Lone Wolf || Tyrion Lannister

By AngelicTrickster

292K 8.1K 1.5K

Her hair was kissed by fire, but ice ran through her veins. Poised was her demeanor, hidden was a mighty howl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Important Notice
Important Notice

Chapter Two

11.6K 302 27
By AngelicTrickster

Despite his worries for the future, Ned allowed himself to be talked into joining Robert and the other men set for a hunt. Deciding to take advantage of their absence, Anari and Jon had another sparring session once they were certain that they had left and that no one was paying much attention. Dismissing Marleya to her own devices, the siblings made their way to their training spot.

Anari remembered Jon's advice from the previous lesson and did her best to ensure her movements were fluid and not obvious. Anari also tried not to give as much ground, pushing back when Jon lunged forward to gain the upper hand. Her familiar grin was in place as the two crossed swords with various strikes and parries.

Though, Anari scowled when he still managed to disarm her. "Good," Jon praised, lowering his sword from where he had it pointed at her neck.

"You still disarmed me," Anari replied sullenly.

"Have a more firm grip on your sword," Jon instructed. "Firm enough to have a good hold, but loose enough to move it easily." He showed her with his own hands, as Anari picked up her fallen sword. She mirrored him with her own hands, Jon correcting her a little to ensure she was doing it right. Once he was certain she was ready, the two began again.

Anari pushed back against his strikes while dodging the ones she couldn't parry. She fainted strikes to, hopefully, leave him vulnerable. Soon, it was Anari who began gaining ground, deciding that, this time, she was going to win. Running on adrenaline, Anari let out a grunt of effort before swinging her sword up, twisting her body around Jon. Using one of the moves he often did, Anari finally managed to disarm him.

Both of them were panting, but Anari had the widest grin on her face at the outcome. Jon found a grin of his own matching it once he realized what had happened. She moved so fast and flipped his sword from his hands, that he didn't notice at first. "I did it!" Anari laughed as she lowered her blade. "I actually disarmed you." Jon laughed at her excitement, picking up his fallen sword.

"Aye, you did." He agreed. "That was really good, you pushed back this time. You did really well." He was proud of her, he really was. It was moments like this where Jon wished the others knew of her achievements. He was sure they would be proud of her, of the progress she had made. Jon decided that this was the perfect time to end their sparring session, so they placed their wooden weapons in their respective hiding places and began their walk back to the main courtyard.

Ghost and Shadow, who had been resting off to the side, got up and followed. Shadow especially, when Anari ordered her. Each day, the wolves only seemed to grow, which only served to prove just how well each of the Starks was treating them.

The siblings walked in comfortable silence, Anari still silently preening to herself, knowing she had finally disarmed her brother. After so many years of Jon managing to win each spar, this was a big moment for her. It showed that she had gotten better and that she was learning, which was good. While Anari doubted she'd have to use the skills she was learning, it still made her feel good. It made her feel proud of herself for being able to best Jon, if only once.

Soon enough, they passed into the main courtyard. They didn't speak of the session they had, though, Anari decided to break the silence with idle conversation. "I've been teaching Marleya how to read," she said.

"Oh, really?" Jon questioned with a faint smile. "She didn't learn from her mother? Didn't her mother serve Lord Glover's wife?"

"She did," Anari nodded. "But she didn't have time to teach her much, only the basics." Anari shrugged. "She's getting rather good, I'd say. Though she-" Anari stopped talking when something caught her attention. Jon looked at her then followed her eyes to see what she was looking at. Anari and Jon froze in horror as they saw the familiar form of Bran Stark falling off the side of one of Winterfell's tallest towers.

Her joy from the lesson was gone in an instant as he hit the ground. "BRAN!" Anari screamed, running forward, pulling her heavy grey skirts up so she could run faster. She quickly knelt at his side, noting that his eyes were closed. "No, oh no," Anari murmured. "My sweet Bran," tears welled in her eyes as she turned to the rest of the people standing still in horror. "Someone get help! Help him, please!" Anari cried.

She held her little brother, feeling fear and panic creep through her chest. People ran to get Maester Luwin while those who hadn't seen what happened rushed to the scene. Jon quickly ran to get Catelyn and the others, and to send word to those who went hunting to return immediately. Anari sat on the ground, settling Bran's head onto her lap, as tears began to stream down her face.

A passing thought to check him over herself came to mind, but she dismissed it to wait for Maester Luwin. However, as more people came over, a few tried to move closer to see if they could help in any way. However, Anari dared not let anyone come too close. Servants and lowborns were snapped at, even the people Anari was familiar with weren't exempt from her sharp tongue.

The bite in her voice, the venom that dripped from her lips as she snarled at all who got too close for comfort was enough to back people off. If her words and tone didn't sway them, her cold, icy, stare did. Once Anari was certain that no one was going to come near them again, she combed her fingers through Bran's hair. Shadow, who had also, took to snapping at those who came too close, began to whimper, sensing her mistress' distress. The black and white mottled wolf slowly inched forward to lay on the ground next to Anari, to offer her support. Summer layed down near the base of the tower, whimpering himself at the turn of events.

"Let me through!" Catelyn's strained voice called through the crowd of people. "Let me through!" The people parted so that Catelyn could move forward, knowing better than to stand in her way. Anari was vicious as it was, they knew better than to incur the wrath of Catelyn as well. Anari looked up, ready to snap at the person who came too close. However, the snarl died in her throat once she realized it was her mother.

Catelyn shook her head as she let out a silent cry, moving forward to fall to the ground next to Anari. Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Rickon were not far behind their mother, having dropped everything they were doing in order to see what was going on. Theon, who had been with Robb, was quick to arrive at the scene. Once sending word for the hunting party to return, Jon was back in the yard, staring as Anari and Catelyn sat at Bran's side.

Catelyn took Bran's hand in her own, pressing kisses to it several times. Anari's tears didn't last long as she looked up at the tower. It was terrifying, seeing just how far he must have fallen. Looking to her oldest girl, and seeing the state she was in, Catelyn reached forward to embrace her. It was horrid that Bran had fallen, but Catelyn was told that Anari had been the one to see it happen and was the first one there. It wasn't long until the sound of horses galloping was heard as Ned rode forward quickly.

The rest of the party was following behind him, but Ned was riding the fastest. As soon as he was in the courtyard, Ned stopped his horse and dismounted. In quick strides he was there, vaguely registering his presence, Anari looked up at him as Catelyn continued to hold her. Ned met her eyes, both of them speaking without words. Ned could see the dried tear stains down her cheeks, but she was holding strong, just as she always did.

Maester Luwin pushed through the crowd, moving forward quickly. Anari's eyes watched him carefully, not even registering the sound of the other men dismounting their horses as they arrive on the scene. Robert didn't believe it until he saw the boy lying in Anari's lap. Tyrion and the Hound dismounted, Tyrion frowning at the scene.

Maester Luwin examined Bran, no bones broken or cracked in his arms or chest, but it seemed his legs caught the worst of it. Though, he wouldn't know for sure unless he was moved into his hall. "We have to move him," Maester Luwin said. He looked up at Ned, his eyes grave. "I can't fully examine him here."

Ned nodded once and moved to pick Bran up. While Anari was in shock, she couldn't help but snap at her father when he tried to move him. "No!" She hissed. "Don't touch him!" Anari held Bran to her lap protectively, her eyes daring them to touch him. "No one touch him!" Ned pulled back in surprise, his eyes widening at her tone.

Even Catelyn and her siblings were surprised by Anari's outburst. Though, they could all see that Anari clearly wasn't thinking right at the moment. Never would she raise her voice at her father, nor snap at him the way she did. Anari moved to practically shield Bran's body from them in order to keep him with her.

"Anari," Maester Luwin said calmly. "We have to take him," Anari shook her head back and forth repeatedly, her storm grey eyes hard as she regarded him. "I can't help him here," Anari opened her mouth to protest, but Maester Luwin continued before she could. "Don't you want to help him?" Closing her mouth, Anari paused for a moment, torn between what to do.

She wanted to keep him with her; however, she also wanted to help him. She debated on it for a moment longer before coming to her conclusion. Resisting the urge to sob, Anari nodded and released her hold, moving away so that she was no longer shielding him. This time, when Ned reached forward, Anari didn't fight him.

Ned carefully picked Bran up and began carrying him to Maester Luwin's hall. Catelyn stood to follow but paused when she noticed Anari was still on the ground. "Come," she said to Anari, offering her a hand to stand. The incident was wearing hard on the mother, as never before had one of her children sustained such injury. Her biggest fear revolving around Bran was him falling from wherever he was climbing.

And her fears had come true, though the Lady of Winterfell knew she needed to be strong right now. Not only for the sake of her other children but for the sake of herself. Anari shared her feelings, that much Catelyn knew, which was why she lingered to help Anari up from the ground to take her to Maester Luwin's hall.

However, Anari did not take her mother's proffered hand.

The girl remained on the ground, her eyes staring off. The fight had drained out of her now that Bran was gone, and she was only left with a slowly growing hollow feeling. "Anari," Catelyn said, her brows furrowed. "Anari." She repeated. Catelyn knelt to touch her shoulder, however, Anari still didn't respond to her. "Anari, look at me."

Even then, Anari still refused to look at her mother, stuck in whatever state she found herself in. Unable to bear seeing her eldest girl like that, Catelyn cupped Anari's face and made her look at her. Once she did, Anari bit her lip, her eyes focusing on her mother's worried face. "Is he gonna be okay, momma?" She asked, her voice a whisper.

Catelyn's face softened at her words and the look of fear in her eyes. Anari sounded like a scared little girl again, worried for her brother. "Maester Luwin is going to do what he can," Catelyn nodded. "Why don't we go see him now?" She asked, to which Anari nodded, allowing Catelyn to help her up. Her mother knew that Anari was most likely in shock, so she took to leading Anari away from the courtyard and away from the eyes of the common people.

Robert offered a faint smile as Catelyn passed him. Even Tyrion offered one as well, though his brows were furrowed as he looked up at the tower. There was something odd about this, though what, he didn't know. Tyrion had heard from some of the people that Bran was an experienced climber, and knew exactly where to put his feet and what to grab onto.

No, this didn't sit very well with him.


Bran lay still in his bed, his eyes closed and his breathing even. The boy looked peaceful, but he had yet to wake since his fall. However, despite Maester Luwin doing all that he could, he was sad to admit that it was highly possible Bran would never walk again. Once he had finished looking at Bran, Maester Luwin turned his attention to Anari. She was in shock and clearly hurting, so he wanted to ensure she was going to be alright as well.

He examined the girl, looking to see if she had any marks he didn't know about. When physical injuries were ruled out, he deduced that the reason she was so quiet and seemed to be staring off was because she was unable to fully register what had happened. Being witness to his fall like that was understandably difficult to comprehend.

And, considering how much Anari loved and cared for each of her siblings, how protective she was of all of them, it made sense that she took it as hard as she did. Accidents happen, and unfortunately, Anari couldn't have prevented this one. Taking a vial of smelling salt, Maester Luwin gently passed it under her nose a few times to elicit a reaction.

Anari inhaled, her eyes blinking before she coughed lightly. Finally, her eyes regained the same sense of awareness she had before Bran's fall. However, once she saw her brother still laying there, Anari's eyes began to water. Though this time, more aware, she didn't allow them to fall as she stood to be next to her siblings.

Sansa, who had been crying into Robb, turned and moved to be in Anari's arms. Though, Rob moved to hold his younger sister, resting his head on hers as he fought to keep his face neutral. Both Ned and Catelyn were heartbroken, looking between their children and seeing how each of them managed the situation differently. Not only because their son was hurt, most likely to be a cripple for the rest of his life, but that Anari witnessed his fall and was there to hold him.

While Maester Luwin instructed her to get some rest, Anari insisted on staying at Bran's bedside. She was the only one not to shed tears when she heard the news. Bran would not wish for her to cry, so she dared not do it now. That, and Anari had no more tears to shed, for what good would they do? Anari had to remain strong for her family, she had to be their rock.

Bran was alive, at least. Whatever caused him to fall had not taken his life, and for that Anari was thankful. That night, Anari didn't leave her little brother's side. Shadow slept at her feet and Summer slept at the foot of Bran's bed. It was both endearing and heartbreaking to see, the clear love Anari held for her brother, the devotion.

The only times she left his side was to eat, bathe, and change clothes. Anari stubbornly refused to go to her lessons but insisted Marleya should continue without her. However, Catelyn all but forced her to endure a few to ensure she was on track. Not only that but because Anari was the oldest, it would be in their best interest to ensure she was learning what her duties would be should a suitable proposal for her hand in marriage be given.

Anari was of age to be married, however, Ned didn't want his oldest, and arguably, fiercest of his daughters to be married off on a whim. The Lannisters and Robert didn't see much of Anari, though Tyrion passed her by on occasion, offering a hint of a smile. One she'd barely return as she walked through the halls like a ghost.

Because Anari scarcely left Bran's bedside, Catelyn would often join her, sitting on the other side of the bed. Anari's Direwolf lay at her feet as Summer took his usual spot on the bed with Bran, head bowed. Both women were lost in thought as they sat next to Bran.

So lost in thought were they, that they didn't hear the footsteps of the Queen as she entered the room as she paused at the door. The only reason they noticed someone entering was that Summer had lifted his head, which caused the women to look up. Once they realized who it was that was in the room, both Catelyn and Anari stood up. "Please," Cersei said, holding up her hand to stop them.

"I- we would have dressed, your grace..." Catelyn began, glancing at Anari. Both of them hadn't taken much interest in their appearance. Anari's hair was in a simple braid, and her dress was the same one from the previous day.

"This is your home, I am your guest," She didn't fault them for their appearance if it were her child; she would probably be acting the same. Cersei walked closer to the bed, looking down at Bran's sleeping form. "Handsome one, isn't he?" It was silent for a moment before the Queen spoke again. "I lost my first boy, little blacked haired beauty. He was a fighter too, tried to beat the fever that took him." She was lost in her thoughts for a moment before lowering her head. "Forgive me," Cersei paused.

While Anari held her own opinions about the Queen, she truly felt sorry for her. No mother should have to lose her child. Especially one as young as the boy Cersei described. Anari couldn't fathom how she would feel should she have a child and lose them. Even the mere thought of losing Bran, her brother, Anari felt a hollow pit form in her stomach. To think, had he not survived the fall, a piece of Anari may die along with him.

"That's the last thing you want to hear right now," Cersei pursed her lips.

"I never knew," Catelyn said softly. Being a mother herself, she could sympathize with her better than Anari. Bran's accident nearly devastated her, but she took comfort in knowing he was alive.

"It was years ago," Cersei replied. "Robert was crazed; beat his hounds bloody on the wall. All the things men do to show you how much they care. The boy looked just like him," Cersei said, glancing back at Bran. "Such a little thing, bird without feathers," she smiled faintly at the memory. "They came to take his body away, and Robert held me and I screamed and I battled but he held me. Our little bundle, they took him away and I never saw him again. Never visited the crypt, never," Cersei shook her head, taking a breath to collect herself. "I pray to the mother every morning and night that she return your son and brother to you." Cersei glanced at Anari and then back to Bran.

"I am grateful," Catelyn said softly.

"As am I," Anari added quietly.

"Perhaps this time, she'll listen." Cersei offered before lingering a few more seconds, taking in Bran's sleeping form one last time. She and Jaime were such fools, they should have known better. While they weren't strangers to fooling around in the various Holdfasts and castles they visited, they should have known better to engage in their private endeavors here. But Cersei was bitter with the way Robert was acting while here, and Jaime was all too willing to put his beloved twin at ease.

But because of that, the boy had to pay the price. Surely death was better than this, though, this wouldn't have happened had the Lannister twins been more careful. They were warned the boy had a penchant for climbing, yet they went into that tower anyway. Cersei thought Jaime a fool for pushing him from that window. Surely they could have scared or manipulated the boy to stay quiet.

Deciding not to linger any longer, the Queen turned and left the room, her shoes clacking against the stone floors the only sound. Cersei regretted what happened to the boy, while she wasn't averse to killing to keep her secrets, it was a mistake. Though no one suspected them, and they'd be leaving soon anyway.

The room was silent for a moment, both women once more lost in thought. However, Cersei's appearance reminded Anari of the fact that she had yet to properly pack her things for her journey to King's Landing. However, since Bran's fall, Anari wasn't sure she wanted to leave.

With her mind clouded with worry, Anari decided it would be best to seek her mother's advice. "Father has asked that I join him to King's Landing," she said quietly. Catelyn glanced up at her, unsure of how to feel. "I wish to go with them, but... I don't wish to leave Bran's side when he is like this." From where Anari sat, she reached over to run a hand through her brother's hair.

Catelyn didn't want Anari to leave, though perhaps it would be for the best. Anari had been through a lot since Bran's fall, and yet she still had the strength to keep going. Though, it was obvious to all that she grieved for her brother. The light she had was beginning to fade, and that worried her family. Catelyn knew that it was highly possible Anari was the strongest of them all, and the gods knew that Ned, Sansa, and Arya needed that strength.

With a heavy heart, Catelyn looked down for a moment, closing her eyes. "Go with him," she said at last. Anari looked at her mother with slightly wide eyes. "They need you there more than you are needed here." Catelyn continued, opening her eyes and looking at her daughter. "I will watch over Bran, and send word about his condition when I can. But your father and sisters will need your strength on that road."

While she was not happy that a large portion of her family was leaving her, she knew it was for the best. Besides, Sansa and Arya would need their big sister to watch over them. With the partly arranged marriage between Sansa and Joffrey, and Arya's wild behavior, the eldest girl was the only one Catelyn trusted to help her other daughters.

Anari was like a perfect balance between her younger sisters; grace, politeness, and ladylike qualities like Sansa. Fire, spirit, and boldness like Arya. If her two youngest daughters were to go to King's Landing, then Catelyn would feel better knowing Anari was watching over them when Ned couldn't. "Are you sure?" Anari questioned.

"Yes, you will only waste away here, filled with worry about your brother," Catelyn replied. She was already beginning to fade, and Catelyn didn't want that for her. "You must watch over your sisters, keep them safe when your father cannot."

Anari nodded, it was the same charge Ned had given to her. "No harm shall come to them if I can help it." Catelyn smiled at the fire alight in her eyes. It was good to see it again, to know that it was still there. Anari was protective of her siblings, even of Robb, despite him being older than her. Catelyn believed Anari when she made her promise, Anari would never lie about anyone's safety.

After a few moments, Anari left Bran's side, kissing his forehead and holding her mother's hand briefly before going to her chambers to pack her clothes. She wasn't sure how long she was to stay in King's Landing, so she packed a fair amount of clothes, ranging from plain dresses to two more elegant gowns. As she finished, a knock came on her door.

"Come in," Anari turned and smiled as she saw Jon. "Come to say goodbye, then?" She teased softly. Jon smiled at her in reply, glad to see that she seemed to be in better spirits. Her grief and worry concerned all that cared for her.

"That, and I came to give you this." Jon handed her a long, grey suede, cloth. Anari looked at Jon curiously before taking it. She gently set the slightly heavy object on the bed and unwrapped it, her lips parting in shock as she gazed upon a beautiful sword. It was a fairly long one-handed blade, with an even balance. Intricate wiring as thick as two of her fingers wrapped elegantly around the hilt, framing a leather handle, which led to a moderately wide blade. It was thin, but it was beautiful, and Anari knew it would suit her well.

She turned to Jon, a wide smile on her face. "I have no words," she laughed softly. "Jon, this sword is beautiful."

"I had it made when I heard that you were going to King's Landing, I wanted you to have something... I- it would make me feel better, knowing you have something to defend yourself with."

Anari assessed him, wondering what could possibly happen that would cause her to defend herself. However, her mind flashed to the conversation she had with her mother. Yes, perhaps it was good that she had a sword. "Thank you, Jon." She said at last. "I wish I had a parting gift for you as well."

"Don't worry about it," Jon smiled. "I wanted to give you this before we were on the road; I know that Lord Stark would not exactly approve of his daughters having swords."

"Of course," Anari laughed. However, as she thought of something to give to Jon as a gift, an idea formed. With a smile, Anari walked over to her vanity and opened a small jewelry chest. Searching through it, she found what she was looking for.

Holding it in her hands, she offered Jon a small smile. He watched her in curiosity, unsure of what she was doing.

"This one means a lot to me," Anari said softly. "Father gave it to me for my sixth name day. And, I want you to have it." She took Jon's hand and carefully gave him a small, but beautiful pendant necklace.

The chain was silver, and on it was a black jewel nestled in a silver backing with diamonds encrusted in the frame surrounding the black jewel. "Anari," Jon said softly. "I can't accept this."

"Yes, you can," Anari replied. "Because it means that you'll have to return it to me one day. And if you return it to me, then, you'll be with it and I'll get to see you again."

Jon smiled, drawing Anari into an embrace. When she pulled back, she took the necklace and placed it around his neck. "I'll never take it off," Jon promised. "Though, we won't be parting for a while."

"What do you mean?" Anari asked. "Are you coming with us?"

"Only part ways," Jon replied with a small nod. "I'm taking the Black." He said quietly. He had put a lot of thought into it, and he was certain that this would be the best course of action.

"The Black?" Anari questioned. "That's dangerous, Jon, are you sure?"

"Yes," Jon nodded. "There isn't much for me here, with you and Arya going to King's Landing, I'll be on my own anyway."

"Jon, you know there's no coming back from that," Anari said softly, her eyes slightly sad. It would mean that she would never see her half-brother again. She and Arya would return to Winterfell one day, and Jon would not be there.

"Hey," Jon smiled slightly, seeing her sad face. "We can send messages back and forth; have detailed letters so we know what the other is up too. And, who knows, I may be a ranger and leave to get more recruits like Uncle Benjen."

"You're right," Anari smiled. "I'm just being silly."

"No, you're being a good sister," Jon said. "You and Arya have always treated me like family, and for that I thank you."

"You are family, don't you forget that, Jon," Anari said firmly. "You will always be my family." Jon smiled, hugging his half-sister tightly.

"You gonna name your sword?" Jon asked, pulling away. "All of the greatest warriors name their swords."

"Hmm," Anari hummed softly, picking up her blade and twirling it once, getting a feel for the weight. Soon, she grinned, looking up from the sword and back to Jon. "Valkyrie, I'll name it Valkyrie."

"After the warrior ladies of old?" Jon questioned.

"What better name for a sword wielded by a Stark girl?" Anari teased. Jon laughed, although, on the inside, he too was going to miss his half-sisters. They were always kind to him, never once treating him like an outsider just because they didn't share a mother.

Wear it like armor, so it can never be used to hurt you. Despite his initial reproach to Tyrion Lannister, the half man was the only outsider who offered him sound advice for when he felt low about his status as a bastard. Arya and Anari were Jon's family, the only family he felt he truly had. And now he was leaving them.

But, he prayed to the gods that he would see them again. He also prayed that they be safe in King's Landing. He didn't trust the Lannisters with his sisters, but he knew that Ned Stark would never let anything happen to his daughters. And out of his sisters, Jon knew Anari would fight to the end to protect her family.

And so, he left his sister so he could pack himself. There was to be a long journey ahead, after all.

Later in the day, Marleya entered Anari's chambers. The young girl had learned from the other servants that Anari was going to King's Landing. Marleya wasn't sure what that meant for her, so it made her nervous.

Though, she was glad Anari seemed to be feeling better. "Milady," Marleya greeted softly. Anari smiled at the girl from where she sat, finishing whatever she had been writing.

"Marleya," Anari greeted back.

"I heard the news," Marleya smiled. "You are joining Lord Stark and your sisters on their journey to King's Landing."

"I am," Anari nodded. She could see the nerves on Marleya's face. "Speak plainly, Marleya. I won't mind."

The girl sighed as she played with her fingers. "What am I going to do?" She asked. "Will I remain here, or will I join you to King's Landing?"

Anari offered Marleya a small smile in return. She rose from her seat and walked over to the girl. She picked up the piece of parchment she had been writing on, which Marleya realized was a sealed letter. "I don't want you to be here on your own," Anari began. "But, I don't want you to be in King's Landing either. It's a dangerous city, and I'd rather keep you safe. So, you will ride with us on the King's Road, but you will be returned to Deepwood Mote."

It took Marleya a moment to realize what Anari was saying. However, once she did, she grew worried as her eyes widened. "You're dismissing me?" She asked. "Have I done something wrong? Milady, I'm so sorry for whatever I did. I promise to do better, and I promise not to do anything that displeases you. Please don't dismiss me."

The girl began to panic, she feared what was to happen to her should she return to Deepwood Motte because she was dismissed. No doubt her parents would be disappointed, and her siblings would never let her live it down. Though, what she feared most was the backlash of Lord and Lady Glover for possibly shaming their house should she be dismissed.

"Marleya," Anari soothed, seeing the panic on the girl's face. "I'm not dismissing you." She took the girl's hands in her own. "I want you to return home for your own safety. I wrote a letter detailing why I want you to return. Once things are settled, I'll see if perhaps you could join me once again. I enjoy you being here, you're my friend, Marleya."

"You're my friend too, milady," she replied. "You've been so kind to me, and I feel so honored to have met you."

"I care about you, Marleya," Anari smiled. "And I want you safe. I don't know when I'll return here if I do, and I don't know when things will settle in King's Landing, but I will continue to wait out the days until you can return to my side."

Anari cared about the girl, and while she didn't want to let her go, it was the best option. She had seen the way some of the younger boys looked at her and had heard a few whispers. No one dared act on it because Marleya was always at Anari's side.

But with Anari leaving, she didn't want the girl to face that on her own. Anari didn't want to take Marleya to King's Landing, because she didn't trust the city, nor the people in it.

Should she get comfortable, then Anari would send for Marleya again. Should the girl want to return, of course. The rest of the night was spent with both girls packing their things. Anari gifted Marleya with a small pin as a token of their friendship.

Marleya didn't have anything to give to Anari, but the older girl insisted it wasn't necessary. "I'm really going to miss Shadow," Marleya admitted. "I used to be afraid of the hounds back home. But, Shadow is different."

"And to think, she's not even a hound," Anari smiled. "She's a direwolf."

"After meeting a direwolf, I don't think I could ever be afraid of dogs." Marleya laughed as she ruffled Shadow's fur.

"Well," Anari shrugged lightly. "Not everyone trains their animals the way myself and my siblings have."

"Why would someone intentionally make an animal mean?" Marleya questioned.

"I don't know," Anari replied. "Maybe because that person has darkness within them, one they feel the need to spread. Not everything people do has a rational explanation. Some say its nature, some say its nurture." She shrugged.

"What do you think, milady?"

Anari took a moment to think about her answer. "I think," she began. "I think we're all just trying to find our way. And, some people just lose themselves instead of finding their purpose. Or they settle with what they already have. People can do the most bizarre and terrible things, and I think sometimes even they don't know what they're doing." Anari pursed her lips. "Or maybe they do, and they just don't know how to stop, or maybe they don't know anything but the things they're doing, and they're too scared to try something different."

It was such a heavy topic to leave off on, so Anari took to asking Marleya more about Deepwood Motte. When it got later in the night, the two girls parted ways. Anari slept, wondering what it'll be like on the King's Road and what King's Landing was like.

She only hoped it was a nice enough place, that the rumors of that city were wrong. Winterfell had quieted down for the night, everyone knew that the royal party, Ned, and all of the Stark girls were going to King's Landing.

Robb greatly worried about his sister; especially Arya and Sansa. Sansa was a dreamer, and Robb worried her dreams would cloud her mind in that dangerous city. Arya was wild and didn't always know when to behave. She was too impulsive sometimes, and it worried him that she may get herself into trouble.

Though, he didn't worry too much about Anari. Not because he didn't love her, no, on the contrary. Robb loved Anari so much; she was his sister, after all. However, he knew she could look after herself well enough.

He also knew that Anari would keep Sansa and Arya safe. Robb was a good big brother, and he loved and cared for each of his siblings. It was going to be odd, though, after they're gone. Anari won't tease him and Theon, or try and steal their food in passing.

Arya won't be causing trouble, and Sansa won't be off at her lessons. It would definitely be quieter. Robb could only hope his sisters and his father would be alright.

Arguably, the one who was the most worried was Catelyn. So many of her children were leaving her. All her girls and her husband were going South. To a place that anyone with Stark blood should tread carefully.

While Robert was Ned's friend, the last time a Stark answered the call of his King, he was killed. Catelyn didn't want that. She didn't want anyone in her family hurt. Bran was still in his sleep, so she knew it was difficult for Anari to leave his side.

However, there was nothing she could do about it. Looking at the flames that still burned in the hearth, Catelyn said a prayer to the gods. Hoping they'd listen and keep her family safe.

Shadow lay near the hearth the burned with low flames to keep the room warm. However, something caught the wolf's attention, causing her to stare at the flames. After a moment of staring, Shadow let out a huff before she stood and jumped onto Anari's bed, settling herself at the foot of the bed. From where she lay, Shadow gently placed her head on Anari's leg. Anari shifted slightly, but let out a sleepy hum as she fell into a deep sleep.

Anari wasn't the only one making promises. No harm would come to Shadow's mistress, not while she was around. She promised.

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