You Had Me At Hello


3.1K 111 32

Mercy Brown is known to be quiet a character: Stubborn, loud and just a handful. Moving to Seattle after her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

421 19 3

I turned around to face the most sexiest guy known to mankind, I thought James was hot , forget I thought Chris Brown was hot but this guy takes it up to a whole other level.

He was standing in a towel that was wrapped around his waist with droplets of water going down into the towel, his hair was wet and was jet black, his eyes where grey as the stormy night I felt like with one look that I was a goner, he had an 8pac that looked as hard as rock, and the a muscular body that any girl would want her boyfriend to have all in all he was amazing.

"As much as I like to have a girl fantasizing about my body I asked you a question" he smirked 

I tried to answer him but I couldn't say anything the words I wanted say were there but it wouldn't come out.

"Are you one of those girls that are obsessed with me because I really don't need this right now" he stated 

"Obsessed?" I asked my voice came out weirdly high so I cleared my throat before trying again.

"EW, obsessed? With you? You must be joking, if you really want to know what I'm doing here, is that from the looks of it I'm rooming with you" I told him as I walked into my side of the room where my bed was.

"Whatever, just stay out of my way and you'll be fine" he said as he walked off to wherever he went.

I gasped as a saw his back which was decorated in scars some long and deep and some small to the naked eye these scars didn't seem as though it was done by accident they seemed precise and deliberate was Callum being abused? 

Hearing my gasp Callum’s body became stiff and he stood rooted in one place seeming afraid.

Without knowing what I was doing I walked up to him and placed my hands on his back tracing his scars.

"Who did this to you" I whispered upset at how someone could abuse another person so easily.

Before I could trace another scar he grabbed my hand and moved in closer until we were face to face "what happened to me has nothing to do with you" he growled "don't ever touch me again or there will be consequences" he said dropping my hand as he walked into his room slamming the door shut. 

I sat on my bed and closed my eyes briefly what was I doing? Why did I touch him? Why did I feel pain at the fact that he was in pain.

Shaking my head I walked into the bathroom , Callum’s scar was in my head as I tried to figure out how he got them I don't even know why I'm so bothered he told me to back off so I should respect his wishes and carry on with my life.

Walking to the mirror I looked at myself, I didn't think I was disgusting , I wasn't happy with the way I looked but who did? I don't think I looked that bad, I had black hair that was wavy, it could be seen as a blessing and a curse it took me forever to get it straightened, I had grey eyes with a green outline on sunny days my eyes actually looked green, I didn't hate my body I had long legs, and always had a flat stomach no matter what I ate having a fast metabolism comes in handy when you’re in need of a pig out.

So I didn't understand why, I was so disgusting to them, just because I prefer wearing sweats and baggy shirts then tight jeans and tops that show of your cleavage don't mean I'm disgusting.

I got my timetable out as I sat on my bed , tomorrow was Monday so I might as well prepare myself to what's going to happen

Tomorrow I had ; 1st lesson Maths 2nd science , break 3rd science 4th music 5th English 6th maths

Throwing myself on my bed I groaned double maths on a Monday? Is god punishing me , I hated maths with every inch of my body me and maths just don't go together I remember once a upon a time understanding it then for some reason letters were a part of maths then me and maths just didn't get each other anymore.

I started to make my room seem more well my room, I put pictures of me with my friends back in UK on the walls next to Chris brown on my night stand I put a picture of me and parents laughing, the reason why I like this picture the most is because well we looked carefree as if we didn't have a worry in the world and that's how I want to remember them.

I got into to my bed and soon enough I Feel asleep.

I went to unlock the door to find it already unlocked, straight away I started to feel weird like I knew something would go wrong the house felt eerie and quiet which was weird shouldn't mum and dad be in?

All of a sudden everything started to go out of control I heard a blood curling scream and I ran in there was blood on the floor on the door everywhere I ran in to find my mum on the floor her eyes wide open as she looked at me her eyes unforgiving.

Stumbling back I turned to find my dad, I kneeled besides grasping his hands as tears ran down my face. He began gasping as he tried to talk but whenever he opened his mouth he'd cough out blood he looked at me dead in the eyes as he managed to whisper his last four words "it’s all your fault" his eyes fluttered before finally he shut his eyes permanently. 

The room fell silent when all of a sudden 3 animals burst in to the room they fell silent as one of them sniffed the room hiding behind a bookcase I studied the creature each animal was large and bulky they were too big to be a dog so what were they?

The word wolf came into my mind and I dismissed it they had their back turned this was the only chance I had. 

I ran as fast as I could know this was life and death if I didn't make it in time I'd die.

Just as I made it my hand outstretched to grab the door handle, I was dragged away, before being flipped over aggressively I bumped my head on the floor as spots clouded my vision, the animal stared at me with a gleeful glint before repeating what he had done to my parents to me.

I screamed a glass shattering scream before sobbing uncontrollably rocking myself back and forth whispering repeatedly "it’s just a dream, it’s a dream"

Callum burst into the room frantically searching for something before resting his eyes in me, noticing tears streaming down my face he walked up to me. "What's wrong?" he asked softly. The weird thing was as soon as he entered I wanted to run over to him and tell him everything I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything is going to be aright even though I know its not true, I wanted to this so bad it frightened me I don’t want to get close to someone so they can hurt me in the end.

 One thing I hated was people seeing you cry , it shows them your weakness, and I never cry in front of someone not unless I have too wiping my tears away I forced myself to become the person I became when my parents died cold hearted, walking towards the door I opened it before looking at him "nothing’s wrong can you go" I asked flatly 

Different emotions ran through his face before he stood up and silently left breathing a sigh of relief I went back to bed and cried myself to sleep.

Waking up I felt terrible my eyes where sore and probably red from crying for so long , I felt mentally and physically exhausted the nightmare as always left me feeling weary and defeated , getting up I went to my en suite toilet and doing my daily routine.

Putting my uniform on I wasn’t actually that bothered about it the fact that everyone wore the same uniform meant I could blend in go around unnoticed and that’s exactly what I was aiming for.

Walking to my classroom it felt like déjà vu as what happened yesterday happened again people made comments, some boys pushed me against the lockers and laughed hi fived each other walking off.

Finally I reached in front off to my first class.

“Let’s go do this thing” I whispered before walking in.


thankyou for reading my book 

havent uploaded for a while because im ill got a fricken stomach ache I HATE THEM ARGH!!! *mini rant over* 

anyway whennever people comment on any of my books it motivates me so more comments/votes and i'll upload quicker!

p.s sorry for any mistakes 

CookieMonsta :D

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