The Fault in Honesty [Discont...

By witchofstories

9.7K 238 25

Xuo Ai died of a heartbreak but death gave her a chance to live in again in another life. The only problem wa... More

Chapter 1 Back to the "Cruel Palace"
Chapter 1.5: First life
Chapter 2: Back to my "old life"
Chapter 2.5: Egyptian cat
Chapter 3: When truth hurts the most Part 1
Chapter 3.5: The Pharaoh
Chapter 4.5: Her original Twin-Flame
Chapter ....: Red Lotus 1

Chapter 4: When truth hurts the most Part 2

216 6 0
By witchofstories

Xuo Ai was just arriving to the party along with the rest of her friends. Tonight it was a charity gala. Xuo Ai naturally had a soft heart for children who needed all the support they could get and often donated a large sum of money. And because she always felt just donating money was to insensitive so she often stayed in contacts with the organizations she donated her money to. And also requested for the children to sometimes send her letters. Telling her of how their day was or something they just want to share. As a person who had gone through poverty and many of the the things that came with being especially a woman. The world was always much crueler to poor people, women and also people who were simply more different than the ones in their society. She knew the feeling of discrimination and it always made you feel like a monster or an alien. Dirty and worth nothing compared to the elite despite both being humans. Despite both experiencing human emotions. Feel pain and cry. Feel joy and laugh. If you were born a human then you were a human but humans have so much power and are so capable to do anything. They can go over the limits of impossibility. And that's why humans are both a frightening existence and a miracle.

- Ai, she heard a deep voice behind her and turned around.

He really hadn't changed so much. He was still as handsome as he was when she last saw him.

- It's been awhile, he said and held out to her a glass of wine.

She rejected it with a hand gesture and he put it back on the plate of the waiter.

- Sorry, boy. Got no time for you, she simply said and walked away before he could stop her.

She entered a crowd of foreigners and smiled politely towards them as she joined their conversation and completely ignored him. From the corner of her eyes she could basically see a vein popping up on the said of his head. Inside of her she was laughing madly while speaking arabic to the foreigner next to her. In this life-time for sure she did want to make him suffer like the suffering he had put her through however if she directly made him suffer by for example break his heart by pretending to be in love with him she would receive bad karma. Then when she reincarnated next time they would still end up meeting because of unfinished business. That's why in this life she needed to not having anything to do with him.

Suddenly she felt an extreme pull as if she was being reeled in by an unseen force. It led her towards the entrance of the big city hall building. She saw a limousine pull up almost in slow motion. Her heart beat accelerated. She was burning hot and needed to get away.

Despite her legs and feet not following orders from her mind she managed to clumsily get to outside the balcony where she hid, trying to calm her heart down. She knew this had to do with reincarnation. She tried to remember someone that powerful and could only come to think of seven persons who for some reason also shared the same soul. Or rather she recognized the soul in them. Sometimes there were more than one however one thing for sure was that they contained a part of "that being's" soul.

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Her inner voice warned her constantly and somehow by luck she managed to escape to her car fast enough to drive away from there.

Unknowing to Xuo Ai a pair of piercing honey eyes stared of into the direction where she drove and a smile appeared on his otherwise indifferent face.

- I've finally found you, my wife.

Xuo Ai's heart that had calmed down skipped a hurtful beat and prayed that person would at least not find her. She truly had been unlucky tonight.

As soon as she got home she immediately took her packed things to leave for the airport. This person was too dangerous for her to be around. It was as if he had such a great and frightening intuition that he could find you wherever you were. However she had discovered during year 1938 that as long she wasn't in the same country he wouldn't be able to sense you as good.

She left a quick message to her secretary and headed on board the plane. Thanks to him she now had to go for the very long way towards Egypt. She needed to go from China to USA, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Congo, Kenya, Dubai, Turkey, Moscow, Norway, Greece and then to England. After that she needed to take the boat to Spain and from there to Moroco. From Moroco she had to take a horse to Egypt. To the place where her treasures.

It was a very long travel and it took her more than three weeks to arrive at her destination. She wanted to curse the man for making her life so unbearable but that would make it much easier for him to find her.

She kissed the ground when she arrived and was so happy that she was finally here and that her suffering had been worth it. The village children came towards her and greeted her happily. She let them lead her inside it. Her eyes wandered towards the big river where she saw a man in dark brown hair stand and look over. To his left a woman in red stood beside him. She guessed it was his girlfriend or wife by the intimate feeling she got from them. The man turned around and she stopped walking as she got the chills. His eyes revealed his soul. The soul that had waited for her or rather the soul within her. She couldn't help but blame her soul for being too enchanting. Why did it need to make those type of people fall in love with her?

Even though they had seen each other she did not go to talk with him. She instead walked to the village chief as she got her own place to stay in while she was there.

The village chief's eyes glinted of a "I know who you are". It was subtle and pretty fleeting but she still caught it.

It was a tiny house which there had been a family living in two years ago before they moved to Kairo. The village wasn't bad but there was no future here for the children, other than taking care of the elders or the horses.

She asked the village about the man she had seen at the lake even though she already knew who he was. Apparently he was a man of business and they were going to make a resort in their village. She thought it was a mad idea, like everyone else thought. Although she did think about the lake for awhile. It was clear so maybe that would attract enough tourists.

A few hours later her team-mates and colleagues arrived in a black van.

- Why did you leave so soon? Pixie hugged her tightly. So you are staying here?

- Yes.

- You could've told us that sooner. We thought you were staying with the subscriber who offered to host us while we were in this country, she whined.

- I didn't think about it all or more like I forgot about it. Anyway I hope your stay there didn't waste all the cleaning and expectation she had for all of us.

- She was surprised that you weren't with us but received use warmly anyway. She was a big fan of Wang too.

- Yes, well he does charm older women better than younger. So those people who came with you are from her house right.

- Bingo! One of them are her third son who wanted to come with us. The rest are simply his bodyguards.

- You do realize that he could die?

- We did warn them and even made them admit that on a video. However the mother simply let him go and the father just encouraged it.

- Strange... Oh, well. We'll just have to make sure that everyone comes out alive.

After she said that she dove into the water and was gone for a long time. Some of the "new crew" members thought she had drowned. However she reassured them that she wouldn't. Like air and earth water was her natural domain.

She wasn't a mermaid for nothing in one of her last lives at least.

Like Xuo Ai thought there were more than one entrance. Since she got to choose she would choose the second one.

She went up to the surface and told them to stand back as her female colleague filmed the moment.

"Nile", she called out over river with an ancient tongue.

Nothing appeared and people began to think she was crazy.

Xuo Ai rolled her eyes. That goddess really dared to push her. She snapped her finger and a young blonde-haired woman with a cold pale face showed up as she asked the young Chinese girl for something nobody else understood.

"Please don't", the goddess begged.

The fire that was just about to come down from heaven stopped and disappeared.

The goddess then reajusted herself as she stood on her water lily and reintroduced herself to the humans. Everything glowed around her very being. Many watchers on YouTube were so excited to see a real goddess. This made everyone especially in the West world think over history and of their God again.

While some argued that the goddess, Nile was fake or a demon disguised as a holy being others believed in their goddess Xuo Ai.

After introduction she parted the river for Xuo Ai where a big gate revealed itself. Not a standing one.

It opened up and the tunnel which would take them to the treasure. It was the shortcut so when they immediately came inside they would have wasted oxygen during the way there.

It was a treasure room indeed. Filled with gold, pearls, rubies, diamonds, silks and statues and weapons etc. And in the middle of the room was a statue of a pharaoh with his cat in his lap. Xuo Ai felt a bit nostalgic but had a job to do as she showed the viewers on Youtube of the maginificent palace. She showed them around, explained what used to be here and there. There were scrolls and gold tablets. She read some of them for the viewers while the annoying treasure hunters were a bit loud in the background.

Since the oxygen were running low they were going to take with them the things they could. Xuo Ai stayed a bit behind so that she could finish reading some scrolls she had packed down. All the viewers were practically fluent in ancient eygptian as she spoke words and explained them. Eventually Xuo Ai finished her broadcasting. She was the last person to leave after her friend left to swim back.

As soon as she planned to dive into the water a force pushed her back. She fell down damaging her camera as the man she feared the most appeared.

"Did you think you could hide from me?".

She snorted and simply got up ready to fight even if she knew she wouldn't win.

"I am not your wife".

"You have her soul. So you are mine".

Now Xuo Ai couldn't help but laugh.

"My soul might have originally been attached to yours but now it belongs to someone else".

He pushed her against the wall. There was something pitiful in his eyes but she tried ignoring it. His face came closer. She was losing her conciousness but used this moment where he was distraced to slash him with her dagger.

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