'Your Love Consume Me Part 2'...

By ElleMiglioranza

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This is the 5th book in the Epic Love Saga. At the end of the 4th book there was heartbreaking ending where D... More

The End It's Only The Beginning.....
Never Was.....Never Will Be.....
Actions Leads To Consequences.....
Only Love Can Hurt Like This.....
You Will Reap What You Sow.....
I Don't Need No Hero.....
I'm Gonna Love Ya.....Until You Hate Me.....
My Heart Has Always Belonged To You.....
Life Can Be Cruel Sometime.....
A Lover Without Indiscretion Is No Lover At All.....
I Didn't Think Of You As My Enemy.....
I Can't Seem To Let You Go.....
In Loving Memory Of Siena Salvatore.....
Waiting For You To Come Home.....
Love Is Just A Way To Die.....
Sorry That I Love You..... Sorry For What I Do..... Sorry For The Silence.....

Misty Blue.....

3.8K 130 63
By ElleMiglioranza

Warning this chapter does contain R-rated scene might not be suitable for younger readers

Stefan P.O.V

When I left Damon with this Enzo guy to go in search for Nico it made me wonder how much more Damon been hiding about this past. I wasn't too sure how to take all this information in with Damon on some kind of revenge spree and killing the Whitmores. It was just too overwhelming to even comprehend right now. My focus was on getting to Nico with the information given to me by Aaron looks like Elena father was part of all of this too and from what I read the old doctor office in Mystic Falls was where some experiments were done. My journey back to Mystic Falls all I was think was please don't let anything of happen to Nico. Even thinking of what Wes was doing to him made my heart race, because this kid been brought into a world that he knows nothing about. Nico life had been a totally lie from the moment he was taken from his parents and strangely grew into this young man, everything he thought he knew was all lies. Nico right now is a confused kid who don't know anything about this parents or this supernatural world that we live in and I feel partly to blame because I'm his family too I should of helped him and protect him. Maybe I need to start putting him first before all these dramas from now on.

When I arrived at the old Gilbert doctor's office I found Nico in the basement he was barely with us and he was wounded too I had to keep calm every part of me wanted to hunt down Wes and kill him myself but I had to think of Nico right now and make sure he is safe. So I help him out of the restrains he could hardly walk with all the blood taken from him, I notice he took some kind of journal with him I didn't question him about it. My concern was to take him back to him dorm and heal him and try and be there for him, which is something I should have done a long time ago.

I got him back to campus and he was still pretty much out of it I gave him some blood to heal him, but right now Nico needed his sleep more than anything. I didn't want to leave him like this I wanted to make sure he was okay when he woke up If he wanted to talk about the experience one thing I do know bottling up things that happen to you don't help so I'll try and be there for him if he wants me to. Elena came by as she had heard about what happen to Nico.

I suggested that we went for a walk as I knew Nico was going to be out for a while. It was kind awkward with Elena and I being alone after everything that had happen. Knowing that I slept with Katherine too how could I really bring that up in conversation and I knew Elena would have a lot to say about it too. Elena wanted to the do the same thing she wanted to be there for Nico as none of us had been there. It was like we were both on the same wavelength which I felt we hadn't been on for a while. Maybe Elena and I could finally get on tack and be actual friend and be there for our nephew.

Elena came back with me to check on Nico but I suggested for her to leave even though we were in the same page i still felt a little uncomfortable around her. So she left after I told her she needs to focus on school and I'll keep an eye on Nico. When she left I looked around for that Journal that Nico had taken but it looks like while we were out that he had hidden it. What my nephew trying to hide something? He seemed really out of it right now so I thought it would be best to leave him to sleep it off.

When I arrived home I didn't expect to walk in what appeared to be some kind of argument between Siena and Damon. Believe me I was just as stunned to hear the words coming out of Damon mouth saying it was over between then. Siena looked a state too I don't know what was going on and I wanted to intervene but I heard loud band upstairs. I rushed up and I found a barely breathing Katherine on the ground her heart was slowing down and I knew vampire blood wasn't going to do anything. So I did the only thing I could do I rushed Katherine down to the ER.

There wasn't a lot I could do but just wait around and find out what happen to her. After long while the doctors had told me that Katherine had had a heart-attack that they are unsure if she will recover from it as it was so server. I didn't know what to feel in that moment I think hearing Katherine saying she dying was like it wasn't real like she was going over the top. Now reality has truly kicked in and Katherine was dying nothing that anyone could do about it either. I got hold of Nadia and let her know about her mom condition she seemed upset and I suggested to bring Katherine back to the house rather than leave her to die in some hospital bed.

I had brought Katherine back to the boarding house she was in a real bad way and I wish I would do anything to help her right now. Putting all to one side all the bad she done she was just an unstable girl who hadn't had the greatest of lives. I didn't want to leave her alone right now she kept stirring in her sleep, I grabbed a chair and sat beside her. She looked so sweet and venerable nothing like the "Katherine Pierce" everyone talked about the selfish and manipulative person she become

"S-Stefan" I heard Katherine voice as she spoke my name weakly I looked up and her eyes were half opened trying to sit up.

"Hey. You need to conserve your energy" Pushed her back down on the bed she needed to rest more than anything. She looked so fragile right now, I could hear Damon downstairs having a party over Katherine misery.

"I bet they are all love this" she spoke weakly again while she swallowed hard "The end of Katherine Pierce" Well she was right about them loving this but right now I did look at Katherine like that she didn't deserve to die in this way. With her finally meeting her daughter after 500 years maybe Nadia could of saved her maybe changed her. Within moment she was passed out again.

I made my way downstairs because they needed to stop drinking to Katherine misery. Well Damon didn't like my response to his drinking game but what I told him was right. Katherine was the way she was due to the traumatic experience she had received when she was a young girl. What didn't help matter was when he announce to the whole group that I had slept with her. My eye went directly to Elena who stood there looking hurt with the news a part of me wanted to press a rewind button and not of done that. But all that Elena has done to me over the past year was toy with my emotions she literally ripped my heart out with all her actions. So I guess if she felt hurt by this news then she felt a fraction of what she did to me when she kept declaring her undying love for Damon.

Nadia turned up and apparently had a way to save Katherine of course Damon was all screw Katherine. Well that soon changed when Nadia informed us that she had buried Matt in the same safe that I was in for three months without his Gilbert ring. So attitudes all changed in the room she needed two volunteers I was more than willing to help as I didn't want Katherine to die. That I've seen that she can be saved and if there a second chance of her to fix her wrongs and I can help then I'll do that. I was a little surprise that Elena offer too I would have thought she would have stayed behind to help find Matt.

No one spoke on the way there until Nadia said she knew we would be her volunteers there was something about the way she said it though kind of smug in a way. That didn't sit right with Elena as she bit back but I wanted to know what it was that she needed from us. Nadia had found a way to save Katherine to make her a passenger in someone else body like her boyfriend Greg did to Matt. It was crazy idea and Elena made her view quite clear on that one. I knew I had to step in because it wasn't like how Elena picture it Greg was going to Kill Katherine what she did was in self-defence. Elena didn't like the fact that I defended her and I knew deep down that Elena had a lot to say about me sleeping with Katherine. When I pulled her up on it she stood there stunned I couldn't have this conversation with her so I walked away.

We arrived what appeared to be some abandon farm house I had no idea why Nadia had brought us here and what she expect for Elena and I to do. Nadia drop the bombshell of how she was going to let her mother take over her body that she let Katherine passenger her. This left Elena and I stunned. Nadia was willing to do whatever it took to not let her mother die and I guess the little amount of compassion I had for Katherine I needed to respect Nadia attempts for trying to save her. We entered the abandon house I looked around the dark, barren room.

"Not exactly the ritz..." I began to say then Nadia cut me off.

"Travellers don't have much, they're always on the move, but on the plus side, sometimes, their services can be bought. I found one who named the right price" Suddenly, a figure emerges from the darkness. What the hell was going on here?

"You brought them..." The young woman asked. This was all some kind of set up?

"Yes, Mia. Are you ready to make a deal?" Nadia responded back to the woman. This had to be a joke! Of course Nadia knew Elena and I would offer our help so that the traveller could have both doppelgängers but why did they need us that was the real question.

"What's going on?" Elena spoke with fear in her voice.

"I have a feeling the right price for the deal was us" I spoke bitterly while looking at Nadia she may of not known her mother all this time but it looks like she had her devious mind.

"I'm sorry, but they asked for doppelgangers. No idea why" Nadia grabs a hold of Mia and they super-speed out of the house, leaving Elena and I as prisoner to a group of about a dozen travellers, who are chanting something. As the door shuts behind us, Elena tries to open it, but the sun burns her hand.

"Our rings... they are messing with them. We can't go outside" The group has surrounded Elena and I portions of the roof are caving in, preventing both of us from moving about the room, or leaving. This is not looking good for either of us and I don't think I'm going to like where this is all going.

Damon P.O.V

I was pissed for Liz stopping ending Katherine miserable life. Why the hell did she have to come in at that point? Killing Katherine would I made my life a lot better for sure right now. If Klaus didn't compelling me to go back to the same douche who was craving to be back in Katherine. I would have hunted her ass down and killed her years ago. But no it wasn't like that I still continued to be the fool who wanted her and went to whatever length to get her out of a tomb that she wasn't in. All I'm right now is raging. I'm angry of the fact I've wasted my life over this woman laying here dying. Yes Elena was right if it wasn't because of all of these events Siena and I may have not gotten together. But who to say that if the truth wasn't taken from me that we would have been together? Siena and I are destined to be together that what we were told? Well I truly screwed that one up now I don't think Siena would ever look at me or forgive me for what I said and did to her.

Liz had left Stefan room and warned me of no funny business. I didn't know if I could keep to my word on that because this bitch laying in Stefan bed deserved what coming to her. Her spawn of child finding a way to save her and me personally did not want Katherine Pierce to live another day. I looked up and saw Liz enter the room with something in her hand. Why is she even helping Katherine she is the reason why her daughter is vampire and she showing her compassion?

"Here are the sedatives from the hospital. It should help with the pain" Liz told Katherine calmly as she approached the bed, Katherine slowly opened her eyes.

"I don't want them. They make me weak and when I'm weak, he can get inside my head" Well I was going to mess with her mind regardless because if I can't kill her I'm sure as hell going to torment her to death.

"Okay. Suit yourself. They're right here if you want them" Liz lays the syringes on a nearby surface "Still looking for Matt? Any word from Elena?" like Elena was going to call me to give update after what Siena had told her. I think she rather stake me right now than talk to me I didn't blame her either I hurt Siena in a bad way I can't imagine the pain she going through. Because I'm hurting right now because of my action but it's my own fault and I wanna let out all my anger and frustration on the dying bitch.

"We're not on a speaking basis" I told Liz flatly I didn't want to go into detail about it all with anyone.

"Didn't you hear Sherif? He walked away from his marriage, Siena wasn't giving him the right satisfaction. And it was all MY fault. Oops" The little bitch overheard everything why I'm not surprise. I grabbed one of the syringes roughly jabs it into Katherine's arm.

"That'll make her shut up for a while" Liz gives Damon a look and goes to leave. She wasn't impressed with my action and right now I didn't give a damn I didn't want to hear another word from Katherine mouth. Now she back in dreamland I can mess with her mind once again, this is how bitter this woman has made me.

Katherine Dream......

Katherine is sitting in a carriage, looking out at the scenery she was dressed in the same clothing from 1864. Why was she remising over this? What would be so important about this one moment for her?

"How much further until we reach this Lockwood plantation?" Katherine asked then Emily came into view and smiled at her.

"Won't be long now.. We've just entered the town of Mystic Falls" So this was the day when she came into town. The day when she ruined mine and my brother relationship. God I hated this woman so much!

"Good" Their buggy comes across some townspeople that are at work. Katherine observes them keenly. Then the buggy comes to a stop "What is it now?" she spoke with annoyance in her voice.

"It looks like a gentleman is having problems with his carriage" Emily replied back to her Katherine looked a little annoyed once again. How come I didn't notice she was a total bitch back then? Oh yeah because I fell in love with her! What a fool I was.

"At this rate, we won't arrive until sundown. What does it matter if..." she stopped in midsentence and I followed her gaze the carriage and the young man was no other than my baby bro Stefan "Who is that? He's so handsome. What do you say, Emily? Think that gentleman's family take in a poor orphan girl from Atlanta?"

"What the hell was that?" I demanded from her is that the reason why she ended up at our home? All those lies was because she saw Stefan fixing the carriage!

"You never heard the real story of how I came to meet your brother. I want to think that this prophecy of the universe bringing the doppelgangers together is absurd, but the moment that I saw Stefan, I can't describe it.. .the out-of-the-way road, the downed tree, the broken down carriage.. it just... sounded like fate to me" So not matter what I did all those years back it was truly always Stefan all she saw me as was her play thing something to keep her entertain while Stefan was too busy. I don't know if my anger is toward her because of her actions or is because I was so foolish to believe that anyone could truly love me for me. I had a girl who did and look what I've done I'm going to be living an eternity full of regrets.

Siena P.O.V

I stood there in utter shock when I came face to face with Hayley Marshall the girl who carrying Nic child. That she is Lucas twin sister? If that the case I know that Hayley is a werewolf. I remember all the drama she caused turning al the hybrids against Nic and then him slaughtering them all. So if Lucas is her twin that would mean when he killed Oscar in the Hampton that he became a werewolf? Now it's all beginning to make sense the mood swings the way he lost his temper. The whole Lucas De Vere jerk attitude. Oh my god if Nic see him it will all start again they have so much bad blood between then since that night when Lucas tried to force himself upon me. How come I didn't sense that he was a werewolf I knew as soon as I walk in here that these people weren't human so why didn't I pick up on Lucas?

"This is a joke Right?" That was all I could say none of this could be true right now it had to be some kind of misunderstand or something.

"Siena....What you doing here?" Hayley spoke with confusion in her voice I think she was just as surprised to see me "H-how.... What the hell going on?" Hayley spoke in frustration looking directly at this Jackson guy.

"Yeah I would like to know the same" I said looking directly at Lucas who still had the smug look upon his face what was his deal? I notice as soon as we got here he been behaving like a jackass.

"Hayley. Could be talk inside without the whole clang here this" He spoke to her polity she looked at him sceptically and I didn't blame her. Lucas was acting a little too shady right now well I recall Hayley being the same when she first came into Mystic Falls. She nodded her head and the four of us entered the wooden hut. Hayley sat down while Lucas and Jackson stood there looking all manly what I didn't understand was why the hell I was here?

"You said you wanna talk. So talk then. You say you're my brother prove it" Hayley stated icily I didn't blame her either "Why have you got her involved for?" She stated while pointing at me. I swear she wasn't pregnant right now I would be putting her in place.

"Hayley" Lucas began to approach her slowly "When are parents were killed Marcel found us" The look on her face was probably the same as mine "He sent us both away to keep us safe" He started to take his shirt off he turned his back to her "I have the same birthmark the crest moon" Hayley stood there not saying a word "Your thinking that I'm some random guy turning up saying I'm your brother?" he hand her over what appeared to be a journal. Hayley looked at it frowning "It's the one thing we have left of our father. It's his journal" Hayley open the journal and began to read "They had a son Marcus Labonair. Me and a daughter Andréa Labonair which is you. I'm your brother Hayley as crazy as this all is we are brother and sister" He looks at Jackson "He can confirm it if you don't believe me"

"It's true Hayley. I wouldn't let him come here and upset you if it was all a lie" Jackson assured her. Hayley wasn't paying attention as she looked through the pages of the journal I notice tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Lucas can I have a word" I stated firmly to him "Outside" I walked passed the three of them and went outside I didn't know what I felt right now. Was this all a set up? Did Lucas know my connection with Hayley was due to Nic? I wanted answer and if he didn't get out here in the next 3 seconds I'm gonna drag his ass out.

"Look Siena I know you're pissed...." I had to stop him there because he not seen me piss yet I want answers and I want them now.

"Pissed Lucas. No this isn't me pissed. This is me remaining very calm right now" I spoke to him through my teeth I was trying to hold my anger back because I felt like I was going to lost him at any moment and it wouldn't be pretty. "So you're a freaking werewolf?! When were you going to shear that information with me? Huh?" I tried to keep my voice under control but I was failing epically because right now I needed to know how many more lies Lucas had been telling me.

"Siena you haven't been entirely honest with me either" he raised his voice slightly "Technically your are dead being a vampire and all" I felt my jaw drop then I swung for him sending flying 10 or more feet into a tree. I heard gasp from the wolves watching. Lucas groaned in pain and got to his feet slowly this asshole knew everything about me already so why did he lie to me? "Nice right hook see you've improved over the years" he stated while he wiped away the blood from his lip.

"You're an asshole hold Lucas or should I call you Marcus? Not sure as everything you've told me is a complete lie. Why did you involve me in all this? Huh? Is it because of my connection to Nic?" I spat at him. I notice his expression changing as I mention Nic.

"Oh yeah your precious Nic. Klaus known to every one else" He began to walk towards me Lucas was really pushing it with me right now "How didn't you know he was a vampire you dated him for two years. But then again you didn't know what I was. Must be a default being dimidium sanguinis" he spoke smugly I super sped to him and grabbed him by his throat raising him a foot off the ground.

"You think this is all a freaking joke?" I growled at him "You know nothing about me. Or what I'm capable of. So I would suggest you don't rub me up the wrong way" I threaten him while I tighten my grip around his throat and he began to choke.

"Siena Please....." I heard Hayley voice from behind me "His the only family I have left" She pleaded I just continued to focus on Lucas as I'm questioning everything he ever told me. Bumping into me in New York turning up in Mystic Falls as he did, he was using me for something. I let go of him and he fell to the ground gasping for air I could feel my right up burning up I looked to see it was ignited with blue flame which always happen when I was really angry or upset "Siena please" I heard Hayley pleads the only person who was able to calm me down from this kind of rage was Damon I've never be able to stop it on my own. I did the only thing I could do was super-speed off because if I stayed there any longer I would of caused a lot of damage.

I didn't know how to control this rage that was building up inside me I stopped in the middle of a clearing the woods I felt every part of me burning up I looked at both of my hands and they were ignited with the blue flame I watched as it crept up my arms the pain was beginning to be unbearable. I let out blood curdling scream I felt like my vocal chords were going to break, I began to feel faint I felt my eye roll back then hardness of the ground and I blackout out.

Stefan P.O.V

Nadia had fooled us by handing us over so she can save Katherine life. Would any of us do the same for our family? I'm pretty sure we would but Elena just kept cursing how Nadia identical to her mother that she don't think of anyone but her own needs. So many times I wanted to correct her on that like when Kol was killed to save Jeremy and Siena from being killed by Damon. Due to the compulsion that was put on him none of us thought how that was going to affect the originals. Truth of the matter when it comes to family or someone you love deeply we would all go to whatever lengths to save them.

The traveller began to chant something that made mine and Elena daylight ring not to work, they did this so we couldn't escape from the farm house. It not only disable our rings but we weren't able to move in the tight space they kept us in. they cut Elena and I by the wrist letting our blood flow into separate buckets another thing they did to us that we wasn't healing either. I don't know why they were taking our blood or the reason behind it. All I was thinking about now was the fact that I had gotten over my psychotic breakdown because if that Stefan was here he would be freaking out for sure. I looked down and saw the bucket was half full of my blood, I'm sure it was the same for Elena too.

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic anymore" I wanted to break the ice as the atmosphere was tense. I know Elena pretty well she certainly beating herself up right now for coming along.

"That's what Katherine helped you with... Silas after-math" Elena said looking at me. I sense a slight tone of jealously in her voice, why did it matter to her so much that Katherine helped me? Or that I had one steamy night with her? Elena and I had been over for long time and it wasn't my choice either but we had to leave what we once had in the past and move on.

"She did" I said calmly. Elena had to understand if it wasn't for Katherine I'll still be a mess. Everyone was all wrapped up with their one issue to even help so the one person who I never thought would bring some kind of sanity was her.

"Can I just hate her anyway?" Elena stated with a small smile. I didn't blame her for hating Katherine she had done a lot to Elena so I couldn't hold her hatred to Katherine against her.

"You can" I replied back smiling at her, Elena smile grew as I think that awkward tension between us was fading away. Okay we were suck here being drained out of blood but at least we trying to move on.

"Thank you" I needed to make a few thing clear to her my reason for being so kind to Katherine, it wasn't just because she helped me. Also the fact that she is dying and she deserves some kind of peace after 500 years, I think she deserve that.

"But I don't. I know I should, but for some reason, I keep rooting for her to find peace. And Katherine's not the only one, you know. Damon pushed Siena away because..... God I don't even know the reason behind it" I watched as Elena face harden at the mere mention of Siena and Damon. Did she still have feeling for him? Or was it because that he had hurt Siena in a way that Elena was so angry about it all "I have no idea what gone on because Damon would never intentionally hurt Siena and there some deeper meaning to all this. I'm not giving up on him or Siena" I meant everything I said. If somehow we got out of this I want to find out why it all happen. What Damon and Siena have is something special putting whatever feeling I have for her to one side.

"You think it can be saved?" Elena questioned me taking me out of my thoughts "Because when I spoke to Siena she showed no emotion about Damon. Like he meant nothing to her" that confused me slightly I remember the state she was in when Damon walked out on her there tears flowing down her cheeks she looked a mess and heart broken. What had changed?

"All we can do Elena is be there for our siblings. We both agreed that we need to be there for Nico. So helping his parents would be a great start. You can see he torn up about it all" Which was the truth the look in Nico eyes earlier back at the house was filled with sorrow the room had everyone there apart from one person Siena and it didn't feel right.

"Agreed" we exchanged smiles at one another, before noticing that the room has fallen silent. The travellers are no longer chanting. Elena looks down at her wrist, only to see the wound finally close up.

"So.... that's it? All you needed from us was a bucket of blood?" I raised my hand against a beam of light, noting that the sun no longer burns my skin "Let's get out of here" why would the traveller want a bucket of our blood for? Well I didn't want to wait around to find out.

"Come on" Elena and I both left the abandon house and made our way back the boarding house. I had to find out why Damon would walk away from his marriage the way he did. I know my brother and I also know he does a lot of thing on impulse so whatever had happen to make him drive away the one woman who he had ever loved it was serious. But I believe it can be fixed it had to be fixed. If I can't get through to Damon then I'll have to find Siena myself and find out what went on and make her believe that this is all just some stupid misunderstanding. I arrived home and everyone was still searching for Matt and Elena went to go and join in with the search. I enter the house and I could hear Damon groaning from upstairs I made my way up into my room and saw Damon rubbing his neck.

"What the hell happened to you?" I questioned him and he glared at me I don't think Damon was impressed with whatever had happened.

"In a shocking twist, Katherine's daughter is a psychopath. Whew. She's all yours. I've had fun messing with her mind all day" Damon tormenting Katherine didn't surprise me one bit but I needed to talk to him about this Siena and him breaking up.

"Damon..." I called out to him as he was leaving he turned to me and sighed.

"I know, Stefan. I know. It's been a rough couple of days... I needed an outlet, OK?" Damon leaves, leaving me alone with Katherine. I wanted to go after him to talk him but the way Damon was right now it was best to leave him alone and blow off some steam. I walked over to the bed where a frail Katherine laid I'm sure Damon been torturing her the whole time with bad memories and maybe she deserved it considering all she had done to him.

"Hey" I sat down on the bed beside her she opened her eyes slowly and a small smile appeared on her face.

"These drugs are hardcore" Katherine groggily I knew her time was coming pretty quick and I think this was my time to say my goodbyes to her.

"Close your eyes. I came to say 'bye.'" Her eyes began to close she was really out of it. I never thought I would be sitting beside Katherine on her death bed after everything that had happen but then since turning human I think I got to see a whole new side to her.

"I want to see you" She whispered with her eyes still closed.

"You will" I wanted to do one last thing for Katherine before she left us. She need to have the record put straight. I brought my hands up to Katherine's face and transports her to the memory her of coming upon the bodies of her family after Klaus had them slaughtered.

I watched to see Katherine weep over a body "So this is the memory you came back to? A little dark, no?" Katherine looked up with tears still streaming down her cheeks. Why would she chose this one memory to be the last one that she would have.

"Damon already had his fun with this one.. This was the worst day of my life. He said it was my fault; that I deserve everything bad that's ever happened to me. He's right... He was right, Stefan. I don't deserve to be loved" I could sense Katherine pushing me away as she thought I was going to torment her like Damon did. That wasn't my intension I wanted to help her that was all.

"Open your mind to me" I said while I approached her "Look at your father..."As Katherine looks over at the wall, her father's body disappears.

"He's gone... What are you doing?" Katherine asked with slight anger in her voice.

"You deserve to feel peace" As she looks around the room, her mother's body, and the blood on the duvet, disappear. She couldn't continue to beat herself up over this no matter what Damon may have told her. All of this that happen wasn't her fault.

"Mother?" Katherine spoke with a panic as she ran over to the bed where once her mother body was laying.

"You were a 17 year old girl, Katherine. None of this is your fault" I need to give Katherine the one memory that she needed more than ever. Katherine hears the tiny whimper of a crying baby... her daughter. In a tiny bassinet. As she approaches her, the room turns to lighter as that point Katherine had finally found her peace.

I stepped out of her mind and looked at her she looked so peaceful and calm. This is what she deserved now "Goodbye, Katherine" I said while planting a kiss on Katherine's forehead. She was gone now and a part of me was sad to see her go.

"Is she..." I heard Elena say from behind me. I turned to her and shook my head.

"Not yet. These drugs.... She won't wake up again" I turned back to Katherine to see her laying there so peacefully. To think the era of Katherine Pierce has come to an end. She may have been wicked and evil to a certain degree. But the Katherine Pierce I'm gonna remember is the innocent girl who did all that she could to survive that the memory of her that I will keep alive in me.

Damon P.O.V

I continued to torment Katherine with bring up about what she did to Jenna and to John she wasn't liking it all one bit. The thing about Katherine she didn't like to take blame for her actions. Katherine Pierce is just one selfish bitch who only thought of herself and what benefitted her like lying about her family being burnt in a fire just so she could get to know Stefan. Really well that was an even worse move and I wanted to torment her even more for that because she had turned me into this bitter man that I'm today. All this bitterness all this hate I hold inside me is because of her and I hate her for that. Before I could continue with the torment on Katherine her evil spawn came and broke my neck.

When I finally came round from that little bitch snapping my neck Stefan had arrived he wanted to know if I was okay. I was far from okay right now everything around me was crumbling right now I've lost Siena and from Nico actions from earlier I think I'm losing him too. I don't deserve to be happy I'm not the type of guy who mean to live happily ever after. Not me Damon Salvatore from when I was a kid my own father hated me, I didn't know how to be a dad to Nico and I don't know if I ever can. Then there Siena I claim to love her so much that she is the one thing I had good in my life. Look what I did to her I broke her I told her complete lies so she would never know the truth about me killing her friend. Maybe I should of come clean about it because I rather have her hating me for that than think I'm no longer in love with her.

I needed some time alone I couldn't "talk" with Stefan I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Matt had been found now by Barbie Klaus I didn't even question why she was here because to be quite honest I didn't care. All I wanted right now was my new BFF bourbon and drink my sorrows away. I avoid the parlour and went straight down in the basement and I got myself a bottle of bourbon then made my way outside. I looked around to find the perfect spot I jumped and ended up on the roof the house this was the perfect place that no one would bother me or even see me.

I sat there and watched the sun go down I never really appreciated the sun setting, the last time I did was when Siena and came up here once and spoke of what we wanted in the future. I recall her telling me that she saw a life for the both of us out of Mystic Falls that we would travel the world, visit all these amazing places that we had a life time ahead of us filled with happiness. That was all after going to New York when I saw my Bella sing for the first time. God that was breath taking in that very moment I knew that she was the girl I want to spend eternity with. With all the hardship we have been all the hurt and pain both of us went through we both pulled through it somehow. So why was I so frighten of this one thing that if Siena was to find out I killed her friend Thea that we couldn't work though it?

"You know, I was in a dark place, Damon" I turned to my left to see Stefan sitting beside me. I wasn't in the mood for this and it looks like he come here to justify his action for Katherine.

"And Katherine pulled you out of it... irony abounds" I spoke to him bitterly while I took another swig from the bottle. I don't wanna hear about how great Katherine is just because she did one good action in her miserable life don't make up for all the bad she done.

"You know, whatever's going on with you and Siena... You need to fix it. She's the best thing that ever happened to you" Stefan wasn't telling me anything I didn't know but how the hell was I mean to fix this? I told her I didn't love her. She will never forgive me for all the things I said to her even if I told her the truth. Siena so unpredictable especially right now with whatever Tessa did to her and what happen in New York with Tia Dalma and being told she like a nuclear bomb.

"You think I don't know that? I can't live without her, but when you think about it, I'm no better than Katherine. Siena will be happier without me" Stefan gives me a 'are-you-serious' look "What? I'm being selfless. Don't give me that look" Siena will be better off without me I've hurt her far too much the damage I've done is not repairable and unforgivable.

"I'm not giving you a look. I just don't understand why you are pushing away something you've craved for your whole life It makes no sense Damon. So no I'm not falling for this selfless act because you Damon know she will not be happier without you" I couldn't look at him how was I meant to explain this to him? "Damon what made you push her away so much?" he questioned me I sighed and took another swig of the bourbon.

"Apparently a blast from my past looking to ruining everything. So before the damage could be done I chose to end it" I couldn't even looked at Stefan while I spoke to him because I knew how foolish I had been to not call out that dick bluff. With Catalin taking the compulsion away from me I know how much Siena meant to him and would he of hurt in that way. That kid was in love with her deeply that kind of love don't fade away.

"Enzo?" Stefan broke me out my thoughts I looked at him and shook my head "Who else come out of the wood work Damon?" Stefan spoke more firmly, he really wasn't going to back down from this.

"The short version. I was in New York back in 2007 I was hired to take a vampire down by a family called the De Vere's" as I was telling him it was all processing through my mind like a movie "Well there son Lucas. Had an issue with the vampire because his ex-had fallen in love with him and he wanted him gone" Stefan looked at me frowning "Oh it gets better" I took another swig from the bottle "You see the vampire wasn't any vampire is was the one and only the original dick Klaus" I watched as Stefan jaw dropped at hearing that I had my own history with Klaus.

"So if you were meant to take down Klaus because of this girl meaning Siena....." Stefan spoke with stunned expression and I shrugged my shoulders "I don't get it Damon. You ended your marriage over this? So if you knew Siena and Klaus then....." I had to cut him off before he continued to fire more questions at me.

"Let put it this way. What I did in New York Siena would never forgive me" I got up and jumped down from the roof I couldn't talk about this anymore it pained me too much to even think about how Siena would react.

"Damon" Stefan called out and I turned to face him "What happen in New York that you think Siena will never forgive you about?" he wasn't going to drop this.

"I killed her best friend" Stefan stood there stunned as I let the words pass my lips "Granted it was an accident. You haven't heard the best part" I began to approach him "That dick Klaus compelled me to forget it all. I knew Katherine wasn't in that tomb. I was ready to hunt her ass down after dealing with the vampire who had been helping her to hid" I felt my anger come to the surface even more "He took everything away from me. Even the guilt I felt when I had killed Siena friend Thea. I had only laid eyes upon her a handful of time and I knew I was in love with her Stefan" I raised my voice slightly "Klaus took that all away from me. Then he sent me on my merry way. To pine over the bitch dying upstairs. So you tell me Stefan you think she just gonna be okay with the fact that another person she loves had killed another best friend of hers? Because you recall the whole Blair thing right?" Stefan still stood there speechless not uttering a word but none of this was repairable there was no going back.

"Wow Damon...." I didn't expect much else from him right now "So you pushed her away because your fear of how she would react? How did this come about?"

"That Lucas guy popped into town. Showed me a footage of what happen that night. He told me even I break it off with Siena or a copy will go to her" Stefan arched his brow he did that when he being judgemental "What was I meant to do? Huh? I'm tired of her being hurt. To hear that this what we call a family keep doing wrong. She is better off without me because all that happen since she came to Mystic Fall everything gone downhill for her" Stefan began to shake his head is disagreement and I don't think on this matter we are ever gonna agree.

"So that's it. You gonna give up?" I heard Nico voice then he came out of the dark shadow until he was visible "Thing can't be taken back dad. There no way to go back in time to stop her coming here" Nico sounded annoyed as he spoke I guess I hurt his feeling with what I said "Okay you did something that mom would be upset about. She might wanna know why you hurt someone she cared about. But somehow she would have found a way to forgive you. But it seem you took the easy route" Everything Nico was saying was right Siena would be mad at me she would asked me why I did and when I would of explain everything to her she would of come round eventually.

"His right Damon" Stefan spoke smugly. I didn't need the both of them on my case right now.

"So what the both of you expect me to do? Huh? Because I have no idea of where to find her" I looked between the both of them. Right now Siena could be anywhere in the world how was I meant to find her.

"She in New Orleans" Nico spoke a little sheepishly how would he know that? Did Siena contact him? I thought after what I said about her Nico hating her she wouldn't get in contact with him.

"What? Did she called you?" Nico shook his head "Then how do you know she in New Orleans?" I asked him more firmly this time round because I wasn't in mood for games.

"Katherine had a visitor today. British accent kind of smug looking. You know the hybrid Klaus" I couldn't believe that dick came all this way and I didn't get the chance to stake his ass! "He told me that mom in New Orleans" My rage level went up to skyrocketing high I walked away from the both of them and went into the house I grabbed my car keys and was about to walk out of the door but Stefan incepted me.

"Damon what are you doing? This is Klaus we talking about here" Yeah I knew who we were talking about and why didn't I think that Siena would go running to him. No I'm not gonna have that sleaze ball with his British accent comfort my wife.

"I'm going to bring my wife home. So move out of my way" I barged passed him and headed out of the house to my car. I got in and began to make my way to New Orleans. I'm not going to let the best thing that happen to me fall into Klaus arm no way in hell. That dick taken so much away from me and I'm going fight for Siena till the bitter end.

Siena POV

I woke up I notice that the sun was setting I sat up and looked around and I notice that everything around me was charcoal all the trees around me were burnt. I got up from the ground and looked at the damage I caused I've never seen anything like it before. I felt my heart accelerate as I completely lost control I've never done anything like this before because...... because Damon was always there to calm me down. My eyes began to fill up with tears as I thought about how Damon would hold me in his arms and tell me that everything would be okay. That what I really wanted right now for him to be here to calm me down but it's not like that and I need to remember that.

I wiped away my tears and began to walk away from the deserter I had caused. I used my speed to get out of the Bayou and hit the centre of New Orleans. I was still angry from what happen how Lucas could betray me like that. I hard to control the anger because I can't have another episode in a crowed place. I began to walk the street taking deep breaths to calm down. The street were filling up with tourist all laughing and smiling they were really clueless to this world that I'm in. I kind of miss being obvious to all this when I thought the most drastic thing was my hairdresser messing up my hair. God what I would give to have those days back even for just a day to be Siena Russo once again.

I saw a sign to a bar that caught my eye "Jazz and Blues" I cross the street and made my way into the bar. The place was filled with people a band on a small stage play music. I approached the bar and ordered myself a drink while I waited I looked around. The place was filled with couples and friends sitting groups laughing and drinking just enjoying the normal life. Maybe that what I need a new fresh start leave to US and move to some European country live a life like I always dreamed of. I've got an eternity of this so I might as well start as I mean to go on and enjoy what this life has to offer me.

New Orleans isn't for me it will never be home to me. Nowhere feels like home anymore not New York not Mystic Falls. Nic has this own problems here and I don't want to be getting in the middle of that, with Lucas being a sneaky bastard knowing that his sister Hayley is carrying Nic child. I'm sure he got an agenda with him and I don't wanna play part of that. Lucas maybe a total ass right now but I have the same hope in him as I have for Nic that the guy I was once in love with still there. They are both very much alike they let their revenge take over their lives. Do I tell Nic about what happen today? How will he react? One thing I do know he will attempt to kill Lucas and I don't know if I could have that death on my conscience. I'm already burned with the death of Blair and I can't deal with another person I care about being murdered by another person who I care deeply for.

"Your one hard young lady to find" I heard whisper in my ear I knew who voice it was and I turned to see Nic standing there with a smile upon his face.

"Well. I've been here all day. But it seem that you Mr Mikaelson took a trip to Mystic Falls. Care to share?" He took a sit in the stool in front of me. I wanted to know why Nic would have gone all that way he never went back there since he moved here.

"I had news that Katerina was on her last breaths" He grabbed the bottle or liquor and poured himself a drink. I felt my jaw drop as I heard him say about Katherine last breaths? I didn't know what to feel or think right now. Katherine and I weren't best of friends but I didn't hate her either.

"So you went to Mystic Falls to gloat over her death" I stated a little harshly to him I know his history with Katherine wasn't great but he was the last person she need to see. I just couldn't believe that the reign of Katherine Pierce was over. I bet Damon had been doing his own gloating over her death too.

"Correction. A young man stopped me from doing that" I began to frown as he drained his drink who could ever stop Nic from doing anything that is kind of unheard of "Nico has turned into quite lad" Nic smiled at me. Nico stopped Nic? "He very persuasive like this mother" I felt a smile creep up on my face as Nico has always been compared to this father none has never said that he had any of my traits.

"Well I'm happy he stopped you Nic. I know you and Katherine have bad blood. But you did the right thing walking away letting her die in peace" Saying those words letting Katherine die in peace stir up an emotion within me I actually felt a little sad knowing that I wouldn't hear her cocky remarks or how she would strut around like she owned the place. I guess I have had a soft spot for Katherine from the day when she stopped me handing myself over to Nic. How she reminded me how much Damon loved me and that all I would be doing is hurting him by walking away with Nic. She showed me her humanity and I don't think she showed that many people that the memory of Katherine I will always hold.

"Will you excuse me for a moment" Nic get up and walks over to the stage. I watched as he was speaking to a member of the band after a few moment he came back with a smile.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned him then the band began to play a song that sounded familiar I looked at Nic who had a grin on his face "Oh my god I've not heard this since...." I began to say but he cut me off

"Since the night before we broke up" Nic stated a little sadly he get off his stood "May I have this dance?" He as he held out his hand I felt myself blush slightly at his request. I jump down from the stood and took his hand. He led me to open space on the dance floor and we began to dance.

Nic held me in a tight embrace as we were cheek to cheek dancing slowly to "Misty Blue" this song brought back so many memories for me. I recall the blues bar Nic and I stumble upon in New York and we did the same as we were doing now dancing to this song. Nic hand was on the small of my back it gave me a slight chill, with his finger he was making circular movements. Then he began to mummer the words to the song in my ear "I should forget you Heaven knows I tried Baby, when I say that I'm glad we're through Deep in my heart I know I've lied " as he spoke the words it sent a chill down my spine. I moved away and looked into his eyes there was something about him right now something that I've searched for since he had come into my life.

My eyes adverted to his lips then back to his eyes he kept looking at me intensely there was so many thing that his gaze was telling me right now. Nic leaned in then kissed me but this time it was different there was more passion behind it all. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss he drew me closer to him. Suddenly I felt the breeze of the wind and I broke away from the kiss and looked around to find myself in Nic bedroom. We both looked at each other intensively for long moment and I couldn't hold back any longer. Nic and I began to rip each other clothes off right now I wanted him and that was it and he wanted the same too.

"You're a rare beauty Siena. I've clung to the memory of what you feel like around me." He runs the back of his hand down my cheek, then lovingly traces the line of my jaw with a knuckle. Those fevered words ratchet my desire to unbearable levels. Nic throws me onto the bed with a predatory glint in the steel of his stare. I didn't know it this was the right thing for me to do but I pushed all those thought to one side as right now all I wanted was to concentrate on Nic. Forget about everything that has happen to feel pleasure rather than pain anymore.

Nic crawls up, between my legs where he stops to rid me of my panties. He slings it away carelessly, his ogling eyes never leaving the naked place they covered. He continues to stare, licking his lips - obviously beyond aroused by the sight but there's nothing to hide my intimate folds. Nic was taking his sweet, torturous time - enjoying in his private viewing activity. He makes no move to touch me but the greedy mould of his face is pushing me to run up the steps of desire, taking them three at a time. I shift in needy response.

He growls, low in his chest while he grips my inner thighs, pushing them apart. "Keep still or I'll make you." I gasp at his insulting threat and on pure instinct and raw desire my hips tilt up by their own accord, crazy in its need for any contact. His hands slip around, cupping my ass as he pushes his nose into my pussy, inhaling deeply.

"Nic please," I moan, begging for more. I didn't want him to stop but it felt like some kind of torture I was going through. Nic comes away I catch his gaze. His eyes look unfocussed - cross-eyed with lust.

"I've missed you, I've missed you so much." His expression a strange blend of pain and joy, whispered words that were desperate need. He swiftly stretches to cover my body with his, kissing me wildly. He raids my mouth savagely, our arms and legs tangling and squirming, taking in the perfect pleasure of intimate contact.

Nic rolls taking me with him and we pause for air, faces flushed only thing was running through my mind was we doing the right thing here. That moment faded away with my body on top of his I stroke my hand over the sprinkling of stubble, reacquainting myself with every curve and dip of his face. "So how much have you missed me?" I stated with a smile.

Another low hum is his reply and he closes his eyes clearly striking a cord. "Come here." It was a sensuous command but I didn't understand I raise an unsure brow. "Come, sit here, on my chest." He pats his sternum. His silky voice is dripping with erotic promise. Well I did as he told as I recalled what love making was like with Nic. I was eager to find out what passionate delight he has in store for me. It only takes a second for me to grasp the nature of the deeply intimate act he has in mind and I nibbled at my lip, to control myself a little as I hadn't felt this kind of rush for what seem like an eternity with him. My legs were bent with my knees resting on either side of his head. My ass sitting on his chest, taking my weight which leaves my secret opening utterly vulnerable, not to mention very close to Nic sinful mouth. I can feel his breath on me, quiver and making my heart stutter.

Nic hands move around and grip my ass firmly, holding me in place. I get a sense of how easy it will be for him to control my pelvic movements from this position and it stirs me, being in his power like this. Nic always like to be in control and I was willing to surrender to his commands as what thoughts and fears I had were slowly disappearing. With my head bowed forward, the loose curls of my hair spill over my shoulders and cover my breasts; only the hard tips of my nipples are peeking from between the strands. Nic eyes were linger on them for a moment before he presses me onto his mouth.

"Aahh," I moan falling forward from the impeccable relief of his touch. I brace myself with my hands flat on the bed just above his head. While Nic took full advantage of my breasts so close to his face, clamping a hot mouth over the bud and sucking hard.

I felt myself shudder as I felt the pleasure of being in his embrace to feel his touch in this way once again. When I try to right myself to sit up again; he bites down before letting me go. With that one motions it sent my back arching and pelvis thrusting forward, playing straight into his waiting tongue's hand. Nic licks at me with long wet strokes and I lose all reason. He focussing fiercely on that one tiny spot of overriding pleasure. His tongue slips inside me and my body tenses at the unexpected intrusion before I relaxed into it, slicking in response.

Nic was far too focused watching him while he moan in pleasure was such a turn on, I can barely watch through my heavy lids for fear of spontaneous combustion. The light penetration of his tongue I watch his face which was filled with pleasure as devouring me. He breaks the contact and gently blows on my sensitive, heated flesh, cooling but not calming.

"Touch yourself Siena, touch your breasts. I want to see you." This is so intimate, so hot, so very Nic and I want nothing more than to please him. I reach for my breasts and cup them. I knead and squeeze and hear his responsive roan. I ran my hands all over my chest and breasts, pushing them together before I start on my nipples.

Nic spears me with his tongue but his eyes are on me, following every swipe and swirl of my hands. I push myself onto his strong tongue. I watched as his eyes crinkle at the corners, indicating a smile at my eagerness. When he began to flexes his tongue I pinch my nipples - hard and gasp. I can feel the orgasm building, my body awash with sexy sensation. Then he licks me over the length of my pussy, finding my swollen clitoris and the spiralling begins, spinning like a top. My lids are almost closed but I keep my eyes trained on him until I can't anymore as my back arcs and my head lash, screaming his name in release.

When I open my eyes I'm flat on my back and Nic is hovering over me, lying between my legs as an urgent erection prods for attention at my entrance. I'm still breathing hard and very dazed, coming down from my explosive climax. Nic hooks one of my legs over his shoulder and rims me with an exploring finger to check for lubrication. He obviously likes what he finds, "Oh Siena!" he cry into my mouth as he plunges into me.

We moan together and our union is complete. Immediately he starts to move, his strokes long and hard - unerring. His hands curl into my hair, pinning my head in place. His desire is driving him on and I revel in him getting lost in me. He angles his hips, impatient to feel the length of me. We lock our gazes, twin expressions of adoration.

He kisses me roughly before he commands, "Come for me sweetheart." Nic didn't need to tell me to hold back, clenching around him, strengthening our lush friction and clawing at his sweat slick back. I could feel that moment of climax coming to me like sense of pure ecstasy "Thank fuck!" he spits through a gritted jaw, emptying himself into my depths. Nic kisses my inner thigh, next to his ear then gently unhooks my leg. He wraps me in his arms, but doesn't withdraw when he rolls us onto our sides. We both silently gazed at each other Nic still looking at me with the same adoration that looked he used to give me all those years ago. His eyes full of love, wonder and desire. I knew I had gotten lost in the moment that we spoke about our past but was this the right thing for us to do?

"Nic..." I start but he kisses me quiet. I always enjoyed Nic kisses but I needed to say this. "I wan..." again his lips eat my words and I giggle as I think he knew what I was going to say. Nic and I probably knew each better than anyone he was my first and I had explored so many things with him. He really did know me inside and out and what was on my mind.

"I know what you want to say." He kisses my cheek, the corner of my mouth and my chin. "I don't want to hear it." The tip of my nose is next, followed by my eyebrow. "I don't want to talk about it" Now he's kissing my temple and trails back down to my mouth where he deepens the kiss. Nic just wanted to be lost in this moment as much as I did that maybe this was our last chance to see if there was that spark between us. Nic brushes the hair off my face, "You hungry?" his gaze is soft with love.

I grin "starving!" I spoke honestly to him as after that round with Nic I was in need of some blood. He kissed me once again before climbing out of bed. He walked over and grabbed his pants and placed them on he turned to me and gave me that adorable mischievous grin.

"I won't be a moment sweetheart" he stated as he button up his dark blue shirt, Nic always looked handsome in deep blue. He rushed over to me and planted another feverish kiss on my lips before leaving the room. I fell back onto the fluffy pillows looking up at the celling for the first time since being here I felt myself smile. Maybe New Orleans might become home after all.

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