Wound Healing (GirlxGirl)

By mm9023

967K 30.6K 6.5K

Ally is a Operating Theatre Nurse who loves her new job working in one of London's busiest hospitals after ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 (Epilogue to follow soon)
Chapter 40 - Epilogue
Fading Scars

Chapter 22

21.1K 741 215
By mm9023

"You can't work on your birthday that's just stupid" Rach groaned on the other end of the phone as Ally rolled her eyes as she walked from the underground to Ruby's.

"Babe I'm thirty there's not much to celebrate except my days are numbered before I find a grey hair" Ally replied racking her fingers through her highlighted hair as she became paranoid.

"You are missing my point we could be celebrating you joining the rest of us finally" Rach replied as she heard muffled voices in the background.

"Listen Rach as intriguing as the conversation is Tiff begged me to cover for a few hours tonight, your hen is in 3 days we can have a drink then..Love you Rach" Ally said as she walked to the entrance of work

"Ughhhh boooo you whore" Rach mumbled

"Where are you anyway" the blonde asked

"Just at Ruby's now..looks quiet" Ally added as she made her way through the door suddenly the lights flickered on as "SURPRISE" echoed through her phone and around her.

Ally gasped as she held a tight grip on her phone as she stepped back looking at all the familiar faces around her including Rach who was now in a fit of giggles pointing at her.

"Hang up the phone you twat" Rach laughed into the phone before putting hers away and stepping towards Ally who was still standing by the door.

"Surprise birthday girl" Shel chirped pushing past Rach as she pulled Ally into a tight hug.

"What the fuck" Ally mumbled to Rach as her fiancé squeezed Ally tightly and released her as the crowd smiled and shouted happy birthdays towards Ally.

"It wasn't just me" Rach replied defensively as she kissed her best friends cheek and pointed towards the bar where Tiff winked and blew Ally a kiss.

"I hate the pair of you" Ally sulked as Rach smacked Ally's arse pushing her towards the crowd of Ally's friends.


"Having a good time sweet thing" Tiff handed Ally a fresh glass of vodka and coke as a few of Ally's old friends left the brunette with the older woman.

"You know I felt so bad when you rang me this morning saying you were vomiting and begging for me to come in" Ally huffed.

"Well how else were we going to make it a surprise for you...thirty's a big mile stone in your life babe..what better way to ring it in than with your mates and some hot babes in a bar" Tiff smiled looking around her club..she really was proud of her club and Ally admired how dedicated Tiff was in running her business.

"Hot babes aye" Ally questioned taking a sip of her drink as she glanced around the bar.

Blondes, brunettes, red heads you name it they were there..although Ally knew quite a few people here there were still some random girls scattered around the club as it was an open night for customers.

"Don't look now but you're even being watched" Tiff said discreetly sipping her own drink as Ally's eye scanned the room

"Who" Ally questioned.

"Left to the stage" Tiff said casually looking over Ally's shoulder as Ally's head snapped around her eyes connecting with a guilty faced Katie who stood awkwardly next Jane who was deep in conversation with a blonde middle aged woman.

Ally snapped her body back around to face a confused Tiff as Ally gulped back her drink.

"Trouble in paradise" Tiff asked keeping an eye on Katie whose eyes pleaded for Ally to turn back around.

"Let's get some shots" Ally said ignoring Tiff as she marched towards the bar as Tiff quickly followed....


"What are you doing here" Ally asked nervously as she made her way into the flat and towards the kitchen, she filled the kettle with water.

She wanted to pour herself a drink but considering her ex wife practically fed off Ally's drinking habits, Ally was not about to let Katie have the upper hand.

"I think it's about time we sat down and talked don't you" Katie said her voice right behind Ally caused her to jump slightly as she turned around her eyes connected with those blue eyes she felt weak at the knees. Keep it cool Ally she thought to herself as she cleared her throat..

"We have to be quiet..Luke's sleeping in my room" Ally replied as Katie's lip twitched slightly.

"Ally I'm not here to argue..just talk ok" she said softly as Ally nodded and quickly turned around to make the tea....


"He's gorgeous..He's grown so much since I last seen him" Katie whispered her finger lightly brushing over Luke's dark hair.

"Yeah Denny said you've kept in touch" Ally whispered pulling the blanket up slightly on her nephew as she left him sleeping.

Katie hummed in reply as she left Ally's old room and closed the door quietly.

"So where's Jane" Ally questioned knowing full well Katie would not be in her flat if her girlfriend was within a 10 mile radius.

"Paris..something came up with work...she's back tomorrow" Katie replied as Ally nodded heading for the couch.

"So I waited for you to text me" Katie said quickly changing the topic as Ally could sense the irritation in her voice.

Ally sighed as she sat on one end of the couch half expecting Katie to sit on the one seated leather couch opposite but her ex wife sat next to her not removing her gaze.

"I didn't think it was a good idea" Ally replied honestly as Katie frowned.

"Look Katie" Ally sighed as she watched Katie shift slightly knowing she wasn't going to enjoy what was about to come out of Ally's mouth.

"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you the other night..."

"Me too" Katie blurted out.

"I think maybe we shouldn't do this.." Ally stuttered trying to find the right words to say...she was used to the days where she shared everything with Katie. All her worries and problems..a bed...hell they even shared a shower every morning before work for two years but now she threaded softly with her words...the wounds of their marriage were still clearly healing...

"I mean..Katie we were never friends" Ally said as Katie's eye brows furrowed deeply

"We were living together within a month of working with each other...girlfriends, wives and co-workers is what we were..we were never friends"

"You were my best friend" Katie mumbled clearly hurt by Ally's words.

"I know" Ally sighed as she rubbed her forehead roughly..this really wasn't going in her favour...

"I just think it would be better if we didn't talk" Ally finally blurted out as Katie's face crumbled

"I've tried...trust me I have but I can't do it...we just fight and it's not fair on us or people around us" Ally added her stomach knotting with her own words.


"Don't" Ally shifted her heart was aching for Katie but she couldn't do this..she couldn't pretend like they weren't divorced and that she was completely over her marriage like Katie was.

"What" Katie snapped

"I can't call you by your fucking name now" Katie's voice began to rise as Ally's eyes shifted towards the bedroom door, Katie's jaw clenched.

"This isn't easy for me" Ally said

"Do you think its fucking easy for me" Katie shot back her anger was beyond Ally being able to get her ex wife to keep her voice down as the surgeon stood up glaring at Ally.

"Well I don't know...isn't it" Ally asked shrugging her shoulders..Katie shoving her tongue down Jane's throat seemed pretty easy to her.

"Is this because I'm with Jane" Katie huffed folding her arms taken a slight step back

"Are you jealous" she added a slight smirk appeared on her face Ally knew she was still angry.

"Jealous" Ally mocked.

Yes she was fucking jealous of that blown up Barbie doll Katie was with.

"You are aren't you...you are jealous that I'm with some else" Katie laughed clearly pleased with herself as Ally teeth gritted as silence fell between.

Ally felt her heart ache..she could stand here and deny it all she wanted but she wasn't going to gain anything from it..Katie had already moved on and was now enjoying mocking how even after 3 years Ally couldn't have a relationship more than a casual fling.

Katie's smug grin soon dropped as Ally remained quiet, Katie had never seen Ally so vulnerable.

She was expecting a stubborn reply from the nurse that would put her in her place but instead Ally sat there with jealously and pain written all over her.

Luke's loud sobs echoed through the flat as Ally shot to her feet. She slowly brushed past a gob smacked Katie who quickly reached out and grasped Ally's arm.

"See yourself out" Ally said quietly as she pushed her arm from Katie's grip and headed straight for her room and picked up her crying nephew.

Ally felt sick to her stomach as she cradled Luke in her arms, she was afraid to even leave the bedroom in fear of Katie being there.

Why couldn't she have just sucked it up and laughed off Katie's accusation of Ally being jealous instead of letting Katie see how she wasn't over her, how she hadn't moved on like Katie did.

How Katie was still the only woman she had ever fully committed to and loved.

"Fuck" Ally muttered as she placed a sleepy Luke back in her bed, she was going to have to come up with something to say to Katie next time she seen her.

Of course she wasn't jealous she was only pulling Katie's leg to see her reaction...Bollocks she was screwed....

Ally quietly closed the bedroom door as she looked around the empty sitting room and breathed out a sigh of relief, Katie had gone and now it was time for Ally to get herself a well deserved glass of wine.

Ally quietly made her way towards the kitchen and suddenly stopped in her tracks at the kitchen door as Katie stood gripping a glass of wine.

"Here" Katie said softly as she handed Ally a spare glass that was half filled with red wine as Ally stepped forward and accepted the glass and took a large swig whilst Katie's eyes remained on her.

"Is he asleep" Katie asked as Ally nodded keeping her eyes firmly on the glass between her hands.

As if this wasn't the most awkward thing ever stood here in front of her ex wife after what happened a little over 20 minutes ago.

"So you and Tiff" Katie questioned as she took a sip of her wine waiting for Ally to answer. Ally's eyes slowly looked up at her ex wife as she leaned against the kitchen counter opposite her.

"What about me and Tiff" Ally replied casually taking another gulp of wine

"Are you fucking her" Katie asked bluntly as Ally choked back the red wine, her body forward placing the glass on the counter. Ally's eyes darted to Katie who stood smiling amusingly waiting patiently for an answer.

"You can't ask me that" Ally replied grabbing a tea towel as she wiped her face.

"Why not..its a simple question...she's a bit old though don't you think" Katie questioned as Ally glared at her

"I do recall you being my age when I was twenty four Katie...you can hardly talk about age difference" Ally shot back

"That was different and she's double our age gap" Katie replied as Ally just stared at her, was Katie bothered about the age difference or the fact Ally may be sleeping with someone..

"So you are" Katie answered her own question as her voice remained nervous, she took a large gulp from her drink.

Ally sighed as she shook her head she didn't know what had gotten into her tonight but whatever Katie asked she answered..so much for trying to put the tough act over being young, free and single...and quite frankly over her ex wife..she failed miserably...

"You're not" Katie asked a little shocked as Ally glared at her

"Why are you jealous" it was Ally's turn now to question her ex wife as Katie quickly laughed off Ally's comment as Ally frowned slightly. That laugh was like a swift kick to Ally's vagina...

"Look it's getting late" Ally said suddenly feeling like a complete tosser.

Honestly she wasn't expecting Katie to be jealous but then again she wasn't expecting her to laugh in her face either.

"Al..." Katie's smirk soon dropped as she placed her glass next to her but Ally was already out of the kitchen and making her way towards the front door.

"Thanks for the chat" Ally said dryly as she opened the front door and suddenly felt a body pressed firmly against her as the door closed.

"Katie" Ally whispered almost afraid to turn around to face her ex wife as her heart began to raced.

"Shhhhhhh" Katie whispered as her hands wrapped around Ally's slender waist brushing her fingers over the body she craved for the past 3 years.

Ally's eyes clamped shut as she felt Katie's warm body pressed against her..her heart race as her stomach flutter feeling Katie's hot breath against her neck and finger tips tracing slightly under the hem of her tank top.

Ally let out a muffled moan..it was too much..the pent up frustration she just wanted to twist her body around and attack Katie's lips..push Katie to the couch and fuck the 3 years worth of need and lust out of Katie but for now she just bit her lip as Katie took control.

"Katie" Ally groaned feeling her underwear becoming damp between her legs.

"Shhhhh" Katie hissed as she slowly turned Ally around and pinning her to the door as Ally's breathing became ragged.

Ally knew she looked terrified and truth was she was. She could see the glint in Katie's darkened eyes as Katie's hand rest on Ally's hip as her free hand slowly brushed against the outline of Ally's body and finally racking through Ally's highlighted hair.

Their eyes connection as Katie expression remained expressionless. All Ally wanted to do was kiss Katie, tell her how much she missed her and wanted her but Katie needed to make the first move.

She was still being closed like a book and Ally wasn't prepared to put herself on the line for Katie to toy with her emotions.

Katie frowned as her fingers ascended to Ally's face brushing over Ally's lips as she traced every inch of Ally beautiful face, her eyes became glossy as Ally frowned looking at Katie's saddened face.

"Babe what's wrong" Ally whispered her own arms wrapping around Katie's body as she went to pull her ex wife's body close to her own but the sudden lust in Katie's eyes was now replaced with sadness as she kept her distance from Ally.

Before Ally knew it she had been shifted to the side as Katie had quickly pulled the front door and vanished slamming it shut leaving Ally flustered and confused.


"Happy birthday sweetheart...I have missed you so much" Ally dad's Jim said placing a quick kiss on her cheek as she gave her dad a tight squeeze

"Thanks dad it's good to see you" she smiled as her dad squeezed her hand and placed a kiss on his daughter's hand.

"Where's mum" Ally asked as her eyes diverted over to a loud burst of her mother's severely annoying laugh matching a high pitched cackle.

"Oh great" Ally mumbled as Julia held a tight grip on Jane's arm laughing about something as Katie smiled nervously at the pair.

"You ok love" her dad asked as Ally gave him a weak smile. Deep down she had suddenly wanted to bail on her own party.

She knew how much Rach and Tiff had put into organising it but watching her mother all over Katie as usual and now her perfect little girlfriend it saddened Ally.

She couldn't understand why her relationship with her mother was so strained. They had never seemed to have gotten on but ever since Ally's divorce Julia had become even more distant to her eldest daughter.

They only spoke at Christmas wishing each other their best wishes but other than that Julia never seeks to speak to her daughter.

"There she is...Alison" her mother snapped Ally out of her daze as Ally watched Katie's body tense.

"Alison come here" Julia snapped through the crowd as Ally reluctantly made her way over to the three women.

"Hi" Ally smiled weakly as Jane kept forward giving her a short hug

"Happy birthday Alison" Jane smiled and returned to Katie's side.

"Thanks" Ally mumbled as her and Katie glanced at each other awkwardly.

"Jane here was telling me all about her successful career" Julia spoke not even wishing her daughter happy birthday or a welcome home for that matter.

Ally smiled a widely as she could but right now she wished she was at the bar...standing on a bed a nails..anywhere but here...

"You two seem so happy...don't they Alison" Julia smiled at Jane who took grip of Katie's arm as Jane grinned and nodded.

"Yeh" Ally croaked out as Katie gazed at her. Ally could sense the guilt behind the two blue crystals.

"I'm glad you're settled here now Katie, you seemed to really have found a solid foundation with your career and life with Jane" Julia continued as Katie just smiled weakly.

Nice one Juls, Ally's jaw clenched. Trust her mother to make her feel special on her own birthday.

Her mother always had a go at her for not settling in the one place and this was Julia's opportunity to bring her daughter down at any opportunity she got.

"Maybe you'll be next Alison" Julia added dryly

"Maybe" Ally smiled...fuck this..she needed to get out of here. This was the last place she was going to argue with her mother especially not in front of Miss perfect in front of her who clung protectively off Katie.

"Excuse me I've got to nip to the loo" Ally mumbled trying her hardest to keep it together.

She was not one to feel sorry for herself but she knew she didn't deserve this shit especially at her own birthday party.

Jane mumbled a goodbye as Julia didn't acknowledge her daughters absence as Ally backed away not daring to look at Katie before quickly making her way towards the toilet as she held back her tears.

Once instead the empty toilet she allowed her tears to stream her face...it was too painful being here, being around her mother, Katie, Jane.

She couldn't even enjoy her bloody birthday without something eating her up inside. Wiping her tears away from her eyes and she tried to maintain her smoky eyes as she stared in the mirror.

Katie quickly burst through the door as her eyes locked with Ally's. Ally ignored her ex wife as she sniffed back her tears and turned back to face the Surgeon heading towards the door, she wasn't in the mood for any more rejection tonight.

"Excuse me" Ally mumbled trying to pass Katie but the surgeon stood solid by the door forcing Ally's eyes to meet hers.

"Please" Ally's voice broke she just wanted to leave..get away from this place, she felt like she was suffocating. Katie just stared at her ex wife..her eyes bored into Ally's as her hand came to meet Ally's cheek..

"Don't" Ally brushed her body away she couldn't deal with Katie walking out on her again so she was the one who was going to be doing the walking this time.

Stepping around Katie, Ally's hand gripped the door handle as she pulled it firmly. Before she could move she felt a sharp tug of her body being pulled backwards as Katie's lips crashed against her own....

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