Flares [Completed ]

By Fosterashley

13.9K 668 104

In which three sister will go on a adventure with the transformers More

Ship traliers
New cover
The start
The Truck
The transfomer
Waking up
The others
She's alive
I'm coming
The unexpeted
Love and war
Breaking and entering
Do it for me
Now and forever
Hong Kong
I love you and a fairwell

Fleeing the seen

326 25 0
By Fosterashley

Hallie pov

We must have been lock in this cell of hours now at least it felt like hours Elizabeth was asleep as Kendra stared at the wall " Do you think Optimus will come " I say hoping Optimus words where truce Kendra look to me " I don't doubt him " Kendra stated I nodded she look like she was under a lot of stress " Are you okay ?" I asked her she look to me again but this time she looked more sad and confused " Lockdown is Elizabeth farther " Kendra said as she began to explain to me what happen .

" Wow " was the only words that could leave my mouth Kendra nodded " I'm so confused right now " She cried I place my hand on her shoulder " We haven't known each other long but I already consider you one of my best friends " I say causing a smile to appear on her face  " Thanks " Kendra told me .

The ship began to shake like crazy causing all of us to fall on the ground "Shit ! " I cursed Elizabeth started waking up " What's going on " Elizabeth asked half asleep we all quickly stood back up as the ship shook harder " I don't know " Kendra said as I held onto each side of the small cell walls " We need to get out of here " Kendra stated she went to the cell door and look for a lock or something.

Kendra stop when she saw some small box that was on the bottom right of the door " Yes " She claimed happily pushing it open their where at least thirty different wires that glow a green blue and red color " Witch one is going to let us get out of here ?" I say looking to Kendra she didn't answer me but cut a blue wire that was under a green wire the cell door open " Let's go " Kendra said stepping out of the small cell .

We where now running down the large halls the alarms started blasting letting Lockdown know that we escape " Take this way " Kendra said taking a right quickly turing right  to keep up with her my feet where now burning as we kept running " Get them " A robot voice yelled causing me to run even faster their where at least ten guards in front of us " Your not leaving !" The red guard yelled as we all where in a circle.

" Where leaving !" Kendra yelled back at the red guard causing him to smirk "I'll like to see you try " the red guard growled Kendra eyes where now glowing electricity she turn and look to me " Run ! " was all she said I nodded taking Elizabeth hand and running back down the hall I prayed she would be okay we where now on the flying deck " Hey ! Hallie Elizabeth " A voice yelled turing to look it was Cade I smiled and ran into his arms along side Elizabeth " Wait where's Kendra ?" Kara voice suddenly asked I let go of Cade and turn around to look at her and bumblebee .

" She stay behind to defeat some guards that almost caught us " I say Kara looked shocked " We need to help her " Kara yelled to Cade he nodded and handed Elizabeth to Kara " Me and Optimus will go get her " Cade stated walking back into the ship "Be careful" I say to Cade he smiled and nodded before following Optimus back into the ship .

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