Baby Makes Three

By littlemissreputation

1.2K 12 8

In this final part of this trilogy, Makayla and Shane discover that they are expecting! will everything go as... More

Discussing Having Children
Finding Out and Telling Shane
First Ultrasound
Announcing It At Work
Emergency Room Visit
Picking Out Names
Going Into Labor...After A Week.
Hello, Babies....

It's A....

124 1 0
By littlemissreputation

I woke up in our bed, putting a hand on my huge baby bump. Today was the day that we were gonna find out the genders of our twins. I slowly rolled over, as it was getting considerably difficult to do so with my growing bump.

I studied Shane's features as he slept. I always thought he looked cute when he was sleeping. I gently caressed his face with my acrylic nails, tracing his nose and eyebrows. I began running my fingers though his hair when he began stirring.

Shane's eyes slowly opened, noticing me smiling at him, rolled over and kissed me "Morning, sunshine, what are you smiling about?" he said sleepily

"You, and how much I love you" I said, nuzzling into his neck and beginning to kiss it.

"Wow, babe, where is this coming from?" he said "Wait a minute, you're never this cuddly in the morning, what do you want?" he added jokingly.

"I just wanna show my husband how much I love him" I said, moving my kisses down to his bare chest as he was shirtless.

"Well, I love you too, baby, get over here" he said, grabbing my face, We began making out, things were getting intense when the babies began kicking, which caused us to break this activity.

Shane chuckled lightly before leaning his head against my huge stomach "Well, good morning to you two as well" he said, lightly kissing my bump.

"Do you know what today is" I asked

"What is today"  Shane said

"You forgot?"  I exclaimed, a small amount of sadness in my voice.

"No, baby, I'm kidding" he said "I know what today is! We're finding out the twins' genders!"

"Yep!" I said

We cuddled some more for a little bit before it was time to get ready to go. I put a little makeup on along with some leggings and maternity shirt.

We drove to the hospital and walked in, after checking in, we sat in the waiting room, flipping through some magazines.

"So, what do you think, two boys, two girls, or one of each" I said

"Well, as long the babies are healthy, I'm happy" he replied, taking my hand.

My name was called, and we walked to a exam room. I hopped on the table and laid back on the slightly tilted up exam table. I was told that the ultrasound technician would be in shortly. Shane and I took final bets before the technician walked in.

"Finding out the genders today?" she asked

"Yes" I said as I grabbed Shane's hand

"You excited?" she asked

"Yep" I said

"This is the most exciting part of pregnancy" she said before turning around to  get everything ready.

Shane brought my fingers to his lips and gently kissed them. I looked over at him and gave him a small smile.  I rolled my shirt up over my bump and the technician put the cold gel all over my bump before putting the wand on it and moving it around, when she did so, our babies appeared on the screen. She took a few pictures before pushing a button. Shane gave my hand a light squeeze as two little heartbeats filled the room.

"Okay, I think I can see the gender of the first baby, you two ready to find out." the technician said

"Yeah" I said, gripping Shane's hand.

"Okay, baby A is a...boy" she said

"I have a son?!" Shane said, as I looked at him in shock

"Yes" the technician said "Calm down, dad, we still got one more gender to find out"

I laughed in response and then the technician spoke again.

"Now to find the gender of baby B" She said, moving the wand "It looks like baby B is a girl!"

"A daughter too!" he said

A few more pictures were taken and then we left. On the way to Helen and Ryan's place. I said "Are you excited?" I said

"Oh very much so" he said with a smile "I can't wait to be a dad"

"You think our little girl is gonna be a daddy's girl" I said

"oh definitely" I said "She's not allowed to date until she's 30"

I groaned after he said that as he laughed, he had been saying this since I found out I was pregnant, I always hear about how no daughter of his is gonna date until she's 30.

"What about our son, is he gonna be your partner in crime" I said

"Oh yeah, I'm going to be that dad who plays catch with him" he said

"You're gonna be an amazing dad" I said

"And you are gonna an amazing mom" Shane replied

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