By AuthourX

12.6K 385 174

➖You're right, I am cold. But not in the way you'd think » ... More



2.3K 90 55
By AuthourX


"You look great, stop complaining."
Iris, Cami's mom chuckles looking
at her daughter who's sat next to
her on the struckers couch.

Cami chuckles and leans her head
on her mom's shoulder. She's since
changed out of the outfit Lauren
gave her, claiming it was too 'fancy'
and changed into a black vest top
with her leather jacket over it, but she
kept the jeans much to Lauren's

"Thanks." She grins.

"So, what're you getting up to
tonight, got a hot date or something?"
Cami smirks sitting up straight so
she can look at her mother.

Iris chuckles.
"Oh yes, me and Caitlin have a hot
date, with Netflix and a bottle of

Cami grins.
"Ooh, you saucy minx you."

Iris scoffs and playfully slaps her daughters leg.
"Behave you." She chuckles.

"You ready?" Lauren asks walking
over, her heels clicking against the marble
tiled floor of the Struckers kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm good." Cami nods.

Lauren smiles and heads off towards the door. Cami stands up and grabs
her phone off of the coffee table in
front of her.

"Have you got everything? your
keys? Phone? Wallet?" Iris asks
and Cami nods.

"I think so." She says patting her
pockets to check for the said items.

After confirming she has what she needs she leans down and hugs her mom.
"Love you."

"Love you too." Her mom smiles hugging her back.

Cami stands back up straight and
walks around the struckers couch
and over to the back door.
"Bye Caitlin." She smiles giving
the woman a slight wave.

"Bye Cami, make sure you both
go careful." Caitlin smiles waving
from the kitchen as she attempts
to find a cork screw opener for
the bottle of wine.

"We will." Cami chuckles.

Cami walks over to the back door
where Lauren is stood waiting.
Lauren opens the door and the
two girls walk out.

"Be home at eleven thirty!" Caitlin
calls just as they step outside.

"I know, I know. I love you." Lauren

"No drinking, drugs, or violence."
Iris calls and Cami snorts.

"Same to you." She calls out and
hears her mother release a cackle
of laughter from inside.

Lauren chuckles shaking her head.
"I swear you and your mom are the same person just born twenty odd years apart."

Cami shrugs with a grin as the girls reach Lauren's car.
Lauren unlocks the car and the two
girls climb in. Cami sighs and sits
back in her seat which she actually
finds surprisingly comfortable.

"Yo." A voice says making Cami scream.

The two girls heads snap back to
see Andy, Lauren's younger brother
sat in the back seat grinning.

"Dammit child." Cami groans
slumping back in her seat resting
her hand over her now erratically
beating heart.

Andy chuckles whilst Lauren rolls
her eyes at her brother.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Trying to murder me." Cami says
dramatically, earning a dismissive wave
from Lauren. Cami crosses her arms
over her chest and breaths deeply.

"I snuck out," Andy shrugs,
"I thought I'd go with you guys."

Lauren groans and her and andy
begin a long argument about whether
or not andy should be coming, and
what if their mom finds out, and
of course Andy's fan club, but 
after a quick debate Lauren
finally agrees to take him.

After a short car ride, the three
teens walk into the school hall
where kids are dancing happily,
the room itself is a bit dreary to
be fair, a few decorations to
spruce it up a bit, there's a large
banner in the middle of the floor
held up by two large poles,but the
lighting is very dim. Then again,
that's just the hall lights, they've
never been very strong,
the students keep telling the
principle they need changing
but he always seems to forget.

"Well this looks..." Cami starts
to say but isn't really sure how
she's going to end it.

"Festive?" Andy tries, his facial
expressions seeming to match
the same disgruntled look as

"Yeah, lets go with that." Cami

While the two are chatting Lauren's
disappears off with her boyfriend
and their off on the dance floor
making out causing Andy to grimace.

"Don't get pregnant!" He shouts
cupping his hands around his mouth.

Cami laughs as Lauren snaps her
head around to send her brother
a glare.

Cami sighs and looks around the
hall, not really knowing what to do

Andy looks up at her and shrugs.
"So, you wanna sit on the bleachers,
ignore people, and eat cake?" He

Cami sighs.
"Damn you know me well Strucker."

About one hour, two slices of cake,
and three fake punches later, Cami
is still sat up on the bleachers.
Lauren is still dancing with Jack,
and Andy kept eyeing this girl up
so Cami forced him to go ask her
to dance, but she hasn't seen him
since. So she's instead sat there
on her phone playing angry birds
because the damn school doesn't
have wifi.

"Seriously? It's two thousand and
seventeen. What place doesn't have WiFi
now a days." Cami grumbles to herself as
she taps away at her phone,
determined to beat the level, she's
completely engrossed in the game
until she feels the room start to
vibrate. And not the kind of vibrate
that was happening before, the vibration
of the music, and the people dancing,
no this was different it felt almost like
the entire building was shaking.

She looks around and suddenly
notices Lauren looking around with
fear in her eyes, but it was a fear
that almost looked like she knew
what was happening. Cami quickly
turns off her phone and pushes
herself off of the bleachers and
quickly makes her way down to

Before she can reach Lauren there's
a spark of electricity and the lights
go off and a pipe from the roof
suddenly cracks and falls to the
ground inches in front of her.

Her eyes widen in shock as the
room erupts into screams of fear.
The entire room turns into chaos,
people screaming and herding
towards the exit, almost knocking
people over as they go.
Cami pushes through the crowd
heading in the opposite direction
as everyone else making her way
to Lauren.

"What's going on?!" She shouts over
the noise. As she reaches her friend
just as Jack, Lauren's boyfriend,
runs off.

"Wimp." She mumbles watching as
Lauren's boyfriend runs off without

"I don't know! But I need to find Andy!" Lauren cries. And Cami's
eyes widen.

"You don't think this is..." She starts but
pauses when she sees the fearful
look in Lauren's eyes.

"Come on, let's find him." She shouts
and Lauren grabs her arm and pulls
her in the direction of the boys

As the girls are running a pole that
was holding up the banner creaks
and starts falling, seeing it's about
to crush two kids Lauren throws
her hand out and forms a sort of
bubble shield underneath it, giving
the students enough time to escape
but not steadying her pace towards
where she thinks Andy is.
Cami runs barely a step behind her,
she is a bit surprised when she sees
the shield, not because she hasn't
seen it before, but because it's the
first time Lauren's done it in public.
But she also knows that the only
thing Lauren cares about right now
is Andy, so she continues running
after her friend.

Just as they reach the boys bathroom
the door flies open and two of the
boys that Andy said are his bullies
walk out with a look of terror in
their faces.

Lauren stops in front of them causing
Cami to almost run into the back of
her but luckily manages to catch
herself before she does.

Before Lauren can open her mouth
more pipes and ceiling tiles come
hurtling towards the ground.
Cami throws her hands up out of
instinct but Lauren has already
formed another bubble shield
blocking them all from the debris.

The two boys look at them in shock.
Lauren ignores them and runs
forward, Cami follows her and
shoves one of the boys in her way
to the side

"Shift moron." She snaps as the boys
side makes contact with the wall
making him grunt in pain but Cami's
already inside the boys bathroom.
As the two girls make their way in
they see a boy lying on the floor
grimacing with blood running
down his nose and a gash on his
forehead, he clutches his head
and groans.

But their focus is drawn away by
Andy screaming in agony, the two
girls look across and Lauren runs
over while Cami can't help but
let her mouth fall agape. The walls
are dented and bashed in, the steel
shower heads are bent in a
completely different angle, and
Andy is sat in the floor covered
in water clutching his head

"ANDY!" Lauren screams trying to
be heard over all the noise.

Cami snaps herself out of her daze
and without even thinking she outstretches
her arm and let's
the cold sensation flow through
her veins and into her hand, as she
does the iris' in her eyes start to
change from their normal brown
colour and fade into a cold silver.
Icicles suddenly start to form on the
shower heads slowly stopping the
water from streaming onto Andy.

Lauren continues to scream at Andy
trying to get him to calm down as
Cami freezes both the showers
completely. Once she's finished
she shakes her wrist letting the
cold sensation fade and her eyes
slowly turn back to normal.

Lauren gets down next to Andy
and continues to calm him down,
Cami turns around and looks
behind her remembering the
boy that was on the floor, as she
makes eye contact with him she's
met by a look of fear from the boy.
She quickly looks away only now
realising that she just revealed her
powers to a complete stranger.
Not only her, but Lauren and seemingly
Andy as well.

"Lauren, we really need to go!" She
shouts over the racket of the
building shaking, wires fizzing,
and Andy's now less agonising cries.

Lauren looks up at Cami and then
back at Andy.
"Andy, we have to go!" She shouts.
Andy's screams have calmed by now
and he's just sat there as if he's frozen.

Andy nods slowly as he lets Lauren
drag him to his feet, Cami moves
towards them and helps Lauren
get Andy, the two girls put an arm
around his back and quickly start
to pull him away.

As they head towards the door the
building is slowly starting to calm
as Andy does. Cami looks back at
the boy lying on the floor who's still
looking at the three in fear.
She bites her lip anxiously.

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