Shattered Stars - Endless Shi...

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Shattered Stars One Shots! what happens when you don't want to stop writing a book? YOU MAKE ONE SHOTS FOR IT... Більше

1 | Feel Better
2 | a path of petals
3 | kowareyasuki
4 | to be or not to be
5 | hanging by a thread
6 | Trick or Treat?
7 | The Pocky Game
8 | The Yasaki Curse
9 | Ryusei Tsushima: Origins
10 | Joshua Ayaki: Origins
11 | The Worst Kinds of Goodbyes
12 | Cuddling Time!
13 | Paperwork and Reports
15 | Knockout Gas
16 | Dorks
17 | Paralyzed
18 | Road to Recovery
19 | We'll Never Be Apart
20 | What We Once Were

14 | Mr. Protective

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Fourteen | Mr. Protective
(Part Four of Post Shattered Stars One Shots)

Characters: Joshua Ayaki, Satori "Satou" Yasaki, Guren Yuuki

Ships (Platonic): SatoShua, SatoRen

Summary: Satori is sleep deprived, and when Joshua tries to help him sleep, Guren gets mad. (aka, Satori isn't feelin' the aster and Joshua tries to help!! but the big bad Guren doesn't think he had the right to.)

im thinking of writing a satoren or satoshua one shot,, which one should i do?
(for valentines day one shot btw)
things get intense,, like very intense man V E R Y

Joshua knew Guren did not like it when he was with Satori, but he had to be near him anyway. it was his job.

But Guren just had to not like him hanging out with his best friend, let alone having a job where he had to be with him all the time when at work.

Also at his house, when duty called.

Joshua concluded that Head Yuuki was being jealous. That narcissistic Guren Yuuki probably wanted Satori all to himself.

But, that wasn't exactly the case.

Sure, Guren knew that he shouldn't be hating on Joshua like that. He should accept that his best friend was getting a new friend.

He didn't want to accept it, though. Ever since Guren shot Satori in his fucking skull during the time he was evil, he could never forgive himself nor the people that made him do it.

Guren refused to let that happen again, so he was being Mr. Protective and was trying to make no one hurt Satori like he had once did.

He couldn't move his left arm. His dominant arm. It must've been tough at school, but also with magic. Guren was glad nothing else happened, like memory loss. Guren had blamed no one but himself for that accident.

Then, Satori died. In front of an audience. In front of his future girlfriend. In front of Guren. It was because of his stupid mother.

Guren blamed himself for that incident as well. He had faults in many things that had happened to his best friend. But, they were best friends, no matter the situation.

Mr. Protective decided to forget that. Forget that he was best friends with Satori. Guren focused on Satori's friendship with Joshua.

Joshua. Basically, he was Mr. Perfect. Guren couldn't beat him in anything and knew that for a fact. Guren sent both Joshua and Satori on a mission, and what happened?

Joshua found out secrets Guren didn't know. Mr. Protective and Satori were friends for four years, and Guren didn't know Satori's family had a curse for as long as they existed.

Four years, and Guren didn't know the pain Satori felt during the time he was hiding the curse.

Guren knew one thing, Joshua understood his pain.

For some weird reason, Joshua knew what it was like to hide something that was secretly killing you inside. Joshua felt a connection with Satori and the two became friends.

Guren just didn't want his friend to leave.

Leave like his mother, his father, and his sister.

Guren's old love interest even left him.

Guren didn't want to lose anyone else. Satori was all he had to keep him sane.

Well, he had his family too, but that was different. He wasn't connected to the Yuuki's as much as he was with Satori. If he went insane, Satori would calm him down, while the Yuuki's would panic and scream.

Guren didn't want to lose Satori, so he went full out Mr. Protective.

He was wrong to go full out Mr. Protective.


"Satori, sleep."

Okay, but it had been the fourth time in an hour Joshua said that to Satori. He was starting to get annoyed at his demands to sleep.

"Joshua, for the last time, I can't sleep." Satori sighed, yawning in the process.

Joshua rolled his eyes. Satori's answer changed from "I'm not tired" to "I can't sleep" and Joshua was getting really tired of Satori's stubbornness.

Satori wrote furiously on paper and looked back at the computer in front of him, taking notes. Joshua had seen this process for about two hours or so.

From what Satori had told him, he's been awake for three whole days, researching a drug dealer that Shinigami said was involved with the Yasaki family. Satori had assumed it was Satella.

The description of the drug dealer was one of Joshua's mother, Shiemi Ayaki. Shinigami had forced the task upon Satori, and he had been up for three days with no sleep and some coffee.

Joshua looked as Satori drank some coffee before writing down more notes about the drug deal that was happening a few days from now.

"Satori, please," Joshua started. "It's better if you sleep now so you can have more energy to do research later. We can't have you be all tired if we're sent out on a mission."

Satori finally looked up from what he was doing and looked at Joshua. "You look like shit." Joshua commented, pointing at Satori's hair and face.

"You don't look any better." Satori remarked. Ouch, Joshua actually felt pain from that comment. Not the best insult in the world, but Satori didn't normally spit out insults.

"Please, just sleep! Damnit Satori, if you don't sleep now we're never going to get anywhere!" Joshua started flailing his arms everywhere just to get Satori's attention.

He didn't respond and just looked at Joshua like he was an idiot.





"Guren is here."

Apparently, that made Satori look at Joshua with a confused expression. "Where?"

Joshua sighed. "Go to sleep."

"But, Joshu—"

"Please, go to sleep."

Satori sighed. Joshua won the battle of annoyingness since Satori did not want to hear "Go to sleep" a thousand more times.

"Fine. You win, Joshu—"

Satori collapsed on the floor as soon as he stood up. Joshua groaned.

"See? You can't even stand on your own! How are we supposed to do missions now?" Joshua shouted, which caused Satori to react by putting his hand up.

Joshua heard a small whispered help from Satori and grabbed his hand. Satori muttered a thank you as Joshua helped him stand up.

"Josh'a, I can do missions. I c'n stan'."

"And now you're slurring your words! Satori, please just sleep!"

Satori's phone rang right before Joshua was about to drag Satori to his bed.

"Put the phone on speaker." Joshua said as Satori stumbled his way to his phone.

Satori cleared his throat as he saw the contact name.

"Shinigami?" Joshua's eyes widened as he heard the name.

"Hello, Satori. I have new information about Satella Yasaki on your way. Guren will deliver them."

"Guren? Why don't you just ask me to go there?" Satori asked, clearly angry that Guren was going over to his house at a time when Joshua was forcing him to sleep.

Joshua was just surprised how clearly he said that sentence without any sign of slurring his words.

"You're in no condition to come here."

Joshua saw Satori move closer to the phone. "Excuse me?"

Joshua sighed, he knew where this was going.

Shinigami had always thought of Satori as a son-like figure ever since Shinigami was second in command at owning the Magic Government. Even if Satori had treated Shinigami like the father he never had, Shinigami had flaws.

Those flaws weren't the best flaws in the world. Those flaws made Satori question how Erissa could survive with this father.

God, Shinigami was complete hell. Leave it all to the former god of death to actually cause the death of a son-like figure. Satori couldn't stand him sometimes.

He was so overprotective. Shinigami showed it in ways that were harsh.

Joshua looked over at Satori as he pushed his research off of the table.

"Satori, I already told you, you're in no condition to come here. You're sleep deprived, and you can't hide it from me."

"I could've just asked Joshua to take me there! I won't die because I'm sleep deprived, Shinigami!" Satori shouted, trying to push his coffee off of his desk, but Joshua stopped him.

Satori mouthed "You're cruel" at Joshua, which made him give a confused look.

"Joshua is of no assistance right now. You need to know your limits."

Satori rolled his eyes and almost slammed his phone, but stopped as soon as he saw Joshua's concerned expression.

"Shinigami, I am not someone that needs to be piti—"

"I'm not pitying you. I need you to know that you aren't in the right position to come over to this government building and collect paperwork." Shinigami interrupted Satori.

"Oh, so we're going this route?"

Joshua face palmed. He knew this fight from start to finish.

Shinigami would make an irrational decision and Satori would get mad. Shinigami would make an excuse to hide his embarrassing irrational decision and Satori would get even more angry.

"Satori, I did not call you because I wanted to fight. Guren is coming to your house to deliver the information. We're done for the day. Shinigami out."

Shinigami ended the call right before Satori started bursting out curse words.

"God damnit! That stupid ass Shinigami is always—"

Joshua was confused as Satori stopped his sentence from continuing.



Joshua was just about done with this sleep deprived boy.


"What, Joshua?"

Well, at least he answered.

"Are you okay?"

Satori laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Am I okay? I don't know Joshua!" Satori cried out, his voice breaking in the process. "I don't know! I'm sleep deprived and Guren is coming over to see how a shithead like me is going insane! I can't find any information about Satella, nor can I keep my temper at bay. Do you think that's good, Joshua? I can't do anything right Joshua, so I'm not okay. I'm not okay at all."

Joshua's heart broke a little as he said those last words. "I'm sorry. For asking such a useless question."

Satori shook his head. "No, no. I'm sorry. Let's get back to work."

Joshua looked at Satori questioningly. "Work?"

"Yeah. Work."

Joshua was not informed of work.

"What work?"

"You're.. you're my assistant. You work for me."

Joshua sighed. He had sighed way too much today for the past hour.

"What do you need?"

"Joshua. I want some sushi."

Joshua knew the sleep deprived Satori was talking now.

"Satori, please. You're not going insane and you do not need whatever you want from me." Joshua pushed Satori away from his desk as he walked closer to the chair.

"Joshua, tell me something. Why did my father leave me?"

Joshua needed Guren to hurry his sorry ass up because Joshua did not know anything about Satori's father.


"Why did my mother dislike me?"

"I don't—"

"Joshua, do you dislike me?"

"No, I—"

"Do you think—"

"Satori Yasaki! Calm down!"

Satori shut his mouth as soon as Joshua grabbed his shoulders.

"Sorry. I'm sorry, Joshua. I didn't mean to say stuff like that, sorry."

"Stop. Just stop. You need sleep. Please, stop talking and just sleep. Abandon work. Sleep."

Joshua purposely said sleep many times so that Satori would get the gist of what he was trying to say.

"Fine, I'll sleep."

Joshua smiled as Satori walked towards his bed. He flopped on bed and stayed there while Joshua stared at him.

Joshua put his body on his bed and tucked Satori in.

Admittedly, the way Satori looked like shit and the way he slept made the cutest shit ever. Joshua really did not want to have those thoughts.

"Ayaki, what are you doing?"

Joshua visibly flinched as Guren's voice echoed through the room.

"Yuuki-kun, welcome to the club." Joshua greeted as he turned around to see Guren holding papers.

Guren put the papers onto Satori's desk as he eyed Joshua.

"Answer my question."

"I was tucking your best friend into bed. He's had a bad day."

Guren nodded and walked up to Joshua and slapped him.


"I don't want to hear it, Ayaki-kun. I really don't."

"Then why don't you tell me why you slapped me?" Joshua snapped.

"Why I slapped— oh come on! I told you to mind your own business, Joshua. You shouldn't be here!" Guren yelled.

"You know, Yuuki-kun, I'm tired. You keep telling me to stay away from Satori, well news flash, I'm his friend. I don't need you to tell me whether or no I should be caring for him or not." Joshua glared.

"Caring for him? I believe that is my job, Ayaki."

"He's been awake for three whole days, Yuuki. You never told him to sleep. I've been doing that. He's only sleeping because I told him to calm down because he thinks he's insane," Joshua explained, trying to not strangle Guren for being stupid.

"Hell, this is stupid. Get out of his house, now."

"No. I'm not getting out of here. You need to tell me why you're so against me and Satori becoming friends before I even set foot out of this room."

Guren sighed. Excuses was all he could say, and he did not want to admit he was jealous.

"No. I won't tell you. Get out."

"No, Guren. I won't leave unless—"

"I won't tell you, damnit!"

"Why not? Is it so secretive that I can't know? I may not work for the Magic Government, but I work for Satori. I'm his friend, and I deserve to know." Joshua tried to convince Guren to tell him without waking up the sleep deprived man behind him.

"No. No, you don't. You did something so unforgettable, so unforgiving, that you don't even deserve to know." Guren glared daggers into Joshua, he could almost feel it.

"Tell me, please. I hate our arguments and I want to be on good terms with you."



"Shut it."


"You want to know? Fine! I'll tell you!"

Guren took out a gun and pointed it at Joshua.


"Don't talk."

Guren walked closer to Joshua, gun still in hand.

"Guren, gun down."

Guren and Joshua turned to Satori right as he said those words.

"I want to know, too. Why are you so focused on pushing Joshua away from me? I'm not stupid, Guren. I really am not stupid."

Guren felt taken aback from what his best friend said.

Joshua felt it was best to not interrupt the two.

"Oh, so now you're placing the blame on me?"

"Yes, I am. Guren, through the years I've known you, you have not pushed anyone away from me. Why is Joshua any different from those people?"

"Why would I—"

"Guren, please! I'm tired, sleep deprived, and I'm going insane. All because you won't tell me why the hell you're pushing my assistant out of my life. Why, Guren? Why are you pushing him out?"

Guren placed his gun near Satori's head. Joshua was about to say something, only to be stopped by Satori's almighty hand.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?"

Guren realized what Satori was talking about the moment he said it.

"Satou, I—"

"If that's how you're going to play, that's fine. Please, get out of my house, Yuuki."


"Get out of my house. Best friends don't push other people out of of their best friends' lives. I don't want to deal with you anymore, Guren. I'm tired of it. So very tired. You won't even tell us a reason why you're like this. So, just get out of my house. Erissa was right, you're an asshole." Satori snapped, sitting up in his bed.

"Excuse me? I may not be the nicest person in the world, but I am not an asshole, Satou. Don't you dare do that to me."

"Oh, so I'm not allowed to do it, but you are? Oh for god's sake Guren, we've had this argument one too many times."

"You start the argument."

"And you are the one that gives me reason to start it! Guren, I love you so much I would never ever give you up for anyone accept for Erissa, but damn you are an asshole. I sometimes think you don't even ca—"

"I don't want to hear it! I care so much about you that I had to keep the secret that Joshua was drugged right after Blythe left and killed your father!"

An awkward silence was issued between the two.

Joshua was also silent, not expecting those words from Guren.

He was drugged? He killed Satori's father? What?

"N-No, Guren. He-He's been dead. Satoshi Yasaki has been dead for as long as I've lived, Guren. Joshua.. He c-can't.."

Satori had stopped his sentence in disbelief. If Joshua was drugged, he wouldn't remember, meaning he didn't do it.

"Your father was alive, Satou. He lived here, in Kyoto—"

"Stop it. Please."

"— With his new family—"

"God damnit, Guren, stop!"

"— And under a new name, Tatsuki Hyuga."

Satori didn't say a word and fell back into his bed.

"Hyuga.. Isn't that a comrade of ours?" Joshua asked, hearing the last name before.

"Yes, but Ayaki, her parents died. Tatsuki is simply Natsumi Hyuga's uncle."

"So now you're saying that I am somehow related to someone we don't even know the whereabouts of? Great, just great. I needed this, I really did!" Satori screamed into his pillow.

"I'm so confused. How was I drug—"

"We need to have a proper talk about this, Shinigami present." Guren interrupted, walking out of the room.

"Yeah, walk out of my life! Go away asshole!" Satori screamed as Guren slammed the door.

"Satori, that argument was unnecessary—"

"Tell me something I don't know, Joshua."

Joshua sighed as Satori crawled back in bed and gripped his blanket.

"I'm sorry, for uh.. killing your father?"

"Not your fault."

"Sorry for causing an unnecessary argument?"

"Not your fault, either."

Joshua mentally face palmed. He probably shouldn't have started arguing with Guren.



Joshua saw Satori hesitate on what he was going to say.

"Are we friends?"

Joshua smiled.

"Best friends."

Joshua saw Satori visibly tense.

"Don't pull a Guren on me."

"I won't, I swear."

Satori stopped tensing up.


"Of course, Satori."

Joshua heard Satori whimper from underneath his blanket.

"Are you crying?"

Satori laughed.


Joshua sighed and rubbed Satori's back, which resulted in Satori hugging Joshua.

"I'm sorry.."

"Apologize to Yuuki, I'm not him."

"No, I—"

"Don't worry, you aren't a bad friend and you aren't a coward."


"Didn't we just get to the topic of us being best friends?"

Satori chuckled. "You're cruel, Joshua."

"I don't recognize this Satori. New one?"


"I kinda like it."

"Great. Guren's making him come back."


"I.. It was.. his-his fault it happened."

"His mother shot you and you died, not necessary Yuuki's fault."

"If he didn't shoot me in the head, I wouldn't have lost commission in my left arm and waste my healing."

"Makes sense."

Satori let go of Joshua and positioned himself to a comfortable position in his bed.

Joshua looked at a clock in Satori's room.

"I'll be going now, Satori."

"Yeah. Have a safe ride home."

Joshua smiled.

"Sleep tight."




"Guren, I don't think it's such a good idea to do that."

Shinigami sighed as Guren broke a picture frame on his desk in the Magic Government.

"You don't tell me what to do."

"Are you drugged too? Because Guren Yuuki would not scream at his best friend."

"Shinigami, I did what had to be done."

"And lie? Say his father was killed by Joshua when Satori killed Satoshi Yasaki himself?"

"I did what I had to do, Shinigami. Satou doesn't need to know he killed his own father and I rather he don't."

Lies aren't justified like that, and Guren knew that.

14 | Mr. Protective

yeah,, things are starting to get serious again wow
dont worry for valentines day we shall have fluff yes?
yes yes fluff

unedited chapter,, mistakes suck :(

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