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"So, what do you think? Blue or
Grey?" Lauren asks as she holds
two tops up to her phone for her
boyfriend to see.

"Huh?" Cami grunts looking up from
her phone from her sprawled out position across her best friends bed.

"I was talking to jack." Lauren says
waving a hand dismissively in
cami's general direction.

Cami rolls her eyes and looks back
down at her phone to continue browsing
eBay for eagles cd's.
"Shocker." She smirks to herself.

Lauren rolls her eyes and turns
back to her.
"Hush you."

Cami chuckles as she looks at Lauren
through the corner of her eye but
keeps her eyes focused mainly on
her phone.

"I've gotta go babe. Cami still hasn't chosen anything to wear tonight." Lauren says and Jack chuckles. Cami rolls her eyes making
a face of disapproval.

"Okay babe. I'll see you later.
By Cami." Jack calls.

Cami waves her hand distractedly in
the direction of Jack's voice.

Lauren chuckles and blows one last kiss
to her boyfriend before hanging
up and grinning to herself.

Cami looks up at her friend who's
still smiling after a few seconds and groans.
"You finished Juliet?" She grumbles.

Lauren snaps out of her trance and
turns to look at Cami.
"Shut up." She grins and sits on her
bed next to Cami snatching her
phone from her and turns it off.

"Hey!" Cami protests and reaches for her phone but lauren jumps up and
slips the phone into her pocket.

"Ah-ah. No more browsing your ancient musical taste. We have to
get an outfit picked out for you."

"Rude." Cami says crossing her arms
over her chest.
"Plus, why do I have to dress up? I'm
perfectly happy in these." She says
gesturing down to her hoodie and
sweatpants. Not wanting to go
through the hassle of dressing up to
go to a dance she doesn't want to go
too. To see people she doesn't really
like, and to sit on the stands with
alcohol free punch while couples
make out on the dance floor making
everyone uncomfortable.

Lauren rolls her eyes.
"I love you no matter what your like,
but I refuse to take you to the school
dance in sweatpants and a hoodie."
Lauren chuckles opening her closet door
in search of something for her
friend to wear.

"I have a Bon Jovi shirt on underneath!"
Cami defends.

Lauren chuckles and pulls out a pair
of black jeans first, and tosses them onto
her bed next to Cami.
"Try those on." Lauren says turning back
to the closet to look for a top.

Cami groans and rolls off the bed standing
up on the soft fluffy carpet by her friends
bed. She slides her sweatpants off and
picks up the jeans.

"You know the only reason I'm going
is because I love you right?" Cami says.
"Well, that and the free food." She corrects, attempting to pull Lauren's jeans on with a slight difficulty as the blonde is a bit
slimmer than herself.
"And couldn't you have to least given
me something less suffocating." Cami
chuckles finally pulling the jeans up and
doing up the buttons.

Lauren chuckles.
"I know, honestly I swear the only reason
you go to social events is for food."
Lauren grins pulling out a black sweater

"Well I happen to like a thing called
food, and a thing called cake, people can
judge me as much as they like,
I'm happy with the way I look."
Cami shrugs with a slight smile.

Lauren turns to her friend smiling proudly.
"And that's why I love you." She says holding out the sweater dress to her friend.

"Aw shucks! Your gonna make dang near blush." Cami says in a western accent and
takes the sweater from lauren. She holds it
up in front of herself and walks across
the room to the mirror looking at herself.

"See, you look great." Lauren grins sitting down on the bed crossing her legs.

Cami frowns.
"I'd look better in a Bon Jovi shirt." She

"Well, the coffee stains don't really work for you." Lauren smirks.

Cami turns and gasps, dramatically putting
her free hand on her chest.
"I think you will find I was pulling off the
hobo look very well." She says.

Lauren laughs and starts playing with the
edge of her duvet as Cami turns back to
the mirror.

Lauren continues to fiddle with the duvet,
her happy aura slowly fades into one of concern.

"...Cami?" Lauren says after a long silence.

Cami turns round quirking an
"Hmm?" She hums and then frowns
as she notices her friends worried

"Laur? What's up?" She asks putting the
dress across the back of a chair before
walking over the Lauren's bed and sitting
down next to her.

Lauren sighs.
"Have you... Had any more, y'know.
Developments?" She asks keeping her eyes trained on a particular spot on
her duvet.

Cami's entire body immediately
tenses knowing exactly what
lauren was talking about.

"Not recently no."
Cami pauses and looks at lauren.
"Have you?" She asks and lauren quickly shakes her head.

"No. No I just- I-I don't know. It's
just hard. Having to lie to everyone
like this." She says quietly.

Cami nods with a sullen expression.
"Yeah. Yeah it is," she agrees.
"I mean, after my dad left, me and mom
only had each other, yet all I
do is lie to her. It sucks, it
really sucks."

Lauren nods slowly.
"Well, at least your dad wouldn't be hunting you down to lock you up." Lauren forces a chuckles.

Cami gives her a crooked smile.
"I doubt he'd lock you up. He's your dad. Maybe a bit of a douche, but he's your dad
all the same." She smirks.

"Hey," Lauren chuckles slapping her friends arm playfully.
"I know you don't like him, but he's
still my dad." She grins.

Cami rolls her eyes.
"I don't not like him. I don't like what he
does." She says and grins.
"Okay, and maybe sometimes I find myself imagining him having a minor
accident... But nothing permanent."

Lauren shoots her a look trying to
look threatening but struggles to contain
her grin.

"Hey! I said non-lethal."
Cami raises her hands defensively.

Lauren lets out a small sigh and looks at her friend.
"So... Yes to the dress?"

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