Give me a reason to believe (...

By Reinerscvm-dumpster

991 42 7

Frank and Gerard have been best friends forever. What happens when a new kid arrives and gets in between the... More



40 2 0
By Reinerscvm-dumpster

*Frank's POV*

The bell rings and now it's time for lunch. As the bell rings, Bert jolts up. "Is class over already?" He asks. I nod 'yes.'

"Cool" He says. "Hey Bert" I talk, "Would you want to have lunch with us?" I offer him. "Sure, that'll be rad" Bert says. "You don't mind, right Gee?" I ask Frank. He goes stiff for a bit and answers "I don't mind."

We grab our stuff and head to the jungle-like cafeteria and we find an empty table for four.

*Gerard's POV*

Throughout lunch, Frank and Bert talk up a storm and I'm left to do what? Nothing. I simply took out a book and read through out the whole lunch.

Finally, the lunch bell rang and I packed my stuff up quickly and speed walked to English leaving Frank behind.

I sit in a desk in the back by the widow and pull my book back out.

The seat to my right shuffles but I don't look up.

"What's wrong Gee?" I hear Frank. I continue reading and ignoring him.

"Gerard, talk to me" He says and pokes my shoulder.

I continue to ignore him and read. He pokes at me a few ore times and the bell rings signaling that class is starting.

The teacher introduced herself and we did more ice breakers.

God, my chest feels like its tightening more and more as it's Frank's turn to introduce himself.

"What about you young man? What's your name and what do you like to do?" The teacher asked me.

I looked around and heard some people snicker.

Frank stood up. "His name is Gerard and he likes to draw. He's really good at it" Frank says and sits back down.

"Nice to meet you Gerard" The teacher says and continues to go around.

I look at Frank and say "Thanks Frankie."

"You're talking to me" He says and smiles.

"I'm sorry for acting like an ass" I say and look down. "It's okay" Frank says and places a hand on my shoulder. "Tell me what's wrong?" He says and lifts my face up with two fingers so we look each other in the eyes.

"Well" I begin, "At lunch, you just totally ignored me. To talk to Bert." "You were reading, I didn't want to interrupt you because I know how you hate being interrupted when you do something" Frank says. It's true, I hate being interrupted.

"Oh" I say.

"You can talk to me about anything Gerard. If you don't want me to talk to Bert, I won't" Frank says.

"No, I don't want you to stop making friends because of me" I say. Now I feel bad.

"How about this" Frank says, "We're still best friends, but let's just include Bert in during our fifth lesson and lunch."

"Alright" I say.

The rest of the class goes by quickly and the bell rings. The last class is Chemistry. Frank and I get a lab table in the back.

I constantly look at the front door in hope that Bert doesn't show up. The bell rings, and to my luck, Bert isn't here.

In this class we don't do ice breakers which I'm glad about.

The teacher introduces himself as Mr. Urie (Te-hee)

He's pretty attractive.

He talks about what we're going to be learning and blah-blah-blah.

The bell rings and now it's time to go home.

Frank and I walk to the front gates. "You're coming over right?" He asks. "Yeah" I say and his mom pulls up. We get in and Frank stops as he's getting in. "Look, It's Bert" He says

"What's up" Bert says as he walks up to the window.

"Hi Bert" Frank greets. "Mom, this is Bert he is new. Bert, this is my mom" Frank introduces Bert and Linda to each other.

"Hello Mrs. Iero" Bert says and extends his hand out to Frank's mom. "Nice to meet you Bert, and please, call me Linda" He says.

Oh no, they're on first name bases.

"Do you need a ride?" Linda asks.

"If it's not such a bother" Bert says. "Hop in" Linda says and unlocks the doors.

Bert tells Linda where he lives and they talk the whole way. Frank jumps in a bit in their conversation and I stay quiet.

We arrive at Bert's house and it's pretty big, he gets off and we drive to Franks house.

"Bert is a nice kid" Linda says and she kills the engine.

"You two hungry?" She asks as we go in. "PIZZA" Frank exclaims. "I'll order half vegetarian and half pepperoni, is that okay?" Linda asks.

"Yes please" I say.

Frank and I go upstairs to his room and he shuts the door.

"So, anyone you think is cute?" Frank asks and jumps onto his bed.

"You first" I say.

"Well, I mean, Bert's a bit cute, but I don't have a crush yet or anything" Frank says.

He says he's confused on his sexual orientation, he's both attracted to girls and boys so he's bi.

"I think Mr. Urie is attractive" I say. Same for me, but I'm more attracted to boys than to girls so I'm gay.

"Mr. Urie?" Frank exclaims.

"Yeah" I blush a bit.

"Damn" Frank says.

"Hey Frank?" I ask and look down. "Yeah?" He asks.

"When you were dating that one girl Clarissa, did you two ever kiss?" I ask. "No, all we did was hug and hold hands. I'm pretty sure you're first kiss is suppose to be with somebody special, or with someone you love" Frank says and looks at me.

"Have you had your first kiss?" He asks. "Look at me Frank" I say, "Who would want to kiss me?"

"Anyone would be lucky to have you Gerard" Frank says and smiles at me. I blush a bit and say "Thanks."

"Anyways, I think Mr. Urie is dating someone" Frank says. "Really, who?" I ask. "First of all, a man that attractive can't be single. Second of all, I think he's gay. I heard he dated Mr. Ross, but they have a on and off relationship" Frank says.

"Wow" I say.

"Pizza's here" Linda yells from downstairs. "Let's eat, I'm starving" Frank says.

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