Littlespace | [on hold]

By sunloveskpop

92.5K 3.5K 1.6K

- bts fic: jimin and jungkook are secretly littles. More

✎ one ✐
✎ two ✐
✎ three ✐
✎ four ✐
✎ five ✐
✎ six ✐
✎ seven ✐
✎ eight ✐
✎ nine ✐
✎ ten ✐
✎ eleven ✐
✎ twelve ✐
✎ thirteen ✐
✎ fourteen ✐
✎ sixteen ✐
✎ seventeen ✐
✎ eighteen ✐
✎ nineteen ✐

✎ fifteen ✐

3.1K 123 65
By sunloveskpop

after a nice lunch with fun banter and funny stories being told, they head back to the dorm and watch tv till they fall asleep.

the next morning, jimin gets ready for his next date, in all honesty, he feels like a bachelor. this time he dresses into something he thinks his date will like. a simple yet stylish outfit that consists of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with a little printed rose on the side, and some timberlands- which jungkook suggest he wear for some reason.

he manages to get himself all nice and clean, and in the middle of spraying himself with his cologne, yoongi peeps his head into the younger males room, "you ready?"

"yes," jimin replies as he finishes and then turns to make his way over to the other who stands by the door with a big gummy smile. "why the smile?"

the daegu boy shrugs, "can't i smile?"

"no." he giggles and then yelps as his hyung puts him into a gentle choke hold. with a bit of wiggling around, he escapes the hold and then pecks his cheek, "lets gooooo."

yoongi goes red from the peck on the cheek and raises an eyebrow, "why the kiss?"

"can't i kiss?" the mochi mocks before smiling smugly and then running out of the room and down to outside where a slight speck of a drizzle can be felt approaching. he stops and turns to suddenly be face to face with his date.
with a pout evident on his face, "hyung... our date is ruined today."

yoongi feels his happiness falter at seeing the saddened expression on the younger's face. he cups his cheeks so he can look at him, "it doesn't matter if it's raining or snowing or a tornado happening today. all that matters, is that we are together. we could literally be sitting down and feeding each other jellybeans or taking a trip to Paris, all i want is to be with you."

if the world were completely silent, you could hear how loud and fast jimin's heart is pounding. his whole face burns a bright red as his eyes flutter from here to there, anywhere to avoid the eyes he wants to melt into but is to afraid too.

"how about this, today we can have a toned out day. perhaps you would like to look through the art gallery and perhaps get some strawberry milk?"

the mention of the pink milk, makes jimin gasp and nod enthusiastically. he bounces slightly on his toes, "come on! no time can be wasted!"

both boys head over quickly to the main street where the gallery is located. the rain seems to pick up as they head indoors and up to the front desk to get tickets.

the transaction is fast and before they know it, they are walking alongside many art pieces with titles and descriptions of the paintings.

yoongi has heard about this place through taehyung, since the other comes here quite often to just look around in peace. as he walks, his eyes scan uninterested along the art work, he admits it's great work, but not interesting to him. instead, he catches himself watching his date, a small smile lifts his lips as he sees the mochi staring deeply into every piece of art with upmost interest.

"hyung, can you imagine how much time and effort all these pieces took?" he gapes at it all and then flickers his eyes over to the older male. it's obvious he's been caught staring, "you know this place has lots to look at."

yoongi shrugs again and stuffs his hands into his pockets, "you are the only piece of art here that spikes my interest." he steps closer as a crackle of thunder erupts, shaking the building a bit.

a sliver of little slips into chim as his eyes widen and he leans up against the other. the tip of his nose digs into the others chest, "thunder is so loud."

"i know, sweet pea," yoongi whispers. he wraps his arms around him and holds him close. both feel serene and at ease in each other's warm embrace.

the art has been forgotten, as well as the people around them and the storm outside. it's as if they are back at the dorms cuddling.

"excuse me," a stranger coughs awkwardly as they try to get around the two.

both break up the hug but still hold onto each other as they get out of the way and continue on with the walk down the gallery and up to the divided hall which leads to the little cafeteria.

gratefully, today is not a busy day, so they are able to go in and find a place to sit and drink the ever so sweet pink milk.

"nothing is more better than a cup of cold strawberry milk," jimin states as he then takes a long sip of the beverage with a gleeful look.

yoongi barely has touched his drink, his chin rests upon his propped up arm, "cute." he holds back a laugh from the reaction he gets from him, which is a whiny 'stop it hyung'. but how can he? park jimin is way to adorable and precious, there's not enough cutes to be said to him.

as the two converse, a timid fan walks over to them while fidgeting with the rings on her fingers. "uhm hello. i'm a big fan and i just wanted to say i love you both very much."

jimin combs his hair with his uninjured hand, since the other is in a cast after all. he smiles ever so sweetly at her, "hi! it's great to see an army here, i love your shirt by the way."

"thank you," she blushes, "are you and uhm.. yoongi oppa on a" her voice is low and she glances slightly over at the daegu boy who is sipping his milk and listening.

unsure if he should answer, he chews on his bottom lip, "well.." his eyes flicker between both of them with a conflicted look, maybe their manager wouldn't be so happy to have this spread around social media just yet.

"we are just taking a break from practice."
the abrupt answer makes both jimin and the girl silent for a couple seconds.

the fan smiles softly, "oh. well, i should give you two some space. it was nice meeting you guys, all the love." she bows and then walks over to her previous spot.

once she is out of hearing range, jimin frowns, "break from practice? what was that about?" he is honestly quite offended by the odd answer from his hyung, from his date.

yoongi tosses his finished bottle into the trash can, "you seemed like you didn't want to admit we are on a date. so i covered for you, you're welcome."

a deeper frown settles onto his face, "you're welcome? really? why would i not want to admit we are on a date anyways?"

"because you like hoseok."

jimin sighs, "hyung.."

"no, i don't want your empathizing words for me jimin. i know you like him, he's even said it himself. so why even bother doing this date thing with the both of us? it's obvious you have feelings for him, so don't deny it for the sake of me." he begins to rub his temples.

a scowl now apprises on the younger's face, "i'm not doing this dating thing just because i feel bad. have you ever once thought that maybe i do actually like you too? you probably haven't, because you are so busy trying to win me over so you'll look good above hoseok."

"what the actual hell are you talking about? this isn't some game. i have strong deep feelings for you, i wouldn't be going through all this trouble to win your heart for nothing!"

jimin stands up from his seat, his arms crossed, "if this is so much trouble, then just leave this 'break' we are having! leave me like everyone does! so much for being my caretaker!"

blood boils in him, "i do so much shit for you and this is how you repay me? you don't know how much stress i go through with juggling work and taking care of your whiny little ass!" he slams his fits harshly against the table, a loud snap is heard and the table splits in half.

"look what you did! it represents you very well, you break everything around you. everything that matters. you don't notice the things around you because you are so caught up in your own little world."

yoongi's fists clench and then unclench, tears pool at the sides of his eyes as he stares at the other. "just do us both a favor and date hoseok." he turns and walks away, the few people scattered around try to not stare at the scene that unfolded in front of them.

it goes completely silent as the sight of the daegu boy is gone. jimin realizes what's happened and sinks back down into his chair. not only did he lose his only caretaker, but also someone he cares for so deeply.

A/N: wowie, this part took forever to publish because writers block, it was bad. but i've gotten some inspiration, so now i am back on track with updates that don't take a freaking month. also i hope you all like drama, cause that's what's to come with the next chaps.

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