Harry Hook x Reader | Lost On...

By Karmin_Flare

375K 10.3K 3.4K

[EDITING] You join Ben and some other Auradon students on a short trip to the Isle of The Lost. On the isle y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 35

7.4K 251 166
By Karmin_Flare

I sincerely apologize for such a late update. My winter holidays ended a week ago and I've been pretty busy the whole week + I kind of had a writer's block and didn't really know how to write the chapter.  But it's finally here, thank you for your patience!

Please read the author's note at the end  ♥

Enjoy!  ♥


"I swear it's gonna be us" Harry said, holding you by the waist.

The four of you walked closer to the stage. Fairy Godmother was in the center of it, ready to announce the winners.

She walked into the spotlight, in a light blue dress, decorated with pink flowers, her hair was, as always, in a bun.

"Good evening everyone" she spoke into the mic and the crowd went silent. "I want to begin with saying how gorgeous everyone looks."

Not bothering to listen to the whole speech, that didn't interest you even one bit, you looked over to Harry. He was just twirling his hook around, being as bored and uninterested as you.

You pulled out your phone and scrolled through the feed of one of your favorite social media sites.

"Put that thing away" Harry hissed pushing your phone down with his hook.

"What do you have against phones?" you looked at him.

"They're useless" he paused "and annoying. Especially that thing that wakes you up in the morning."

"Actually they are useful for a lot of things. I mean, they are not obligatory, but they do help in case of emergencies and stuff" you kept rambling, but when your eyes met Harry's it was clear he didn't care. "Whatever, I know I won't be able to change your mind" you rolled your eyes.

"Exactly" he said and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"It's time!" (F/n) squealed.

You laughed at her excitement and looked over to Harry with a smile. Harry smiled back at you, but his happiness immediately disappeared when Fairy Godmother announced the dance's Queen.

"What the hell is this?!" he raised his voice "why does she get to win?" he moved his hand up in annoyance. As expected, (F/n) was chosen, she jumped up happier than ever.

"Because she deserves it? We didn't even sign up for this contest" you chuckled.

Harry turned to you with a pout and you placed your hand on his clenched fist.

"And the King of the Spring Dance is..." Fairy Godmother said "Chad Charming!"

Chad and (F/n) went up on the stage and everyone was cheering for them as they walked.

"And what did that other one do to win?" Harry complained.

"I honestly have no idea" you shook your head. "You are a king for me, if that helps your ego" you patted him on the chest lightly and grinned. "(F/n) on the other hand worked all year for this, she always helped out in Auradon events and the students in general, so I'm glad she won" you said proudly "though I don't see what's the point in wining some title that won't matter at all later on."

"Who cares about what she did? You'd be a great princess" Harry said, putting his nose on yours.


"I'm not interested" you crossed your arms.

Harry scoffed and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"(F/n) won! Can you believe it?!" Gil said walking in between the two of you. Harry rolled his eyes and you let out a short laugh.

Gil and (F/n) were getting along really well, which seemed adorable to you.


For the rest of the night you hung around with Harry, (F/n) and Gil, having fun and laughing.

Being caught up in a conversation with (F/n) you didn't notice that Harry was missing, until you wanted to ask him something, but when you turned around he was gone.

"Have you seen Harry?" you asked switching your eyes to Gil.

"No idea where he went" he answered with his mouth full of cookies.

"I'll go look for him" you said and (F/n) nodded in response.

You stood up from the flower decorated bench you were sitting on and quickly walked around the room, checking any spot Harry might be in. However he was nowhere to be seen, and the few students you asked, didn't see him either.

At this point you were slowly starting to worry, hoping that nothing bad happened. When you passed by the balcony door a smile formed on your face.

Your dear pirate was there, alone, looking up at the night sky. You walked out of the noisy, crowded room to the balcony.

"Harry, why did you leave? I looked everywhere for you!" you said wrapping your arm around his "and what are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to interrupt your boring girl-talk" he turned his face to you with a smirk. "I just wanted to think, and it seems nice and calm here."

"What were you thinking about?" you asked. Harry let his hook hang on his belt, lifted you by the waist and sat you on the balcony's thick concrete railing.

"Well, you see, even if I'm now part of this whole Auradon place... Very shameful if you ask me" he joked "I'm still a pirate."

"Of course you are, nothing will change that" you said slightly confused and took both of his hands.

"But how will I be one when I'm stuck with this new life?"

"During school days of course you can't, but after graduation you'll be free to be whatever you want. Besides, more kids from the isle will be brought here in the close future, you can have your crew, you can be the captain and you won't have to follow anyone's orders" you smiled at him.

Harry looked at you, with a look in his eyes that you were very familiar with, but never understood what it meant.

"Harry, why are you always giving me this strange look every time I call you captain?"

"I'm just... Not used to it" he shrugged.

"Well you better get used to it, cause I won't let anyone make you a first mate again" you giggled.

"Will you be my first mate then?" he asked playfully and brought his face closer to yours.

"I'd love to" you smiled brightly at him and pecked his lips.

When you heard the last dance being announced, Harry stepped back and stretched out his hand.

"Can I have this dance?" he raised a brow and smirked.

"I honestly have no idea how to dance properly" you chuckled nervously.

"Neither do I" he looked amused at you.

You pushed yourself off the railing and took his hand. He led you to the middle of the balcony, then put his hands on your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looked in his eyes for a moment and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I can't breathe" Harry whispered. You laughed and rested your head on his chest.

"I'm so grateful for meeting you" you said as you both started slowly swinging from side to side, to the rhythm of the peaceful music.

"Why? There are others that could make you happy."

"Maybe, but you are the only one I crossed paths with, and I don't want to be with someone different."

"I'm thankful too. You showed me a side of this world that I always used to hate. Thanks to you it's tolerable" he said and you both giggled. "What do you think will come next for us?"

"I honestly don't know, but whatever it is, we'll go through it together" you said lifting your head up and looking deep into his gorgeous eyes "I love you, Harry" you smiled at him.

"And I love you too" Harry whispered and put his soft fingers under your chin. He pulled you into a gentle passionate kiss, trapping the whole wold in one perfect moment.



Ayyyy after 35 chapters and some spelling mistakes we got to an end!

I thought of writing a sequel to this but I don't think it would be a good idea. And here is why:

I started this book because I wanted to try out writing, and I do have to say that I really enjoyed it! But this story lacks a lot of things and this sloppy 2nd POV that I went with was really limiting and I don't think there is a point in continuing this when I can come up with something better ^w^

Working on this book was an amazing journey and I never expected it to get this far. All the support from you guys is unbelievable and it motivated me to want to improve.

And that's exactly what I will be doing!

Very soon I will start writing a new book. (Harry Hook x Reader obviously ♥) Which I can promise that will be more thought out, longer and (hopefully) a lot more enjoyable ♥

As I said, this book started as an experiment and I can't believe that so many people took their time to read it despite me being a beginner. And to say thank you I want to work on something better for all of you!

Once I finish editing "Lost On The Isle" I will immediately start a new story and I'm really excited to share my new ideas with everyone.

A huge HUGE thank you to each and every one of you and I hope you will be around for my future creations ♥

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