Love You Better

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

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By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"Hey sis did you see that the official soccer schedules came out?" Tanner said handing me his phone to look at the schedule.

"Wow we play Alachua our first game, I don't know why we have to face one of the best teams out there. They really want us to start 0-1-0." "Same, but Julian, Nick, and Khalid said that we're gonna be better prepared this time around."

"Well I'm actually gonna play against them this time." "True they needed you. Without you they didn't have a play maker and they didn't know what to do. You're captain for a reason."

"Aww Thanks Tan. Do you have a homecoming date yet?" "Uh Yeah, I'm taking Camila Perez." "Wait you're taking Camila, the one on my team?" "Yeah, we've been taking for awhile and I thought it would be good to get to know her more." "Are you sure you can handle an older girl?" "She's a sophomore and technically I'm supposed to be a sophomore so we're both 15." "Oh yeah."

"Are you going with Carter from UF?" He asked and then I looked at him with wide eyes. "Where did you hear that from?" "Lex, she told me that after she made me watch her try on her dress and help her pick out makeup on Saturday."

"Well since I trust you more than her, he's not real. I made him up because I was on FaceTime with someone and I didn't want her to find out who it was with." "Julian?" "No it was just one of his friends that I know, but I didn't want her to find out because she would've wanted to know everything about them."

"So who actually is your date?" "I hate this question, you know why? Because everyone keeps asking when they know damn well that I don't have a date." "Okay Relax, if you want I can get Christian to go with you." "No, I don't want your pity and plus I think he's gonna be on vacation so he won't even be there. I don't want a date at all." "Whatever you say, I'll be in the car waiting."

"Good morning everyone." My sister said coming down the stairs with a big smile on her face. "What's up with you?" "Oh nothing except for the fact that I'm in the Homecoming court." She said clapping her hands.

"Nice, don't act like a bitch though, guys don't like that." "Yeah I learned that the hard way, but I'm gonna talk to him today."

"But why are you acting surprised? You were in the court the past 2 years." "Well since there's not a court for seniors, I wanted to get in one last time. To be honest they need to change that." "Nope, too many fights would break out."

"Whatever let's go, I need to talk to teachers about make up stuff." "Dude you literally missed a day, not a year." "Shut it." She said as we walked to the car.

On our way to school we just listened to music while Tanner ranted about how girls are so complicated and Lexi argued that boys were more complicated.

When I got out of the car I walked to my locker. To my surprise both Allie and Miles were standing there talking.

"Hey you two." I said messing up both of their hair. "Hey, we were just talking about you." Allie said "Yeah, it seems like you're still in a rough place." Miles replied back. "Nah I'm just trying to get through this week." "Honestly Same."

"So do you two have dates?" "Well were about to do a dare right now, if I win I get to pick her date and if she wins she gets to pick my date. She has to see if a weird kid has a thing for her and if he does I win." "You're so on." She said walking over to the weird kid who got into a fight with Miles the other day.

"Hey Sam." "Uh hhhi Allie Clifford, how do you know my name?" "I've heard a lot about you." "From who?" "Your boyfriend Miles, he talks about you sometimes." "That's not my boyfriend, but maybe you can be." She said pushing herself on him.

"Oh I don't know about that, you're just so beautiful." "Yeah and you look mediocre." She said looking at us disgusted. "Well if you really wanna do this, I guess starting off with my first kiss is a good start." He said pursing his lips together.

"Fuck, I can't do this." She said pushing him off of her. "What do you mean Beautiful?" "This was all just a dare and I lost because your just not my type at all." "Did your boyfriend put you up to this?" "He's not my boyfriend and yeah, he hates you." "I hate him too beautiful, but we can work things out." "No." She screamed.

"Aww look who lost." He said laughing. "Okay tell me my freakin date." "Well since I didn't get a chance to do a dare, I decided that I should go easy on you." "Thanks."

"So your date is Mr Noah Spencer." He laughed. "Oh hell no, he has to go with the cheer captain." "Hey Pretty girl, you are one of the cheer captains." "Shit."

"Yo Miles did you find me a date yet?" Noah asked walking over to him and looking me up and down. "I actually did." "Cool where is she?" "Right in front of you." He said pointing at Allie.

"Ha you got me there, but seriously where is she?" "Dude it's Allie and by tradition you have to go together since she's one of the captains of the cheer team and you're one of the football captains.

"Ugh why didn't you become a cheerleader?" Noah asked annoyed. "Because she's always played soccer and is committed to it, unlike you when you dated her." Allie said distancing herself from him.

"Well technically I can go with Karlie or Brit." "Sorry dude, but Karlie isn't going and Brit is going with me." "Wait you're going with Brit?" Allie asked as her eyes started getting red.

"Uh Yeah." "I gotta go." She said pushing herself between them.

"What was that all about?" They laughed. "Nothing, I gotta go." I said pushing through them. As I went to stop her, she walked right into her first period class.

On my way walking into class, I saw Julian talking to Khalid. For a second my heart fluttered, but then I realized that I was really mad with him.

Before he could walk into the classroom I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him into a nearby closet. "Yo What's wrong with you?" He asked and then he looked up.

"Morgan?" "Listen I don't have time for your bullshit." "Listen what I did to you was wrong and all, but.....-" "that's not what this is about."

"Then what's this about?" "You are such a liar." "How?" "You told My sister that you were going to The University of Michigan this weekend which was a lie. What did you do, cheat on her again."

"Okay first off so what if I lied, I just wanted alone time and second off I cheated on her with you so don't put the blame on me. If I cheated on her there was a reason behind it." "So you cheated on her just to have sex with me?" "It wasn't like that." "Then What was it like?" I asked and then the first bell rang.

"Look we can talk about this later okay." "You know that you can't just push all your problems away." "Yeah I can, we haven't talked for days." "You're such a dick." I said slamming the door in his face.

"You're back." I heard Lexi scream after I walked into the room. She went running toward Julian and went to hug him. "Hey." He said half hugging her.

"Um can you guys move, I'm trying to get an education here." Khalid said walking into the classroom as I started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked sitting right in front of me. "No reason." "You mean you started to realize that I am starting to hate them together." "That's funny because didn't you like them like 2 weeks ago." "A lot can change in two weeks." "Yeah It sure can."

"So did anyone mention that he said your name before they almost hooked up?" "Yeah, it sounds like he made a mistake though so she's fine about it." "It's probably not." "What do you mean?"

"Okay class so today...."
"Ugh did the storm last night keep you two up too?" Julian asked sitting next to Khalid on Julian's bed at his house. "Ugh did I skip the part where you didn't talk to me?" "I shouldn't have asked, you were clearly having a moment this morning."

"Yeah well you clearly had a few moments this weekend." "Woah did you two fuck again?" Khalid asked jumping up from the bed as we gave him these confused looks.

"No, this kid told his girlfriend that he was going to Michigan this weekend to go visit their university." "I needed personal time." "Yeah that's understandable, but you can't just lie and shut yourself out because lying isn't gonna get you anywhere."

"She's right dude, she's your best friend, she would know best." "Well she has a funny way of showing it, instead of trying to work things out all she did was ask me to tell Tanner that she was going home."

"Do you not understand how upset I was? I kept lying to myself and denying my feelings for you and when I told you, you just let me walk away." I said. "I'm just gonna go now" Khalid said grabbing the door and then i walked out when I felt Julian's hand grab my other hand.

"What was I supposed to do, tell you I felt the same way? I have a girlfriend and I haven't treated her right."

"I understand that but you're just so fucking confusing. One day you tell me that no other girl has made you felt the way that I made you feel and then you're asking me to just stay friends, but still have sex. After all of that we go back to your hometown and all of a sudden we're ready to hook up and your girlfriend texts you that she loves you. How was I supposed to feel? Okay with it?"

"Why do we have to bring this up again? I fucked up and I know that, but I didn't expect you to catch feelings."

"I already had feelings for you, but you already knew that since we went out every night on vacation." "I admit that I had those feelings too. I was a stupid kid who didn't know what he wanted and I still don't know what I want."

"Well you should figure that out because I'm sick and tired of you messing with Lex. You either want her or you don't, it's that simple." "It's just confusing when you have other people who care just as much or even more about you." He said wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me towards him.

"Julian." "No just listen to me. I've put you through hell and back and it sucks knowing you feel differently about me and I wanna make that up to you." He said and then he attempted to kiss me.

"Julian I can't" I said pushing his chest away. "What's wrong?" "Everything. You said it yourself, you're trying to fix your relationship and this isn't gonna fix it." I said walking out of the room, but this time he didn't stop me, he just let me walk away like he always did.

After I got into my car and sped off. I don't understand why he has the decency to just play with my mind when he knows that I can just tell Lex.

As soon as I pulled up into the driveway I noticed Lexi with a guy that I've never seen before. They seemed awfully close, too close.

"Oh hey sis this is Conner, he's Miles' cousin." "Oh hi." I waved. "He's here to work on a civics project with me. We're doing a poster on each branch." "Nice, can we talk for a second?" "Oh yeah, you can go up to my room Con."

"What's up?" "Did you talk to Julian?" "Yeah we talked, kissed and made up if you didn't notice this morning." "Oh yeah, did you ask him about this weekend?" "Yeah he said the campus is Really pretty and the people there are great." "Interesting."

"Have you talked to him lately?" She asked Crossing her arms. "Nope, we're not as close as we used to be." "Interesting..well I gotta go, I don't wanna keep Conner waiting."

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid." "Why would I do anything stupid, I love Julian a lot." "You love him?" "Yeah Of course I do. He treats me so right and makes me feel special." "Well sometimes he does stupid stuff, so don't be like him." "Oh I won't." She said walking into the house.
"So you coming to the game on Friday?" Noah asked walking up from behind me.

"I thought I told you." "Told me what?" "I have a scrimmage all the way in Lake City which is an hour away and it starts at the same time as the game." "So you're saying that you're gonna skip my last homecoming game?" "Yeah." "You Promised me that you wouldn't miss a major game." "That was when we were together." "Whatever your loss." He said rolling his eyes.

"Have you gotten your stuff to match with Allie?" "No, I don't even know what she's wearing." "She's wearing white which means you would have to wear a black shirt with a white tie." "Hell no, I'm going to homecoming not getting married."

"Relax, I'm just telling you what would match. Have you at least ordered her wrist corsage yet?" "I thought she was supposed to get that since you always got both." "I only got both because I knew you would forget to order it." "Oh great."

"And how are you guys getting there?" "Was I supposed to get a limo too?" He asked really stressed.

"No I'm just asking if you guys are going with some other people or if you're going by yourselves." "Oh we're just going by ourselves because when I told her we were going with other people, she threw a fit and told me she hated my friends." "Yeah Maybe because you dared them to throw eggs at her house freshman year." "Dude the past is in the past, I'm a changed man." "You mean a changed teenage boy." "Yeah Okay What ever helps you sleep at night."

"Okay but how are you actually getting there?" "My brother came home from college with his Black Mercedes Benz and I decided that the Lamborghini I drive would be too much for her so we're going in that." "Wow it seems like you care about her feelings." I laughed.

"In her dreams. All I'm worrying about is getting you to forgive me fully so we could pick up where we left off and when I can get out of this hell." "Oh c'mon Noah, school doesn't seem like hell for you at all. You have friends, football, and next semester you get to leave early." "It's hell when you're struggling to graduate. I'm currently failing physics." "And that's why I told you not to take that." "Well you already knew that I'm not a good listener."

"You'll graduate I promise and if you need help Allie takes Physics." "I know, we're in the same class and she knows everything. Do you think she would help me?" "If you treat her right at homecoming." "Than that's what I'll do."

"So where do you think you wanna go to college?" "Definitely Florida State or UCF. I have a scholarship to go play at those schools." "That's great Noah."

"What about you? Don't you wanna play in college?" "Nah I feel like I'll be ready to move on after high school." "Makes sense. I almost did that, but I've always had this dream of going professional and I don't wanna give up on that dream." "Makes sense." "Yeah."

"You know, you've matured since we've been broken up, what happened to the "I don't give a fuck about anything" Noah? "I realized that you broke up with me because I was immature and I wasn't gonna let the next girl go through what you went through with me."

"Aww someone is sensitive." I said pinching his cheek and then Julian walked by giving us a dirty look.

"What's his problem?" "Don't know, don't care." "Is Lex too much for him to handle?" "The better question is can he handle Lexi." "Miles did, I'm sure he can since he's probably fucked every girl he's come in contact with."
"Honey I'm taking Tanner to the doctor, I'll be back before you know it so don't do anything stupid." "Why would I do anything stupid?" "Because I know that my kids do stupid things all the time." "Like....?"

"Mom hurry up, I feel like My arm is gonna fall off." Tanner screamed. "What happened to him?" "He fell at practice and most likely broke his arm." "Aww Well Tell him to feel better." "I will, see you later."

As soon as she left I put my music up on blast. Lexi was probably out and about with Julian so I had the whole house to myself for a few hours.

After I noticed a suspicious car pull into my driveway. The car had a Florida License plate, so I assumed someone just got a new car.

I decided to run to the kitchen to get food when the door bell rang.

"Morgan?" The voice said and then I looked up. "Zach!" I screamed hugging him.

"Well someone is happy to see me." "Well Yeah I'm really surprised. What are you doing here?" "We're on fall break and since I'm not sure when football is gonna have a break, I decided to come visit now." "Well how long are you here for?" "I'm here till Monday."

"Have you told Julian yet?" "Not exactly, but I'll act like it's a surprise." "Are you sure, what if he finds out?" "Relax, I'm staying at a hotel a few towns away."

"Well I'm really happy you're here." "Me too." He said winking.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing really loudly. Of course Lexi's name popped up.

"Hello?" "Hey Morg, Mom said she's gonna be stuck at the doctor with Tanner for awhile and I'm done at the mall. Can you pick me up?" "Yeah I'll be there in a few." "Thanks." She said and then I hung up the phone.

"Cutting our time short?" He asked leaning on the door frame. "Yeah my sister is stuck at the mall so I have to go get her." "Well I hope I can take you somewhere tomorrow night."

"Well I have a Soccer game in Lake City tomorrow." "Damn that's far. What time do you think you'll be back?" "Around 6 or 7ish." "Okay we can make this work. I'll meet you here at 7:45." "Sounds good." "See you tomorrow." He said pressing his lips on my cheek.

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