Bitting Bones (HoneyMustard)

By Zombeeydoodels

28.3K 835 411

Non of the characters belong to me nor does the cover. Underfell was created by Kaitogirl Underswap was crea... More

Sticks and Stones
I dont think im in underfell anymore
Tears and Tacos
Special Guest!?
Just us then...
Author's Note
'New bestie'
The Next Day
Dr Undyne (And Some Adorable HoneyMustard)
First day and a devious plan
Oh I Know, Don't You worry~
As life goes on
Christmas Pt-1
Christmas special pt-2
Nice Cream
First Kiss Dilemma
The Visitor And The Secret

Finding Out

1K 34 14
By Zombeeydoodels

Erm hey sorry for the late update. I've had some family problems which made me super unmotivated but I'm fine now! And since it is such a late chapter I will add a little something special! Again I'm really sorry for the wait.

Edge and Blue had left the room by now leaving Red and Honey sitting next to eachother in an awkward silence. This time Honey was the worried one, with thoughts such as 'what if Red doesn't like me!' or 'does he really hate me that much?' Meanwhile Red was trying to process his thoughts. They were messy and unorganized. One minute he'd ask himself why he bothered worrying about such a skeleton and the next minute before he knew he had an image in his mind.

One where he had imagined himself clinking teeth with skeleton right next to him, who seemed to be in a daze. The thought made him instantly turn red and shove his face into the pillow next to him, squeezing it tight as if squeezing the embarrassment out of it that he had stored up. He lifted his head up slightly so one socket peered at the larger, lanky skeleton that hadn't shifted at any point in time. Although Red seriously wanted to deny the fact he worried about the suddenly serious skeleton, he couldn't.

Red began reading his facial features and expressions to see what was wrong, although emotions weren't his specialty. Red reached out for the bottom of the others hoodie, pillow still squeezed tight. Honey glanced down at the sudden movement of the hand, and unexpectedly he stood up with an air of seriousness. For the first time in a while Red was scared. He was scared of the fact that the carefree, lazy, teasing skeleton had become so glum.

Honey stood there, no longer lanky but stood up straight. Obviously his feelings for Red hadn't changed but he couldn't handle his emotions right now, so before he could do anything stupid he had to react. Although it saddened Red Honey had to ignore it, for a while they both just stayed in an eerie silence. That was until Honey's heartbreaking words left his mouth. "I-I need to be alone for a bit. Don't bother me." Honey said with a hand on his head, looking sickly pale even for a skeleton as he headed upstairs to his room.

Red just sat there in shock. Constant self-doubt about how he had made the usual Honey so upset. Hearing what happened from the kitchen Edge and Blue walked into the room, still stale with the taste of heartbreaking. As the two walked in Edge cleared his throat making Red give him a part of his attention. "YOU KNOW ITS YOUR FAULT RIGHT?" Red looked down with a shameful look. Edge wasn't saying this to be mean, he wanted his brother to grow more. If Red wanted to be with Honey he would have to try harder, even if he doesn't know yet.

Blue looked at Papyrus with shock written all over his face. He nudged Papyrus with a scornful look about being to harsh on Red, making Edge feeling slightly guilty but thought it was necessary all the same. "C'MON RED IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT, YOU JUST WASN'T AWARE OF... YOU KNOW..." Blue said in an awkward tone. Red looked at him with confusion about this thing he wasn't aware of. However he was also thinking of the fact it was his fault, and how he had to take the blame and can't remain oblivious forever.

Red looked up to Blue who had lost a sparkle in his sockets due to the tense situation, then to his brother, Edge, who let out a sigh. "Wasn't aware of what-" Edge interrupted him. No one can last any longer if he doesn't know. He blatantly said "HE LIKES YOU AND NOT AS A FRIEND, AS A LOVER." Blue stood there shocked that Edge said it so out right, meanwhile Red buried his heated up face into his pillow. He couldn't take it. He couldn't take the truth. It seemed to go on for hours, the silence of shock. No one spoke.

"YEAH WELL. NOTHING TO BE SHAMED ABOUT. YOU GONNA MOPE HERE OR GO GET YOUR BOYFRIEND TO BRING HIS ASS BACK DOWN HERE, DINNERS ALMOST READY." Blue kept his shocked expression but also had an agreeable nod as Edge dragged him into the kitchen while Red kept his head in his pillow. Edge looked deep in thought with an expression of a mother bird who let her child fly for the first time. "GEEZ. MY BRO REALLY DOES NEED A BRAIN CHECK IF HE NEEDED TO BE TOLD THE OBVIOUS."

Blue chuckled at the very true joke. "PAPYRUS I THOUGHT YOU WERE BEING OVERPROTECTIVE ABOUT YOUR BRO!" Blue declared in a prideful yet teasing tone. Red looked down at Blue with a sky look, he then looked back up so he stared into the distance. He began getting pasta ready for dinner. "IT WAS JUST PAINFUL TO WATCH." Edge said with a huff. Blue chuckled about how similar the two brothers were with their tsundere way, but then continued helping Edge with the dinner hoping the two would sort it out.

Meanwhile Red was on the couch. He still couldn't get over what just happened. He kept replaying the words of his brother in his head that seemed to get louder and louder as he played them. Red then put the pillow down to one side and slapped either side of his cheeks to snap out of it. His brother was right he needed to make up with Honey, but not about the boyfriend part. Rethinking that part made Red's cheeks worsen. He made his way up the freaking stairs. The slow heavy footsteps making it all the more louder. A hallway at the top seemed to go on for miles with the tension he felt. He was overwhelmed with nervousness and sweat took over the palm of his hands.

He stilled at Papyrus's room. The door loomed over him, it's polished door knob reflecting his red face. He stood there taking in a deep breath too calm himself and knock on the hollow door. No answer. He knocked again, louder this time. No answer. He decided Honey wasn't going to answer so he let himself in only to see the usual lanky figure curled up in a bed. "Hey honey. Dinners almost ready are you coming down?" Red said in a nervous yet soothing voice.

Papyrus shook his heads under the sheets. Though it was hard to tell considering how dark the room was. Red sat on the edge of Honey's bed, still waiting for Honey to rise. After a few minutes he did indeed rise. "What do ya want. I kinda said not to disturb me." He said in a tired tone. Red stared at him, not knowing what to say or do to lighten the mood. "Hey can you... Tell me what's wrong?" Red said with a curious glance. Again no one talked for a good five minutes.

Papyrus readied himself. He really needed to lay it off his chest. "Truth is... I'm kinda worried that you don't like me after... You know all the kicking and thrashing about. So it kinda got me thinking maybe he doesn't like me... But then that meant I was wrongly teasing you all the time even though that wasn't meant to happen, I just kinda you know... All I want to say is..." As Papyrus embraced himself for his confession he suddenly felt a strange sensation after all his rambling. He paid attention to the real world and there it was. Red had clanked teeth with him.

Red instantly moved away his face bright red, even lightning up Papyrus's room. "Don't get the wrong idea I just thought you were thinking too much." Still very much in shock Papyrus started moving his boney hand across the rim of his mouth in disbelief. "So you kissed me." Red tightened the part of his coat closest to his soul, moving his head to hide his blush. "Sh-shut up! Just be down for dinner!" Red said while running out the room.

Papyrus sat up in utter disbelief. "What just happened?"

Surprise! Relationship development. I really tried I've no idea how to write this. I dunno if it's too fast or too weird or what. Anyways again I am so sorry but I'm gonna be continuing on my weekly schedule so please I hope you stick around.

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