that one of the victims was a convicted child molester. That's two of them!"

"But there are still four who aren't," Alexis objected.

"Or at least weren't convicted," Diane said. "Think about it. Convicted molesters always go to jail, so there's no way they can go to Starlandia. That means only pedophiles who weren't caught yet can go to Starlandia, where they meet... a different kind of justice."

"That makes surprisingly lots of sense," Anna admitted. "If only we could get a proof that even the other victims were molesters. We'd finally have the connection between them."

The girls went to the obelisk-shaped memorial. The crowd disbanded, the amusements were working again. They were alone at the small square in the centre of the park.

"Now, when you talk about it, they all look somewhat sleazy," Diane noted.

"Especially this one," Alexis pointed at the youngest victim - he was about twenty and even though he tried hard to look nice at the photo, his blue eyes radiated intense violence and hatred. He had pale skin and shaved head. All these signs made him look like a member of alternative right or white supremacy movements.

"A nazi and a child molester," Diane said. "What a wonderful guy."

"Maybe it'll be better if we just let the ghost do her job," Anna said. "When I looked at Linda... such a relief in her eyes. It was so horrible that it made her happy for her father's death. These people deserve a punishment, no matter what. And when the standard justice isn't enough..."

"Maybe you're right," Alexis nodded. "These people should have no place in the society. But still... we should try to sent that girl to the other side, to help her find peace. She suffers. She thinks that killing the molesters will... redeem her, grant her absolution. We have to help her."

"But, if you haven't noticed, she's not very friendly," Diane said. "At least towards people who want to help her. She seems pretty neurotic, if you ask me."

"Maybe if we understand her intentions better, she'll be more open towards a conversation," Alexis thought out loud. "We have to find out what happened here. It had to be something horrible... an event which created an entity capable of stopping people's hearts. We are actually lucky that her anger is aimed towards child molesters. If she decided to slaughter alcoholics or drug addicts... there'd be a lot more victims."

"Alyssa has to know something about it!" Anna said. "If something such horrible happened here, the police has to know about it. And twenty years ago, Alyssa was already an officer."

"I guess sometimes it's good to have a cop as your friend," Diane smirked.

"Sometimes? It's always good," Alexis corrected her. "Especially if the cop is as awesome as Alyssa."


"You three again," Melody stated after she opened the door Alexis knocked on a few seconds earlier. This time, she was dressed in a black tank top and white cotton shorts; it was fun to watch Alexis who seemed to be a bit insecure around her. Melody was beautiful and seductive, with an intense look of her bright green eyes. Anna was tempted to do a jealous scene, but she decided otherwise. She knew that Melody can attract Alexis' eyes and basic instincts, but her heart belongs only to her.

"We came to visit Alyssa," Diane said, being the only one unaffected by Melody's charm.

"I know. Nobody ever comes to visit me," Melody sighed theatrically. "Lyss? It's your friends."

The girls stepped in, Alexis closed the door. Alyssa joined her wife. "Hi," she said. "Did you advance in case Starlandia somehow? I'm curious."

Melody interrupted her. "Lyss told me that two of you are a couple. May I ask which ones?"

Alexis and Anna raised their hands.

The woman raised her eyebrows. "I was secretly hoping it'll be the brunette one, but I'll ask anyway... have you ever tried a foursome?" she winked at the lovers.

"Melody! Stop it," Alyssa scolded her. Anna's face was red like a boiled lobster, Alexis looked a bit insecure (Anna would swear that her girlfriend considered the offer for a second). Melody laughed.

"Excuse my wife," Alyssa sighed. "She's sinful and proud of it."

"You usually don't say no to my sins," Melody smirked. "Alright, alright. I'll be good."

Alyssa invited the trio into her living room. Melody already knew what to make since Alyssa gave her instructions - a strong coffee with two sugars for Diane, a coffee with milk for Anna, a cup of green tea for Alexis. "Are you sure you want another coffee?" Melody asked her wife. "You had already four today."

The officer looked at her wristwatch. "Three hours since the last one," she stated. "More caffeine. Now."

The girls told her about their discovery. Alyssa frowned and nodded slowly. "When you put it like this... all the victims were somehow troublesome. I remember that the very first victim, the old professor, was accused by several female students. Sexual abuse. However, they couldn't prove it anyhow."

"He didn't pass the Starlandia truth detector, though," Anna uttered.

"We have to know what happened in Starlandia... something that started it all," Aleixs said. "The girl who haunts Starlandia was probably murdered. If we find out what happened..."

"I'm sorry, but I know pretty much nothing," Alyssa replied. "I just know that something big happened in Starlandia about twenty years ago. But I was recovering from a serious flu at that time. Nobody talked about it, the case just got closed as soon as possible with only a very little people knowing about it. I wasn't about them. Trust me, I'd tell you if I could, but Gunner Wade, the police chef at that time, refused to tell me anything. If you manage to find out what happened... I'm curious, too."

"That didn't help much," Diane noted.

"Where should we start?" Alexis asked. "The people who got involved in the incident are either dead or refuse to speak. And without any knowledge, we'll fail to understand the ghost, to reveal her identity!"

"I still maintain contact with some of my former co-workers," Alyssa said. "They refused to tell me what happened in Starlandia, because of some kind of information embargo. It's been so many years already, though... maybe if I tell them it's a matter of life and death, they'll be willing to share something."

"Please," Alexis said. "It would help us a lot."

Melody emerged seemingly out of nowhere. "But you ain't going to do it for free, right, Lyss?" she smirked. "I looked at them a bit... not completely my type, but they are cute after all. Maybe..."

"NO," Alexis, Anna and Alyssa shouted in unison.

"Okay, okay," Melody replied. "I'm just an adventurous type, y'know. Or maybe, if you don't mind, you can take me to another ghost-hunting adventure."

"That's no place for complete amateurs!" Alexis rejected her idea.

Melody raised her eyebrows. "But Lyss could go, even though she's just a cop."

"A cop who can be useful," Diane noted.


Two days later, Alyssa called again. She was successful only partially. Nobody was eager to talk about the Starlandia incident, but one of her former coworkers shared just one thing. A name.

Inna Lindberg.

"I'm sorry, girls, that's all I can do right now," Alyssa said to the phone.

"I think we can put that name to a good use," Alexis replied. "Thank you, Alyssa."

The sisters rushed to Anna immediately, telling her the name. The impaired girl sat by her computer and started scavenging various social networks. "There are only two women in Gabriel's Gardens named Inna Lindbergh," the girl announced after a while. "One of them is thirteen, so that's probably not the person we're looking for. The other one, based on the photos, is older, somewhere around the right age. Unfortunately, she doesn't share any personal info, so I'll have to contact her directly."

Fortunately, after a while of chatting, the woman was willing to accept the visit, even though she was a bit suspicious at first. She lived near the Serenity Square centre, at walking distance from the girls' home. They decided to go right away.

Inna Lindberg lived in a small family house with a beautiful garden with a doghouse - a friendly golden retriever rushed to greet them.

"I know Dante will be jealous, but whatever," Diane smiled and pet the dog.

The house's owner was a short, petite woman in her late twenties with shoulder, long, straight platinum blonde hair, icy blue eyes and pale skin - clearly a Northern European heritage. She was wearing a simple white long-sleeved dress. "Oh, it's you," she said with a quiet, sing-song voice. "What do you need?"

"Can we come in?" Anna asked. "We have... something to discuss."

Inna frowned and hesitated for a second, then nodded.

The trio entered her strictly modern house; its mostly white layout was interrupted only by numerous flowers on her windows and walls. Bookshelves gave away Inna loves to read. However, she was there alone - there wasn't any sign of any person other than her living here.

Inna seated them in her living room. "So?" she smiled. "What do you need?"

Alexis initiated the talk. "Miss Lindberg, we need to talk about something that happened about twenty years ago in Starlandia. We..."

The woman's face grew even more pale. She was speechless for a moment, then she screamed: "Leave! Get out! Leave this house and never come again! I have no idea how did you learn about it, but you have to GO AWAY! IMMEDIATELY!"

Nobody expected such stormy reaction. Alexis tried to explain, but Inna was too angry. She stood up and pushed the girls to the door.

"It's a matter of life and death!" Alexis shouted and Inna finally froze for a moment. Alexis took the chance. "There's a series of strange deaths in Starlandia, we think it's aimed against child molesters," the girl bursted out before Inna could regain her anger. "It's most probably caused by a spirit of a little girl."

"Little girl..." Inna mouthed. "Summer..."

"Something horrible had to happen in Starlandia and you're the only person who can tell us more about it," Alexis lowered her voice as Inna started to calm down. "Please, Miss Lindberg."

"Call me Inna," the woman signed and sat down again.

"So... what happened?" Diane repeated the question. "It's a deal so big that even the police doesn't know much about it. So we had to find some... unofficial sources."

"I was a little girl when it happened," Inna started to talk. "But I can still see it like it happened yesterday. It's still appearing in my dreams. Not even long years of therapy could fix it completely. So much happened that night... I don't know where to start."

"I usually take things chronologically, it helps," Anna hinted.

Inna managed to give a tired smile. "Yes, probably. So it all started when I was kidnapped by a bunch of men who were selling child sex slaves."


"I was abducted during a family trip," Inna told her story. "It was a gang of people selling 'toys', that's how they call children sold to the rich pedophiles. Their secret hideout was in Starlandia - there was a secret track in the ride called Into the Unknown."

Alexis remembered the pain that struck her during the ride.

"There were three of us - me, Margaret and Summer. They examined us, our bodies, everything. Then locked us up in cages like animals. These thugs only gave us enough food so we could survive. Watched the worst kind of porn in front of us, pre-teen children. They also frequently... pleased themselves with us watching. But the Toymaster, the gang leader... he was the worst of all.

That man was handsome, but rotten inside. Sorry, I can't talk about what was he doing to us. Fortunately, he never touched us, but his words hurt maybe even more. We've been locked for several days, until the Toymaster announced that someone bought Summer.

It was horrible. She cried, she begged them to let her go. But the deal was already sealed. They dressed her up in a vulgar black dress and took her away. Me and Margaret thought that she'll never come back. However, several hours later, she did... and brought a savior with her."

"Savior?" Alexis frowned. "Who was it?"

"A scary, mysterious man," Inna got lost in her memories again. "Half of his face was disfigured by some kind of burn scar. He had also a really scary voice. But the weirdest thing... he seemed to have some kind of superpowers. He could see through walls and turn invisible. Summer said that he's a good devil, but that man denied it. That he's neither good or devil."

The girls exchanged shocked looks. Superpowers... just like they have.

"The man introduced himself as Alex, but it wasn't his real name. He just rushed inside and mercilessly killed all members of the Toymaster's gang. By himself, using no firearms. We managed to escape the hideout, but they were after us. Alex fought them off, but... there was a victim. One of the thugs ambushed us... and shot Summer before anyone could react. She passed away a while later."

Tears started to roll down Inna's face. Even though it was more than twenty years away, the memories were still fresh. Alexis couldn't blame her that she initially refused to talk about it.

"Alex killed the rest of the gang and even the Toymaster, but Summer couldn't be saved. He was with her during her last moments. We... we lost a friend. Maybe dying like this was better than the things which would happen to us if we were sold, but still. In the end, Alex carried us home. I've heard that the whole thing that happened there was pretty much covered up by the Starlandia management, so the park won't be associated with a gang of pimps selling children. They just dragged away the dead bodies, eliminated the gang's hideout and a few days later, the park was running like normal again."

"It seems that Summer's ghost haunts Starlandia until now," Alexis said. "That's why we wanted to know the story in the first place. Now I understand. She was killed and it bound her ghost to the park; she now takes her revenge on every single child molester who enters the park. Because such people were responsible for her death. Her power is the strongest around a carousel..."

"A carousel," Inna interrupted her. "That's where Summer died."

"Have you been in Starlandia since the accident?" Diane asked.

"No, never," Inna replied. "It took several years of therapy to make me look at that damned place even from the distance. I've never found guts to visit it again. I'm afraid that everything would come back again... About Margaret, she moved to Washington shortly after she returned home."

"Summer is suffering," Alexis said. "Her despair forces her to kill people. We want to help her, but she refuses to talk to us. Her spirit is raging, ready to... obliterate all molesters she can. But maybe... if you came with us and talked to her... she would listen."

"I'm so afraid to return there," Inna voiced, "but for Summer... I will consider it. When I die, she will lost all connection to her past. I have to act while there's still time."

"Thank you, Inna," Alexis smiled at her.

"I'm curious about that superhero guy who saved you," Diane spoke. "I know you said he was mysterious and stuff, but still... do you know something more about him?"

"Yes, I do. The man who saved us later became famous as the King of Gabriel's Gardens."


"The King is an urban legend!" Anna exclaimed.

Alexis nodded. "Most people today agree that 'The King' was some kind of crime organization, not just one person. Maybe you met just a member of the organization... but why would they wanto to save little girls from the pimps? I don't understand it."

"You're wrong," Inna smiled. "Most people think that the King was just a ruthless assassin, but that's not true. When I was a teenager, I realized that the King is the same person who saved us - and so I started to scavenge all possible sources to find more about him. Unfortunately, at that time, he was already dead.

He wasn't a villain. He was a hero. He killed countless people. He was the most efficient assassin in history. But that doesn't mean he was a bad person. Nearly all people he killed deserved it - just like the Toymaster and his gang. He cleansed the city, but the people didn't appreciate it.

The current mayor, Wilbur Whateley, did everything possible to make people forget his name. But there are still people, like me, whose life was improved because of his interference. He punished the evil, avenged the victims. I don't know where did he get these strange powers he had, but he definitely put them to a good use.

Thanks to the Mayor's influence, the people scrapped the King as an urban legend or diminished his efforts. I don't know why did Whateley hate him so much, but because of him, the King isn't getting enough recognition. And if some people believe in him, they see him as a villain, a vindictive demon, or a crime syndicate. Only we, the people the King helped, know the truth."

"What's his real name?" Alexis asked.

"Chance Arlington," Inna replied; she pronounced the name in reverential tones.

"Wow," Diane said. "To think I'm speaking to a woman who knew the King personally... I wasn't decided whether he's real or not. Now I know."

"Arlington..." Anna muttered. "You mean like Arlington Tower?"

"Yes. Chance's father owned the company originally before it was taken over by the Arkad family and, later on, by the Fletchers. Something horrible happened in his past, something that left him disfigured and orphaned. However, Mayor Whateley censored most of the online articles about him. He wanted the files to be as vague as possible, supporting the King's non-existence."

"So... it looks that we have even more than we asked for," Diane said. "But now... we should make a plan about transferring the girl, Summer, to the other side."

Alexis nodded. "I guess we'll have to utilize Alyssa again since she's the only one who can sneak us into Starlandia at night. You understand, we can't simply conduct spiritism during day. Summer and Inna will need some... privacy."

"I wonder if Summer will recognize me," Inna sighed. "We met as little girls and only for a few days during which we were scared to death. What would happen if I failed to talk to her?"

Alexis shrugged. "Summer would probably haunt that place indefinitely. Ghosts are persistent. Even if Starlandia gets demolished one day, Summer would still haunt the place, killing every child molester who would come close enough. Maybe she would find absolution one day, maybe she wouldn't..."

"I can't let that happen," Inna voiced. "She was my friend."

"Okay," Alexis said. "We just have to consult one of our friends. She'll help us to access Starlandia at night, as I said, and you will go with us. Don't worry, it's safe."

"Even if it wasn't, I would do it for her," Inna replied. "Just contact me when the time is right. I will be ready." She wrote her phone mumber on a piece of paper and handed it to Alexis. "It all sounds like... excitement I've been seeking. You know... because of these events, I've never been married. I know it's stupid, but I don't trust men and women don't attract me. Maybe... this is a sign. Sign I should turn my life upside down after twenty years."

"It certainly is," Anna said. "And we will help you."


When the sisters arrived back home, they just stared at each other for a long time. "Sis... do you think what I think?" Diane said. "All these things about the King... supernatural powers..."

"I'm afraid to say it," Alexis admitted.

"Do you think Chance Arlington could be... our father?" Diane voiced, like it was a taboo to talk about it. "Jesus... that sounds so..."

"The King is legendary," Alexis muttered. "Even though most people don't believe in him, he's an influential person. Looking through walls... turning invisible... it sounds about right, but there's a problem after all. Father, I mean Reverend Warren, said that our powers have something to do with our mother."

Diane shrugged. "Maybe... he's decieving us. He can't reconcile with the fact that our father was the most brutal serial murderer in the city's history. No matter what his intentions were, he was still a murderer. It was easier for him to turn our mother into some kind of ethereal being gifted from the God himself."

Alexis sighed. "I... I don't know what to think about it. Since I was a child, I longed for any discovery about our family. Everything was just so mysterious and I wanted to know more... like I always do. But now, when we, maybe, finally started to catch a track, I just want to turn back and leave the secrets sleeping."

"Careful what you wish for," Diane said. "It may come true."

"Chance Arlington..." Alexis tasted the name in her mouth like it was some kind of exotic food she haven't yet decided whether she likes it or not. "We have to find out more about him."

"Did you forget?" Diane objected. "Inna said that Mayor wants to censor all things regarding Arlington."

"So we have to search other sources."

"What do you mean?"

"The King was active about twenty years ago, as stated by Inna. The people who personally experienced these times are still among us. If they were teens, they're adults now. Adults are getting older. But we can still benefit from their knowledge."

Diane smirked. "So... you just want to roam the city and ask everyone over thirty: 'Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior the King?' I have a feeling it might take a while, sis."

"No, that's not what I meant. If all the legends are true, the King killed several hundreds of people. That's really hard to imagine. There have to be countless people in this city affected by his killing spree. Either the relatives of people he killed... or, like Inna, those who benefited from it. Some see him as a hero, some as a villain. We have to get the info from both sides. Then we'll be able to make an opinion about him."

"Great, let's track the dead murderer," Diane said.

"Dee... maybe it's a stupid question, but... are you ready to learn about your origins?"

"A tricky question," Diane admitted. "I thought it would be hella badass to be a daughter of the King... but now, I'm not so sure. But I'm sure about one thing - I want to know the truth, no matter what it is. Don't you always say that even a dark truth is better than a blissful ignorance?" she smiled.

"Exactly. And I'm ready to face the dark truth with you."

Diane thought about it for a while. "Listen up," she said. "Just theoretically. If the King was our father, doesn't that make us princesses?"

Alexis bursted into laughter. "Diane, come on!"

"If that's so, we can sell the rights to make the movie about Chance Arlington to Disney! That way, we'd become Disney princesses. Wasn't that your wish when you were little?"

"I swear to God, Diane -"

Diane frowned. "Maybe it's not that good idea. Wearing a fancy dress and having to marry some phony prince... not to mention that your prince is a girl on a wheelchair."

Alexis sighed. "And we're at it again. We started to solve an important questions of our origin and we end up here, in a ridiculous debate about princesses."


Third visit in Alyssa's flat.

The officer noticed that the girls are acting strangely as soon as they stepped inside her residence. "What's up?" she asked. "Something didn't go well?"

"It went a little too well," Alexis replied. "What do you know about Chance Arlington?"

Alyssa seemed shocked for a second. "I was sure this day will come one day," she stated. She sat on her couch and clenched a giant mug of coffee in her hands. "Since you ask. Yes, Chance Arlington, also known as the King of Gabriel's Gardens, was a real person. No urban legend, no crime syndicate. I didn't meet him personally, but I did have some quarrels with him. The whole police depot in Gabriel's Gardens wanted to hunt him down, so I did, too."

"But you weren't successful," Alexis stated.

"No. Chance had powers. He always managed to escape, no matter what we tried. It took a force comparable to his own to stop him."

"What force?" Diane wondered.

Alyssa suddenly looked thrown off. "Girls... I'm afraid I can't give you any more details," she said. "Years ago, I gave a promise and I'm not going to break it. I'm sorry."

Diane rolled her eyes. "Great. That really helps."

"I would love to tell you more. About Chance Arlington, about your past. The Reign of King Arlington was a wild chapter in the city's history. Lots of things happened. People died, people changed, people were born. But as I said... I gave a promise to a friend of mine. But I'm sure you'll be able to uncover the secrets by yourself if you try hard enough. I just can't help you with it."

Diane smirked. "Promises are made to be broken."

"Dee!" Alexis scolded her.

"Not this time," Alyssa replied. "That promise is really important to me. And to that friend, too. You certainly deserve to know more about your roots and the city's history, but I'm not going to be the one to tell you. You are already getting closer. You're just a few steps away."

"So you basically know everything we could ever ask for, but you don't wanna tell us," Diane summed it up.

"It's not that I don't want to," Alyssa corrected her. "I can't."

Alexis nodded. "I understand you, Alyssa. I think we'll be able to understand you better when we find out more about... these things. But now, let's change the subject." She told the officer about their talk with Inna Lindberg. "That means we'll have to infiltrate Starlandia once again," she finished.

"I'm not happy to go there again," Alyssa sneered, "but it looks like I have no choice, right? It's even worse than I thought... a ghost of a little girl who was killed by a gang of pimps selling child sex slaves. It's no wonder they wanted to keep everything secret. Starlandia's director would have to explain how did he allow that disgusting gang to settle in his park. It would probably ruin both him and his business."

"No wonder that my insignia reacted so intensely when we rode Into the Unknown," Alexis said. "To think that a former den of sick criminals was just a few meters away... who knows what happened there, how many children suffered before Arlington finally eliminated the gang."

"If you want my opinion," Alyssa said, "I think Arlington wasn't completely a bad person. Definitely not a villain. I think there were some reasons why did he start his killing spree, reasons we can't understand. The true is that I've met much worse people during my carreer," her clenched lips gave away she knows exactly who is she talking about.

"Mr. Arlington seems like an interesting person, indeed," Diane said. "I can't wait to learn more about him. Wow... for a long time, I thought that the King is just some kind of creepy story to entertain teens, something like Jeff the Killer or Slenderman. A murderer with charred face and magical abilities... now I have confirmed he's real, we know his name and maybe he's somehow connected with us. Incredible."

Alyssa smiled. "Urban legends are a tricky topic. If you believe too much, you're naive. If too little, you're ignorant. The key is to find your own evidence, make your own opinion. It's very similar to the police work. And now... who wants to raid Starlandia again tonight?"


Inna Lindberg looked like backing off at any given moment. The neon sign above the entrance, now idle, reminded her of her worst nightmares with a full force. Alexis could feel her shaking, the moonlight reflected on the sweat drops on her forehead.

"You can always change your mind," Alyssa told her.

"It's too late for that," Inna replied. "I can't let this place control me forever! I've been a slave of my memories for way too long. If... if I manage to release Summer, I'll release my past with her. I can no longer live like a hermit. I have to let go."

Alexis put her hand on the woman's shoulder. "And we will help you."

Alyssa opened the gate (they could still feel her hesitancy) and all four stepped in. Inna had to take a deep breath before she could make the final step.

The young woman took a quick look around. Her heart started to race when she recognized all the familiar place, burned into her memory and still fresh like during the day her life turned upside down.

"So... what will we do now?" she asked with trembling voice.

"You must try and contact Summer," Alexis replied. "It would be the best if we try it near the carousel, the place where she died. Follow us."

Inna eventually learned to control her anxiety to some degree, even though seeing the door Into the Unknown nearly threw her back to the beginning. She remembered the kidnapper dragging her there; she had a gag in her mouth and nearly suffocated on it. She still remembered the man's sweaty smell unsuccessfully covered by an expensive cologne.

Don't you dare to scream. Your only luck is that the Toymaster wants only undamaged wares.

The ride through space would be exciting for the most people, but for little Inna, it was a ride to hell. She was confronted with perversy, violence and sexuality in the worst possible way, in one big shock. It was no wonder that she grew up to be antisocial. That she didn't trust men.

Her therapist told her countless times that all men aren't kidnappers and perverted criminals. She tried to convince herself. She believed that. But despite all this, every time she tried to initiate a talk with a man, she kept seeing the thugs who kidnapped her touching their private parts, laughing maniacally, enjoying fear and disgust of young girls.

She didn't become a radical, violent feminist claiming that all men are trash. She didn't think that. Her psychologist defined her condition as androphobia, a pathological fear of men. Maybe after this night, her condition will get better. She wanted to believe it.

They finally approached the carousel, the place where Summer died. "It was here. This rocket," she voiced and pointed at a model with American flag on the side. "I can still see her... sitting back against it, with a bullet wound in her body. Chance tried to comfort her before she died. She passed away with a smile... but her spirit is still thirsty for revenge. And I don't blame her."

"Try it," Alexis encouraged her. "Call her. She'll come."

"Summer, are you here?" Inna said, her voice full of doubts and fear.


"Summer!" the woman shouted. "It's me, Inna! I know that you suffer. Come and talk to me. I have so much to tell you. Just give me a sign!"

She felt stupid, just standing there, talking to the air around her. She expected the girls to burst into laughter, giving away it was just a prank aimed at her most sensitive heartstrings. The girls and the police officer, however, kept serious faces.

"Look!" Diane pointed at one of the smaller buildings. It was called Arcade, a paradise for the lovers of retro movies and videogames from the end of the 20th century. Its interior was decorated by the most iconic videogame characters - Pac-Man, Super Mario, Cacodemon, Link. The lights around the entrance were shining. The entrance, not any letters - the women took the message and stepped inside.


They found themselves in a hall filled with videogame arcades and old computers made long before the girls were born. "Anyone wants to play old Tekken?" Diane said.

Inna ignored her and searched for more signs. Then she gasped - a screen of one of the old computers came to life and revealed a slightly pixelated image of a young girl who looked like trapped behind the glass. She fit the description perfectly - shorter, light brown hair, meek dark eyes, a dress completely inappropriate for her age. Inna touched the glass. "Summer...?"

"Inna, is that you?" Summer said throught he attached speakers. "Oh my god... you are an adult. How long... am I here? Waiting?"

"For more than twenty years," Inna replied while keeping her hand on the glass. Summer's projection raised her own hand, connecting it with Inna's. Both real and pixelated tears started to roll down both friends' cheeks.

"Twenty years..." Summer voiced. "I swore to take revenge on everyone who hurts children... just like they did to us, Inna. To save others from our fate. But... sometimes I realize it's a Sisyphean job. And I don't want to spend the rest of eternity trapped within anger and suffering."

"So why didn't you accept our help earlier?" Diane joined the talk.

"Sssh!" Alexis silenced her.

"Where's Alex?" Summer asked. "He was the last thing I saw before I... withered. He promised me a beautiful place. Instead, I'm stuck here. But I don't blame him. I just want to see him again. He saved me... and you, too. Just one more time."

"Chance... Alex is dead," Inna replied. "There are people who can help you to the other side. There you will meet him. Send him my regards."

"I denied their help earlier..." Summer said. "I thought they just want to help the horrible people, to eliminate a threat. Now I see, thanks to you, that clinging on hatred and revenge is pointless. I need their help. I can see the other side... I'm halfway there... but I can't reach it."

Now it was Alexis' time to shine. She softly pushed Inna aside and put her hand on the glass, just like the woman did. "I can help you," she told Summer. "But I'll need you to cooperate. No matter what happens, don't resist it. I can make it all end. Just trust me."

Summer nodded. Alexis closed her eyes and started to chant silent prayers. Diane had witnessed this procedure countless times before. It usually worked - only the most persistent entities could resist her divine caling magnified even further by the light of her insignia.

"I'm almost there," Summer's image flickered as she was ready to depart to the other side. "Goodbye, Inna. And thank you... for everything. And also you... Alexis, Diane, Alyssa."

"How does she know our names?" Diane wondered.

"We thank you, too," Alexis said. "Thanks to you, we discovered some really important things. Maybe it was some kind of fate - I don't believe in coincidences. And this is your reward, Summer. Go into the light; I hope we'll see you there one day. Goodbye."

"Goodbye," the girl gave them one last shy smile. Then the computer turned off.

Alexis also gave a tired smile. "Congratulations, we've just broken the curse of Starlandia."

"Cheers on that!" Diane said. Inna just stood there, trying to fight tears, looking up on the ceiling like she was expecting to see Summer's spirit rising to the Heaven. Alyssa kept the silent vigil, but she also had to fight emotions. The girls proved her that not every ghost encounter is terrifying and unpleasant.

"Uh-oh, I guess we're in trouble," Diane uttered. A moment later, two uniformed security guards bursted into the Arcade. "Stop right now!" one of them yelled. "What are you doing here?"

Okay, we're screwed, Alexis thought. After the recent events, they increased the security measures.

Fortunately, Alyssa was there to save the day. She put on her most strict expression and showed them her police badge. "I got this," she said. "These three somehow sneaked inside, they tried to find out more about that local curse," she sneered. "Just a bunch of crafty punks. I'll punish them myself."

"Yes, Miss... Lafayette," the guard replied. "Thank you."

Alyssa led them through the gate and smiled at them. "I'll have yet to think about your punishment."


The next day in the morning, Alexis took Dante for a walk and offered Anna to go with her. She did that often - the lovers could consider it a tiny date when they didn't have time to be together for the rest of the day. They could hold hands and kiss as much as they wanted - the society of Gabriel's Gardens was no longer outraged when seeing homosexual couples.

This time, Alexis used the time with her girlfriend to tell her everything about last night's events. When she finished, Anna had to hold back the emotions.

"You saved her," she said. "The curse is broken, no more deaths."

"I have to admit that killing pedophiles is a praiseworthy job," Alexis noted, "but it shouldn't be at the cost of a young girl's spirit suffering in between life and death. I know she's happy up there. Her parents are probably still alive, but she'll meet them, too."

"What about the guy who saved her?" Anna asked. "Chance Arlington?"

Alexis smiled grimly. "He was the most efficient assassin and mass murdererin the city's history. No matter which people did he kill, I doubt he went to Heaven."

"What about you try to invoke his spirit and ask him?" Anna suggested. "You'll be able to ask him so many things. About the city's past, about his reign, about..."

"About our possible relation," Alexis sighed. "I was thinking about it, too. It's tempting. But... I've just seen what can a spirit of a little girl do. What about a spirit of a mass murderer? I'm afraid he would be too volatile, impossible to control. I don't want to end up like Kyle Fletcher when he tried to invoke the ghost of Henry Rudger. What if Inna was wrong? What if he was actually a villain? I can't put the city's fate on the line and bring back the most infamous killer. That would be too irresponsible."

"I see," Anna replied. "But you aren't giving up, right? You won't stop until you find more about Arlington, no matter how Whateley tries to sweep it aside."

Alexis nodded. "Maybe Chance Arlington isn't our father, but I'm sure that learning more about him will take us forward, help us to discover our past. I don't want my parents to be nameless anymore, Annie. I want to know who I am, how am I connected to all of this and most importantly, why do I have this," he showed Anna her feather-shaped insignia.

Anna threw Dante the ball. The dog joyfully disappeared into the park near the Serenity Square centre and his only life purpose was to find it an bring it to the human with black fur on her head, that one with strange, round, buzzing paws.

For a second, Alexis wished to live a dog's life. They only care about eating, sleeping and playing with their human friends. They don't care whether their parents were dirty street dogs or award-winning dogs whose value can't be calculated with money. They just live for now.

Alexis was constantly living in the future. What will it bring? More challenges like Kyle Fletcher? Or happy things like the university and marriage with Anna? Maybe both?

Dante brought back the ball, wiggled his tail and smiled in his own dog way. Anna returned the smile and threw the ball again. Dante went after it like a guided missile.

"I will help you, Alexis," Anna said. "I have enough knowledge to find something about Chance Arlington... hopefully something that will help you. I know people. People who are old enough to remember the whole case personally. No censorship can stop me."

Alexis leaned to Anna and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you, my love."

They heard loud, angry yowling. Dante stood in front of them and this time, he didn't smile. He didn't like when his two human friends, the one with black fur and the one with yellow fur and strange eyes, joined their heads together and started to taste each other. It usually meant that they have no time for him and he had to wait until they finish the strange ritual.

Dante found it confusing. Why do their taste each other with their tiny mouths when they never start eating? It was too complex for his simple dog mind.

"Oh, great," Anna laughed. "Dante is being jealous again."

"You had to teach him!" Alexis smirked. "He's giving me exactly the same gaze you give me when I look at another girl. Even though you know I'd never leave you for someone else."

Anna smiled. "Are you sure?"

Alexis kissed her again, this time on the lips; they had to fight giggling when Dante started to protest again. "I've found everything I needed in you," Alexis whispered. "Even if I won't find out anything about my past, I know that my present and my future is always with me now. My perfect imperfection. And that's all I need to be happy, Annie."

"You can talk so nicely about your love," Anna said. "But it's better if you had all three - the future, the present and the past. And I'll help you to find it."

Dante jumped on Anna's wheelchair and tried to shove his paw between the connected lips of his two human friends. The girls laughed. "Looks like we're gonna find some more private place," Alexis noted.


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