We All Know The Good Girl TGG...

By Sheer-Dumb-Luck

1.5K 28 33

A collection of TGGBB one-shots Original characters belong to the ultra-amazing artist(writing IS art) RubixC... More

I Wasn't Drunk (Jordomi) Part One
THE HORROR! (Decomi)Part one

I Wasn't Drunk (Part Two)

371 10 7
By Sheer-Dumb-Luck

There's Jordan. P.S, you guys should be thankful to get that picture, because in order to get it there I had to save it to my phone, and if my parents find out that I have a picture of a boy on my phone I'M SO DEAD. So you're welcome, don't be under appreciative.
I will officially kill Declan now. And Bennett. We can't forget Bennett. Die.

You see, after Declan and Bennett left me with drunk Jordan, I had enough trouble getting him in the car. Once we finally got to the base, Jordan, being as drunk as he was, forgot about the dart-thingie that I still can't fully explain how it works.

So here I am, lugging a drunk AND unconscious Jordan up the stairs to get to his room.

"Why are you so FAT. Seriously dude, EAT LESS." I grumbled. Though I can't really blame him, food is pretty good.

After what felt like days of intense pain, I finally reached the door of Jordan's bedroom. I wasn't really carrying him, more like pushing him up the stairs.
When he wakes up he better thank me.

I carefully set him by the door (more like dropped him as hard as possible), and opened his door. I groaned, not wanting to do the awkward picking up/pushing thing again. So I grabbed his feet and dragged him into the room. Upon reaching the bed, I swung his legs on top of the covers. I groaned. Now I had to get the upper half of his body into the bed.

I looped my elbows under his arms, and heaved him up into the bed. I mentally applauded myself, but then I realised his feet were on his pillow.

Oh, well. He's lucky I didn't dump him on the couch.
2 Hours Later
(Jordan's POV)

I was awoken from my beauty rest when I heard an awful, horrendous (that's right! I know a big word, so suck it!) screeching noise coming from downstairs. I was in my room at the base, so it wasn't my mom, Bennett was never loud, Declan actually had a good voice, so based on recent experiences, it was Naomi attempting to sing.


Oh, darling mother of holy nachos.

I was walking down the stairs, well, more like tripping because I was still drowsy from being hit with the dart, when I remembered, I got hit with the dart!

After Declan and Bennett ditched me with Naomi.

Because I may or may not have pretended to be drunk to annoy them.

And then I still pretended to be drunk when I was with Naomi because, well, I couldn't just drop the act!

But then, I called that girl a Barbie, even though I can't really actually see her face.

Shit. That was embarrassing.

I entered the kitchen to see Naomi cracking eggs while rapping to Dynamo of Volition, by Jason Mraz, her back facing me.

Damn, she absolutely couldn't sing but man, she can rap!

Her phone buzzed from the counter beside her, and she picked it up, pausing her rapping.

I very quietly with my super ninja skills crept up behind her, till I was so close I could smell her scent of lavender.

"Whatcha doing?" I whispered an inch from her ear.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" She dropped her phone and screamed, eyes closed, and continued to scream till I put my hand over her mouth. Her eyes shot wide open, and she bit me. She frucking bit my hand, people!

She turned around to face me, looking angry, till she saw me nursing my fatal wound. Her eyes widened.

"Jordan? I'm so so so so so sorry! Just don't sneak up on me! Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Shit, woman! Remind me, never sneak up on Naomi," I laughed, and Naomi blushed.

"What time is it? I asked, and she picked up her phone.

"It's 12:59. I thought you'd be hungry when you woke up, so I'm making eggs, the only thing I know how how to make." She said. I smiled.

"Do- do you remember what happened last night? You were really drunk." She said. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yeah, last night, I may or may not have pretended to be drunk to annoy Declan and Bennett, sooo.... Yeah." I said. She stared at me blankly, then started yelling at me.

"Seriously? I had to get you into the car! Lug you up the stairs! And haul you onto your bed, but YOU COULD HAVE DONE IT YOURSELF!" She said.

Wow. This girl got fire.

"YOU ARE SO DUMB!" She yelled.

Damn, she was hot when she was angry. How come I really wanted to kiss her right now?

I stepped forward a little bit, and she backed up a little bit. I took another step forward, and she was against the counter.

"J-Jordan? Wha-what are you doing?" She stuttered. I put my hands on her waist, and leaned forward. Soon, my lips were on hers, and I was kissing her. I felt her stiffen, and then she kissed me back.

'HOLY SHIT, she's kissing me back,' was all I could think. I broke off from her, and backed away from the counter. I looked and Naomi, and she suddenly was very interested in the floor.

"Why did you do so that?" She asked me. I looked at her once again.

"Because I like you, Naomi." I replied. She looked up at me, surprise written all over her face, and then she smiled.

"Are you still mad?" I asked her.


Hello, young padawans. It is I, the author who has brought you this terrible one-shot. If you actually liked it, say so in the comments to help boost my self-esteem. Sorry if it's cringe-y, I have no experience in being in a relationship, only budging in on other people's love lives and crushing on several guys, who probably don't know I exist.
Thanks for reading!! Also, listen to Dynamo of Volition by Jason Mraz. That dude is THE SHIT. Seriously, he's a great artist.

P.S, if you have any requests/suggestions for future one-shots, let me know. I'm kinda stuck with figuring another one out.

{edit} P.P.S, if you can tell me what song Naomi was singing you will get a shoutout for being AN EPICALLY AWESOME PERSON in the next chapter.

~Sophie, the flaming elephant

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