The Light In The Dark (Blake...

By Neo-Rewrite

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Not everything can go as eventually my past will catch up to me, but I hope that at least i'... More

When Enemies Come To Play
True Feelings and Untold Story
The Promise Made
Curse Bloodline or Bad Luck?
The Bull's Anger and a Dark Power
Distrust and Dark Whispers
Visions and Marron's Mask
One Step Back Two Step Forward
Approaching Darkness and Doubts
Self Isolation and Deceit
Unrestrained and Breaking the Script
An Echo of Your Real Self
The Light In The Dark

The Unexpected Partnership

789 15 13
By Neo-Rewrite

You stare at Marron's worry face and gave her a more genuine smile, " Marron I'm really ok it's nothing we should probably get to the stands JNPR's match is about to start." You said and you waited before Marron sighs and smiles and nods.

"Fine but it we think you're not ok I'll make sure that Rojo takes you to the nurses office even if he has to drag you there" she says with a smirk and you roll your eyes smiling, and for once that smile wasn't force.

"Ok everyone let's go to the stands" Ruby says relief that whatever happen to you wasn't anything serious.

"Yeah I want to see how well Jaune has improve" you said and everyone walks to the stands and looks for a seat

You sat down with a sigh trying to ignore those weird visions with Ruby and Weiss. You're not sure what those visions mean, and what part the voice has in all this but you won't give him the satisfaction of him seeing you worry.

You look to the side at the person who sits next to you and froze when you saw Blake sitting there. You look to your team wondering why one of them didn't sit there and you saw them glance at you before looking away.

Rojo had a smile, Marron was just shooting you a look and her eyes move between Blake and you, and Luna's eyes never met yours but you knew she also had a part in this. You look to the side again and you saw Blake giving looks to Yang as Yang just gave her a thumbs up.

You sigh at that you guess the weird atmosphere between Blake and you didn't go unnoticed by her team or yours. You squirm in your seat in awkwardness what do you even say in this situation?

In the past you never had problems starting conversations with Blake heck you could talk all day if given the opportunity. If not that you two were comfortable enough to just sit next to each other in silence just enjoying each other's presence, but ever since the battle with Adam you felt like there is a barrier between the two of you.

"So" you said breaking the silence and you see Blake jolt next to you, but you didn't bring it up, "Have you finish reading your latest book?" you said to Blake and you see her tense shoulders relax.

".....Yes I finish it this morning.......but I decided to reread one of the one's I finish already" she said looking at the stage and you rose an eyebrow at that she usually reads her unfinished books first instead of rereading ones she has already read and you know she hasn't finish the last volume of Ninjas of Love.

"Oh which one?" you said finally getting into the conversation. You had a smile on your face it feels nice speaking to Blake even if you didn't speak for like a day it felt longer than that to you.

"It's called The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" she said giving you a side look and you froze at the name of the book killing your happy mood.

"..........hahahaHAHAHAHAHA oh my god that's just rich talk about surprises" the voice laughs and you give Blake a more mechanical smile again.

"....Really? any reason for that?" you said with a slight tremor to your voice if Blake notice she didn't say anything.

"Let's say that the plot in the book reminds me of something" she said her hand trembling slightly.

"Welp if that isn't a clue that she knows something is wrong I don't know what is" the voice said with an amuse tone.

"I'm nothing like Doctor Jekyll and beside there's no way you're taking over my body" you though clenching your fist.

The voice snorts," Well that's egotistic of you what makes you think you're the doctor? for all we know you might be Mr. Hyde" the voice said amuse.

You suck in a breath to calm yourself, "I don't hurt people for kicks and my situation is nothing like Dr. Jekyll and beside Mr. Hyde what's the doctor's evil personality and I know you're not me" you said holding back a growl.

"That's one thing we can agree with I'm definitely not you I will NEVER be like you I'm my own kind of person" said the voice oddly determine and you stop for a minute at his weird response.

"Also Evil? What is evil in your mind? Can you really believe that you hold no negative emotions inside of you? Who are you trying to convince me or yourself? It's only human nature to have thoughts that other people find questionable from time to time the Grimm are not the only thing that have darkness inside them" the voice said before going away and you did your best not to shiver at his words.

"I see well I read the book before it does have an interesting plot line" you said to Blake before looking back at the arena.

This is getting nowhere you need to talk to Blake about this. If you don't who knows where your relationship will head too and the last thing you want is for you relationship with her to sour.

"Hey Blake after my match......can we talk?' you said to her and you see Blake's face fully turn to you.

She had a blank look before answering, "......Yes, I will like that i......I have some questions for you" she said. You saw her trembling hand calm down and you nodded to her and you two went silence when you saw that the match was starting.

------------After JNPR's fight----------

"Well that......was something" you said having a hard time coming to term to what happen there at the end.

"Well it is Nora we're talking about here" said Rojo looking nervously at the cheering Nora in the stage.

".......True" you said shaking your head at least that's another victory for Beacon, so that's good and so far Beacon has won all of their matches.

"Can (F/N)'s team come to the arena" said the voice of professor Port trough the loudspeaker.

"Well I guess is time for our turn now" said Marron smirking and Rojo mirroring her expression. While you stood up and look at Blake before giving her a unsure smile.

She looks at you for a minute before giving one back. Your smile becomes a little bigger before moving out of the stands. Things with Blake might be tense, but it isn't irreversible you can still pull your relationship back to the way it was.

"Well team let's go get another victory for Beacon" You said your mood slightly better.

"That's what I was waiting for leader let's go" said Rojo putting an arm around your shoulder and you roll your eyes, but chuckle at him. I guess that your weird behavior really put your team on edge lately.

As your team and you move to the stadium you hear Ruby yell, "Good luck guys I know you guys can win" she said smiling and waving at you guys.

"Yeah remember to get another victory I won't have one of our rivals losing now can we" said Yang shooting you guys a thumbs up and a cocky smile.

Blake and Weiss gave the team encouraging gestures. Well Weiss were more subtle but at least you know she cares.

As you enter the Arena you see your opponents coming from the other side.

" Well now it's time for the next round of the tournament on one corner we have team VLET(Violet) of Shade Academy and it seems that another round between Beacon Academy and Shade Academy is about to commence" said Professor Port.

"That's right with the exciting match between team JNPR and team BRNZ we can expect another great match between this two team. (F/N) (L/N) is the leader of the team representing Beacon in this match and we can expect an interesting match with this particular team "Said professor Oobleck adjusting his glasses.

You just kept your eyes at team VLET a group of four people three girls and one guy and you raise an eyebrow since you don't see that every day the only team you know like that is Sapphire's team.

"Hello there ladies is nice to meet you" said Rojo smiling at the girls while you sigh since he already started to flirt with the opposite team.

Before the other team can respond to Rojo's comment Luna just grabs his ear before Marron could, "Rojo please keep your flirting to a minimum will you" Luna said smiling at him, but the way she smile it was not a request.

"I-I Ye-Yes Ma'am I mean Luna" he said stuttering and laughing nervously.

"I swear you really need to control yourself Rojo" said Marron rubbing her nose in annoyance.

"What can I say Marron I'm free as the wind and my unbound spirit makes me seek out the beauties in life" he said nodding to himself.

Your eye twitch at his words and turn to look at the opposite team ignoring their surprise faces, "This is my team hello there" you said deadpanning at them.

"We-well you have a......very colorful team?" said one of the girls with Violet hair of the opposite team.

"More like a guy that can't keep it in his pants" said the girl with Black hair and a Katana on her hip.

You hear the roulette for the arena spin and you saw the opponent's side stop at Fire.

"Well at least were used to high heat" said the sole male member of the opposite team.

While your side stop at Grasslands, "Well this is an interesting combination" you said and saw the stage change to their respecting biomes.

"Well at least this won't be boring" said the 4th female member it seems that she has blond hair and is carrying two Sai.

As soon as the stage were arrange the countdown began.

"3,2,1 begin" said Professor Port and as you heard his signal you immediately took out your tonfas and shot at their area while Marron took one of her arrow with Fire dust on the arrow tip and fire it causing a small explosion separating the team.

" Everyone take one of them and Marron you know what to do" Everyone nod while Marron ran to each member and touch them in the shoulder causing a brown sunflower symbol to appear in Rojo, Luna, and your shoulder.

"Let's go" you said as you ran towards them. You decided to runn to the male member of the team. He saw you coming and he pointed his spear to you and you narrow your eyes at him.

You two got in range and he began attacking you and you try to get closer, but his spear is getting in the way and not letting you get close. You click your tongue seeing that this guy is a bad match up for you and you see Luna struggling with the Katana girl seeing that she was faster than her.

You know that Luna is better fighting this guy, "Marron switch Luna and me" you scream and as you shot at the guy to create some distance. Marron nodded and shot an arrow at the Violet hair girl causing her to back up and Marron snap her fingers.

The guy raises his eyebrow not knowing what you were talking about before they widen in shock when you disappear and Luna was in your position throwing her fans at him he hastily block it leaving himself wide open before Luna ran up to him and slam her palm in his stomach.

Causing him to lose grip of his weapon and began coughing and she grab her fans as they came back to her and she activated the lightning dust in them and she ran to the down boy before slashing him with both of them causing him to be electrocuted.

" Thymus Rust is eliminated due to Aura level" you heard Professor Port say and you smirk at the girl making her grit her teeth in anger. She jumps back already getting over her confusion of your switch and unlike Luna you weren't able to take her out since she was still faster than you and was able to block most of your strikes.

"Violet take out that girl with the bow she's too dangerous to leave alone" screams your opponent as her blade began to glow.

"What do you think I'm trying to do she has both long and close range is hard taking her out" Violet said blocking one of Marron's pincers with her Cutlass.

"Fine give me a second I'll come help" the girl said.

"That's a little presumptuous don't you think" you said annoyed that she thinks she can defeat you that easily.

She just rushes at you and the blade's light dims and now there's just a silver aura around the blade. You raise your Tonfas and prepare to block her strike before your eyes widen since her blade pass right through your Tonfas like they weren't even there.

"What!! Gah" you scream as she slashes your chest and you jump back, but she got close not letting you get away. You dodge her weapon realizing that blocking will be a waste of time.

"Dammit is that her Semblance? I can't block her attack" you though and as you dodge another strike you retaliate thinking that maybe since her blade passes through your weapon maybe she can't block, but as soon as you attack her, her Blade lost the silver Aura and Blocks your Tonfas.

You jump back and began shooting at her and she either blocks or dodges the bullets, "So you can switch whether the blade becomes intangible or not" you said and the girl only smiles before she rushes at you again.

"Dammit I was wrong I'm not a good match for this girl.....but Rojo might be with his semblance he can block her attack even if they go through thanks to his semblance, and Rojo is better at dodging than I am" you quickly ran to where Rojo was at. You can't switch with him without telling him about the girl's semblance.

As you ran you see the girl beginning to catch up, but you were already close and you see Rojo fighting the Blond hair girl. Rojo sees you running to him and you signal him to come to you. He nods and shoots at the girl and comes running to your direction.

When you see that you put Fire dust on one Tonfa and Water dust on the other and you shoot them at the floor and as both dust touch each other they mix together and a cloud of steam envelope you and Rojo. As you ran you saw that Rojo was close enough, "Her Semblance can make her sword Intangible and she can turn it on and off" you said as you ran past him.

You jump out of the Cloud of steam and you saw the blond hair girl raise her Sabre and there was a loud clang as both weapons collide with one another.

"Your team is really annoying to fight you know that" the blond girl said as she struggle to push you back.

"Trust me we know" you said as you use the recoil of your Tonfa to increase the force of your swing. The girl dodges instead of Blocking. She clicks her tongue in irritation before rushing at you.

You prepare to meet her before a pain shoots through your head, "This is getting tedious to watch finish her already it seems Luna and Marron are not doing too well" said the voice and you look at the two and see that they're being held back by the Violet hair girl.

"Well she's the leader of her team.....what are you going to do?" the voice said amuse and you grit your teeth as you and the blond hair girl continue to trade blows.

"......ignoring me are you......oh what's this?......oh well if you're not going to do anything about it than I will" the voice said and you began to have a bad feeling. Suddenly the pain got worse and you began to feel dizzy.

"what's going....." You couldn't complete your thought before you lost consciousness.

The blond hair girl stops and tense up seeing you just standing there and the she saw your head lift up and raises her eyebrow in confusion were your eyes always orange?

"Well it seems that I can take control more easily it because he accepted me when fighting Adam" you said your voice changing to a more sinister tone.

The blond hair girl felt something was wrong when you look at her smiling, " I'm sorry, but I need you to get out now" you said before the blond hair girl could respond she felt incredibly pain at the back of her head.

As she felt herself passing out she only heard you say two words, "Light Step" and she blacks out.

"Eli Mayfield is eliminated due to Aura level....and it seems (F/N) (L/N) has shown us his semblance" said Professor Port surprise.

"It seems the young (F/N) has finally unlocked his Semblance, but we don't know the full abilities yet I wonder what he'll show us" said Professor Oobleck.

"Let's see who should I destroy that Violet girl or that annoying Black hair girl" the voice said still in control of your body.

The voice pause when he thought he heard your voice, "......op give me back my body" you said weakly.

"Oh you're awake this time that's a first I wonder why?" the voice thought intrigue until he saw Rojo being led closer to Luna and Marron and those two were being lead to the edge of the stadium.

"Oh I have a nice idea" he said as he ran to where they were fighting he sees Rojo being kick towards Luna and Marron and Violet jumps over Marron and goes the black hair girl's side.

"Marron switch Rojo and me" the voice screams and Marron looks confuse as to why you sound different, but still snaps her fingers switching the two of them. The girls rush and once the switch happens the voice looks at Luna.

"Luna when I give the signal shout as loud as you can and amplify it with your Semblance" the voice said and Luna shivers when looking at the voices eyes.

"(F/N) what happen to your eyes?!" Luna said worry

"No time for that please just trust me" the voice said softly and Luna's fear subside it a little before nodding she could ask you more questions after the battle.

As the girls came within range the voice began to light up, "LUNA NOW" he screams and a strong light began emitting from your body that cause Marron to look away from you. Luna screams and combine with her Semblance it was one hell of a scream.

The opponents not prepare for the severe light and screeching sound were both temporarily deaf and blind. After Luna stop screaming the voice quickly rush at the two girls and jumps behind them before pulling all his strength and kicking both girls forwards sending them flying pass both Luna and Marron and off the stage.

"And with that Violet Waters and Lily Sombra are eliminated by ring out" said Professor Port and the voice smirks in satisfaction.

"Here I let you back in control" the voice thought before you felt yourself back in control of your body and once you knew that you were in control your heart began to pump rapidly.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" you scream in your head in fright.

"I won you the match? You're welcome by the way. I told you that with my power you can beat anyone and I just gave you a demonstration and as an added bonus I'll even tell you about your Semblance is Light Manipulation" the voice tiredly said before going quiet.

"Oh no I'm I going to turn out like my father just having this thing control my body without my consent?!" you thought horrify before you felt your team hug you in happiness.

"That was awesome (F/N) the way you and Luna combine your semblances like that when did you even get your Semblance anyways?" said Rojo laughing.

You just smile and went with the flow there's a better time to freak out, but you hope that you can keep the voice in check but at this point is that even possible?

In the stands Sapphire is there looking at you and your team celebrating your victory, "what happen?" whispers Sapphire.

" seems that taking over his body exhausted me more than I thought maybe because he was still conscious?" a familiar voice said to her annoyed.

Sapphire clicks her tongue in dissatisfaction, "Is that so? You better not cheat me out of our deal" she thought angrily.

"Don't worry you'll get your revenge" said the voice calmly and Sapphire just stands up and begins walking away she seen what she came to see. She gives you a finally look before leaving the stadium.

"I don't care what I need to do, but you will suffer (F/N) (L/N)" Sapphire whispers.

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