Chapter 4

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I opened the door to see class has already begun moment I stepped into class every persons head turned towards me once again some most of them looked at me in disgust unlike this one girl who looked at me in curiosity. 

"Awh I presume your Miss Brown" the maths teacher asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes" I answered awkwardly standing at the front

"Well since we don't have a lot of new students how about you introduce yourself" he once again replied in a flat voice.

"Erm I'm Mercy recently moved here from Britain I don't know what else to say" I told them

"Well we already started so find a place to sit" he said as he walked back to the board.

Does this teacher honestly speak in such a monotone voice? I mean seriously shouldn't he have a bit of enthusiastic towards maths, and then again who would love maths that much.

I searched a place to sit with and the only space there was is next to Callum walking past each desk the girls stared at me with murderous eyes which kinda freaked me out a little.

I sat down next to him and noticed how tense he was he was holding himself rigid and was looking straight ahead facing forward I tried to understand what he was saying but it was all gibberish to me.

"Okay kids , go on page 100 and answer questions 1 to 10 I want them answered no excuse" he told us in a bored voice before sitting down on his chair.

I just sat down patiently and looked around not moving an inch.

"Miss Brown did you not understand what I told you or do you have trouble understanding English" he asked sarcastically.

"No sir it’s just I don't have a maths text book" I answered 

My head hurt as I tried to listen to the teacher explain algebra, his voice droned on and on making maths seem even more unbearable his monotone voice was enough to send me to sleep.

I just sat down patiently and looked around not moving an inch.

"Miss Brown is what I’m saying not ‘British’ enough for you I’ve given out an instruction why haven’t you followed it?” he asked suddenly.

"No sir it’s just I don't have a maths text book" I answered 

“Well you’re going to have to share with the person next to you for now, I expect you to have a text book for next lesson” he told me before looking down to whatever he was doing.

I sighed and looked at Callum who still hasn’t moved from his position; he was holding himself so still I wouldn’t be surprised if he was made out of ice. I used this chance to study him, when most people wear their uniform it doesn’t look right, yet with Callum it looks as if the uniform was tailored to show you his best assets. The white shirt is tight enough to shows his defined muscles yet not to tight to seem uncomfortable, his tie hung loosely around his neck and his hair was ruffled about as if he raked his hand through it a lot.

“Take a picture it lasts longer” Callum’s voice said suddenly.

“How original” I scoffed.

I waited for a bit until I realised Callum had no intention of sharing his book with me.

“So, are you going to share the book” I asked.

Without answering he slid the book over to me, getting my notepad out my bag, I looked over at the text book for the first question, at first it looked as if the book was for another lesson, making sure Callum wasn’t tricking me I checked the front of the book.

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