Picking Out Names

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Shane and I sat on our couch, watching some  random show we found on Netflix, my head on his shoulder and our fingers laced together.

"Hey babe?" Shane asked

"Yeah" I said

"Do you have any ideas on what we might want to name our babies" he asked

"I have a few ideas" I replied

"Oh really, like what?" he said

"My brother actually texted me these names, for a girl Madison or Charlotte"

"I love those names, how about we use for both the first and middle name" Shane said "I think Madison Charlotte Madej has a nice ring to it"

"I love it!" I exclaimed

"Now as for our son" he said "I kinda like the name Mark, kinda like that one YouTuber you like, Markiplier"

"Mmm, let me see here" I said before settling on a decision "Mark Alexander, after your middle name"

"I love it! Mark Alexander Madej it is!" he exclaimed

We started discussing how we wanted to announce the names, before deciding to write the names on one of those "Hello my name is" stickers and putting them on my stomach, on my shirt. Shane got out his phone and took a picture, posting it to Instagram. We watched as the likes and comments began filling up our notifications. We smiled as we knew we had our fans' support.

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