Apart | Smii7y x Reader [DISC...

By Polar_492

5K 119 102

You are in love with your best friend SMii7Y and you want to tell him how much you like him. He is your best... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
I'm sorry

Chapter Five

364 12 9
By Polar_492


I was starting to drive towards (Y/N)'s house. I dropped the others off at my house, leaving just the two of us in the car.

"Lucas...." I heard (Y/N) say. I turned towards her, realizing that she was sleep talking.

"I know you are asleep and can't hear me, but I love you. So much. You make me go crazy just thinking about you." I said to her, not really knowing why.

I kept on driving until I got to her house. I parked the car and then opened the door. I looked up in the sky and damb was it pretty. I was going back and forth in my head whether to wake up (Y/N) or not. "Fuck it." I said under my breath as I opened her door up. Her hair was perfectly messy, and the moon showered her face as she calmly slept. Well, until I gently woke her up. I decided to gently kiss her lips. She kissed back, waking up and smiling.

"Why are you so good at that?" She asked, her voice was raspy from sleep.

"What kissing?" I asked as she laughed at me.

"No, well yes, but you wake me up in the best ways." She said as I took her hand and lead her out of the car.

"Well thank you. And I just do what seems like the best way to wake you up baby."

"Wait why did you wake me up?" She asked.

"Well, look up." I said giving her a second to capture the sight. She then looked back at me.

"But I don't have to look up to see my universe." She said laughing at her cheesy line.

"Smooth. Very smooth baby." I said kissing her nose, smiling as I held her in my arms after.

She suddenly looked upset. "I'm gonna miss this." She said tearing up.

"I'm going to also. Don't cry baby, not now. Just be happy for now. Let's forget that for now. Let's run away for a day. Wouldn't that be fun?" I asked her as she brightened up from my words.

"Could we run away for a day?" She asked softly, looking back up into the sky.

"Of course. Whenever." She looked back at me and smiled. I returned the smile and raised my arms. She didn't care to step forward into my arms, she just fell into them. Literally.

"Why are you so warm?" She asked me, as I put my chin on her head.

"I don't know. But it comes in handy sometimes." I said kissing her forehead after.

"Why are we infront of my mom's house?" She asked me, bringing me back to why we were outside.

"Oh yeah. I was gonna bring you inside while you were sleeping, but I looked up and saw the second best view in the world."

"Oh. Well I wanna stay at your house tonight. And what is the best view, if the sky isn't?" She asked me, knowing I ment her.

"Oh John. 100%. Have you seen his hair. Damb."

"Oh shut the fuck up." She said while the both of us laughed.

"You know he's the first and a half most beautiful thing I've seen. But you are my favorite, you are above all of them. You are beautiful and funny and, habe I told you you're gorgeous?" I said as she laughed like in was crazy.

"Thank you, but have you looked in a mirror?"

"Yeah most of pics of me on Instagram are me in the mirror."

"True, but you're pretty damb fine yourself."

"Whatever baby. You look better than anyone else I've ever seen." I kissed her temple and picked her up without warning.

"Lucas!" She whisper screamed at me, as is startled her.

"What? We need to go to my house." I said as I headed to the car.

"Ok, fair enough." She said laughing as I tried opening my car door.

"Um can you grab the handle?" I asked as I lowered her.

"Nah I'm good. You're a man. You can do it."

"But its hard."

"Suck it up, Buttercup."

"I love you and hate you so much." I said as I finally opened the door.

"Awe. I hate you too buttercup." I placed her in the car as she said that.

"Well damb. My feeling. Their 'so' hurt." I said putting my hand on my chest pretending to me hurt.

"Suck it up- Buttercup yeah I know I know" I said interrupting her sentence just laughing the two of us.

"Bitch did you just assume my sentence?" She said, picking up this old meme.

"Damb I guess I did. But whatcha gonna do about it?" I asked as she shut her door on me. "Damb." I said as I walked around the car to the driver side.

I opened the door and started the car up. I started driving away from her house.

She put her hand in mine and I smiled. The rest of the drive home was quiet with some occasional singing from (Y/N). She never sang seriously which was funny, but in the car she sang one song and it wasn't half bad. She does have some talent. But I forgot to tell her about it once I got a text from Evan.

"Hey (Y/N)? Can you see who texted me?" I asked while giving her my phone from my pocket.

"Oh it was Evan. He was wondering when you'll be back."

"Oh tell him that I'll be back in, about eight minutes." I said slowing down at a red light.

This light was stopping me for only two seconds and that was already too long for me. I looked over to (Y/N) and smiled. The different lights all around us lit up her face in different parts. Each way was beautiful. She was slightly moving in her seat as she danced to a song that was on the radio. It was cute watching her lipsync and dance as she was waiting for Evan to reply.

She turned to me and stopped dancing. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked me, smiling in confusion.

"I dunno. Just tonight you look so amazing. In everything you do you look cute. I can't stand the thought of being apart, and I just love you so much. I never knew how happy you made me until we kissed. I couldn't be happier in that moment, and now. You are mine, and I am yours, and after all of this is over with, we'll be together for, for forever hopefully." I said looking into her eyes. Her face was bright red and she started to speak.

"I never knew that I could be happier with you, than just being friends. You are my universe, my one and only, and my boyfriend. Who's gonna miss this green light." She said and laughed as I turned around and started to go. Thank god no one was behind me.

"Why are you smooth right now? Its nice but it's such a, confident you. I like it." I said as I went down my street. "Also very random and off topic but what kind of food do you want?" I laughed a little at my randomly timed question.

"Well I tried tonight and what about some good ol' speghett." She said as I pulled into my driveway.

"That sounds like an excellent idea. What about a side of memes?" I turned off the car and looked at her face to see confusion.

"Do you mean garlic bread?" She shut her door and was waiting at the front of the car for me.

"What else?" I asked like it was an obvious question.

"Whatever floats your boat I guess." I kissed her cheek and then we went inside.

"I thought that you dropped her off?" John said confused as to why I decided to basically drive there and back and not to do what I planned out.

"Well I woke her up and stuff happened and now we're here." I said closing the door behind us.

The both of them just shrugged and I started going into the kitchen.

"Hey were gonna have Speghett and memes for dinner!" I called out to them.

"Ooh!!! Memes!" Evan said as I noticed (Y/N) in the kitched with me.

"Lets do this shit." I said to (Y/N) as we got the ingredients we needed and made dinner together.

~ Next Day ~

I woke up from (Y/N) playing with my hair. It felt nice and I calmly opened my eyes to see her smile.

"Hey baby." I said as I realized our legs were intertwined with eachothers.

"Hey buttercup. You know how you were talking about running away for a week? What if we do that tomorrow. Just cameras, eachother and the car. No phones and we just go out on an adventure." She spoke in a way that made this sound amazing.

"Lets do it." I said as I checked my phone to see what time it is.

It was 7:30, a great time to start getting ready for the day. I got out of bed and started to stretch and get some clothes out for my shower. I saw (Y/N) grabbing some of my clothes to wear for today.

"Hey Lucas, I need to take a shower. So I'll be right back."

"Wait, come here real quick." I called to her and she came over towards me.


"What is it?" I asked. He leaned in and kissed me. This kiss was more passionate then the ones before. He put one of his hands on my waist, and one on my face. I put her hands up in his hair, twirling with strands here and there. He pulled away from my lips, kissing right under them. He continued to keep doing this till he was past my jaw. He kissed my collarbone, and my breathing hitched. He must've decided that he should cut it before it gets far.

"I love you, now you probably should shower." He said as he kept looking at the now purple spot that was now appearing on my collarbone.

"Ok. Ill be out in like 15." I said and then left.

John and Evan are gonna ask what we did, only though it wasn't too much. Oh well. I went down the hall to the bathroom finding it empty. Perfect. I decided to look at the purple bruise that is now on my collarbone. I was in love with the way it looked. I looked harder at other places he kissed me, and I could see faint purple here and there. I undressed, getting into the shower. Thinking about Lucas and what he does to me.


I headed out to my recording room, passing Evan in the kitchen.

"Hey Smitt." He called out to me while eating some cereal on the island.

"Hey Evan. How ling have you been up?" I asked grabbing a bowl and some cereal for myself.

"Oh like ten minutes." He said pixkinv his phone up.

"Oh cool. I need to drop (Y/N) off at her house later today, and we we're talking." I decided to tell Evan the plan so he wouldn't wonder where we were gonna be all day.

"Oh that sounds like a great idea. So you're gonna leave your phone here?" Evan asked as he grabbed my phone from across the table.

"No I'm not. Just in case something happens to somebody I need to be able to contact paramedics." I said as I grabbed my phone back.

"Ah but still. That sounds cool my dude." Evan said as he finished off his bowl of cereal. Well today has already been interesting....


I feel like this chapter is shit, but I feel it telling me to post it, so here I am. Hope you like it! Anyways I'm gonna going to sleep. Night all of you people!

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