My billionaire boss!

By sopphhieexo

398K 8.5K 148


My billionaire boss!
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10;
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12;
Thank you!
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
chapter 15:
Thank You
chapter 16
Sorry guys:(
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18

Chapter 5:

20.2K 495 14
By sopphhieexo

(Kaylee's pov)

"So what exactly do I have to do?" I asked still unsure of what I'm doing here.
"Just pretend to be my girlfriend!" he makes it sound so easy.
"Yeah right, you've gotta be kidding right?" I hoping he would say my answer.
"Nope!" he said popping the 'p'.
I groaned I could actually be somewhere supportive whereas I'm at my stupid(but hot) bosses house meeting his parents.

"Jamie honey, you made it! And you must be?" she asked looking at me. I thought about using a fake name but that wouldn't get me anywhere would it?

"Kaylee" she repeated. "its beautiful!"
"Thank you." I replied, sooner this is over sooner I can be with papa.
"Well come guys, I'm surprised your not already in the kitchen." she said pointing at Jamie.
"Yeah I'm going now!" I couldn't help but laugh.

(At dinner)

"I'm sorry you had to chose the horrid child!" Jamie's father spoke.
"Excuse me?"
"I mean Jamie's the meanest son out of them all and we've got three more not including him."
Time for my drama classes to come in play.
"Well he's not mean to me, he's so kind when it comes to me. So gentle. He's what every women would want as a boyfriend and I was just lucky enough to beat them bitches to it!" I said smiling.
"He can be trouble sometimes." spoke his mother.
"I know but I-" I stopped myself knowing I would have pushed it to far.
"What baby?" Jamie spoke up knowing what I was going to say,idiot.
"Nothing babe." I said smiling up to him. Something has changed between us now, were more comfortable with each other? I'm getting scared now.
"Well Kayla, tell us about your family."
"It's actually Kaylee and there's not much to talk about." I said shrugging.  I knew this question would come but it was a matter off when.
"There must be something!" his mother carried on.
"I'm an only child an my papa's in hospital and my mom's gone." i said swallowing the lump in my throat.
Jamie must have noticed because his arm wrapped around me and he smiled at me sadly.
I really wanted to leave now, I'd had enough. I wanted to go home and cry.
"Oh sweet, I'm sorry. Did you mum just leave?"
I'm not sure what she meant by that but anger washed though me.
"No my mom died when I was 14!" I cried and walked out.
I sat on their front porch for a while. I needed some alone time. I think I cried for about 15 minutes and then Jamie came. I wiped away my tears and got up quickly.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey. Sorry about that I shouldn't have shouted at your mum. I'll leave in a minute just gotta pull myself together." I said.
Jamie shook his head "your not going anywhere princess."
I couldn't stay here. "Mr. Hayes I should leave, I've ruined your night I can't do anything right so goodnight." I said whilst walking away. But then something or should I say someone shouted me back. "Kay please don't go! I'm sorry but your not failure and I know your not my girlfriend and your only here because I made you come but don't leave kay." Jamie told me this whilst I was looking at him right in the eye. Well I didn't need telling twice I ran back up to the porch and kissed him. I know what I was doing was wrong but it felt so right. Plus I needed it:)

Longish chapter,see ya soon😘

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