Different (Hiccup x Reader)

By Styla_Mythic

150K 4.1K 2.5K

(This story takes place in the first movie, also Astrid is gender-bent into Arrow.) You were always the outca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
A/N: Thank you!!!

Chapter 11

8.9K 286 56
By Styla_Mythic

You watched as the ships left. You stood there helpless as Nightshade and Toothless were locked up and put on the ships. You felt your heart breaking. Why did it have to end like this? I'm sorry Nightshade...it should've been me that died. No. No, don't think like that. But still...I should've done something more. I should've tried to think of a better plan. 

You spotted Hiccup. You went toward him, running past your brothers on the way. They, for some reason, didn't follow you. You stood next to Hiccup the entire time as you watched the ships leave and disappear. 

"It's a mess. You must feel horrible. You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend..." Arrow said coming up to you both.

"Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup retorted. "Why couldn't I have killed that dragon when I found him in the woods? It would have been better for everyone." 

"Yep. The rest of us would have done it. So why didn't you?" Arrow asked. Hiccup didn't say anything at first. "Why didn't you?"

"Hang on, I wouldn't have." They both looked at you. "I would've done the same thing. I did the same thing."

"Why did you spare Nightshade?" Arrow asked. You weren't sure at first, but something in your gut knew what the right answer was. You sighed, facing him again.

"It's not fair to take a life you've never had the chance to live." They both looked interested. "What right do we have to kill them....when we've never even known just how hard their life can be." 

"You're the first to see it like that. So, Hiccup?" Arrow asked. He sighed, looking lost and guilty.

"I don't know. I couldn't."

"That's not an answer," Arrow told him firmly.

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?"

"Because I want to remember what you say, right now."

"Oh, for the love of- I was a coward! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!" 

"You said 'wouldn't' that time." 

"Whatever! I wouldn't! Three hundred years, and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon!" Both you and Arrow paused for a moment. You felt bad for Hiccup, knowing that all of this had been such a hard thing for him to do. Being the one who'd always been expecting to be greater and better than Stoick, all of this was such a big turnaround that it almost seemed impossible. However, you would argue that what he did was harder than killing Toothless. Arrow seemed to agree.

"First to ride one, though." Hiccup paused, clearly not expecting him to say that. "So...?"

"...I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him, and I saw myself." You were stunned. You held his hand and gave him a soft kind smile. He seemed to relax a bit at your touch. Arrow moved on, however.

"I bet he's really frightened now. What are you going to do about it?"

"Eh, probably something stupid," Hiccup replied.

"Good. But you've already done that." Arrow said with a grin. Then Hiccup's face lit up as he got an idea.

"Then something crazy." He said and started to run off. You smiled, getting excited again as you knew what this meant. You all weren't giving up yet!

"That's more like it!" Arrow clearly had the same feeling. You took off after him with Arrow.

"That's what I'm talking about! Back in action!"

As you and Arrow started to run after Hiccup, Arrow told you that he'd meet you there. He had to do something first. You kept going, making your way to the arena. You bumped into your brothers along the way.

"Guys! What are you doing?" They all seemed like they were ready for something big.

"Well, we knew you and Hiccup would do something outrageous, so we brought some stuff to help." You smiled as you saw they had a bit of gear and rope. 

"Then let's go!" They followed after you. Carl cheered excitedly and you were thrilled that you were finally in this together. You got to the arena as fast as you could, spotting Hiccup standing in front of one of the cages. You stood next to him near the thick wooden doors. Your brothers were right behind you.

"If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." You heard someone say. It wasn't one of your brothers, however. You turned and spotted Fishlegs along with everyone else from training. 

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me." Tuffnut said. Snotlout pushed him away.


"I love this plan!" 

"I didn't..."

"You're crazy! I like that..." Ruff said. Arrow pulled her away.

"So? What is the plan?" He asked. Hiccup grinned. He got out the Nightmare and you helped him.

"Come on, boy!" You invited. You'd forgiven him for what happened earlier. Hiccup took Snotlout's hand and placed it on the dragon's snout. You smiled and you followed Hiccup to get some ropes.

"Where are you two going?" 

"You're gonna need something to help you hold on." 

You were thrilled as each member got their own dragons. Your brothers were also very happy to get the ones they'd gone up against before. All four of them had perfect matches. However, now was the problem of what were you going to ride? There were only so many dragons.

"Hey, sis!" Ash called out to you as he and his new dragon came over. He offered his hand out to you with a grin. "Need a lift?" You smiled happily, grabbing on as he helped you up and behind him. 


"Let's see if your lessons paid off, huh?" You chuckled.

You all gathered together on your dragons to go over everything one last time. The others had to be prepared for what you were about to face. This wasn't going to be easy. 

Hiccup was going over it when suddenly you were yanked off and you shrieked as a knife was at your throat. They turned and gasped.

"Cala." Ash hissed. She chuckled darkly.

"You freaks aren't going anywhere." You glared at her. You were done with her. 

"That's what you think, jerk." You growled. You flipped her off of you and she got back up. You punched her and knocked her out. You climbed onto Ash's dragon.

"Let's go before she wakes up!" They nodded and you all hurried away.

"I can't believe that just happened," Snotlout said.

"Yeah. You punched your own sister!"Fishlegs said. You glanced back at her as she sat up. You felt no emotions for her anymore.

"She's not my sister." You replied sadly. "Not anymore. Not until she changes her mind." Your brothers nodded in agreement.

You all flew to the island together. The flight was tense and you had to go fast. It was a good thing all your dragons knew the route so well. It wasn't long before the monster of a dragon came into view up ahead. You saw the giant dragon about to attack Gobber and Stoick. You knew you had to act fast before they got themselves killed.

"Hurry!" You said and you all flew there. You all went down and shot a blow to it. It stopped and looked at you all. Well, we got its attention! At least now the people on the ground are safer. Let's at least buy them some time to get away.

"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!" Hiccup yelled.


"Up, let's move it!" Hiccup ordered, staying focused.

"Zane, Carl, Kent, follow me and Ash! You four need to stick together!" Hiccup looked at you and you grinned. He smiled. Even if this was dangerous and scary and completely insane, it felt good to be in it together. You both were a team and nothing was going to change that anymore.

"Fishlegs, break it down!" Hiccup called.

"Okay! Heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!" 

"Okay! Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!"

"That's my specialty!" Ruff said.

"Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See?! LALALALALALA!" Tuff shouted.

"Just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as I can! (Y/n), Ash, you two gotta get Nightshade!" 

"We're on it!" Ash replied.

"Carl, Kent, Zane, you three act as distractions. Make sure to keep its focus off the Vikings and the team. Ash, once you drop me off go and help them. Zane,"

"Yeah?" He asked nervously. You smiled at him. 

"You're the leader now. GO! EVERYONE!" You ordered. They all took off and you flew down to the ships.

"Don't worry, we got it covered!" Snotlout said.

"Yeah!" Fishlegs agreed. Arrow dropped Hiccup off and you jumped off onto Nightshade's ship.

"Go! Help the others, Ash!"

"Be careful!" He yelled before he took off. You quickly got to work on figuring out how to free Nightshade. You got a few of the smaller things off, but couldn't break the wood. You looked around. You spotted a spare ax. You hurried and chopped it open. You climbed on and you smiled. It felt good to be back in the saddle for real this time. "Let's go, girl." She roared a battle cry and took off into the sky. You looked around for Hiccup. You saw him as he took off with Toothless.

"HE'S UP!!" You called to the others.  "Get Snotlout out of there!" You called to the twins.

"I'm on it!" The said together.

"I'm on it first! I'm ahead of you!" Tuff said.

"Hey! Let me drive!" Ruff said. They caught him as he jumped.

"I can't believe that worked!" Tuff said. Suddenly, you were getting sucked in. Nightshade flapped hard to get away, but it wasn't working! "Come on! You can do it, girl!" She barked, trying harder, but you were still being sucked in. Then, there was an explosion and you shrieked as you fell off. You screamed as you fell through the air, but suddenly something grabbed your leg. You smiled as you heard Hiccup say,

"Did you get her?" Toothless looked at you and you smiled at him. He flipped you over and dropped you off. You watched as the two rushed off together. Now, it was up to them.

"I know you can do this Hiccup."

Third Person POV

Hiccup saw wings on the dragon. They'd been hard to make out before. There had to be a way to get it far away from all of the others. They were in too much danger with it still on the island and so close.

"That thing has wings... Okay! Let's see if it can use them!" Toothless blasted it and it fell over. "Do you think that did it?" Hiccup asked. The dragon got mad and flew after them. "Well, he can fly." 

They flew away from it. The dragon chased after them, smashing through rocks and roaring in anger. "Okay, Toothless, time to disappear! Come on, bud!" They flew into the sky as everyone watched from the ground. 

They started darting around and firing at it. It breathed fire in rage. "Watch out!" They dodged it, but Toothless' tail was on fire now. "Okay, time's up! Let's see if this works." 

They dove down to face it. "COME ON! IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!" The two of them dove downward with the dragon following. "Stay with me, buddy. We're good. Just a little bit longer." They stayed still and lined themselves up with the monster behind them. It was closing in. "Hold, Toothless...NOW!" He turned and fired. The dragon lit on fire on the inside. It tried to save itself, but its wings ripped apart as it fell. Toothless opened his wings and the dragon crashed and exploded. They tried to escape, but his tail was broken. Hiccup fell off and Toothless dove to save him as they fell into the fire.

Your POV

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Son!" Stoick yelled. You ran toward where they had disappeared. You saw Stoick there on the ground in front of Toothless. Hiccup was nowhere to be seen. You were horrified and grief-stricken. 

"No..." You whimpered with tears in your eyes. You cried into your hands, trying to quiet your sobs. You felt arms wrap around you. You didn't care who it was. You latched onto them. 

"I'm so sorry, little sis." You heard the caring voice of Ash comfort you.

"We know you cared about him a lot." Zane's voice agreed and three more pairs of arms wrapped around you.

"It's gonna be okay," Kent said. Suddenly you heard Stoick say,

"Hiccup!" They let go and you were shocked as you saw Toothless holding him. Stoick grabbed him and listened for a heartbeat. "He's alive! You brought him back alive!" Stoick praised the dragon. You instantly smiled and cried tears of joy. He's alive! Oh, thank the Gods! Hiccup...I'm so happy you're alive.

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