Unholy Angel: A Next Gen Marv...

By Ghostrider1995

1.5K 83 235

"I don't how I got here. I only know the extent of my curse." Ever wonder what happened to Johnny Blaze? Whe... More

Night Job
Hot Wheels
Recruited by a Teenage Witch
In the End. It Doesn't Even Matter
Ashes to Ashes
Deals, Deals, and More Deals
Expensive Mistakes and Heavy Prices
Anything You Say Can and Will Be Held Against You
Dancing with the Devil
This Pain is Just Too Real
I Am Fire. Watch Me Burn.
This Isn't How Our Story Ends.
Thank you to everyone for this

Heaven's Gate

46 4 26
By Ghostrider1995

Robbie's P.O.V.

I went wide eyed when I saw the spear or whatever it was go right through Kyla's stomach. Right before I could even think of hurting Damien, the portal closed. Everything went in slow motion. Her dad ran to her catching her to keep her from falling.

Kyla just landing in his arms while his lips just quivered.

“N-no. Kyla please. C'mon kiddo stay with me.” Johnny begged the tears just streaming down his face. “God no! Don't you take her from me!”

Kyla, she was just looking at him like she could hear him but didn't know he was there. Her eyes fighting to stay open and her blood just pouring out of her.

I ran to them grabbing her hand trying not to cry.

“No fuego, por favor no te vayas. (No fire, please don't go.)” My own voice was breaking. Something that only happened with Gabe. I heard footsteps coming close while I looked at Kyla's eyes. They were distant but they were closing. “No!” I shouted.

I felt a hand on my shoulder while for the first time in a long time, tears were blurring my vision.

“Robbie…” Daisy's voice trailed behind me.

I saw one of Aurora's hexes slowly take out whatever it was Damien stabbed Kyla with. She started using her hexes again by Kyla's head.

“C'mon hot head. Wake up. Fucks sake wake up!” She yelled with glassy eyes.

“Flamethrower, it's Ash. If you can hear me. Please. Whatever fight you've got in you. Use it. We still need you.” Ash’s voice was breaking with each word. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I had tears just running down my face. If she died I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Kyla's P.O.V.

I was standing in the middle of some kind of dark room. The only light was the one around me. Just bright enough so I could see my hand in front of me. Everything else. Darkness.

“Any idea where we are?” I asked the demon. To my surprise there was no answer. Not even a sarcastic one. Lovely…

I scanned the area as best I could but there was no sign of anyone. No Ash or Daisy. No sign of Aurora, Robbie not even my dad. I was alone.

“My goodness…” A voice suddenly pulled me out of my thoughts followed by the sound of footsteps.

I growled slightly not sure if my eyes had changed color or not. “Look whoever you are, you better show yourself or else.”

The footsteps became louder while I stood my ground not sure who or what was talking to me. I waited when a woman came into the light.

“Who the hell are you?” I asked narrowing my eyes at her. She chuckled at me with this weirdly comforting smile.

“Don't be afraid, I'm here to help.” She seemed familiar but I couldn't think of from where.

“Lady who said I was scared.” I sassed folding my arms in front of myself. She just smiled at me. A little too much in my opinion.

“You are just like your father.” She said. I raised an eyebrow at her. How does she know my dad?

“Are you my…?”

“No I'm not your mother. My name is Naomi Kale. I'm your grandmother.”

“Wait what?” I couldn't believe this. My grandmother? Dad never knew her just like I never knew my mom. How does she know me??? She smiled softly taking a step forward.

“I feel as if I'm looking in a mirror. Well if I was younger of course. I've been watching you Kyla.”

“Oh great someone else was stalking me…” I rolled my eyes at while she chuckled softly. “What?”

“You have your father's mouth and no I have been watching you from heaven.” Her words just echoed in my mind. Heaven?

“Wait I'm dead??” I screeched while she shook her head.

“Only if that is what you choose.” She said.

I raise an eyebrow at her. What could she mean by “if that is what you choose,”?

“So I'm not dead?” I asked confused.

“Not exactly…” She replied

“So I am dead.”

“Well, if that is what you choose. Then yes.”

“Whoa wait. How could I be half dead and half alive. Wouldn't I be in a coma?” I swear nothing is making sense.

My grandmother just laughed a little.

“What?” I asked getting annoyed with the riddles. She didn't say anything then an idea hatched in my head. “So...does that mean I'm in limbo?”

“In a manner of speaking yes.” She answered with a nod.

Before I could say anything, another light appeared. Only this one was brighter than the one I was under. I took a step forward trying to see what was going on.

“What's that?” I asked confused by the light.

“One of your choices.” My grandmother said standing next to me.

“Is it heaven?”

“Only if that is what you choose.” The same answer as before. I looked at her confused as ever.

“Why do you keep saying that? ‘If that is what you choose.’ I didn't have a choice.” I said stilling looking at the light.

“Maybe not in having the curse but you have a choice now. Kyla, when I made my last deal with Metastophalies, I asked that he keep the curse from being passed onto your father.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Meta- who? Dad said he made a deal with the devil. Who's this guy you're talking about?”

“The devil has many names Kyla.He agreed to make your father a ghost rider but not the ghost rider. Unfortunately that loophole affected you as well. Which is why you were born with the rider.”

It all made sense now. I didn't have a choice because it wasn't mine to have. My grandmother made a choice. My father made a choice then I made a choice.

I looked at her still a little confused. “But if I have a demon in me, why would heaven be open for me? Wouldn't Blackheart have won?”

“In theory yes but there is one key difference between you and other riders.” Her tone became very calming. Guess this is the closest I'll have to a mom.

“What's that?” I asked.

“A pure heart. Which means if you choose to leave earth you will be able to defend heaven for all eternity. However I should show you something.” I nodded as the sound of crying filled the space. Dad.

I found myself looking down at what could be the last few minutes of my life.

“Oh my God is that me?” I asked feeling like I was going to vomit.

“Only if that is what you choose.” My grandmother placed a hand on my shoulder. “But Kyla whatever you choose will stay with you forever.”

I bit my lips slightly while I faced a hard decision. Live or die. When I saw everyone there while dad held me, I knew what I had to do. I had made my choice.

“I have to go back…” My voice trailed while my grandmother gave a nod with a smile.

“I see the love you have in you. I know you will protect all the innocent even if you suffer. You will be going back soon but before you do, would you do my a favor?” She asked

“Y-yeah sure.”

“Tell your father I'm sorry. That I love and miss him dearly. I only left to protect him.” She said her voice quiet with a sense of pain.

I nodded when I felt a burning sensation on my hand. I held it up and was in shock.

“Blue flames.” My grandmother said.

“What's happening??” I asked in panic.

“You're no longer the spirit of vengeance. Instead the angel of justice.”

Her words became a type of blurry whisper as everything went dark again.

I slowly blinked my eyes open feeling an obnoxious pain across my body while I could feel something watery hit my face.

“C'mon firefly. Please. You're all I have.” Dad begged. I looked at him weakly.

“I'm not going anywhere…” I could hear the groggy tone in my voice. The words feeling like knives leaving my throat.

My dad held me close crying.


“What is firefly?” He asked looking at me.

“Grandma said that she loves and misses you. She told me to tell you that. She also said that she was sorry she only left because she was trying to protect you.”

My dad's mouth hung open making it clear he couldn't believe what he just heard.

“Y-you met my mother?” He asked the tears still in his eyes. I gave a small nod in return while he just hugged me.

“While I enjoy a gross father daughter moment,” Aurora said getting our attention. “I think we should get hot head to the quinjet. That was a nasty - wait what the fuck?!”

I tilted my head at her when Robbie spoke up.

“You don't have a stab wound. You healed.”

I looked down only seeing dried blood on my shirt. How?

‘I believe you have your grandmother and myself to thank.’ The rider's voice echoed in my mind.

I gasped suddenly while I felt myself turn. I knew it wouldn't affect my dad but this time was different. I could feel the sort of cool flames on me.

When the transformation finished, I wasn't like my old form. I could feel it.

“Blue flames. The Angel of justice.” My dad said as I went back to normal. I nodded to him while he nodded back.

“We should ride back.” I said earning a nod from everyone. This was it. I was free.

Author's note: Hey another update. I know two in one week. Well this is the second to last chapter whomp whomp. But I will announce that I am making a second book to this. So yeah! I hope you all enjoy this. Thank you again for all the support. Also above is Kyla's grandmother who I picture as Barbara Hershey


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