Silver Opportunity

By cxntering

30.2K 1.3K 263

WATTYS 2019 Emily Martin, your typical seventeen-year-old girl. well, kind of. For the past fourteen years, s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Three

1.5K 51 18
By cxntering

The steady beeping of my alarm woke me with a start. I sat up, realizing I was wearing yesterday's clothes with my books strewn across my bed.

I looked around, remembering I wasn't in Florida anymore, but in the heart of horse country in Kentucky. I didn't have to get up at 7 to feed and let out the horses, because my horses were thousands of miles away from me. Anyways, I was up and wasn't going back to sleep, so I dragged myself out of bed and into the kitchen.

"Hello, dear, how did you sleep?" my great-grandmother asked me from the stove. She was cooking eggs and bacon.

"Alright," I admitted. "That smells delicious."

"I have a couple horses I'm going to need you to exercise for me today, if you're up for it," she said as she stirred the eggs around.

"What about the services?" Hannah asked as she walked in.

"Oh, no sense in bringing her," she waved off. "She doesn't know anyone there, at least here she'll have something to do."

I glanced over at Hannah.

"Fine," she gave in. "But, you have to call if anything happens, and let me know if you're leaving the property."

"Deal," I smiled. "So, who am I riding today?"


"Here are the keys to the truck, and you know what to do," my great grandmother said as she handed me the keys to the Ford. "Call if you need anything."

"Thank you," I said, hugging her. Then I turned to Hannah, hugging her as well. "I'll be good."

They both waved good-bye before getting in another truck and driving away. I turned back to the large boarding barn in front of me. It was still early and none of the boarders were out yet, but it was Saturday and bound to get busy. The stablehands were already at work, bringing horses out and beginning on stalls.

"Oh, I'll take Levi," I said as a hand led the pretty paint from his stall. "Thanks."

Waiting until the rest of the horses were out, I put Levi on the cross ties and brushed him out. I was riding him because his owner was away for the weekend and wanted someone to exercise him. My great grandma was going to have one of the barn hands just lunge him, but when I showed up, she thought I was right for the job.

I racked him up in his elaborate western saddle and put bell boots and polo wraps on. I pulled my hair up into a bun and brought Levi out to the arena.

After a nice warm up, I just did some walk/trot/canter work with him. I knew nothing about reining, so I couldn't do too much. After Levi worked up a tiny bit of a sweat, I cooled him out.

"Amanda! Hey, you're here early!" A voice called from the fence.

"Um, what?" I asked riding over to the person.

"Oh, you're not Amanda," he said when I got closer. "What are you doing on my aunts horse? Who are you?"

"Chill," I said to the boy who looked about my age. "I'm Emily. My great-grandmother owns this place. I was asked to exercise Levi today."

"Got it," he laughed. "Sorry. My name's Leo."

"Hi Leo, I'm actually just getting done," I admitted as I hopped off the horse. "I have a lot to do today."

"Do you need any help?" he asked, following me into the barn like a lost puppy. "I was going to set up some jumps to go over on Archie, my jumper. What do you say?"

"I have a jumper I need to school, so we might as well," I agreed. "Set the jumps up while I untack Levi?"

"Deal," he grinned, hurrying off to make a course. I untacked Levi and brushed him out, sponging him off where he got sweaty. After I put him out in his paddock, I put all his tack away and got started on my next horse, Gypsy. After I caught the stubborn chestnut from her field, I got her racked up. Just in time for Leo to me out in the arena.

I had just finished warming up when he led his stunning bay into the ring.

"Meet Archie," he called. "A looker, isn't he? Takes after his owner."

I let out a laugh. "Let's see what you're made of."

I went over a few jumps while Leo warmed up, and got used to Gypsy's floaty style.

"Not too bad," Leo said. "But let me show you how to really ride."

Leo began the course with Archie, the two working well together. I have to admit, Leo was a really good jumper.

"Not too bad," I mimicked, teasing him. "But the horse isn't supposed to save your ass everything you get a bad distance."

"Okay, I haven't had a lesson in a while," he admitted. "But I'd still kick your ass in competition."

"Maybe, but I'm more of a cross country kind of girl," I said. Now we were walking around the ring, cooling out.

"Really," he pursed his lips. "After watching you ride Levi, I'd peg you as a pleasure rider."

"I do that too," I said, "but my heart will forever be in eventing. Don't know what I'd do without it."

"I'm the same way about show jumping," Leo nodded. "I'd just about die if it was taken away from me."

When we got back to the barn, we both took care of our horses and let them out.

"What do you say, we get lunch later?" Leo asked as we watched Levi go running about his field.

"Sure," I said. "I'm obviously not from around here, so you better have a good place in mind."

"Only the best," he winked. Three horses and a shower later, it was noon. I walked back over to the boarding barn and found Leo talking to one of the barn hands.

"Hey, ready to go?" he asked, swinging his key around.

"Sure," I smiled, and we got into his truck.

"Let's go," he said, turning the key. But the truck just doubled over. "Seriously?"

"You're kidding," I laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Um.." he shook his head, looking at his dash. "I'm out of gas."

"Do you not check your meter?" I awed. "Come on, we'll take my truck."

We walked over to the house and got into a dark silver truck with 'East Ridge Equestrian Facilities' written across the side.

"See," I pointed to the dash. "Full of gas."

"Hey, this isn't even your truck," he laughed.

"Fine, fine," I gave in. "So. Where are we going?"

Fifteen minutes later, we pulled into a cute little diner. It was pretty busy, but we were able to easily find a parking spot and a booth to eat at.

"I highly recommend the milkshakes," he grinned as he looked over the menu. I looked at mine and finally decided on something.

"I'll have a chocolate milkshake and a chicken avocado panini," I said once the waitress came along.

"And I'll have a chocolate milkshake and the mac and cheese," Leo ordered, handing her the menu. "To die for."

We chatted for a bit until our food arrived. I told him all about my barn back home, and my horses, and Hannah's business. When we got our food, it was delicious.

"Milkshakes were a good call," I laughed as I finished mine.

"My aunt - Levi's owner - runs this place," he explained. "I basically grew up here."

"Do you live with your aunt?" I asked, waving a fry around. "Because that'd be pretty ironic, us both living with our horse loving aunts."

"Oh, no," he laughed. "No, my aunt and mom are inseparable. My sister and I would always be with our aunt and cousins growing up."

"You have a sister?" I asked. "Older or younger? And does she ride as well?"

"She's actually my twin," he explained. "Her name's Molly. She does ride, she into dressage."

"That's so cool," I chewed my fry. "I wish I had siblings."

"Having a twin's pretty cool," he smiled. Just then his phone buzzed. "Speak of the devil, she's at the barn now, wondering where I am. We should probably head back."

"Sure," I said, pulling my wallet out.

"Oh no, please," Leo said, putting his hand on mine. "I never let the girl pay."

"Oh, he's a gentleman," I laughed. "Alright, fine."

He placed the money on the table and we headed out. It was a more comfortable ride back to the stables, as now the boy sitting next to me wasn't a complete stranger.

"Molly," Leo called when he hopped out of the truck. "Did you bring the gas?"

"Right here," she replied, getting the red jug from the back of her Jeep.

"Hi!" I smiled at her. "I'm Emily."

"Hey Emily, I'm Molly, Leo's sister," she shook my hand. "What brings you here?"

"Ah, this is my great grandmother's place," I explained. "I'm here for the weekend."

"Oh, yeah, Gabby, the owner, told me about you," she smiled. "Said there was a girl my age coming, and that I ought to meet her."

"Well, here I am," I laughed. "So, I hear you're a dressage rider?"


"He's incredible!" I laughed as Molly's horse brought me around the arena in the world's floatiest extended trot. Aspen was a huge chestnut warmblood, obviously well trained in dressage. I pushed him into a canter, and he exaggerated his gait. "A bit of a show off."

"He loves to put on a show," she laughed from the fence. I slowed him to a walk and brought him to the center.

Molly took him after I dismounted. "It was super nice meeting you," I said, "but my aunt just got back and I need to go see her. Bye guys!"

"Bye, Emily," the twins said simultaneously, getting a laugh from me. I got back in the truck and drove it back over to the house, where I met my great grandmother inside.

"Where's Hannah?" I asked.

"Oh, in her room," she replied, wiping her hands off on a rag. "I'd leave her alone though. She's pretty torn down right now."

"Okay," I nodded, rocking back on my heels.

"So, what'd you do today?" she asked, leaning against the counter.

"Worked those horses for you," I said. "Then I met some people from the barn."

"Ooh, who?" she asked. "Everyone over there's super nice."

"Leo and Molly," I explained. "Leo brought me to his aunt's diner for lunch, it was super nice."

"Ah, I love those twins," she smiled. "They've been here since they could walk. They each had their own little pony, it was so adorable."

"Yeah, I like them," I said. "It's nice to have some friends. So, need help with dinner?"

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