Broken People

By Lloviendoestrellas

101K 20.9K 3.4K

No querían a nadie como ellos, porque eran personas rotas. Portada: @isnunchi More

They [broken people]
June [too free soul]
Lirio [The flower boy]
Violet [wake up]
Chris and Alex [two broken friends]
Lana [living]
Finn [he's 21]
Birdy [the bird with broken wings]
Nathan [tired of all]
Azul [she makes art]
Aaron [nothing feels right]
Julie [they hate]
Evan [you don't know him]
Destiny [silence, please]
Edmond [time]
Luna [she is a nighttinker]
Charlie [i'm sorry]
Sky [falling]
August [secret artist]
Stephanie [3 AM]
Noah [just art]
Elizabeth [she doesn't care]
Will [life scares him]
Lila [we think...]
Aristóteles [they expect more from you]
Molly [remember?]
Víctor [alone]
Emily [stay alive]
Norman [Norman, but not normal]
Amelia [last time]
David [somebody stole the reality]
Margaret [always in peace]
John [a loser hides]
Margo and Caroline [friend, please]
Sarah [nobody has freedom]
Albert [traveler]
Amy [let it all go]
Andy [forever young]
Lena [be music]
Nick [you're not real]
Winter [warrior of the night]
Fred [it's okay]
Carmen [i'm with you]
Vincent [creativity]
Stella [we exist]
Harry [just be you]
Olivia [never forget]
Tyler [nothing to lose]
Helena [cut and paste]
Ed and April [just friends]
Samantha [it's more easy]
Steve [be more]
Anne [nothing in short verses]
Ryan [more than a bedroom]
Aurora [you're a dream]
Oliver [lost boy]
Ellie [forest of the dead]
Justin [tears of dead mind]
Venus [in the system of humans]
Louis [don't talk about you]
Eleanor [calm]
Thom [you are not]
Sophie [not all the monsters]
Ben [broken dreams, castles and dragons]
Vanessa [we are perfect]
Bobby [nothing will make you come back]
Diane [the time it's not more than a illussion]
Park [dead things]
Alice [stand]
Dante [four seasons]
Lukas [midnight]
Penny [rooms]
Zack [beach of lost souls]
Elisa [dementia of poet]
Samuel [stop your crying]
Isabelle [stuck]
Jacob [big bad world]
Lucy [talking]
Joshua [colors]
Barbara [without name]
Cameron [your life]
Rebeka [unfamiliar humanity]
Sean [for you]
Heather [go to sleep]
Daniel [nobody can save you]
Lina [take a breath]
James [the sun and the stars shine for you]
Riley [art]
Eddie [you're not okay]
Gemma [for beautiful minds]
Arthur [more than a soul]
Bella [die young or live forever]
Austin [mistakes]
Marina [deep]
Ethan [sit and listen]
Rita [ceiling]
Delia [waste the moment]
Dan [halfway to nowhere]
Ariadna [lose your mind]
Charles [come to the real world]
Ally [find me]
Brandon [youth]
Rachel [rules]
Colin [home]
Hope [starry night]
Charles [the world on fire]
Nicole [dead art]
Miles [little soul]
Lara [long time]
Ian [secrets in the dark]
Cara [change]
Elliot [need yourself]
Eloisa [open the door, kill the clocks]
Theo [one more light]
Liliane [piece of heaven]
Benjamin [under the sun]
Candace [cold heart]
Tony [shadow of the life]
Agnes [a sky without stars]
Asher [the world dies]
Cassie [in this walls]
Calum [nice dream]
Dandelion [hopeful]
Lewis [ode to dreams and flowers]
Agatha [broken thoughts]
Elenio [faded]
Alana [it's time]
Levi [the light that never comes]
Halley [out of the solar system]
Tobias [in the lonely hour]
Sage [under the sky, these faded verses]
Julian [memories of a broken heart]
Frida [incomplete]
Kurt [the world is dying]
Wendy [tomorrow never comes]
Alphonse [if you leave]
Ana [better]
Bernard [all comes down]
Florence [rain down]
Dante [about ghosts and lost homes]
Melissa [life is so far away]
Seth [life is better than this]
Blair [crying under the wall]
Alexander [somewhere]
Brigitte [chaos]
Édouard [melancholy]
Anastasia [world without life]
Shawn [nothing at midnight]
Jasmine [don't losing a piece of you]
Daron [life isn't just a losing game]
Celine [isn't wrong]
Dean [souls like shooting stars]
Arabelle [something good]
Brennan [welcome to the perfect illusion]
Larissa [kingdom of a lost dream]
Dorian [living through a storm]
Juliette [sharp edges]
Frédéric [lost in the moment]
Victoria [darkside of the sun]
Sigmund [talking to yourself]
Iris [nobody knows you when you're drown]
Zale [get free]
Phoebe [empty words]
Timothy [you only attack yourself]
Beth [you're young, wild and free]
Damien [a violent soul made of moonlight]
Gaia [worried sky]
Félix [not ready to be found]
Lidia [stars of the past]
Émile [not young enough]
Ada [timeless life]
Todd [about to break]
Genneviève [you've got nothing now]
Jules [nowhere is a right place to dream]
Freya [is this happiness?]
Stefan [out of the black]
Solène [dreams speak with knives]
Noël [the time almost killed your light]
Astrid [mind in a cage]
Cyprien [everybody's changing]
Faith [bullet with bird wings]
Natt [fade out like a lost spirit]
Lyra [the storms are like falling words]
Ellery [moment of surrender]
Odette [learn to let go]
Erwan [can't feel the life]
Sybille [more than faces and frozen memories]
Ludwig [born to be free]
Angèlique [who lies under the stars]
Sanne [faces like tears of the moon]
Marco [take the death out of the sea]
Tessa [too young to cry for the stars]
Dáire [the truth runs like free souls]
Arianne [alone sometimes]
Walt [disintegration]
Berenice [what is day without a little night]
Antoine [you never learn about all the stars in your lungs]
We are more than broken people
Nota de autora y agradecimientos

Gaël [you don't belong here, the birds will be always lost]

91 19 4
By Lloviendoestrellas

Retratas todas aquellas heridas
sacadas del océano y hechas palabras
en los secretos,
puedes ver como todos corren
al igual que ríos, sin nunca detenerse
para apreciar,
sin admitir que nunca realmente fueron.
Porque graban sus existencias en polvo de estrellas,
deseando vivir y ser la inspiración del viento durante el otoño
y los torbellinos hechos de poemas
que nunca han sido escritos.
El alma se doblega ante las muertas flores
cuyos pétalos vuelan al compás del universo,
tiñen a la luna de silencios
corriendo hacia su pálida luz,
extrañando su profundidad
a pesar de que no hay salida cuando descubren
su mortalidad,
la rutina; corta y trémula belleza.
Todo se vuelve una mentira rebosante entre las multitudes
que nadie se atreve a mirar a los ojos,
el miedo es tan familiar en aquellas marchitas venas,
demasiado amado por la tristeza
que rompe bajo rostros rotos y cansados de la constante lluvia
aunque el sol los ilumina
mostrando corazones antiguos en frágiles pieles de lienzo,
dirigiendo sus incoloros pasos hacia los rincones, separando todas las realidades con cristales
encarcelando la soledad de las aves;
todo para llegar a ninguna parte,
nada para ver espinas florecer en el vacío,
lágrimas intactas allí hay,
destrozando el seco destino mientras alimentan el atardecer grisáceo que se puede sentir
porque arranca de una sola vez a las dementes
sensaciones susurrantes prometiendo detener el tiempo.
El futuro durmiendo en la cuna de los lamentos, golpea como rayos,
sin embargo jamás has de hallar la electricidad en algún lugar,
pues no existe,
no hasta cuando realmente creas que lo hace;
todo es aceptar que los astros pueden acompañarte
sin estar lejos,
creer que en las sombras azules yace el mar,
esperando escuchar el latir de personas que son [in]visibles, ocultando al invierno, reemplazándolo con primavera,
pero saben encontrar la vida entre escombros de fríos pasados llenos de abismos.

Qué ha de necesitar alguien
cuando no se tiene ni a su roída persona
llorando por las limitaciones que condenan,
porque no perteneces aquí.

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