She's My Constant

By SkyWrites102

29.1K 922 161

Cast Of Characters: Glaiza De Castro as Destiny S. Valerio Rhian Ramos as Kate Denise R. Howell Solenn Heuss... More

College Friends and Feelings
Killer on the loose
Remembering Destiny
Force of Habit
Monday Blues
Bloody Grey
Kate vs. Eve
Sleep Tight
Over the moon
Eve, The Apple of their Eyes
Meet the parents
In her loving Memory
Mr. Montenegro will see you now
Letting you go
Solenn's Blessing
Valentine's Day Plans
I Choose You
Truth about us
Eve's Temptation
1 Month in
Of Cafes and Men
Seventh Month
She will be loved
All of Me
Author's Note
Author's Note on the Commentaries

Habits Stay

986 32 22
By SkyWrites102

Destiny's POV:

I woke up with Kate's naked body hugging me, I quietly moved my arm away from her, careful not to wake her. I looked at the alarm clock, it says 7 A.M. I sat up, I kissed Kate at the top of her head like I always do.

I got up and prepared breakfast, I was playing music on my phone, docked at the speaker in the dining table. I cook while I sing along the music. I continued to plate each food I cooked. Kate and I always share a plate during breakfasts.

I brewed two cups of coffee. As soon as I finished arranging the tray of breakfast, I went to my room, where I see her still sleeping. I set the breakfast tray in the study table. I looked at Kate's naked sleeping body, she looks stunning, she moved a little bit, her hand reaching over my side of the bed, it made me giggle a little bit, she's always looking for me. When she realized no one is there, she automatically opened her eyes, she stretches and sat up, looking at me. I was looking at her softly.

"Up so early Doctor?" She smiled a little at me

"Yes, I'm waiting for you, come let's eat breakfast." I got the tray of breakfast from the table and walked back to bed.

She helped me arrange the tray as I took a seat beside her.

"Wow, this breakfast looks great, your cooking skills are developing."

I laughed at her comment

"Uhuh, there you go again, looking for trouble are you?"

"Hmmmm... Maybe." She took a bite out of the fried eggs in the plate, then she fed me.

I shook my head smiling at her

"Thank you." I sincerely told her

She smiled back at me

She took a sip of hot coffee

"I mean it and this, might be the last time, we're going to see each other."

She looked at me puzzled


"Because, I can't simply hold you like this forever, I understand that you have a life of your own, that eventually you will find someone who will love you fully, the way that I can't. I just want you to get used to that as early as now."

"But, I love it this way, no strings or complications, just having fun."

She said trying to convince me from making the decision.

"No, Kate. You deserve someone better, right now, I see you trying to divide your attention between me and Robert, like what you have been doing with all the guys you dated. I don't want you to get stuck with me, because you and I are friends. I want to save you from the trouble."

"You're a bad habit to break you know?"

"I know, look, you're also a bad habit that's very hard to break for me. Because you were the only person who has loved me so much, You made me live again. You gave me something to hold on to, but my heart is still with Eve."

"Okay, I understand."

She got up from bed, with out finishing breakfast.

"Hey, we're not done eating yet."

I said, as she gathered her clothing that is on top of the chair.

"You want this right? Then I'll give it to you."

She said as she entered the bathroom.

"Hey, no. That's not what I mean Kate, What I meant is we should get used to not seeing each other, but can you stay for the whole day?"

She slapped me on the face

"And then what? Huh? We'll have sex, have lunch, have sex, have dinner and have some more sex, until I'm all sore? You know what your problem is? You're way too caught up with Eve, that you've given up on yourself, your shot at life and whatever bullshit it entails. You keep yourself in your comfort zone. You should know that people get hurt, every one of us hurts, the difference is, we try to get back to our feet, while you, you just throw away every opportunity you have."

"I know that Kate, what, don't you think this isn't hard for me too? I am hurting at how I treat you, because I don't want to treat you this way, but I can't love you anymore than as a friend. Please, stay."

I was kissing her neck and her shoulders.

"D, stop it. I'm serious." she kept pushing me away.

She turned around about to go to the shower

I grabbed her from behind and kept kissing her neck and shoulder.

"Stay please, I have a day planned for us. To thank you for everything, please, let me show you that it's not just sex I'm after."

"You don't have to pity me, you don't even have to love me D, if you're doing that because you pity me, I would have you know that, I'm not going to participate."

"No, no. Kate, it's not out of pity that I am doing this, it is out of love for a friend. I want you to be happy."

I said to her as I knead her breasts and kissed her neck and shoulder.

We were in the shower, I turned on the shower head before I continued to kiss her.

I made her face me, under the shower head. My hands roaming down her navel, I looked at her with so much hunger.

I leaned her against the wall, while I kissed her neck and let my hands roam around her body, squeezing every inch my hands could get on.

Then, I grabbed her legs and spread it apart, before I entered her with three fingers. Her wet skin, looks so hot, I trailed butterfly kisses as I slowly fucked her. Her eyes are closed.

"Kate, open your eyes, I want you to look at me."

She slowly opened her eyes and looked me into mine. While I fucked her with three fingers.

I studied her face, looked into her black eyes. Those black orbs that shines, pulls you in and locks you in a haze.

"You have beautiful eyes Kate..." I whispered

She was whimpering with the rough fucking motion my hands were doing with her core.

"And you have beautiful lips, do you know that?"

"Y-yeah. I-I've been t-told."

"But most of all, you have a beautiful heart, that loves me."

I can feel her walls tightening as I pump three fingers in, I went down immediately on her. I kissed her folds, licked her clit, while I still pump my fingers inside her.

"Aaahhh, D... I'm... Ahhhhh.. Cumming."

She warned me and with that, I continued pumping and I sucked hard on her clit, before I know it, her walls captured my fingers and a sudden rush of wet substance exploded inside her, I brush her inner labia with my thumb while I suck her clit.

I let this continue for a few more minutes. Lapping up all the juices that was trickling out to her thighs. Once I am done, she pulls me up from my kneeling position

"If you don't stop, my pussy will be sore by lunch time."

"You like being sore though." I teased her

Before taking the sponge and getting a nice drop of shower gel into it.

"Let's get you cleaned, I have a surprise for you."

She smiled faintly and let me scrub her with the sponge.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Kate."

I finally admitted

"You don't have to, you can call me any time, I'd still come over."

She said reassuringly.

"Kate, you've been a great friend to me, I want you to be happy."

After washing her body and hair, she washed me.

"I'll miss these hands, D." She said while she scrubs my hands.

"And these arms too, that hold me when I'm falling apart myself."

She looked at me straight in the eye before continuing to talk

"Promise me D, you'll be better soon and don't think of doing something stupid."

I smiled at her, I can't promise her anything. The anger inside me is consuming me. It is too powerful to control.

"Promise." I half lied.

She tiptoed to kiss me on the lips, a soft and gentle kiss.

"I know you're lying D." she smirked at me. Before washing us off with the shower.

We got out of the shower and dried each other up.

We got dressed and I took the overnight bags from the closet, I packed it yesterday while waiting for her arrival.

We both went out the unit, I carried our stuff to the car.

Once we got to the car, I loaded the bags in the back seat.

She was already in the car's front passenger seat when I got in.

"So, where to?"

She asked me curiously.

"Well first, we'll have to grab something to eat, because you walked out on the breakfast I prepared for you."

"Well, there was a reason why." she said

I shook my head at her and continued to drive to the nearest fast food chain.

We ordered drive-thru, she was busy eating her breakfast burger.

"You look like you haven't eaten anything for a day." I laughed at her.

"Someone made me so hungry."

I shook my head as I focused on driving.

"Are we there yet?" she asked me

"Nope." I smiled

"Where are we going really?"

"We're going to a hotel, for a staycation." After 30 Minutes of Driving

We pulled up by the Hotel's Front Lobby.

"Here we are." I smiled at her. I took our bags from the back seat as She alighted the car.

A Hotel Valet Parking Attendant approached us and I handed him the key. We walked into the Front Desk.

A woman in her 40s appeared and smiling at me. "Good Morning, Welcome to Sofiatel. How may I help you ma'am?" She greeted us.

"Hi, Good morning, I'd like to check in for room reservation, My name's Destiny Valerio."

"Ahhh, here you are. Room 3017, The Presidential Suite. Do you need any help with your luggage?" she asked while she gave me the key card to our room.

"No, thanks." I answered her.

Kate was already sight seeing, she was looking at the lobby, it's interiors and paintings. Her eyes got bigger by the minute. I pulled her closer to me by the waist and whispered

"You can have a massage or anything else the hotel offers, don't worry about money for a day. I got you covered."

I winked at her and she looked up at me with amazement.

"Okay, someone's being a little too generous." she said as she walked to the elevator door.

We rode the elevator and punched in the last floor 30.

She tip toed to plant a soft kiss on my lips and said

"Thank you."

The door immediately opens, and she drags me with her, excited to see the room. I swiped the key card and opened it for her.

She steps in and her eyes twinkled at the sight, the room had a big king size bed, surrounded with tall glass windows, the other side of the room had a mini living room, with a cozy couch, a center table and an entertainment system, the other side had a mini bar. I placed our bags in the couch.

She looked out the window and then ran towards me and jumped. I caught her, she circled her legs around my waist, she places her hands around my neck and kissed me. I walked us over the bed and planted her in the bed, carefully, with out letting our kiss break.

"We... mmmmm... Sh... Should... mmmmmmm.. Stop...mmmm... Kissing." I told her in between our kiss.

She kissed me one more time, firmly this time.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"It's all up to you Kate, we could go down the spa if you want to."

She squealed her delight and excitement evident, as she made her way out the door.

"All right, I guess it's off to the spa now."

"Yes, I'm feeling a little bit sore still, from earlier this morning." she grinned at me while we waited for the elevator.

We were standing side by side, I was holding her close to my body, I have to admit that we looked like a newly married couple, I shook my head at the idea while I smile.

"Hmmm, what where you thinking? Are you imagining me naked?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"Uhm, No." I smiled at her, teasing her.

"Ughhh, I hate you. Stop smiling at me." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"What I was thinking was, we look like a newly wed couple." I finally surrendered.

"Awwww, D. You can marry me anytime, you know?" She raised her eyebrow at me

"Tsk, I thought we are friends?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Friends, and then lovers, that would be wonderful." She laughed while she's playfully teasing me.

We reached the 5th floor, where the Spa is located. We went in. She looked the menu of services from the touchscreen portal of the wall. I smiled at her as she glanced at me with a questioning smile.

"Pick whatever you want, don't be shy. Because today is your day." I whispered from behind. While I put my chin down on her shoulder. She looked at me once more in my eye.

Soon, she settled for their couple's package, a 1 hour and a half full body massage, facial and footspa. We entered the locker room to put our valueables in, and change into the spa's robe.

Once we emerged out of the locker room, an attendant ushered us into one of the rooms, where two beds are waiting, we laid down in the bed and the treatments has begun.

3 hours later, after the treatment, we ordered lunch through room service. While we were eating, I couldn't help but smile.

"You enjoyed the spa?" I asked her

"Yes, Thank you for doing that." she smiled

"All right, you're welcome, after lunch, get ready, we're doing something.

"What are we going to do?"

"Theme park." I said while biting from my chicken

"We're going? Yay!" she exclaimed.

She ate as fast as she could. After lunch, we drove to a nearby theme park.

We rode all of those gut wrenching rides.

The last ride we did was The Manila Eye. A very tall ferris wheel, overlooking Manila.

The man assisted us and buckled us in our seat. I held her close.

She smiled at me, as we watched the sunset. From the top.

"This is beautiful D."

"Like you Kate, you are truly a beautiful person, inside and out, I don't even know what I did to deserve you."

"D, if ever you decide to open your heart, can I make a request?"

"Depends on the request, Kate." I sighed

"Can it be me? I mean can you give me a chance to love you?"

"I do love you Kate, but you know up to what extent."

She smiled at me.

"You know the song Habits?"

I asked her

"No, I'm afraid I haven't heard it yet."

I shook my head in frustration

"What? You haven't heard it?"

She shook her head no, I whipped my phone out and put on the earphones to her ear. I pressed the play button

We sat there in silence, until the song ended and the ride was about to end.

"Hmm, this song is talking about staying high." she said, as she removes the earphone in her ear and she hands me back the earphone.

"That's a song that reminds me of us, you're a bad habit to break Kate. But, I know I have to, so you could be happy too. Although it would be hard for me, I'll promise to let you find happiness."

"D, just for today, can you please love me? Like you would with Eve. I just want to feel your love."


I held her hand in mine as we walked going to the parking lot, there was silence between us two. She silently intertwined our fingers. I stopped walking.

"Sweetheart..." I whispered, she looked at me

"Hmmm? Yes?"

"Just in case you're wondering, I love you, more than anything in this world, more than anyone who has ever professed their love for me, more than my life. I am truly sorry about the things I did to hurt you. I know there were a lot, but I hope you remember this day."

I pulled her closer to me and gave her a tight hug, amidst the crowd, amidst the noise, they seem to all go away when I hug her like this, I wish I could honestly love her the way she did. The way she deserved to be loved more importantly.

She was crying, I can feel her hot tears against my shoulder. I continued to speak, after all this is the last time, I'll ever get to tell her everything.

"Thank you, for loving me this hard, all these years. For holding me when I was falling apart and for not giving up on me, I owe you everything. If it would have been me, I wish to have met you before I did meet Eve, I wish I would have loved you with the same intensity as I have loved her all this time. I am sorry for all the hurt I've caused you, but there are things we must do, you see, I can't love you the way you wanted me to, I will be just this, your fuck buddy, this is because, I am not yet free. I promise the next lifetime, I would find you early, I would give you all of my love then, but for now, let's enjoy what we have. Tonight the last night we have, I want you to be happy."

She hugged me tighter as if I was about to vanish in thin air. I let her be, I savor her warm embrace and her natural vanilla scent. I pulled her away from the hug, I wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead, her eyelids before I finally kissed her lips.

"This face, don't deserve the tears. You're beautiful Sweetheart, you deserve more than I could give you."

I smiled weakly at her and she did too.

"D, Thank you, you don't know how much all of these means to me, You will always have a space in my heart, I will wait for you even if it takes another lifetime. Even if right now, I am feeling so much anxiety of what my future holds, I will always go back to this moment of you holding me this way, of you telling me what I have been waiting for my whole life."

I pulled her closer and put my arm around her as we walked back to the car. I buckled her in, like what I did to Eve, for the first time, I looked at her eyes with full of love and passion. I kissed the top of her head before closing the door. I went to the driver's seat. I buckled myself and started the ignition. We drove back to the Hotel to have dinner. While driving, Kate and I held hands, like two lovers, scared of letting go. We arrived at the Hotel, I tossed the key to the Valet Parking Attendant, before making our way to the elevator.

In a few moments, we were in our room, I instructed her to Freshen up as we were going to have dinner at the Hotel's Restaurant. She entered the bathroom, while I was left in the bed room. I prepared the things she will wear, I bought her a new dress, I laid it out in the bed and I brought my tuxedo out, I laid it beside her dress. These are the things, I had asked a hotel manager to bring for us, I gave them money to buy us these.

After a few minutes, Kate stepped out of the bathroom wearing a robe. I walked up to her.

"There's your dress, on top of our bed, go get ready, I'll just quickly shower myself." I smiled at her.

I entered the bathroom and started to shower, I lather some bath soap in the sponge and started to rub it in my skin. I shampooed and rinse. I stepped out as soon as I have finished rinsing.

I emerged from the bathroom, I took a moment to stare at Kate as she gets ready, she has her back turned to me. I stood there, admiring the sexy figure disrobing and putting on her underwear. I think I held my breath for a long time, as I have felt myself exhale.

She looked back after I exhaled, she smiled at me and shook her head.

"Sweetheart, you're breath taking.." I whispered from behind her. I quickly stole a peck on her neck.

"Sweetheart, we'll be late for dinner, if you don't stop now." she admonished. I rounded the other side of the bed to get dressed myself.

Laughing at her reaction she threw me her robe

'Why the hell are you laughing?" She gave me dagger looks as I keep on chuckling to myself.

"Hey, stop throwing things at me."

"Or what?" She says challenging me.

"Or I'll tie you in this four poster bed, and do things you would not regret." I chuckled.

"Ughhh! Pervert!" her cheeks are red now. I continued to dress.

I tied the bow tie and finally put on my jacket.

Kate was wearing a black long empire cut dress, with slit on her left thigh, revealing her smooth legs, she was wearing a pair of 2 inch stilletos, she looked every bit gorgeous. She was wearing her own necklace, and a charm silver bracelet.

We walked out our room and headed to the 20th floor, where the restaurant is located. Overlooking the city lights. They had a strict dress code policy, formal, hence our looks.

We were ushered in by a wait staff, we sat by the window, overlooking the city lights, the table had a candle lit, in the center. The place was packed but is quiet, couples having dinner. Soft rock music playing in the background.

Kate sat across me, I looked at her out of my peripheral vision.

"I'll have a T-Bone steak with mashed potatoes." I told the waiter.

"And for the miss?" Calling Kate's attention.

"I'll have the Cajun Spiced Lobster with roasted vegetables."

"How about for Drinks Sir?"

"Give us a bottle of your finest Champagne, we're celebrating something." I winked at Kate.

"All right, your order will be out in 20 minutes." He smiled and walked away.

"You look stunning, Sweetheart." I held her hand in mine.

"You don't look bad yourself, Sweetheart." she smiled.

"May I have this dance?" I asked her

"But, the music has stopped playing." She said, kind of hesitating.

"That's all right, I will sing for you."

She took my hand and stood up, she put her hand in my waist while I took the other one and held it.

I know you've been hurt
By someone else...
I can tell by the way
You carry yourself.

But if you'll let me
Here's what I'll do
I'll take care of you

We swayed to the music, my voice full of anger, I am angry and in pain, knowing that I am hurting Kate.

I, I loved and lost
The same as you
So you see I know
Just what you've been through

And if you'll let me
Here's what I'll do
I just have got to take care of you

She held me tighter and closer as we swayed to the silent humming and my voice continued to sing.

You won't ever have to worry
You don't ever have to cry
I'll be there beside you
To dry your weeping eyes

I stared right into her eyes, as I was singing that line, as if I was promising her.

So darlin' tell me
That you'll be true
'Cause there's no doubt in my mind
I know what I want to do

And just as sure
One and one is two
I just got, I got to take care of you
I just got to take care of you
Take care of you.

I sang the last line with passion, pain, love and anger. I nearly wept. But I steadied my voice through out the song.

After that, we sat down our seat.

"D, that song you just sang, did you mean to sing it?"

"I dedicate the song to you actually, it reminds me of you."

Her cheeks turned red at the mention of me dedicating the song.

"Sweetheart, I'll always take care of you." I told her with all honesty.

"How am I supposed to leave tomorrow? When you're doing this?"

"You don't ever have to leave, I'll drop you off to your doorstep, tomorrow. Just one more night Kate."

I smiled at her.

When our order have arrived, we thanked the wait staff and started to eat. She placed a little of her lobster in my plate, while I placed a little slice of my steak on hers, it's what we always did. We ate, we drank some champagne. We had a fun and romantic dinner, after which we walked back to our room.

After locking the door and entering the bed room, we started to kiss again. Discarding all of our clothes, while we walk to the bed, no one wanted to break the kiss.

I sat her at the bed, drinking all her beauty in. She laid down, we took our time to lay down.

We were kissing and caressing each other's body. I stopped kissing her and said.

"I am going to make love to you now."

and went back to kissing her, slowly and burning with passion, I touched all of her body, leaving nothing unturned, I touched her with purpose.

She was moaning in pleasure, pleading for more. I took my time. I teased her.

I made slow and passionate love to her the entire night, we shared 10 orgasms, until we fell asleep. Entangled with each other's arms.

The following morning, I woke up, the only difference now is, I stayed in bed, cuddled up with her under the sheets. I waited for her to wake up. She smiled when she realized I wasn't gone.

"Hey, there beautiful." I greeted her with a smile as she opened her eyes. I pulled her closer for a warm embrace.

"Hey, handsome." she smiled and looked at me.

"Another first huh?" I asked her.

She bit her bottom lip as she smiled at me.

"Yeah, another first. It's my first time to wake up beside you, still cuddling."

"Are you happy?" I asked her curiously.

"Yes, yes I am Destiny Valerio."

"Kate Howell, I will be more happy if we ate breakfast. So what do you say we order room service?"

My stomach suddenly rumbled out of hunger.

"Tsk, your little monsters are angry." She poked my tummy.

"Right, I'll order us food. What would you like to eat?"

"Eggs, bacon and pancakes." she said.


I reached over the bed side table pressed 5 on the handset. An operator answered. She took our orders.

We got up and made ourselves decent, we didn't bother combing our hair, we just brushed our teeth.

We laid back down in bed as we waited for our orders.

"Sweetheart, about last night, did you have fun?"

I asked her shyly.

"Sweetheart, I did have fun, thank you for making love to me last night, for making me feel loved and special. I'm so thankful for everything."

"Okay, I thought I didn't make you happy."

"No, don't think that, you did make me happy, it's like all of my wishes were granted. I can die now."

She giggled.

"Hey! Don't say you can die now, I'm not giving you any permission."

I lifted her chin up and planted a soft peck on her lips. Then the doorbell rang.

I got up to open the door, it was room service, I motioned the waiter to serve our breakfast in the bedroom. He checked if we needed anythng else. I handed him a crisp 100 peso bill as tip, before I sat down with Kate.

We ate, she kept staring at me as if she couldn't believe this was happening.

She finally broke the silence...

"I will miss you terribly, D."

She said with a sad tone.

"Sweetheart... We'll still see each other, still have the weekends or even the weeknights. I just want you to for once, try not to be there for me as much, try to focus on building a relationship with Robert. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. D, I just want you to know that all these years, all of these things we've done, they were the best memories of my life, I'm not proud of some of them, but I wouldn't change them. Because I know they brought you comfort. You aren't someone I would regret." she smiled at that.

I looked her in the eye, those eyes of her that tell me how much pain she has gone through.

"I never liked staring at these eyes of yours, because they make me know how much love you have for me, how much pain and suffering you have endured for me. I feel guilty, I wanted to see these eyes light up, all the time. Robert makes it light up."

Just then a drop of tears came out my eyes, she reached over to my face and wiped them.

"That is why, I don't ever look at you in the eye." I chuckled softly.

"D, I love you, even if you don't. I told you the first time we had sex, don't take pity on me, what I feel is under my own volition, I wanted this. My heart wanted to stay. You never caused me anything. Okay?"

I nodded. We finished eating breakfast, we made love one last time, in the bed, in the shower and then left the hotel. I dropped her off her door. She kissed me, pouring all of her heart's desires and wishes into the kiss, she takes a step back after the kiss, she smiled her usual bubbly smile.

"I'll see you around Doctor."

Then she closes her door. I walked back to my condo unit, which was one door down the aisle.

It was great, but it's Monday, Back to reality.

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