Making Sense in Inverse

Oleh Mr_Stranger

26 4 1

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Making Sense in Inverse

21 3 1
Oleh Mr_Stranger

Half alive, breathing but lifeless; I walk with the public as the common I appear I am. Eyes lies, I'd say.

I strive into engraving silence. More or less, I'd rather stay cloaked onto myself. I'm not the only one who appears what he really is not.

I moved along with a couple of zombies. Not the walking dead but the humans living stagnant. Those who been blind by media and sovereign, who would choose to be just another puppeteer of the notorious government.

Myself could have say much as time continues, time where everybody marked it as a whole earth's rotation but imagine what is the basis of time when this planet at the sun wasn't existing.

Wake up call - there is more to a reason why everybody is different. It's not just DNA, it's something in my mind that will denote us from the others. In the realm of your spirit, marks difference.

Was once innocent, bonded by the chains of daily routines. Half existing, curse enough to be knowing of the things I must not.

Could you say I'm just another typical guy?


For what I see is dark, blackness cloaks around the living room with deafening silence reeking suspiciously. One drop of water rippling from the faucet can distress the condominium with cacophony. Wary of the unexpected.

I tuck myself to my bed, consumed again with my thoughts. Am I just exaggerating or plainly I'm thinking rationally?

I slowly closed my eyes, crossing my hands at my chest over my tear pendant. Drastically sleeping away my consciousness and here I go.... To the other world...

My entity dramatically detached from my body, I levity mid-air with a sight of my body asleep. I feel enlighten as if that I don't have any weight, swaying around the air of this dimension with the upside-down view of everything. Might as well call this the infamous Astral Projection, yet I call this world the inverse world.

Things to know about inverse world.

First, it takes place when the sun has taken it's slumber in the horizon. I can still function fine when the sun is up but I never have a recollection of what happen post dawn, I just find myself perfectly fine.

Second, what will I do in the inverse world will have no impact to the real world. Those who are conscious at that point in the night has no ability to see me or recognize my presence.

Thirdly, I'm not the only one lingering in this dimension. Few of the dead, the enlighten, the scavenge, the pure entity, etc lives here. For a human, my sight for them is rare. Note: nobody can harm me over the inverse world.

Last and mostly, this is no dream. This is the real deal.

This world looks like a reflection of everything at the real world over the water. Pixels, those small round luminous units, float swiftly everywhere. They can't make a sound, but quite curious creatures.

I'm been wandering here since I was a child, I don't happen to know why it seems I'm the only one who managed to do so but I've been just very observing of this place. So much as everything, I prefer this over the real world.

I flew relaxing to the door, in quite a different perspective since everything is mirrored upside down. I placed my left hand on my tear pendant, which I never really have a memory on how I got it. It was mine as long as I can remember.

Slowly, I opened the door and viola, the neighborhood of the inverse town. The upper view is the ground and the bottom view is never ending darkness. Although this place is a mirror of the real word, there's no stars, just a dark silhouette of the moon and another bloke light.

For the city of lights, having the view of everything upside down sure would make you feel in a whole new world. Busy taxis and cars looks like they're running at the ceiling on the world. Hovering over everything, somersaults whenever you want and at the top of all, no stamina. Just like sleeping.

More pixels buzzed everywhere, with more variety of colors from sky blue to black. Nothing differs besides the color, really.

Few ghost of dead lingers around lingers but really just repeat over day and day. They seem to not notice me. I came into conclusion that they are only a reflection from the read world hindered by the eye.

Wanderers, they wear a white cape masking their face with darkness, even their hands are opaque and their foot. They seem to notice me but they're a silent race.

The enlighten, which is actually rare in the inverse world. They look like angels with wings of a fairy and quite a dominated by girls. They DO talk but shedding a conversation with pure talk is just not engaging.

Nevermores, they are creatures who comes with a different of variety. I call everything who seem not be in anatomy with the human as Nevermores, besides Pixels due to the abundance. They're all out random to be described. There are unicorn shaped hollows with the darkest shade of gray, blood stained floating table mantles, and even floating knives but they would just phase through everything. Spaced out everywhere.

I often fly away like a madman and phase through everything. I can't go into collision to any other entity who lives here. Sometimes I'll just bash through an entire structure and find all sorts of nocturnal people at the night. Mostly parties, people hanging out and I even accidentally crashed into a room with pairs making out. Moving along~

It always have been a regular routine, which I would never get tired of doing. Sure I could spy into my professors office and see what he has for the upcoming finals but I just can't touch anything due to the nature of phasing through things. I might start sounding redundant but I'll just note 3 things: Phasing, Upside-down, and levitation.

Visiting the neighboring cities is a charm but if I managed to screw my timing and be miles away from my body 5 minutes before dawn, I found myself overslept along with a persistent migraine.

As much as fascinating everything might sound, even with the lack of visualization. This isn't just the most of my story.

- I am Lucas Drew Crevass, 19 years old, and sincerely this is not your boy-next-door.


"Wake up you worthless piece of brick" my mother shouted knocking brutally on the door.

Remind me again that Christmas vacation just recently started.

She actually said "Lucas it's late in the morning." The former line is just my comprehension of the hidden subliminal message in her words.

I inserted my head under the pillow reducing the noise.

"Come on," Mother knocked rhythmically. "We're heading to the church later for the mass."

I'm not even a catholic, from the other world I traveled, what seems the church told is nothing but a cake. Things such heaven doesn't exist.

I continued to negate her, I hated everybody for a reason.

Mother refrained from knocking. "I guess you need more rest since you just arrived yesterday," she sighed then her footsteps sounded lower seeming she's walking away on the halls.

As much as nice as she seems but it's just a mascara. I have an ability to perceive lies, cloaks, and masks in one glimpse. From the moment I stepped into the house I can feel her detest me. I'm not his kin son, my father left me to her so technically she's just a step mother. She's just nice, because my relatives are also staying in our condominium.

I rose from the bed and proceeded to the bathroom. Home, I meant condo, seems alive with even the abrupt christmas decorations, even the bathroom curtains are patterned with reindeer and sleigh.

I took off my clothes and went on the shower, behind the corny curtain to give myself a nice morning bath with my phone playing "Hurricane" by Panic! At the Disco. Loud enough to shroud the shriek of children running back and forth at the hall. Snotty kiddos.

Unwary with my eyes close, I turned the shower off unravel the curtains to reach for the towel.

"Eeeeeeeeeek" screamed a feminine girl which out volumed my player.

Quickly I grab the towel I reached and shrugged it to my face. I opened my eyes and there's a girl about my age continually screaming in front of me covering her face with her hands, her eyes where slightly peeked between her fingers directly looking at my junior.

Responding, I wrapped the towel around my waist and turned my player off. "Who the hell are you?" I groaned annoyingly.

She blushed and turned around. "Ew, ew, ew" she cited repeatedly as she rushed out of the bathroom.


A/N well, another story but this time around I'll promise the updates whatever might happen.

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